I try to keep it short around here. Try. LOL
Don't waste too much time trying to go and read 'Gnostic' or 'Neo-Platonic' anything because after a while you will just get lost inside of the whole haystack.
Google is utterly the worst of all resources with regard to this - it is just nothing but pages and pages of an echo-chamber parroting complete rubbish.
And besides which, some of the most important voices and figures of this strand of philosophy, religious philosophy, are anonymous.
The most stunning one of them being an 'anonymous' early church scholar, who wrote one reason in the original Gelasian Decree regarding what is included in the church's canon, and why the Gospel of Mary Magdalene is excluded albeit it is fully accepted as factually an accurate and legitimate and truthful and non-heretical work by an accepted female disciple and intimate of Christ...
This scholar said that the reason it should be left out is due to it containing 'horrible and deadly things.'
Well that's some hell way of dissuading people from going and looking, right?
Let's get a few words and definitions straight though: 'Canon' means 'yardstick' for open teachings; 'Apo-Kryptein' means 'hidden away.' 'Apocryphal' does not mean heretical.
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene is neither a disputed Christian text, nor an heretical one, but a work to be 'hidden away.' ...Because it contains horrible and deadly things.
However, we are going to veer too close to something really concerning now, when it comes to you living your normal daily life in safety - when it comes to explaining what is in the 'missing' ten pages.
Mary Magdalene explains what 'consciousness' is.
And then Peter says to her 'Hah! What? Do you think the Lord told you greater things than He taught to us men?' And Matthew (the Gospel-writer), says back to Peter: 'No, you are wrong, for He loved her more than anyone else and was closest to her and what she has said ought to be taken for what it is worth on its face value.'
She explains what the 'seven demons' story is all about.
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The highest point of 'human society' art and design is depicted here. Will never be exceeded, not by current 'Man.' |
Just keep that number in your head for now and for later.
And she says that to 'see' God or even anything, really, with true clear vision, you are using something that lies between the 'Psyche' - which is translated even by the most early commentaries of those who knew Aramaic and Sahidic Coptic very well, as meaning 'the human brain's mind' - and the 'Pneuma' which is translated as meaning the 'breath' or 'air' which combines with the mind to give true spiritual living animation and not simple mechanical animation. So, most current translations render this 'Pneuma' as 'spirit.'
The word that is employed for what goes 'in between' in the missing pages is 'Ousion.'
This word is in the most important parts of the New Testament, namely -, in 'The Lord's Prayer:'
'And give us this day, our everlasting, or reliable and never-ceasing (epi-ousion), bread.'
...when I was a very little child, I would venture out into the jungle. And there, I would see many things - plants, vines, lilies, large ferns, insects, creatures, tiny ones, and large ones. I would walk into places, down paths that I thought I knew and well-recognized, only to realize at some point 'Oh hey, this is a new spot; I have never been here before. How did I get here?' Doesn't matter, I would think, because just look at those colorful fish in the crystal-clear stream, and the butterflies, and the -. Prior to that moment, believe it or not, I had been thinking about myself as a human being, observing my own self and wondering about 'me.' Suddenly I had been drawn into the life all around, and was fully absorbed into it. I no longer remembered myself. My fully-aware personal 'consciousness' had moved into the zone of the material physical 'Psyche.'
Did any small creature look at me through eyes that knew itself? No. They were mechanistically thinking of running away, or snarling and fighting the intruder. Yet, they too were fully absorbed into life. Into full Earthly physical material life as it was. The whole environment there of plants, rocks, and animals was simply enormous and enormously complex, but it was sheerly mechanical; mechanistic. There is a limitation to the self-awareness of any given individual creature there. It's so complex though that there are blurred lines and 'consciousness' of a kind is there.
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Modern-ish 'sepia tones' composition. Cannot get better photo composition for portrait art. But is this fading of B&W going into the past, or approaching the future? |
But the whole thing - and we are too - is a mechanical physical if incredibly complex arrangement, and our brains (in this case, as per the Magdalene's 'Psyche') are material cells, only absorbing and reacting to physical sense signals. So, these all eventually decay and die.
...After a while, I draw back to myself, and walk back home and it is early evening.
Shift up a lot of years and I am standing on the side of a street corner, and two big vehicles are approaching the corner - a large new off-road thing with liquid-metal painted bits and pieces on its nose and wheels and so on, and a brand new white Range Rover right behind. I disable all the electricals, and knowing there are no cameras operating anywhere, I let the drivers come around the corner, and stop at the side of the road where I am. And I knock out both drivers.
One of them, I bring his awareness back and he opens his door and I say to him: 'What were you doing?"
And he says, dumbfounded: "What happened? I wasn't breaking any laws?"
And I say: "I meant what are you doing? Where are you going? What are you supposed to be doing right now?"
And he goes: "Well, blah blah blah blah blah..."
And I say: "Do you want to do that?"
And says that yes he must do it, and he is in a hurry because there is a deadline.
So I say then: "Okay." And let the engines get their electricals back and make the guy in front wake up and I walk around a corner wall and disappear so that they would not have been able to find me anyway.
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The 'attachment' and 'activation' bits are way too simple to depict 'Consciousness' but they are how it happens in general terms. ...I must leave the real thing completely secret. |
They have a short discussion between themselves, and just drive away.
They are fully and completely absorbed into their life.
Neither most of the animals in the jungle nor these two men, are entitled to Eternal Consciousness of their own life.
We have to accept the existential reality of our lives. One cannot continually ask 'Oh but how did this and this thing start? Where did it come from?' ...Of everything. Some things are beyond that sort of question - certain maths principles are like that... As are certain fundamentals of aesthetics and we might go into those some time in the future. Maybe.
In Aramaic the word is 'ameno(usion)' in Greek 'epi-ousion.'
The word 'Ousion' means the pure and essential consciousness of your personal life.
Now. As I said previously, we in modern times love to ask what is such-and-such a thing's composition.
Yet in science, they never actually do that, what they do is describe the outside and inside shape and the evident functions. And that is where we will start here, too.
Now, these Satanic people in charge of today's world, behind them, are intelligent people who really know this stuff way beyond your previous imaginings about what they do know!
So, strangely enough, I will be using the Covid SARS matter to describe the 'Ousion.' And I will say up front, they know exactly what they are doing. What they are aiming at doing, is creating literal 'Consciousness' of personal animated mechanical beings, but via molecules and bio-chemistry.
They know this to a degree not anywhere understood openly on this planet here today, by any open science...
And I will show you.
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Where's da daily bread?? |
But I do not want to be caught up in people assuming this is Gnosticism or Neo-Platonic Gnosticism, because for one thing, most people have literally no idea what those things even were. And when they stick labels onto something, the chances of any future functional application of anything is forever lost immediately.
I will say what it says in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene: 'Do not make rules and laws for risk of being caught up yourselves in them and by them.'
Ergo, do not use labels either.
...What you must now quickly understand and appreciate, is that were these people today, to actually get hold of genuinely effective and precision knowledge of the human personal consciousness, they would kill to get it, and then -, they will kill you all off.
But simplistically, we can at least say that the SARS viral protein is expressed out of the cell, through the cell walls, and then being fixed onto the cell walls - from which spot the human body's anti-body processes find it, identify whether it is an 'activator' or 'attach-er' and disable it by locking into it/onto it and blocking its further replicating activity.
This same 'process' is applicable to human personal Consciousness.
Universal Cosmic Consciousness is a huge, a massive, and impossibly complex 'machine-like' actual structure linked to lots of smaller 'nodes.' There are various iterations of the main thing (the nodes) which are around the place except you can't see them usually with physical senses and physical eye vision - they look like merry-go-rounds. And when they start up, they literally sound like squeaking old merry-go-rounds starting up!
These early mystical mathematics people had a good idea of the relationship between number and atomic 'shape' and 'complex life.' So there are charts and designs that people now say is 'Gnostic' something-or-other, and these have become, well, like sigils.
They are wrong but they are somewhat close too, though.
The SARS Covid shape and functioning process is closer to it.
Consciousness is at the same moment unmoving and firm and able to be fixed anywhere - by, as KP used the word - 'adjoinment' not by simply being 'adjacent;' it becomes 'adjoint' whilst at the same time it is limitlessly elastic. Fixes somewhere, but can extend out to somewhere else. Think spike, and long rubber band attached.
The process by which it is 'intelligent' and 'self-aware' is by its composition being a continuum substance.
And that, I think, is about as far as I may go here openly.
If I am wrong about all of this, any of it at all, then you will none of you ever say the following at least just as an experiment, just to see what happens:
"Father OURS, Who in The Realm is Located, with All-Power and 'Agiasmenos' (there it is, even in there the Aramaic from Magadalene's 'Amenos') - (and then, actually follows the Veda 'namaha!' no less...); Give us this Day, our Reliable and Never-Ending bread which makes us too, Eternal."
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I find this quite a funny pic, really. I'm sure the roasted tiny beets are great, but, hey - there is the Apostle with the beef and potatoes, right. |
No. You will continue on, praying whatever prayers that you have always had, and which work, right? Or bow away to something, you-don't-know-what.
And as for those material atheists, well things are very simple - by and by, your systems will all decay and die. This is existential reality for you. No doubt about it.
Between 'Psyche' and 'Pneuma' is 'Ousion.'
When you find 'Ousion' and use it, well then that becomes your existential reality too.
No bread, no life.
No 'Amenousion' no real vision.
If you place your hands onto someone's shoulders, and extend out through your hands to them your 'Ousion' they will feel it... And there begins an entire new subject area too, though, doesn't it? LOL
And when you find Ousion and don't use it?
ReplyDeleteFirst of many questions.
DeleteAnd I can tell people exactly how I "found Ousion." You're going to say "no you didn't." People would say "I tried and it didn't happen." I would say "well I've tried since and it doesn't happen, but now I know what the smell is like and I can detect it around, so to speak."
DeleteSo yeah, I guess I can say that I did not know to ask for the daily bread. In that moment. The understanding that I could cause my heart to stop beating was too distracting.
DeleteBut anyway, thanks very much. You have given me a usable explanation for the thing that happened to me once, other than :"well it was just a nice feeling, but an illusion based on brain chemistry which apparently you were able to manipulate that one time." What you've provided is a workable way of thinking about it. So, good job! Everyone else is just "well that noise you hear is just the sound of blood in your ears,..... I don't hear it...."
ReplyDeleteWell, ya see... ...You need more than just an 'ill-usion.' You need an ameno-usion. Some people are Amerasians, but that's a different thing.
DeleteFunny thing you should mention! I actually sent email to elena danaan after watching her try to tell people that "light codes" and "download" is dangerous bullshit and shouldn't be trusted. I haven't heard back from her personally but within a day she posted to youtube explaining how "love" is the "connecting frequency." Then a few days later she did a longer live stream thing with love meditations and crystals. Not my scene, but I do take her point. In a dangerous universe with things like nukes and tic-tacs, ultimately survival would require love.
DeleteThank you, it’s a lot to take in. Of course I ran off to a gnostic site before you said not to waste time getting lost in haystacks. It definitely strained my brain.
ReplyDeleteToldya! Hehehehe. It's bad, man. Honestly. Even for someone like me, I wade through some of it just for nonsense reasons and after awhile I go 'what ARE they talking about??' Also, there is so much conflicting 'politico-religioso' posturing; the Jews want to go backwards and say there were Graeco-Hebrew Gnostics, the modernists want to turn it all into some kind of pseudo-science or proto-science with atheist-materialist (sort of like the Dalai Lama, who btw, is atheist Buddhist - they do NOT hold there really are 'gods' or 'a' God at all), and the modernist Christians mostly want to say it is all heretical. For one thing, nobody at the time actually called themselves 'Gnostics!' It's a mess. And God, all the 'lingo...' All of these weird 'words' and so on. Ridiculous.
DeleteIt's easy to have mathematical intuitions about where to start asking questions, but I am completely useless when it comes to the aspect of pursuing them in a real way. So in this situation I feel like I want to think of a hypersurface with 3 sides (such things exist, according to stack exchange) and then I'd want some kind of construction on that (like the mobius strip) that yields a one-sided creature.
DeleteAs to the numerological side of things I guess you might want to think about the function that describes the way the surface is cut and re-glued.
such functions might exist naturally if they could describe optimal solutions to other problems... there is a thing called "adjoint optimization" although that is not immediately connected to adjunction in topology (or is it?)
I mean, maybe if you were creating the fictitious diary of a fictitious sci-fi author who might be thinking about what sort of questions his imaginary et aliens would really be deep down interested in studying in terms of their cosmology and whatnots.
Every hypersurface that is connected has either one or two sides. So now I'm feeling discouraged because that means I'd be starting with a disconnected surface. I need to find out all the ways a surface can be disconnected.
DeleteΑΓΙΑΣΜΈΝΟΣ ... Agiasmenos ...
ReplyDeleteFor me, you should listen to AMENO S musical theme (from this ERA)
On link below after a short Silence
With Lyrics and approximate translation
Dori me interimo adapare dori me
Ameno ameno lantire lantiremo dori me
Ameno omenare imperavi ameno
Dimere dimere mantiro mantiremo ameno
Omenare imperavi emulari ameno
Omenare imperavi emulari
Ameno ameno dore ameno dori me ameno dori me
Ameno dom dori me reo ameno dori me ameno dori me dori me dom
Ameno omenare imperavi ameno
Dimere dimere mantiro mantiremo ameno
Omenare imperavi emulari ameno
Omenare imperavi emulari
Ameno ameno dore ameno dori me ameno dori me
Ameno dom dori me reo ameno dori me ameno dori me dori me dom
Ameno ameno ameno dori me ameno dori me
Dori me dori me…
Ameno dori
Ameno dori me
Ameno dori me
Ameno dom dori me reo ameno dori me ameno dori me
Ameno ameno ameno ameno dori me
Ameno dori me
Ameno dom
Ameno dori me
Ameno dori me…
............. Approximate Translation .........
Take me to the inside, absorb, take me
Disclose, disclose, hiding, hiding oneself, take me
Disclose, unperceived signs, disclose
Tell me, tell me, war like, spirit martyr, disclose
Emulate unperceived signs, disclose
Emulate unperceived signs
Disclose, disclose the silence, disclose take me, disclose take me
Disclose soldier, take me away, disclose take me, disclose take me, take me soldier
Disclose, emulate unperceived signs, disclose
Tell me, tell me, war like, spirit martyr, disclose
Emulate unperceived signs, disclose
Emulate unperceived signs
Disclose, disclose the silence, disclose take me, disclose take me
Disclose soldier, take me away, disclose take me, disclose take me, take me soldier
Take me, take me…
Disclose take
Disclose take me
Disclose take me
Disclose soldier, take me away, disclose take me, disclose take me
Disclose, disclose, disclose, disclose take me
Disclose take me
Disclose soldier
Disclose take me
Disclose take me…