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Sunday 28 February 2021

Suit Of Lights

I told this journalist a few days ago, regarding the up-coming Report to Congress by the CIA on what the US Government 'knows' about ET Aliens, that I would need to say just one name in connection with what happened with the original engagement with ET's back in the late Fifties and you would all be stuck for an answer.

Now I'm not going to explicitly blurt it out here but okay, just to relieve some of the pressure, it has nothing to do with the killing of Kennedy!

...Actually I will go in a totally bizarre direction. If you keep up with these articles, sooner or later something will 'click.'

Spanish silk shawl...

I was just speaking earlier today with a Spanish lady, whose surname is something like 'Talladega' which does not mean the same thing as the word in the Creek Indian language, which means 'border.' In Spanish the name means something like a 'shawl.'

Anyway I asked her for her view on Spanish Bull Fighting, and she said it was a form of torture. And I'm more than a little inclined to agree.

The Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal, and other smaller places in there), is an incredibly ancient place - this is where we have the Altamira Caves, of course. Some clever people think the Spanish people themselves are related, somehow not just to the ancient Phoenicians who went there, but to the original inhabitants of the legendary 'Atlantis.'

Atlantis, as you know, was an Empire which venerated the god Poseidon, and held rituals concerning bulls sacred to the god. These kinds of rituals were all over the place in the Mediterranean - Minoan Crete, Saqqara in Egypt, obviously - the burial place of the Apis Bulls.

The costume worn by bullfighters is called the 'suit of lights' - traje de luces.

Some occult thinkers will tell you, that there are plenty of written records by a number of ancient writers, to the effect that not only were special bulls used in the rituals sacred to Poseidon, but in fact, there were all kinds of things going on -, there was the (somehow) intermingling of DNA from these bulls and a certain Queen (Europa), and also the infusion of some kind of 'spirit' beings into the bulls as well. This idea is still intact in the Spanish bull fighting culture, which has myths and legends about the 'spirit' of particular bulls. There remain, certain occult practices too, right up to this day involving secret places of worship, altars and shrines, to the god Poseidon (the Spanish language equivalent), that persist within the culture of matadors.

Going back to my first direction in the opening paragraphs, though, I would suggest, that the bulls and the bull fighters... ...are the same thing.

Bull fighting is highly organised, extremely rigid in its conduct, and the death of the bull is 'arranged' according to a strict plan, and a strict ancient tradition of movements and provocations. Superficially, the bull is a very daunting opponent, deadly and dangerous. On the whole though, it is the trained matador that gets the better of the fiercely charging, enormously powerful and enraged beast. The matador's job is not to lose their cool, even though they may have limited emotional feelings of admiration and respect for the animal. The matador's role is that of a cold-blooded killer.

When the matador goes through their ritualistic donning of the 'suit of lights,' they become literally 'dressed to kill.'

In the Islamic narrative, the Dajjal, is a deceiver (and so too, does the matador, deceive the bull...), but he is also extremely glamorous on the outside.

Statua del Nettuno... 

In the Christian narrative, the devil has horns and is angry because 'he knows his hour is coming...' ...when he is to be terminally defeated.

The devil has an anger like a goaded bull, but the matador has a costume covered in 'lights.'

...Don't think of the matador as a hero, my friends - he is the Saqqara bull spirit... He provokes death, he provokes anger, and he kills maliciously and deliberately, and in the end, wantonly. He knows the limitations of the huge, muscular, charging, enraged, bull. He is not, facing death scornfully in the face - he is death, he deals death. But inside, he is the beast, he is the animal spirit wanting primeval suffering, vain struggle - he lusts for blood.

As you know, and I'm sure you do know, Nero claimed to be a descendant of the Egyptian god of the Deep Sea, Naunet.

The standard narrative, of course, is that Nero caused the flames, that his fire brigades went to put out, for a fee. Nowadays, academics dispute this folklore.

But my advice to you, is - don't step into the ring, and don't get taken in by the shiny costumes. Because the people in the shiny jackets, will walk you into an ever tightening circle, goading you to do better and to do more, along the way, knowing that your lactic acid is building up all the while, and yet they will keep you more or less alive by letting you walk around in smaller circles. Until they laugh at you in the face while you cannot move, and insert the estoque deep into your heart. And exsanguinate you.

So. I have given you a clear picture of what to actually look at. Don't look at the villain - how big and strong and fearsome they are. That is a lie. It is not the lie, because it is only a small part of the whole lie.

If you think you are never going to see the bright shiny hero, look again.

Friday 26 February 2021

Letters And Posts

I've just come from engaging in some frivolity with someone about 'evidence' and 'logic,' during which bout I was so bored I pulled out that old thing about the stick bending in the water according to the 'evidence' of your eyes - which of course, is contradicted by the rationality of your brain.

No reason - just looks good.

And this is a good link to what we have already spent some time looking at here, which is, namely, what your mind will hand to you, when you have cut it off from the stimulation of the continuous stream of data from your ordinary senses. 'Polyvagal theory' in part proposes that the emotions felt, arising from your stomach, and your throat (feelings of constriction, production of saliva, other things), are able to be mediated by regular breathing.

I mean we have gone already a long way from just that simplistic, if possibly still valid idea about what our minds perceive and what pre-dispositions we may have to ideas - in the narrative here!

We have strayed far away from any such rigor of 'proof' and 'evidence.'

Strayed, I tell you! And in much darkness, too.

Thus I do need to at minimum remind people that a post-box is not a coffee shop or a meeting place of actual people. 

When you were in junior school, back in the very old days -, you would have been familiarized with note pads, writing paper, pencils or pens and ink, and shown how to write letters, and then how to place these inside of envelopes, and then stick postage stamps onto those, and then how to go post them at the post office or how to drop them into the letter box.

And maybe, if you were lucky or if you had written a real good letter, properly addressed to a correspondent, you might get a letter back. This all involves a communication system, with an infrastructure.

So. This is not the same thing as going out into the market-place and screaming that 'God is dead' as Zarathustra did, or that 'everyone is mad' (did he also do that, I can't remember...) and having some actual real physical material person, grab you by the shoulders and shake you about.

However... ...and here is the thing: you might have someone show up at an assignation via the process of letter correspondence...

Enough. Enough. We don't need to say any more.

I will just casually mention in passing, though, that in Monaco, which has a current population of around 45,000 people, there have been 3 deaths of people with Covid ; ), and 70+ cases of people who tested positive to Covid over the last twelve months, and no 'lock down' and no masks. I got that from a source personally, who is in Monaco. Wiki covers it all in quite fascinating ways but what I have said is both true and news, which means the Australian government says you have to pay for it if you repeat what I wrote verbatim via Google. LOLOLOL.

You know though, funny thing about letters... ...they are a lot more powerful than people often realize. Obviously, there are many things I would like to say, but have to couch in the most vague of terms. That is the day and age in which we live.

Do you think people write letters still in Monaco? I doubt it.

Yacht in Monaco - can charter this... Wow.
They are too busy having a good time, spending their limitless wealth - aka money - and worrying about whether to bring cash on board of the yachts they get invited onto, in order to tip the service staff and crew. ...How much to pack into their soft bags. Whether they will need 2-ply cashmere or as much as 4-ply, sweaters.

And oh oh, brushing up on their conversation points, you know, so that they can be real interesting social company, because they all are, right?

Bridge, Bridge, help me out here - was Mark Z., any different in RL than the zoob he is at Senate Hearings?

He lives out in South Lake Tahoe, doesn't he? Did you bang on his door, Bridget? Or did you not get the courage up to bang on any doors? Yet...?

Oh, he's married you say. 'Married?' Said Sandor Szavost.

This is known as 'the Veronica move.'

'Yes. Ma-a-a-a-a-ried.' Said Alice Harford, waving her ring-finger around, laconically.

Slippery roads, heavy winds everywhere. A little slip, a little slide, here, there...

Even the Evil Reptilian Satanic Annunaki whatever, think they are so so so in control, yeah? All the time. But a little tiny slip.

...Is all it takes.

Lick the stamp, lick the envelope, don't cut your tongue.

Thursday 25 February 2021

The Midnight People

There are quite a few phrases in French that for some reason probably pertaining to the French culture itself, deal with things that go on in the middle of the night. For the rest of us who are not French - although well, there is something in me there from way back - but at least for those of us living in the modern Western world other than in France, we'd all expect to be asleep at midnight, at least traditionally before the contemporary Cyberpunk world of the internet and 'late-nite' Ramen Noodle bars and neon signs and flying cars and all of that...

'Midi et minuit' - well that means 'a quarter past midnight.'

'Midi a minuit' - is something that could be a bunch of different things but the one I like is 'darkness at midday;' it doesn't quite mean that literally: it means midday and midnight/night and day, that sort of thing.

'L'heure bleue.' God only knows what that means. The French don't know - you won't get two to agree if you even get two of them together on it at any one time...

Anyway I'm going to introduce you to something different now...

You are going to see things.

Stick your headphones on, whack the volume up high, and concentrate on what I'm telling you... And go to the bottom of the article here and press 'play.' And then come back up here.

This is the kind of thing the great producer and director of female superstars - Vadim - was able to do to them. He got them into 'a zone.' Every movie he ever made you could easily say was a dog except for two or three scenes in each one of them which places him in the top two or three of all film directors of all time.


When I write a letter, that is, an 'alphabet' for super advanced intelligent beings it doesn't consist of a sound, it consists of the sound, and the color attached in this occasion, and several other things as well.

If you breathe in air that is colored, or you are standing under a shower playing sprays of LED-colored light over you, and the mists bouncing off your body are a particular color, if it is green, then it is easier to slip you out of alignment with all the other colors by rocking sounds or light frequencies back and forth around the balance point, the midpoint.

You can also artificially attempt to do it yourself and some of you will be able to - by just letting your eyes follow a figure-of-eight pattern in front of them, endlessly, really fast if you like or if you can, and even better yet... ...oh no, I can't say here; what I've said will get you there anyway.

Just be careful that you are not trying this in some high class French restaurant deep into the evening, when they brandish about that other phrase they have: 'en salle.' Because that usually means 'flambe en salle' which if you're not careful can easily turn into 'the room is on fire' and not just 'fire in the room.'

...So anyway, there you are, in your living room, lights down low (because it's demi et minuit, right?), and you think you're all alone...


You are alone, right?

There's also a specialized device around the place these days too - the Russians have it, so do the Americans, and they, the US Embassy people in Cuba or Ecuador or some place just last week formally announced they had been subjected to such things - and if I poked that thing anywhere near you and turned it on while you were doing that 'figure-of-eight' thing, you would go right off your rocker and not be able to pull yourself back from all kinds of weirdo sensations and hallucinations.

Okay so it may not work on some of you in this particular 'manual' structure that we are playing around with just right here and now.

But don't think I can't get it to work, just by explaining it all a bit better. I'm just not intending to go too far here right now because it is dangerous of a thing, really. Some of you will work it out anyway as it is.

We - you - us/we're only half way there at this stage. Believe me there are people who can 'kick this right over the edge' from this point,

Tuesday 23 February 2021

A Damsel With A Dulcimer

"A damsel with a dulcimer

In a vision once I saw..."

Out of 'Kubla Khan' by Coleridge, obviously.

Although I am personally not a fan of incense, and of opium generally, still I am quite familiar with it in the Chinese culture, having grown up among people and having been in places where opium was imbibed by some of those people.

Tengri Mongolian shamanic culture
has this, too...

We ought not to presume some of the French Bohemians were not fully aware of the deeper aspects of the Oriental opium culture, and there are a lot of hints of the culture present in the French absinthe traditions of that time.

Chinese classical scholar Taoists, know how to 'read the smoke...'

This is what they do, in darkened, quiet and rather airless, still rooms, where they burn various kinds of ancient woods, like Chinese oud and amber (the real thing has a tremendous scent when burned, although none at all as a 'stone/resin') resin. There are many great secrets to this practice, including the use of 'purple' dye - same as what the Hebrew 'tent-of-the-presence' priests use.

They 'read the smoke.'

The Romantic Poets (1800 - 1850) were also known to have an interest in opium.

I just told a fanatical Campbell's Soup X-tian: 'Did you come back with the feather that you plucked from the angelic being that you were with when you were last up there?'

That kind of talk doesn't necessarily shut anyone up, of course.

But here, here is some music they play up there though...

Helps if you are being louche while you listen. ('Louche' is the French expression for the dripping process of water through a sugar cube into the absinthe that turns it to the pearlescent white liquid which has all the components required to make the green fairy appear. I mean sure, I could tell you the real secret to it - that is, what you can do in modern times when they have supposedly toned-done the active ingredients in the commercially-available absinthe. Simple too. Do you want to know?

Also, maybe you have to adopt the same postures that the romance poets all seem to have done, when they were being portrait painted... Notice how they all stick their hands under their chins like that? LOL

Must be 'a thing.' Better do that, then.

Monday 22 February 2021

Snow In Lake Tahoe

Our friend around here and someone who I am also a great fan of, the illustrious Sedona Guru, Bridget N., is currently - like, right now today - in Lake Tahoe, where it is under a goodly covering of 'rich-people' snow.

Sorry, BN, but you are the inspiration for
here, for today!

And she said, just as an aside to some people to whom she was speaking: 'if the mirror effect in your life has not gotten you the mansion that you are thinking about...'

So I just had to open my mouth, of course.

"Bridge. Just put on your Loubies and walk up to the best-looking mansion place there is there where you are, and knock on the door and say: 'I'm lost. I'm Little Red Riding Hood and I need to get to my gramma's house before the sun sets. Can you help me?'

"And then, if you happen to be also holding a bottle of 'Daring Escape' Red with you, well whoever is in there will prolly let you inside. If they have any brains at all."

Can't help myself, you see.

...But most of you here want to know what you do if you're a guy, right? And still waiting for that mansion. The H++ modified people are going to have to look elsewhere for bad advice, especially from me (if they're even looking for bad advice that is!).

Hell you don't want no mansion! Girls will just be wandering up to your door all the darn time, telling you fairy tales.

You want to know the secrets, though - yes?

Well... It's all about 'shared agency.' With girls.


I think I should maybe start a wine brand and call it 'shared agency.'

Send a crate to our local DG of Education, maybe. She used to be the head of the UK government's anti-terror initiative in the UK, you know. Happens to be the best DG we've had down here so far. Her policy is that 'anti-terror' strategies start at primary school. 

We're in good hands over here.

And, it isn't snowing.

No snow.

No mansions for you.

All is quiet, Joe Biden is asleep at the wheel, Kathleen Kennedy has dumped Gina Carano and gave herself the Super Wokemon Award for it. No one is commenting. 

What could possibly go wrong?

Oh and 'science, science.'

Can't forget that. Science was invented yesterday, by the way, in case you were unaware - back when my great uncle bequeathed his private Greek classics texts to the Bodleian, they didn't have science back then, because people were stuck in religious superstition and all that, and then later, when the two world wars wiped out the young people, well, there actually were no Universities 'handing down from above' the heavenly golden tablets of 'science.'

So actually science was invented last Tuesday. By the Woke-y people.

They know the truth, because, as Icke says all the time - 'you've been lied to.' When Satan offered that bottle of Daring Escape wine, sorry, the apple, to Eve, he was actually exposing to her the experimental methodology of science.

All bow to the great god, 'Science.' There is only one 'Science' and 'Science' is his name. 

All those who are DISBELIEVERS in 'Science' will go to Hell and have their faces burned off each day, only to be re-supplied with new skin and faces so that they may be burned off again, next day, and on and on for Eternity.

This is what happens to the Kufar,(disbelievers) of 'Science.'

Are you... ...a DISBELIEVER??! In SCIENCE???? May science (peace be unto it) protect you from the Shaytan.

Praise be to Science that I am so fortunate - not like the rest of you scum - and know 'SCIENCE.'

My life is perfect and I wallow in my self-importance all day long and I certainly do not need mansions, red wine, Louboutins, or girls.

Oh-oh, engine falls off plane. Not to worry, accident.

Everything's fine. Science has our backs.

Saturday 20 February 2021

TikTok's Gateway Late Run

The TikTok platform just last week had a 'viral' blow-up of the very old (1983) story about Lt. Wayne C. McDonnell's apparent revelations that the US Government did really believe that it was possible to ascertain information from the future.

As far as I know though, it was not ever an actual CIA 'belief' but rather an official report and analysis made in 1983, of the Monroe Institute's 'Gateway Experience.' That is, there is no indication that anyone in the government officially uses such a process any more.

The current viral story resulted from a 'TikTokker,' Abby Carey - making some comments on her TikTok site which basically highlighted some of the more fascinating elements of the Monroe Institute's program; which indeed did also appear in McDonnell's analysis report. I suppose people have forgotten to an extent that McDonnell was someone who sought external confidential scientific contributions, and managed that input, but is not a major academic scientist himself, although he does have some qualifications in that area.

Whether it is possible to verify this or not I cannot be certain right now, but I think there is at least some public information out there that all of those involved in the seminal work which was undertaken with government and military funding - in particular those who were trained to conduct 'targeted remote' whatever it was they were doing - had to sign heavy-weight agreements never to use those tools against the government itself or anyone within the government of the military.

And subsequent to that, is the fact that no one from that early set of programs now works in government any longer!

In other words, if... ...if, there was a process by which people were able to acquire knowledge from the future, they never passed it on to anyone in the government after that first set of programs and research projects.

My friend Jes Brieden in New York snow

So, if you are someone of a paranoid outlook, you could easily conclude that what really went on, was that the key people wanted to use exactly those tools against people in government and the military - and back-peddled on the programs in order to 'soft soap' the CIA that the thing wasn't so worth going on with after all, and that the military and the CIA should just drop it and forget about it...

And if you're a moron, you could also think that well, maybe the thing didn't work, and that's why the government didn't heavily pick it up and run with it.

And good luck to you, too. Because that makes the lives of all the rest of us so much the easier.


Watch out for the hands, if you've
been paying any attention at all!

Now, see, if I am wrong, then you would be running all over the place trying to explain away to yourself how come we've been pushing this story in people's faces for the last several months before half a dozen 'mainstream media' jerks just suddenly ran it this week.

What else...? Let's see - snow in Texas, Saudi Arabia, NYC, minus 50 degrees Moscow...

Slippery roads, big trucks, oil carriers, I dunno, what else - hogs?

One tiny slip, eh. That's all it would take. World's a funny place, see. Nothing to do with 'seeing' the future; it's a funny place as it is, just as the obtaining fact of it.

Things can change on a dime and what you thought was sure to happen is all of a sudden the very last thing that can happen.

Today's 'James Bond' is not who you think...

Friday 19 February 2021

The Unbreakable Wall

I had this listed public company many years back - eventually we sold out all the R&D and some patents to a major Japanese corporation and the deal prevents me from saying which one.

Anyway, at the time, one of our major shareholders was a certain 'Geoffery Hugh Christian,' (Geoff Christian), who was the doyen journalist of the leading Western Australian daily newspaper, The West Australian.

Looked like Gene Hackman, was
like Gene Hackman.

Although Geoff Christian was known towards the end of his life, as the most senior Sports Editor, the fact was, the place being intensely involved in sports, he was a well-known personality in politics and at every level of local and national society. I don't know anyone who didn't have a high opinion of Geoffrey.

One thing few shared with him closely though - although my main co-director did - was his real knowledge of, and love for, the epicurean and the culturally let's say, elevated.

Sure you could have a huge mansion in Lake Tahoe (Geoff had celebrity friends around the whole world), and you might have four Mercedes and a McLaren down the bush somewhere and be running for Parliament on the strength of your pie shop... ...but you'd be a loser when compared with those in Geoff's closest inner circle of friends.

Geoff's old alma mater - the main editorial offices and print-setting hall in St George's Terrace, right next door to the original Perth Institute of Technology - is now a top-of-the-tree restaurant, and right beside that literally in the old print hall, there is a vast pub (beer and wine and cocktails bar and restaurant). 

Yesterday evening, I was by there, back from a different, much quieter place, though quite nearby. The Print Hall Pub was, like a London City pub towards the end of any working week, almost jam-packed with young men in suites and a few hot chicks as well. I recognized one young-to-middle-aged gentleman with Persian black curly hair and a shaped beard as an offspring of one of the Emirati Emirs... Surrounded by his local business buddies.

You know when they do that 'namaste' thing, especially on the West Coast of the US these days - that bowing thing...?

Well, I had just come from having to do that to the chef at this place I shall not name here.

He served me 'sesame short ribs with quick pickled fresh cabbage' an hour or so earlier. I couldn't really swear that it was actually 'an hour' because for only the second time in my life, I was floating around the streets, smiling like a mad person and probably talking to myself under my breath as well.

I know it was Geoff's idea to turn the old print hall into a five-star restaurant and wine bar. And he never lived to enjoy it.

I think he would have enjoyed it because the restaurant in there, the atmosphere of the whole place generally, is fantastic. No question.

But it's not where I was coming from...

There were not a whole lot of people where I had just come from - it was by no means empty but it was not 'jam-packed to the rafters.' It's a privately-owned small hotel, that's all I will say for now.

And there was a moment there, when, after the first few mouthfuls, I was beginning to quickly realize that the thing was actually getting better as I ate it, not reaching any plateau - but literally climbing higher and higher in sensory gift.

Now you think there is no such thing in life, but there is. I had to raise my head more than once to look around me to see when I might be about to be interrupted by 'those friends' who would turn up to say 'hey hey, what are you doing?! This is just too much, even for you, ya bastard.'

But they were decent enough not to 'bother me right now.'

What was going on? Had the chef stuck some e's into the food?

So now, some time afterwards, not very long afterwards, here I was, walking by, above, in fact, as there is an upper plaza and walkway over the pub, and looking down on the young men and women all having a good time in the Print Hall Pub.

And good for them.

Ten minutes from now I'm due to watch this recent-release flick made in Spain - 'The People Upstairs' - which is a two-act play about a couple 'upstairs' inviting this feuding hard-working couple downstairs, to join them in participating in the orgies that they have regularly, and which make so much noise that the couple downstairs, are 'disturbed' by the sounds.

Cheval Blanc - arguably the world's
best Bordeaux.

...It was a funny movie too. Didn't really resolve into anything and we never get to see any actual 'orgies,' more's the pity. But it was a funny movie nonetheless.

The movie attempted to break the unbreakable wall, and didn't - most probably couldn't.

In life you can easily go to where most people hang out...

Not so easy to get to the white room; get into, inside - the white room.

The question really is - do you want to go hang out with the urban kids down at the Print Hall, or do you want to be alone in the white room...

McLaren. Or, as PVD calls her: 'McLaaaaahren.'

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Not For Young Children...

Well, not really. But I have been tempted in recent times to post a few things that would curl your hair.

I'll tell you what I know:

Let's say you were the head of the CIA, and you accidentally ran into me - or one of my brothers, who since these many years have grown old et cetera (sorry, that's a line from 'A Christmas Carol!') - and I said to you, check this... Such and such. And you did and you went, * me, that's true.

Eric in his funny mosaic glass bits, coat,
at 'Further Future.'

And then I said, let's just propose: Well how exactly much in control do you really think you are, when you were not even previously aware of 'such-and-such' but then someone came along and all official-like, say, someone in Congress, asked you to check and see...? And then you found out it was there in your files all along.

Would you even know how come they knew even to ask, and what their motivation might be?

Back in 1963, a little kid was sent into a clearing, with a senior operational commander in the US Army standing nearby, the US Consulate General at the time was personally there (Richard Gordon) with his ADC, a couple of technicians from East-Kodak, the Head of Station CIA whom I could name but I won't, and the purpose was to meet with and converse/communicate, or take something from a little bluish-green man. And this happened in many remote places around the world at the virtually exact same moment.

Guy Savelli was in that group of people operating as what must have been some kind of 'special purpose unit,' after that date for sure, and in that place, but I don't know whether... ...if he was at all in that unit at this specific time in question. And I should add the location was more a 'compound' than a 'clearing' as such because attempts had been made to fence it off completely, and every single animal and living thing cataloged with focused ground level radar on all the time.

But they don't go 'there,' Eric - they
go here, and you're never going to 'see'
them, unless you have the 'vision' capability.

Much later on, when not a lot eventuated thereafter, the priority nature of the secret units involved, and the executive administration of the project, was wound into different leadership, and 'soft tabs' were kept on all the little kids that had been involved. But nothing else was seriously advanced any further, other than that there had been moments during the Vietnam War and at other key moments, where some limited communication exchanges took place with nothing of any importance ensuing as far as I am aware.

Today, there are numerous heads of really gargantuan corporations - Eric Schmidt (Alphabet/Google) to name one who has been rather indiscreet about it - who go to things like 'Burning Man' although he appears to be more 'visible' at 'Further Future,' which is an event held in Southern Nevada.

The list of these types of mass gatherings is long, but the notable ones are: 'Burning Man,' 'Joshua Tree,' 'Further Future,' and the 'Sedona Vortex' which is where Bridget Nielsen hangs out most of the time.

An ex-US military guy by name of Larry Harvey (sounds kinda similar to 'Larry Hooper'), began the Burning Man one.

Or, they might go here.
You think you know, but you don't know anything.
You think 'science' is going to help you, do you?
When do I stop laughing.

Now going back to the incident in 1963, it should be remembered, that, although the US established a formal Embassy for the Federation of the States of Malaysia after 1963, in fact, it had very long term engagement with a set of Sultanates there, and in particular Penang, which is governed by no Sultanate at all, and was 'British India' territory - and the US had an embassy and Consulate General resident there since 1918.

For a very long time now, top line people in the largest corporations, have known all about the very low-activity but also the very real 'engagement' that the US Military Industrial Complex has had, with ET Aliens. And, although you might suppose Schmidt and Sergey Brin and Larry Page and all of these go to 'Burning Man' because they like wearing whacky costumes and the drugs and the girls and whatever, the real reason they go is because they believe, there are 'interchanges' going on there between special purpose covert operatives, and actual real life ET Aliens, or hybrids that are around the place just 'blending in.'

All the way from Nevada, right through Las Vegas, and down to Arizona, there are these 'festivals' held that bring together a 'freaky failed collective community...' Right...?

Maybe here, Eric... Could be here.

Freaky. And failed. That is why Sergy Brin and Eric Schmidt and all, go there. Every single year. Elon Musk married a dame whom he met there.

You have no idea. You have simply no idea at all.

Take it from me, there has never been a crash of an ET Alien spaceship at Roswell, or anywhere.

If you wanted to test a new alloy, well, okay sure, you might deliberately 'crash' it and see. That's a different thing.

Then the kids... ...All the way from Nevada, all the way down, parallel to the San Andreas Fault, south to the Garlock Fault, and right up next to the Sierra Nevada Fault.

Uh-huh. Yep. 

Hiawatha, Hiawatha, Hiawatha. LOL Hey Na Hey Na Hey Na Hey...

Except you don't have the right insignia, Eric.
And no amount of money will save you if we shove you off
into the Pacific Ocean.

No 'side' knows anything at all about what is going on. Neither side does.

Only 'the Man in the Middle' knows.

And that ain't you, Eric Schmidt, and it ain't you Bill Gates, and it ain't you sure as hell Joe Biden!

David Cohen? You're not even anywhere near the ball being thrown.

Let's see now, who can we trade with?

Well let's see...

What is it exactly, that we want?

That we couldn't, you know, just take?

My friends, let me put it this way - the fruit comes out and ripens in season. Some fruit, some people are allergic to, and they die even if they just merely touch it.

You know, live and let live. Of course if you go mess with stuff where you shouldn't be messing, that's your own problem in the end.

I mean, it really doesn't matter because in the end you die anyway. But 'science' will help you, right... ...with that little problem.

There are over 300,000 serving police in the United States right now who are members of a Masonic Lodge. Because, you know, science. Science is about 'shared agency' when everyone gets to benefit from an open process, and fairness, and the visibility of facts and evidence, and no secret 'behind the back' back-stabbing. Just maybe, 'in the front' stabbing! LOL

You are a toy with a use-by date of life and functioning. 

Nobody who comes here from 9.5 trillion kilometres away has that problem that you have.

And what is it you want? Shared agency? People to share stuff with you?


And Before You Know It

These kids have been 'in it' for a long time already and there is plenty of actual contact going on now:


Tuesday 16 February 2021

Why The CCP Hates Falun Gung

The imprisoning and torturing of the Uighur community inside China is decried by most people in the West, but what the CCP of Beijing has done to them is as nothing compared to what they have done to the Chinese practitioners of 'Falun Gung.'

It would be far too dangerous for me to spell out the association of anything using the word or participle 'fa' anywhere in the world - basically because the Chinese Communist government does have a certain capacity of 'reach' all over the place - even, in fact, right into the middle of the White House, and absolutely, most certainly, in the highest reaches of academia in critical covert circles such as Imperial College London, which is dominated today by Chinese Communist money.

Shen Yun dance troupe

Interestingly, the CCP maintains the exact same tactics as one recent participant here in undermining all of our attempts at relevant public, if still rather 'small circle' and quiet, Disclosure.

The same stance of deliberately jamming any attempted exposition with an instant pre-emptive challenge to provide some indiscreet 'evidence...' exhibited by the Beijing CCP over Falun Gung.

Falun Gung maintains an establishment in the United States and elsewhere, but under complete cover - known as Fei Tian (flying sky-being) - which ostensibly is a feeder process, into the commercial dance and performing arts company known as Shen Yun.

ET Aliens are not 'separated individuals' but groups of beings with a communicating mind system that uses one group mind as well as an underlying individual consciousness in each member, but that latter of which is held under extremely tight control.

And they do not interact with individual human beings in the way we are used to interacting amongst ourselves.

Hopi 'Blue Star' blanket

Humans have incredibly noisy minds. And, humans are also tremendously deceptive, or, to put it more bluntly - deceitful. The more successful up the ladder of the ordinary human world someone is, the more able that someone usually is, to exploit this. But this comes and goes in waves through history; it isn't always as bad as that, but human history contends with it all the time: Nero, Hitler, Mao - these are not always in the ascendancy.

There are what you could say were underlying occult reasons why the CCP hates the Falun Gung.

But let's put forward the strange proposition that, well, okay, yes, there are ET Aliens and they are technologically far in advance of where we are right now - but that they don't and won't engage with us in the form that our society takes.

Even if you look back at 'traditional culture' shamans, and the appearance that they are individual, sole, people who always hang by themselves alone - this is not actually the case, because what they do is go back to the main social group when it needs them, and enact something there that is beneficial at critical times.

In this context, you can use the term 'occult' to explain what the issue is between the CCP and Falun Gung.

Green Lantern meteor - the other day, over 
Melbourne, Australia. Magnesium makes it green.

What does the shaman do, alone... Where do they go...? If Falun Gung say they go 'up into the sky' and return with knowledge and power, fine but then, why could not representatives of the CCP also go up there with them, to achieve 'shared agency?'

Because they can't, that's why.

Of course, yes, the question does remain, but can the Falun Gung people really go 'fei tian...'

Monday 15 February 2021

Lyn Buchanan And Disclosure

Funny how, as soon as we were about to make some 'Disclosure' here, someone arrives with an agenda very similar to the character of 'Larry Hooper' in that movie with Clooney and Spacey and Bridges.

The idea behind the movie, really, is not exactly anything to do with Bridge's character 'Bill Django' having this bright idea to absorb some Eastern philosophy or whatever, into the strategic methodology of actual war-fighting soldiers in the field - but that 'Larry Hooper' had shifted the direction of the original program into what in the end, resulted in Abu Ghraib, as we now know.

Leonard ('Lyn') Buchanan (real person from one of these secret military intel programs) had mounted, some time ago, a 'front exercise,' to prise open the hands of the Pentagon, for them to either go on the record about certain things they knew that they had been keeping a secret, or have people who were actually critical personnel in those secret programs to not just speak openly about them, but start to put what they knew into use.

You see, on the one hand, at some point, everyone was signed into agreements swearing black and blue never to use various innovative techniques against their own officers and commanders and even the government itself.

On the other hand, you had 'Larry Hooper' - who also was someone who wanted to have this... '...shared agency.'

You open your hand out to the world at large, and then you make a closed fist, and 'Larry Hooper' will tell you, straight to your face: I have exactly no sense of emotion or sentiment or connectedness, and certainly no responsibility to anyone else but myself.

I can hold a closed fist, and what that potentially means is that I am withholding, or even, that I am going to strike you, but it makes no difference to me -, that, or if I am holding out my hand to you.

If I hold out my hand to you - I am lying.

But trust me, honestly. I am just looking for truth and facts and scientific certainty.

Trust me. Those are all honorable objectives. Aren't they?

I won't get some people and torture them inside Abu Ghraib. Or do the same thing to poor little green-skinned ET's at Roswell.

This is called 'the Dragon Fan...'

'Polyvagal theory' is a broad range of concepts, some with some basic, low-level studies having been mounted on them at academic institutions, to the effect that the vagus nerve line, has an involvement with your breathing and the sensations inside your stomach.

And so, the danger of giving out any new information now, here, in this Blog, when there is an obvious 'Larry Hooper' in the vicinity, turns on how such people would use anything they discovered here. Could we guarantee that they would not use such things on prisoners at another 'Abu Ghraib?' No, we could not.

And so. It makes things difficult.

No matter how many times already, I have pointed out, that if you make a mistake, and you really are dealing with super-advanced beings, people-oids, as it were, human-like beings except not humans, and you keep this bullshit up about what natural 'rights' we all have, what the primacy of the scientific method is, or how important your way is, compared to anyone else's other way, then at some point, you are going to end up with a * smack in the head. And sure, you think you can see it coming...

This is called 'the Dragon Form:'

Sunday 14 February 2021

The Second Level

In physics, a thing 'exists' only if it is necessary to describe an observation.

Thus, 'infinity' does not exist. Not in physics.

Yes we can talk about it meaningfully, we can discuss it - but it does not actually 'exist' as far as the frames of technical understandings go, in physics.

You see, if you play a laser light from side to side, theoretically, the 'end line' will widen, the further in distance the photons travel, but taking the exact same time to go from end to end (against, say, a hypothetical wall also travelling out there in space further, further, further away into the distance with the laser beam), until, 'in fact,' at some point, the retreating 'end wall line' of the photon beam must be travelling faster than the speed of light; which is impossible.

And, in any case we cannot 'observe' that point when the photons at that distant 'end' of the beam start to have to go faster than the speed of light.

Breathe - yes, vagus system idea; we'll get to
that soon...

So - infinity does not 'exist' in physics. We cannot observe it, and so there is nothing 'necessary' for its existence.

Because many people - such as kp I would suggest - require evidence of various different things all the time, what we can say, going back to the Kuntao/Kung Fu 'barber pole' exercise, is that, as your palm is facing upwards, outwards, it 'has' nothing in it; there is nothing there 'in it,' or that it is 'holding.'

So now, going back to the exercise, here you are standing, with feet together, left arm up, palm upwards, held outward to 'nothing.'

This time, I want you to have your right arm extended a little forward from your body, palm still outward, facing upward, or at least, facing toward, or at, the horizon from where you stand.

Up above your head, the left palm is like a person standing, holding something aloft, although we know he is holding nothing.

Up up up through the empty air, higher up, there could be clouds - but these are really nothing and you are certainly not holding them.

Beyond these, very much higher still, there is the stratosphere, and then the end of the biosphere, and then, there could be the vivid bright shining moon up there, as you are maybe standing, outside in the late evening, or even in the nighttime.

Beyond that, there is the end of the Earth's magnetosphere, which helps the world avoid too much radiation from the Sun. Although of course at nighttime, you are not 'palm facing' that part of the magnetosphere.

Beyond that, there could be the asteroid belt, and then some planets, like Jupiter and Neptune.

Beyond that, you are going beyond the Solar System, and into deep empty space even towards the next star.

There is still nothing there. Your right palm is playing side to side, across the point of the horizon before you on the planet here.

Above you, there is nothing, correct, kp? All the way through to the next star, and now, even beyond that too. The further away an object with a magnetic field with a north and a south pole, is -, the more it takes on the appearance of a dipole.

Naturally, by this time sure, the nothing that is in some kind of 'line' perpendicular to how you are standing with the left arm held upwards, is possibly 'somewhere' close to where the 'infinity' moment of that laser beam we had proposed earlier, is now travelling faster than the speed of light - an impossibility.

None of this is real, it does not exist, and especially, it does not exist in physics.

Butterflies, using their kind of photo-receptors, see ultra-violet light, and, they also produce ultra-violet light so that male butterflies are able to 'see' female butterflies, but predators are not (able to see either of them).

With their Vogel's organs, they can 'hear' frequencies in ways which we cannot - and this has been tested scientifically with Doppler vibrometry.


Close your extended-out, right hand, forming a fist.

How do you feel?

Open your hand again, going back to its first position that you had been holding.

How does that feel?

Do it again, make the fist so that you are maybe going to hit someone, or at least not be 'open hearted' to them.

How does it feel in your 'heart?' You know, that place where you imagine (because none of this is actually real, right, kp?), that you care for the human race, or for some people in it - or for your pet...

Now here is what all the idiots all over the internet and simply just about everywhere will not tell you and it is because they simply do not know - 

If there is more or less nothing flowing through your body, then fine.

So you know, neutrinos, blah blah blah - electrically neutral, 'rest mass' so small was once thought to be zero, et cetera. 'Weak' force, short range, 'elementary particle...' But somehow, they 'are so numerous throughout the Cosmos that they can have gravitational force which effects other matter.'

Yeah, yeah. Right. Whatever.

We live lives here, which, due to necessities of life created by human social and economic structures, cause people to lose who they are, and replace that first reality with masks. And then, they become so attached to the masks, these become who they are.

What makes you or anyone think, that just because the weather outside is okay right now, that it always is like that? You don't even think that, as soon as you spend a second actually thinking about it.

So the 'nothing' you have in your upward raised left palm, the nothing held in your hand - that's because you don't do this often, and never until now with any purpose... ...that nothing is only there because 'the weather is fine outside.'

And then sometimes, rarely, people get hit by lightning. Because what makes anyone think the 'neutrino ocean' is some kind of Pacific, pleasant, always-exactly-the-same, place. Or that, there are no pirate's ships sailing in there.

Saturday 13 February 2021

The Strength To Walk

A very interesting sentence in Jon Ronson's movie - and I'm not sure if he wrote it or the screen-writer Peter Straughan added it after the basic script - is this one, supposedly something that was written by the head honcho leading the weirdo 'Jedi' army unit, Bill Django (I'm not sure what rank Django is supposed to have in the flick; it isn't all that clear to me).

"Significant people who have changed the world like Jesus Christ (yeah, that's okay...), Lao-Tse Tung (Huh??), and Walt Disney..." 

Clooney's coffee machine. Nice.
We want one, right, Bill?

One of the problems that I have with movies like this (which I kinda still liked) is that those who are being attributed as the creators - Jon Ronson/Straughan - were not even born when any of the events really took place at the start. The movie itself claims things happened after the Vietnam War, whereas I personally know they started before the Korean War, and were 'expanded upon' quite seriously after that war. Moreover, one of those Ronson says was a technical contributor - Guy Savelli - was active at a much earlier point than claimed, because he could not have 'suddenly' acquired the proposed skills that he had when Colonel John B. Alexander recruited him first, supposedly in the Eighties; it does not take fifteen minutes to become a master in Kuntao.

But let me go back to the sentence quoted (or very roughly quoted, anyway). Yeah okay, JC. Right.

This is one of the people who taught me personally - 
Dr Chan Hon Chung.

But there is a problem with 'Lao-Tse Tung.' And the problem is not that there is no such person, but that it obviously is a blend of Lao-Tse, and Mao-Tse Tung. The movie stresses the obvious humor entailed, but really misses the point completely. Worse still, I have said many times here what the association of the Walt Disney organization was with the 'counter-insurgency' programs in South East Asia.

Ronson is getting his material from somewhere that he doesn't understand any of its real import...

Lao-Tse is 'good,' and 'white' and Mao-Tse is 'evil' and 'black.' And the blend of the two, is exactly the very iconic 'Taoist Yin-Yang' symbology we all know well.

Lao-Tse may not even have really existed. He could be a total Chinese myth. Who knows?

Mao-Tse tung killed millions. He was very real - and very Yang.

Walt Disney, I'm afraid, is not a 'joke' in this context at all. Who would have known that group was intimately involved with the US Defense Science Board's counterinsurgency programs all over the world? The movie makes the addition of his name in the context of the other two a kind of a gauche joke on behalf of a drug-addled 'Bill Django' character.

There is nothing 'funny' about the sentence.

See his left hand? Always hold your hand like that.
Always. Keep your thumb in.
This is called 'Fut Pai' - priest's palm. This is 
how you hold your hand. Unless you are intending to use
your thumb for some reason, always hold your hand like what
you see here.

Oh well, yes of course it is funny, on one level, but it's also far beyond just 'serious' on a deeper level. It is profoundly and purposefully instructive.



It's pointless looking this up on-line; it's mostly all rubbish. 

There is absolutely no real or formal connection whatsoever between Indonesian 'Silat' and 'Kuntao.'

Silat comes from a Turkic 'grappling' discipline brought over by sea-faring traders from the Middle East.

Kuntao... the oldest known Chinese martial art, older by far than Shaolin Kung Fu, and with written historical records of the word dating far far earlier than any of either Wu Shu or Shaolin.

Kuntao - is the Tao. From some impossibly distant misty history rooted back into the myths and legends of Lao-Tse. Its purpose - is supernaturalism, and immortality.

...So if you want to know how come ET Aliens went down into the jungles of North Malaysia and gathered together a bunch of little kids, it's because we were all students of Hokkien Kuntao masters and female practitioners.

And that includes the johnny-come-lately Guy Savelli. You cannot learn 'Kuntao' from anywhere except either Penang or Taiping Malaysia - and that is where Savelli learned. It was wiped out in Fujian Province by Mao, and those who knew it left there to go further South in Asia.

It's highly secretive and kept within family clans. Which likely means, Savelli is not necessarily a genuine family-taught practitioner.

Furthermore, where would there be Chinese people teaching this openly after the Islamic conquest of Malaysia in the late 1960's?!

No such thing.

Savelli was trained 'in-house' by the CIA.

I have never made any secret of that fact that I come from a family with an unbroken history inside China of now, over two hundreds at least.

And now, something that I promised re actual ET Aliens...

ET Aliens... ...have genetic catalogs of characteristics.

Massive, more or less virtually complete (don't ask what that means) human genetic catalogs.

So keep this right up in the front of your mind from now on, and for ever afterwards. And when you say 'I want to see -' who is the 'I' that you want to have do the seeing? Is it your toenail that you clipped off this morning? Or the 'I' inside the body in the big glass tube somewhere a few lights years away?

So want to meet and see an ET Alien.


Let's start with some 'crawling exercises.'

Look at these pics. Here is the best one that I could find, that shows more or less 'the right way to do it.' Except your feet need to be closer together.

Feet should be close together. Otherwise, exactly right.
Now, twist, and twist, and twist. LOL

We'll talk about the 'breathing' thing later on, but for now, when you stand straight, feet together, you stick one hand (your left one; you can alternate later) palm facing up and out, up like in the pic, and you position your other hand palm facing downwards, and with your four fingers straight out, but pointing at (towards) your waist. This is the 'barber's pole' (Lacey Bros called it that) exercise.

Now you just twist your upper body around, so that you are able to see with your eyes, the opposite outside of the foot, the other side from where your down-facing palm started. In other words, you start standing straight, left arm up, right arm down and held to your right side; and then, twist, twist, twist around with your eyes seeking for the left foot's outer edge.

Difficult? Not if you've been doing it for a while, and in any event, this is the target - your goal, what you are aiming at doing. And then of course, you can alternate arms and twist around in the other direction; it's good for 'spin reflex...'

Everything in Kung Fu has at least two meanings simultaneously, often many meanings.

So, your left arm, with palm facing upward and outward, is there to ward off a blow coming from ahead of you and above you... Correct?

Good. Good.

You've got it.

Try it though. Try it a few times.

Now. Someone tell me, from the genius level Jon Ronson Hollywood movie, or from any source that you know of, what this all has to do with ET Aliens...?

First try the movement though, okay. Tell me you can do it. At least up to a point, anyway.

I'll wait for the comments to come in first.

Boston - music in the movie... ; )))