Well, not really. But I have been tempted in recent times to post a few things that would curl your hair.
I'll tell you what I know:
Let's say you were the head of the CIA, and you accidentally ran into me - or one of my brothers, who since these many years have grown old et cetera (sorry, that's a line from 'A Christmas Carol!') - and I said to you, check this... Such and such. And you did and you went, * me, that's true.
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Eric in his funny mosaic glass bits, coat, at 'Further Future.' |
And then I said, let's just propose: Well how exactly much in control do you really think you are, when you were not even previously aware of 'such-and-such' but then someone came along and all official-like, say, someone in Congress, asked you to check and see...? And then you found out it was there in your files all along.
Would you even know how come they knew even to ask, and what their motivation might be?
Back in 1963, a little kid was sent into a clearing, with a senior operational commander in the US Army standing nearby, the US Consulate General at the time was personally there (Richard Gordon) with his ADC, a couple of technicians from East-Kodak, the Head of Station CIA whom I could name but I won't, and the purpose was to meet with and converse/communicate, or take something from a little bluish-green man. And this happened in many remote places around the world at the virtually exact same moment.
Guy Savelli was in that group of people operating as what must have been some kind of 'special purpose unit,' after that date for sure, and in that place, but I don't know whether... ...if he was at all in that unit at this specific time in question. And I should add the location was more a 'compound' than a 'clearing' as such because attempts had been made to fence it off completely, and every single animal and living thing cataloged with focused ground level radar on all the time.
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But they don't go 'there,' Eric - they go here, and you're never going to 'see' them, unless you have the 'vision' capability. |
Much later on, when not a lot eventuated thereafter, the priority nature of the secret units involved, and the executive administration of the project, was wound into different leadership, and 'soft tabs' were kept on all the little kids that had been involved. But nothing else was seriously advanced any further, other than that there had been moments during the Vietnam War and at other key moments, where some limited communication exchanges took place with nothing of any importance ensuing as far as I am aware.
Today, there are numerous heads of really gargantuan corporations - Eric Schmidt (Alphabet/Google) to name one who has been rather indiscreet about it - who go to things like 'Burning Man' although he appears to be more 'visible' at 'Further Future,' which is an event held in Southern Nevada.
The list of these types of mass gatherings is long, but the notable ones are: 'Burning Man,' 'Joshua Tree,' 'Further Future,' and the 'Sedona Vortex' which is where Bridget Nielsen hangs out most of the time.
An ex-US military guy by name of Larry Harvey (sounds kinda similar to 'Larry Hooper'), began the Burning Man one.
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Or, they might go here. You think you know, but you don't know anything. You think 'science' is going to help you, do you? When do I stop laughing. |
Now going back to the incident in 1963, it should be remembered, that, although the US established a formal Embassy for the Federation of the States of Malaysia after 1963, in fact, it had very long term engagement with a set of Sultanates there, and in particular Penang, which is governed by no Sultanate at all, and was 'British India' territory - and the US had an embassy and Consulate General resident there since 1918.
For a very long time now, top line people in the largest corporations, have known all about the very low-activity but also the very real 'engagement' that the US Military Industrial Complex has had, with ET Aliens. And, although you might suppose Schmidt and Sergey Brin and Larry Page and all of these go to 'Burning Man' because they like wearing whacky costumes and the drugs and the girls and whatever, the real reason they go is because they believe, there are 'interchanges' going on there between special purpose covert operatives, and actual real life ET Aliens, or hybrids that are around the place just 'blending in.'
All the way from Nevada, right through Las Vegas, and down to Arizona, there are these 'festivals' held that bring together a 'freaky failed collective community...' Right...?
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Maybe here, Eric... Could be here. |
Freaky. And failed. That is why Sergy Brin and Eric Schmidt and all, go there. Every single year. Elon Musk married a dame whom he met there.
You have no idea. You have simply no idea at all.
Take it from me, there has never been a crash of an ET Alien spaceship at Roswell, or anywhere.
If you wanted to test a new alloy, well, okay sure, you might deliberately 'crash' it and see. That's a different thing.
Then the kids... ...All the way from Nevada, all the way down, parallel to the San Andreas Fault, south to the Garlock Fault, and right up next to the Sierra Nevada Fault.
Uh-huh. Yep.
Hiawatha, Hiawatha, Hiawatha. LOL Hey Na Hey Na Hey Na Hey...
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Except you don't have the right insignia, Eric. And no amount of money will save you if we shove you off into the Pacific Ocean. |
No 'side' knows anything at all about what is going on. Neither side does.
Only 'the Man in the Middle' knows.
And that ain't you, Eric Schmidt, and it ain't you Bill Gates, and it ain't you sure as hell Joe Biden!
David Cohen? You're not even anywhere near the ball being thrown.
Let's see now, who can we trade with?
Well let's see...
What is it exactly, that we want?
That we couldn't, you know, just take?
My friends, let me put it this way - the fruit comes out and ripens in season. Some fruit, some people are allergic to, and they die even if they just merely touch it.
You know, live and let live. Of course if you go mess with stuff where you shouldn't be messing, that's your own problem in the end.
I mean, it really doesn't matter because in the end you die anyway. But 'science' will help you, right... ...with that little problem.
There are over 300,000 serving police in the United States right now who are members of a Masonic Lodge. Because, you know, science. Science is about 'shared agency' when everyone gets to benefit from an open process, and fairness, and the visibility of facts and evidence, and no secret 'behind the back' back-stabbing. Just maybe, 'in the front' stabbing! LOL
You are a toy with a use-by date of life and functioning.
Nobody who comes here from 9.5 trillion kilometres away has that problem that you have.
And what is it you want? Shared agency? People to share stuff with you?