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Saturday 30 May 2015

The Ozymandias Economy

So, if you go to the 42nd floor of the Leadenhall Building in London - which is an 'events dining venue' rather than an actual commercial restaurant - you will see the typical wine and water glasses, silver knives and forks and spoons, and candelabra, and white table clothes, of the Georgian style of London upper class dining.
Leadenhall Building is the tallest, triangular thing

Which all seems a bit peculiar if you consider the actual building itself - which is all steel and ballistic-proof glass and hailed as ultra-modern.

Down below somewhere, if you look at the skyline of all these new buildings in the City of London - down below near the Leadenhall Building somewhere - is the old Leadenhall Market which I showed you last week.

The Leadenhall Building is on the site of the old P&O premises designed by family connections of mine so I'll have to admit to the potential for prejudice. All the same, modern architecture conducted for the large trusts that bank pension and superannuation funds largely, is missing the elements of true modernity when it comes to actual modern life and lifestyle.
Koishimaru silk interior of a high end spa

If you compare what interior designers do for the high end luxury private spas around the globe, you will find not merely the usual 'modern-esque' commitment to simple and clear lines, but also the desire to be around luxurious textures, and emotional motifs. Today's expensive architecture of tall buildings on the other hand is really just an extension of Brutalism, and a fetish for certain materials - glass and steel and aluminium.
For me it is a wonder that so much money in the hands of mindless and talentless and artless committees can have stayed intact for so long - there is no possibility they are making the right decisions over the investment of those funds just as they are very far short of what modern technology and materials innovations and genuine architecture and design can do.

But then, there were also Pharaohs for a long time too, and it was only Shelley the poet who really put the final line under them two thousand year after they had already long died out!

Often, because we are living life, we neither see what we are looking at, nor comprehend what we are witnessing, nor do the ants themselves understand their own position. The ancient classical Sanskrit philosophers knew about ants - they wrote that every one of them thinks he alone is the King of Worlds. If it's not hydrogen embrittlement, it is Osama, and if not Osama, then some asteroid.

Asteroid? Did I say, 'asteroid?' Mistake, I'm sure. 

Sunday 24 May 2015

Some Back-grounding

I suppose, as far as everything that is publicly known goes, one could hardly go past Sydney Biddle Barrows to see who operates the naked masked parties filled with sexually available females - so long as the price is paid... A la 'Eyes Wide Shut' of course.

But my point today is, that the world progresses, too. It changes, goes forward, moves ahead and away from the motifs of the past.

So for this post I shall show a few scenes of the past, and ask readers to realize that these images no longer fit into the world as it is now. And yet, the propaganda lingers on in the popular conspiracy mindsets that are everywhere; even mainstream reporters joke about it.

This is the City of London Masonic Hall
the Latin above the architrave says 'Heard, Seen, Silent.' 
And so here we have the fairly typical Manly Hall astrology, the major star symbol, its effulgence, the ladder going up to it, the pillars, and so on.

The City of London is a place full of old and old-fashioned places and shapes - yet, they mostly all date to just after WWII, because everything was flattened in the War. 

It's May and the Chelsea Flower Show is on. I am not a great fan of this, it's a bit olde worlde for me - another thing that has this lingering attachment to a not so-great-past though one that has a reputation, if undeserved.
Leadenhall Market, London

But I do like Leadenhall Market inside the City of London - here you will also find flowers, especially at this time of year.

Leadenhall is old too, and makes a play of it oldness, but somehow for me, it never seems contrived nor pretentious.

I think Masonry and Illuminism is highly contrived and pretentious. But it attracts those who seek advantage through knowing powerful people who they assume to be in charge. Everyone wants to believe someone is in charge up there.

No one is.

I hear, I see, but I am not silent. No one is watching here though. I hope you were listening when the mainstream media announced that ISIS claims it can have a nuclear device within a year from Pakistan.

We're going to see a horrible, horrible set of events unfold and I'm not so sure the so-called 'power elite' have the foggiest clue where this will all end.

Too bad. And serves them jolly right too. 

After this 'backgrounder' we shall be moving back to the modern world in the next post here.

Friday 22 May 2015

And Now We Strike

In theory, around this time of the year - May - London should be bathed in sunshine. I've never seen the sun shining in London at any time myself, so I don't know whether the theory stands up in practice... : )

Here's a pic of the London that I know:
Outside the Stafford Hotel -
a nice, small place, but with some genuine style.

You may find some old gentlemen in here or hereabouts, who would have a copy of something Manly P. Hall somewhere. Up the road a little you will find Julian Assange, who could easily have a copy of Raynor Johnson too, or even Douglas Fawcett.

All revolutionaries no doubt, even whilst sipping their afternoon tea...

The super-duper wealthy elite, as Chris Hedges tells us, buy and sell these old places - such as the Stafford - at will and on a whim, apparently. They care little about culture and tradition, and even less for actual people. They are themselves of course, not people, but greedy people with no boundaries their egos cannot cross.
London Stafford 'gentleman's tea'

Not for them the dainties of high tea. They require more substantial fare after forking out a quarter of a billion for a rather nice modern art painting. And even Osama bin Laden, the Arab billionaire, required more than tea and biscuits after expending some money knocking down a couple of tall buildings in Manhattan - no, indeed. He, fed his mind on Manly Palmer Hall, the Rosicrucian. It's a gross mistake to characterize Hall as a mason, although he was known as one, considered one by others, called himself one... Hall was one of the very first in modern times to point to 'Illuminism' as possibly the name to call the secret and highly-placed power elite who conspiracy theorists like to say run the world.

Hall is only a mason the same way Sherlock Holmes was accepted by the dark crafters, or artists, as one...

Manly Hall is of course, as you will all know, required reading within the CIA.

Anyway, on to matters of tea. May/June is the season for cocktail parties among the wealthy elite. And I have been invited to some over the coming few weeks.

Now I don't know who the 'ruling elite of the world' actually are, myself, but I know there was only ever one Caesar, and that all the rest of the subsequent little 'Caesars' wanted what he had. 

'Let me say just this though, and let me make it perfectly clear -' (This was a favourite phrase of the now-deceased ex-Premier of New South Wales in Australia, the estimable Neville Wran). Caesar would not have been seen knocking down one or two buildings. Maybe the entire city of Washington, sure. Or Tel Aviv or both at the same time. 

You will not find MPH in my library, at any rate.

If you want to rule the world, you must lead. Not throw something and skulk away. Not that I am particularly criticizing bin Laden for skulking exactly. But neither was he ever any kind of revolutionary leader nor are any of the faceless men running the Big Five accountancies who are the ultimate Masonic chiefs - any kind of leader like Caesar was. Caesar Augustus is probably the patron saint, as it were, of accountants - he wants to take credit for everything and he definitely succeeded in marketing the idea that he was something special.

And when you look at the so-called tech and new economy billionaires these are not leaders either. Not in this way of political and social 'Pharos.' 

A real leader, in the modern era - today's era - most be able to franchise an idea. That is to say, have people be drawn by logic to a compelling new idea they themselves never saw before but know in their heart-of-hearts, is true and valuable and useful to them.

I say 'franchise,' because I don't think that, now, simply everyone can grasp what is necessary to comprehend about where we are all going and what it will look like there and what the power mechanisms will be.

Chris Hedges makes an extremely important point in some of his interviews and writings: 'it's not about the level of education of the criminals who have wrecked the world - it's not about educated people, it's about greedy people.'

Understanding the psychology of greedy people... is something Osama bin Laden would have been better advised looking into, than any mystical concepts either masons hold, or that the formation of the United States is based upon - whether simple freedom or liberty, or notions about democracy and endeavour and capitalism.

I think I am more dangerous than Osama bin Laden by many multiples.

I know how to pull the actual levers of the so-called 'super-wealthy elite or oligarchic rulers' rather than simply yanking on a chain you wrapped around their collective necks.

And so do you know how to do it, if you think about it...

Tuesday 19 May 2015

The May Queen

Next month, on the 24th of June, which is also known as Midsummer's Day - although this is not always the same day as the Summer Solstice (the day in which the sun stays up the longest)... 

Well anyway, on June 24, 2015, in Israel, 'Midburn' will be held. This is some kind of 'festival' during which a wooden figure of a man, will be set alight at the high point of events.
This is an absolutely genuine Summer
Solstice Priestess enacting something.

These days everyone thinks they know all about occult festivals and practices, and you have a quite large and still burgeoning group who class themselves as 'Wiccan,' a sort of English, in theory pagan, religion claimed to be similar to or in fact the same as, witchcraft. All the published and widely-read literature of Wicca stuff goes into a pseudo-anthropological history study that rationalizes various metaphors and costumes and many other things to do with witchcraft, or supposed to do with witchcraft - into explanations about ancient times when the bravest man donned a horned costume and chased cows over cliffs to kill them and thus provide food for the tribe, or when women chanted and performed dances of sympathetic magic to encourage crops to grow: 'round and round and round we go, the higher we jump the higher will grow..." And so on. You can read about it in serious and earnest tones everywhere.

The 'occult,' is well-known. Apparently.

These types of descriptions utterly disavow 'witches flying on brooms' and other magical and unscientific actions and phenomena.

A famous - or infamous if you are not ignorant - film came out in the Seventies, 'The Wicker Man,' which was a fairly sinister and eventually quite gruesome adult drama in which the male victim was captured and burned alive by supposedly a village of goddess-worshiping people, mostly women.

Now bearing in mind that Gerald Gardner had a house not very far from where I grew up in British Colonial Malaya, and he gave lectures for years at teachers training college's and the proto-university establishments there at the time - please assume that I am not entirely unfamiliar with what he really believed, as opposed to what he presented on the BBC. And that goes for his acolyte as well, Patricia Crowther.
A Princess... and perhaps
or Mayhaps, as it were...

Gardner was a well-known and credentialed anthropologist and the British Colonial Office had long held ideas about having various ethnic and cultural groups co-operate against anti-Empire and anti-democracy threats, like 'the Communists,' be they Marxist or later on Maoist.

Because of the British Colonial Secretary's - David Gurney's (well, in fact he was simply called the British High Commissioner - but he was de facto the head of government) strategic plans to create co-operation between the ethnic groups and their different cultures, Gardner's lectures and writings about particularly Oriental cultural practices and beliefs were treated with typical British love and respect for eccentricity as probably the highest form of intellect...

What Gardner and Crowther presented through BBC radio broadcasts were not exactly what they actually believed.

So anyway, let's move forward to Midburn.

Occult things are occult because virtually no member of the general public knows about them or understands the slightest genuine thing about them.

The Wicker Man, is, in own view, highly blasphemous to various systems of belief. It was made by Jewish writers and producers and is atheistic. And there is nothing at all wrong with being an atheist, but when you present ideology via an entertainment, but as if it represents some insight into someone else's religious beliefs, then I think it is extremely mischievous a thing to do if you're intentionally undermining someone's beliefs surreptitiously. 

Now, I'm going to give you something of a celebrity gossip/rumor item no one has ever said before in public, but which is nevertheless true all the same, and if all those 'Illuminati' (lol!) worriers and nutjobs knew this I suppose it would certainly be grist to their mills.

The performer Katy Perry is related to the Grand Witch, Gerald Gardner.

And what I'm trying to get to you is that what I'm about to say, you ought to observe very carefully indeed.

During the time when The Wicker Man first came out, obviously the newspaper reviews went into the possibility of double-meanings to do with the word 'Wicker.' The end result was that people tend to believe 'witches' are female, and men are not included in the proto-feminist ideology of the nature religion of Wicca, or are subservient both to 'witches' and the lone male figure of the Pan-like 'King Oberon' or Hernon or whatever you want to call it.

And now suddenly recently, there has been a huge and global 'Burning Man' festival culture, which lays claim to the pagan-istic witch culture itself, but is totally absent of any numinous identity that is accepted as real at all. You never see anything of the 'Mother Goddess' actually in any of the iterations of 'The Wicker man.' And this is entirely intentional. They mean to say no such thing exists and that actual witches are actually stupid and following non-existent things.

Now if we're talking ONLY about an atheistic organisation with no particular political agenda other than the establishment of sound rational and scientific bases for beliefs, then I have no problem - but that is not what is going on.

Over the next month I will highlight for you the items you will see in the media leading up to 'Midburn' and explain what they are really on about. 

Meanwhile, when it comes to real Witches, May is when the May Queen is crowned. And this is not something the 'mischievous people' are going to do. Right now, they are absorbed in destruction of the Venice Biennale, which has become an obscenity run by these same 'people with an agenda.' 

Thursday 14 May 2015

McChrystal's A Good Man

Did y'all see the interview of General Stanley McChrystal this morning on Bloomberg?

They gave him a hard time peppering him with questions from every corner and interrupting him all the time - I think it was a bit of a tongue-in-cheek ribbing for him to show that they were not intimidated by him, and he can take it. He's a good man with a good sense of humour. That's clear. 
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - nice helicopter.
Can carry Polonium 210.

Let me tell you about good armchair quarterbacks now - example: 'I know General McChrystal personally...'

I don't but you can and should know everything there is to know about a man like him from just any fifteen minute segment of anything he says. He's transparent. What's there to know? He's a good man. And an intelligent one. You might as well say you know him personally because all the key things you need to know about him are brilliantly obvious. He has a new book out called 'Team of Teams.' And it will be more than just fifteen minutes worth and because I like more of good things rather than less, I will be getting this book.

And now, to some more obscure things. Let's go back and say I'm that armchair quarterback once again. I'm not an operator (which is milspeak for a field operative).

So I don't know anything I'm not supposed to know from any particular confidential source.

My guess is that there is a hit out on someone in Saud. Not King Salman though because he is not the power; he's a front. I think there's a big, sophisticated, and well-funded hit.
Yemen is just a good place for a cover story.
And this is a portable universal ground control station
for a UAV.

Now, I never heard anything in nightclubs in Liechtenstein either nor in places where these contracts are offered. Somewhere, of course, there are experts in wall-digging, who are counting the theoretical money from having removed a few trinkets from Hatton Garden. Not to mention those with abundant glee from some source, enough to blow $200,000,000 for a nice Picasso. These types of people, although good at designing and building special task drones, would require a very good front story so that no one would ever find out who was really behind it.

And seeing as I have more or less pronounced the death sentence on someone, it is total fantasy on my part and the FBI need not bother about how I know these things in advance of them happening. I am a good guesser.

But what YOU do require to know, is what strategies you will be employing WHEN these things take final shape, and the lunacy of the Fed and all the cartel minions and the jerks in the White House wake up one fine morning to the DAWN OF A NEW DAY...

Tuesday 12 May 2015

'Promote,' 'Drive' but never Create...

Economic Growth.

If you look at just about every Google entry for 'economic growth' you will see that most commentators and even a large number of accountants parading as economists, refer to 'promoting' or 'driving' economic growth, but never actually creating any.
OECD headquarters is in Paris,
conveniently right next to where all the cafe society
and exciting nightlife is. How coincidental. 

It's not that they don't wish to sound like little gods - they do that kind of thing almost to a fault about every subject really; so it shouldn't trouble them here in this instance either.

Somehow you see, one is meant to think of economic growth as simply 'being here already' and either slightly run-down and in need of stimulation, or being taken command of, and driven around after a rub-down and polish.

Left Wing political parties around the world shy away from expounding any clever ideas about inspiring economic growth - and they stick to the mantra about Right Wing politics being the politics of hate and meanness, which are... But between the two sides, none of them throw anything out there as far as ideas for actually creating new economic growth pathways goes.

You see, 'economic growth' has a very specific technical definition: it means the average annual increase in the liquid value of a market asset. And so if you adjust the statistical base upon which you are announcing any figures, you can present a rising figure that depicts 'economic growth' even though everything is actually contracted in overall real value.

Now that doesn't overtly really happen in modern economies because critics will usually loudly complain about different sets of numbers that put whatever 'rising' number into the real context.

But what does happen, is a militant blindness about any lateral extension of the financial market bases.

Capitalization of carbon credits might in theory be a 'creation' of a unit or segment of economic growth - that's one example.

It's a weak economic driver though, and unlikely to generate monetary velocity, which is the real bane of today's governments whose tax receipts are all highly fragile as a percentage of GDP.
What drinks do which finance ministers
indulge in...? I do see Varoufakis, with his open-necked
Op-Shop shirts, as a martini man; no doubt about it.
He has style. And like all Greeks, can take risk.
Remember, Nick 'the Greek' Dandolo!

It's very risky to espouse new ideas about new economic growth segments - they might not work. And politicians are not interested in society or the community, they are interested in themselves, and the survival of their careers, and the continued support of their backers. Thus I genuinely believe we have reached the limit of what is beneficially possible for modern democracies; they have all reached their terminal failure measure. And all modern nation-states in the forms we have seen them will decline and fail or fall from here.

But economic growth is very possible for the individual. The individual has no such pressure to refrain from trying new ideas and courting failure to an educated extent.

Never before, has there been such enormous opportunity for the private individual to create new wealth and to grow it for him or herself.

However did this exotic and seductive idea get into our closed minds?  

Monday 11 May 2015

'Seymour, How'd You Get In Here?!'

Is there any point? There's no point really. As I posted in the month that bin Laden was supposed to have been killed in Abbottabad, Russian KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov's famous words about propaganda and its hold of the mind of the US populace: 'you cannot change their opinions even if you confront them with authentic facts.'

Seymour Hersh is no noir detective yarn's femme fatale dame turning up in unexplained ways inside the detective's office late in the evening. That's for sure.
View from the Hotel d'Angleterre next to
Lake Geneva - Jesse's Cafe Americain
does a lot of Swiss scenes too...!

He's years late in his story that is now being given a lot of media coverage - the whole wild tale about SEAL Team whatever-it-was was openly ridiculed by everyone from Jesse Ventura to, I suppose, me at the time it was all meant to have been happening.

And you all know that I have been saying for years and years - long before his supposed 'death- - the identity called 'Osama bin Laden' was in Pakistan.

Short of alien reptilians, the worst of the conspiracy theories that you have ever heard... falls far short of the truth. 

Seymour Hersh is completely correct of course. And I personally think he has pretty decent sources very fully authenticated and 'secured' by now. Someone funded and resourced with manpower and given the brief to 'prove' something to a public standard, is bound to have their reports take a bit longer to get out than whatever scuttlebutt rapidly reaches the general rumor-mill. And that's all there is to it. Hersh is not an establishment figure, and he has no ulterior motive. He's a journalist.

I don't myself deal in mere rumor either though - I go more along the pathway indicated by Bezmenov, namely that there are authentic facts already out there but people are not alert to them and often deny their reality out of hubris.

It's like 'everyone's' opinion of marzipan: they hate the stuff. It's bitter, deceptively pretty, expensive, and, horrible-tasting. Except that's not marzipan they're tasting. Importers love to say the stuff travels well, but it's actually among the worst food 'travelers' known.
Marzipan direct from a maker in Switzerland is
stunningly, bizarrely different from anything you
have tasted before.

What most people have experienced therefore, is stale marzipan. And so all marzipan gets a dismal reputation.

Barack Obama is not an orator - but somehow the media and the major press players all seemed to be convinced from the start that he was 'an orator.'

In today's world of banking and finance, there are authentic facts out there, but if you went by the general media, Wall Street is the heart of all money, and ZIRP is the benchmark market rate for money. And nothing percent is the benchmark ROR via dividends, although a limitless era of annual capital gains nevertheless attends these conditions. In other words, things go up without a Saturn V engine, and they break through the Karman Line by absolute fiat. There are no underlying drivers and there need not be.
Geneva, a nice quiet place, full of secrets. And chocolate,
and marzipan.

And the immorality of the Fed is justified by the ever-upward performance of the DJIA.

No analysts are required. Mathematics, and geometry are irrelevant.

But why does it all taste so bitter in the mouth?

Personally, I love marzipan. 

Thursday 7 May 2015

The Wallpaper Life

Let us forget, for a while, all of the problems of the world, and open the newspapers and absorb the immediate media cycle, and see if we can find some bright ideas, and some entertaining items...

Nope. I cannot.

And I suppose my own well-tried default, whenever in this position, is usually to fall back on food, and drink.

I must make a slight confession in that I have become rather comfortable with the progress of one particular business venture that is on-going with me. I have several on the go at the moment, all related although separate as actual businesses.

In this feeling of comfort, it is more the ambiance of life that interests me, rather than the substance or real content. I want a kind of 'wallpaper lifestyle' right now...

I guess I've become more than just a little bit of a recluse too; not genuinely one, more like, what do they call it now - 'the closed-in Millennials?' Well of course I am clearly not so young as to really be one, but I have always been a fashion dilettante and I think I am happy to fall in step with the nouvelle vague.

Even so, life in my world is not the bright sunshine of very high speed driver-sim computer games, nor the dark dystopia of 'Halo' wargaming on an 'alien software' PC.

I have decided that life in my world - regardless of whatever happens in the outside world - is going to be something of an 'invisible gated estate.' Something like a sepia detective fantasy - not entirely black or dark, but at least, shadowy, or in twilight. Not noir; that's too austere for me - I like color in the femme fatale's dresses:

All the doors are locked, and Mike Hammer or Sam Spade can sense the violets (which would mean an Orris root butter base in an expensive perfume, probably) even before one of them enters the private office. I could go on, but it just means the detective is not totally surprised by the presence of the hot blonde dame in his office.

"How did you get in here?"

"I came down the chimney - ho, ho, ho.' She answers, in a slow sardonic drawl.

"So waddya want?" I ask (that is, Mike Hammer does).

"My employer has a most intriguing proposition for you."

 (To Be Continued...)

Saturday 2 May 2015

A Superior Win

American Pharoah beat good horses to win this year's Run For The Roses at Churchill Downs.

The horse's name is officially spelled 'pharoah' although usually, the word 'pharaoh' is spelled with an 'ao.'
A strong horse with a decisive galloping action -
Kentucky Derby winner American Pharoah.

This was one of the most dominant displays I have witnessed. The winner traveled three and four wide from the extreme outside barrier (one-in, though, to barrier '17' with a scratching before the race), and yet kept complete cover over the fast leaders at every step and around every sweeping curve.

The placegetters were by no means tiring at the end themselves but the winner climbed all over them with seeming ease.

It was a remarkable win.

I don't like to tip fairly short-priced near favorites in a packed field long distance race, but this horse was always going to be difficult to beat, even though this year's field was strong and the eventual race run very true to previous form.

One thing that stands out to seasoned race followers is the dismal performances of the horses that usually run in Dubai - where there is no betting allowed, and possibly as a result, where the competition is not as fierce as it is elsewhere.
Alcohol and roses,
and wood and mint and silk... What's missing?

Money is a leveler or an equalizer in that sense. And you have to draw that lesson out of these events as far as market investing and just plain domestic economics and street economics goes right now. Banks are effectively, running in the equivalent of the Dubai Cup... Which is fundamentally a race for amateurs.

No alcohol, no gambling, no scantily-clad women. Seems like a world of castrated pharaohs, to me!

Cloning Of Winners

There was this horse once, you know... It was called Shergar. And it was one of the most wondrous racehorses ever. The IRA took it and, according to all the official accounts, both of what was left of the IRA itself and the Irish police department, Shergar was killed and its body burned and buried somewhere in Ireland -  and no trace of it has ever been found.
Shergar wins the Epsom by a record margin in a canter

I suppose one of the greatest surprises of Ed Snowden's expose thus far, is that there has been nothing related to any of the more 'out there' covert programs that are supposed - by the usual speculators - to be in active operation. Sure his work is mainly to do with meta data, but within that framework there have still been able to be some military or strategic political programs exposed too - such as the Five Eyes spying agreement with the governments of New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, and the United Kingdom. 

But no aliens, flying saucers, or any of that other usual 'out there/X file' stuff.

No cloning stuff...


Me personally? On one level, when I think Shergar, I think muslims. And cloning.

Of course, when I think Saudi's, I think London, and even Hatton Garden... And wherever that leads back to. 

Funny thing about horse racing - when you see the evidence of past performances, in hindsight, it should have been a 'certainty' that 'such-and-such' a horse wins this or that big race. But it never is beforehand because gamblers - people on the outside looking in - can never believe what is right in front of their own eyes. People want evidence. But then they also have a floating view of what evidence really is and once they actually have evidence or proof, let's say, what they want next is money as an entitlement to bet on the certainty; in other words, they are on the inside and still they want to be on another 'inside' further along yet again. The 'inside,' is a never-ending horizon. 

But that is still only viewing things from the 'outsider's perspective.' 

Carlyle Group backed Obama. 

And the Carlyle Group, is the inside. Or part of the inside.
When you already have everything,
you get cut flowers!

The question is, how far ahead of popular knowledge, is the inside, and how much absolute control, is the inside elite actually wielding...? Well, it's absolute, isn't it?

They already have absolute political power and they are the inside. So how much further inside then, do they feel they want to go to next?

The question is, what are they planning next - as the next objective? Not, what are they doing now.

People want evidence and proof but they already have a track record to go on.