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Sunday 24 May 2015

Some Back-grounding

I suppose, as far as everything that is publicly known goes, one could hardly go past Sydney Biddle Barrows to see who operates the naked masked parties filled with sexually available females - so long as the price is paid... A la 'Eyes Wide Shut' of course.

But my point today is, that the world progresses, too. It changes, goes forward, moves ahead and away from the motifs of the past.

So for this post I shall show a few scenes of the past, and ask readers to realize that these images no longer fit into the world as it is now. And yet, the propaganda lingers on in the popular conspiracy mindsets that are everywhere; even mainstream reporters joke about it.

This is the City of London Masonic Hall
the Latin above the architrave says 'Heard, Seen, Silent.' 
And so here we have the fairly typical Manly Hall astrology, the major star symbol, its effulgence, the ladder going up to it, the pillars, and so on.

The City of London is a place full of old and old-fashioned places and shapes - yet, they mostly all date to just after WWII, because everything was flattened in the War. 

It's May and the Chelsea Flower Show is on. I am not a great fan of this, it's a bit olde worlde for me - another thing that has this lingering attachment to a not so-great-past though one that has a reputation, if undeserved.
Leadenhall Market, London

But I do like Leadenhall Market inside the City of London - here you will also find flowers, especially at this time of year.

Leadenhall is old too, and makes a play of it oldness, but somehow for me, it never seems contrived nor pretentious.

I think Masonry and Illuminism is highly contrived and pretentious. But it attracts those who seek advantage through knowing powerful people who they assume to be in charge. Everyone wants to believe someone is in charge up there.

No one is.

I hear, I see, but I am not silent. No one is watching here though. I hope you were listening when the mainstream media announced that ISIS claims it can have a nuclear device within a year from Pakistan.

We're going to see a horrible, horrible set of events unfold and I'm not so sure the so-called 'power elite' have the foggiest clue where this will all end.

Too bad. And serves them jolly right too. 

After this 'backgrounder' we shall be moving back to the modern world in the next post here.

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