Here's a pic of the London that I know:
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Outside the Stafford Hotel - a nice, small place, but with some genuine style. |
All revolutionaries no doubt, even whilst sipping their afternoon tea...
The super-duper wealthy elite, as Chris Hedges tells us, buy and sell these old places - such as the Stafford - at will and on a whim, apparently. They care little about culture and tradition, and even less for actual people. They are themselves of course, not people, but greedy people with no boundaries their egos cannot cross.
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London Stafford 'gentleman's tea' |
Not for them the dainties of high tea. They require more substantial fare after forking out a quarter of a billion for a rather nice modern art painting. And even Osama bin Laden, the Arab billionaire, required more than tea and biscuits after expending some money knocking down a couple of tall buildings in Manhattan - no, indeed. He, fed his mind on Manly Palmer Hall, the Rosicrucian. It's a gross mistake to characterize Hall as a mason, although he was known as one, considered one by others, called himself one... Hall was one of the very first in modern times to point to 'Illuminism' as possibly the name to call the secret and highly-placed power elite who conspiracy theorists like to say run the world.
Hall is only a mason the same way Sherlock Holmes was accepted by the dark crafters, or artists, as one...
Manly Hall is of course, as you will all know, required reading within the CIA.
Anyway, on to matters of tea. May/June is the season for cocktail parties among the wealthy elite. And I have been invited to some over the coming few weeks.
Now I don't know who the 'ruling elite of the world' actually are, myself, but I know there was only ever one Caesar, and that all the rest of the subsequent little 'Caesars' wanted what he had.
'Let me say just this though, and let me make it perfectly clear -' (This was a favourite phrase of the now-deceased ex-Premier of New South Wales in Australia, the estimable Neville Wran). Caesar would not have been seen knocking down one or two buildings. Maybe the entire city of Washington, sure. Or Tel Aviv or both at the same time.
You will not find MPH in my library, at any rate.
If you want to rule the world, you must lead. Not throw something and skulk away. Not that I am particularly criticizing bin Laden for skulking exactly. But neither was he ever any kind of revolutionary leader nor are any of the faceless men running the Big Five accountancies who are the ultimate Masonic chiefs - any kind of leader like Caesar was. Caesar Augustus is probably the patron saint, as it were, of accountants - he wants to take credit for everything and he definitely succeeded in marketing the idea that he was something special.
And when you look at the so-called tech and new economy billionaires these are not leaders either. Not in this way of political and social 'Pharos.'
A real leader, in the modern era - today's era - most be able to franchise an idea. That is to say, have people be drawn by logic to a compelling new idea they themselves never saw before but know in their heart-of-hearts, is true and valuable and useful to them.
I say 'franchise,' because I don't think that, now, simply everyone can grasp what is necessary to comprehend about where we are all going and what it will look like there and what the power mechanisms will be.
Chris Hedges makes an extremely important point in some of his interviews and writings: 'it's not about the level of education of the criminals who have wrecked the world - it's not about educated people, it's about greedy people.'
Understanding the psychology of greedy people... is something Osama bin Laden would have been better advised looking into, than any mystical concepts either masons hold, or that the formation of the United States is based upon - whether simple freedom or liberty, or notions about democracy and endeavour and capitalism.
I think I am more dangerous than Osama bin Laden by many multiples.
I know how to pull the actual levers of the so-called 'super-wealthy elite or oligarchic rulers' rather than simply yanking on a chain you wrapped around their collective necks.
And so do you know how to do it, if you think about it...
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