Well anyway, on June 24, 2015, in Israel, 'Midburn' will be held. This is some kind of 'festival' during which a wooden figure of a man, will be set alight at the high point of events.
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This is an absolutely genuine Summer Solstice Priestess enacting something. |
These days everyone thinks they know all about occult festivals and practices, and you have a quite large and still burgeoning group who class themselves as 'Wiccan,' a sort of English, in theory pagan, religion claimed to be similar to or in fact the same as, witchcraft. All the published and widely-read literature of Wicca stuff goes into a pseudo-anthropological history study that rationalizes various metaphors and costumes and many other things to do with witchcraft, or supposed to do with witchcraft - into explanations about ancient times when the bravest man donned a horned costume and chased cows over cliffs to kill them and thus provide food for the tribe, or when women chanted and performed dances of sympathetic magic to encourage crops to grow: 'round and round and round we go, the higher we jump the higher will grow..." And so on. You can read about it in serious and earnest tones everywhere.
The 'occult,' is well-known. Apparently.
These types of descriptions utterly disavow 'witches flying on brooms' and other magical and unscientific actions and phenomena.
A famous - or infamous if you are not ignorant - film came out in the Seventies, 'The Wicker Man,' which was a fairly sinister and eventually quite gruesome adult drama in which the male victim was captured and burned alive by supposedly a village of goddess-worshiping people, mostly women.
Now bearing in mind that Gerald Gardner had a house not very far from where I grew up in British Colonial Malaya, and he gave lectures for years at teachers training college's and the proto-university establishments there at the time - please assume that I am not entirely unfamiliar with what he really believed, as opposed to what he presented on the BBC. And that goes for his acolyte as well, Patricia Crowther.
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A Princess... and perhaps or Mayhaps, as it were... |
Gardner was a well-known and credentialed anthropologist and the British Colonial Office had long held ideas about having various ethnic and cultural groups co-operate against anti-Empire and anti-democracy threats, like 'the Communists,' be they Marxist or later on Maoist.
Because of the British Colonial Secretary's - David Gurney's (well, in fact he was simply called the British High Commissioner - but he was de facto the head of government) strategic plans to create co-operation between the ethnic groups and their different cultures, Gardner's lectures and writings about particularly Oriental cultural practices and beliefs were treated with typical British love and respect for eccentricity as probably the highest form of intellect...
What Gardner and Crowther presented through BBC radio broadcasts were not exactly what they actually believed.
So anyway, let's move forward to Midburn.
Occult things are occult because virtually no member of the general public knows about them or understands the slightest genuine thing about them.
The Wicker Man, is, in own view, highly blasphemous to various systems of belief. It was made by Jewish writers and producers and is atheistic. And there is nothing at all wrong with being an atheist, but when you present ideology via an entertainment, but as if it represents some insight into someone else's religious beliefs, then I think it is extremely mischievous a thing to do if you're intentionally undermining someone's beliefs surreptitiously.
Now, I'm going to give you something of a celebrity gossip/rumor item no one has ever said before in public, but which is nevertheless true all the same, and if all those 'Illuminati' (lol!) worriers and nutjobs knew this I suppose it would certainly be grist to their mills.
The performer Katy Perry is related to the Grand Witch, Gerald Gardner.
And what I'm trying to get to you is that what I'm about to say, you ought to observe very carefully indeed.
During the time when The Wicker Man first came out, obviously the newspaper reviews went into the possibility of double-meanings to do with the word 'Wicker.' The end result was that people tend to believe 'witches' are female, and men are not included in the proto-feminist ideology of the nature religion of Wicca, or are subservient both to 'witches' and the lone male figure of the Pan-like 'King Oberon' or Hernon or whatever you want to call it.
And now suddenly recently, there has been a huge and global 'Burning Man' festival culture, which lays claim to the pagan-istic witch culture itself, but is totally absent of any numinous identity that is accepted as real at all. You never see anything of the 'Mother Goddess' actually in any of the iterations of 'The Wicker man.' And this is entirely intentional. They mean to say no such thing exists and that actual witches are actually stupid and following non-existent things.
Now if we're talking ONLY about an atheistic organisation with no particular political agenda other than the establishment of sound rational and scientific bases for beliefs, then I have no problem - but that is not what is going on.
Over the next month I will highlight for you the items you will see in the media leading up to 'Midburn' and explain what they are really on about.
Meanwhile, when it comes to real Witches, May is when the May Queen is crowned. And this is not something the 'mischievous people' are going to do. Right now, they are absorbed in destruction of the Venice Biennale, which has become an obscenity run by these same 'people with an agenda.'
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