In physics, a thing 'exists' only if it is necessary to describe an observation.
Thus, 'infinity' does not exist. Not in physics.
Yes we can talk about it meaningfully, we can discuss it - but it does not actually 'exist' as far as the frames of technical understandings go, in physics.
You see, if you play a laser light from side to side, theoretically, the 'end line' will widen, the further in distance the photons travel, but taking the exact same time to go from end to end (against, say, a hypothetical wall also travelling out there in space further, further, further away into the distance with the laser beam), until, 'in fact,' at some point, the retreating 'end wall line' of the photon beam must be travelling faster than the speed of light; which is impossible.
And, in any case we cannot 'observe' that point when the photons at that distant 'end' of the beam start to have to go faster than the speed of light.
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Breathe - yes, vagus system idea; we'll get to that soon... |
So - infinity does not 'exist' in physics. We cannot observe it, and so there is nothing 'necessary' for its existence.
Because many people - such as kp I would suggest - require evidence of various different things all the time, what we can say, going back to the Kuntao/Kung Fu 'barber pole' exercise, is that, as your palm is facing upwards, outwards, it 'has' nothing in it; there is nothing there 'in it,' or that it is 'holding.'
So now, going back to the exercise, here you are standing, with feet together, left arm up, palm upwards, held outward to 'nothing.'
This time, I want you to have your right arm extended a little forward from your body, palm still outward, facing upward, or at least, facing toward, or at, the horizon from where you stand.
Up above your head, the left palm is like a person standing, holding something aloft, although we know he is holding nothing.
Up up up through the empty air, higher up, there could be clouds - but these are really nothing and you are certainly not holding them.
Beyond these, very much higher still, there is the stratosphere, and then the end of the biosphere, and then, there could be the vivid bright shining moon up there, as you are maybe standing, outside in the late evening, or even in the nighttime.
Beyond that, there is the end of the Earth's magnetosphere, which helps the world avoid too much radiation from the Sun. Although of course at nighttime, you are not 'palm facing' that part of the magnetosphere.
Beyond that, there could be the asteroid belt, and then some planets, like Jupiter and Neptune.
Beyond that, you are going beyond the Solar System, and into deep empty space even towards the next star.
There is still nothing there. Your right palm is playing side to side, across the point of the horizon before you on the planet here.
Above you, there is nothing, correct, kp? All the way through to the next star, and now, even beyond that too. The further away an object with a magnetic field with a north and a south pole, is -, the more it takes on the appearance of a dipole.
Naturally, by this time sure, the nothing that is in some kind of 'line' perpendicular to how you are standing with the left arm held upwards, is possibly 'somewhere' close to where the 'infinity' moment of that laser beam we had proposed earlier, is now travelling faster than the speed of light - an impossibility.
None of this is real, it does not exist, and especially, it does not exist in physics.
Butterflies, using their kind of photo-receptors, see ultra-violet light, and, they also produce ultra-violet light so that male butterflies are able to 'see' female butterflies, but predators are not (able to see either of them).
With their Vogel's organs, they can 'hear' frequencies in ways which we cannot - and this has been tested scientifically with Doppler vibrometry.
Close your extended-out, right hand, forming a fist.
How do you feel?
Open your hand again, going back to its first position that you had been holding.
How does that feel?
Do it again, make the fist so that you are maybe going to hit someone, or at least not be 'open hearted' to them.
How does it feel in your 'heart?' You know, that place where you imagine (because none of this is actually real, right, kp?), that you care for the human race, or for some people in it - or for your pet...
Now here is what all the idiots all over the internet and simply just about everywhere will not tell you and it is because they simply do not know -
If there is more or less nothing flowing through your body, then fine.
So you know, neutrinos, blah blah blah - electrically neutral, 'rest mass' so small was once thought to be zero, et cetera. 'Weak' force, short range, 'elementary particle...' But somehow, they 'are so numerous throughout the Cosmos that they can have gravitational force which effects other matter.'
Yeah, yeah. Right. Whatever.
We live lives here, which, due to necessities of life created by human social and economic structures, cause people to lose who they are, and replace that first reality with masks. And then, they become so attached to the masks, these become who they are.What makes you or anyone think, that just because the weather outside is okay right now, that it always is like that? You don't even think that, as soon as you spend a second actually thinking about it.
So the 'nothing' you have in your upward raised left palm, the nothing held in your hand - that's because you don't do this often, and never until now with any purpose... ...that nothing is only there because 'the weather is fine outside.'
And then sometimes, rarely, people get hit by lightning. Because what makes anyone think the 'neutrino ocean' is some kind of Pacific, pleasant, always-exactly-the-same, place. Or that, there are no pirate's ships sailing in there.
So upper hand extended toward the firmament, lower hand facing the horizon, and when you rotate around look down toward your opposite foot, the lower hand rotates with you as well?
ReplyDeleteSo you make a fist with your lower hand, while keeping the upper hand palm out?
Will you stop being thick?! LOL This time you don't rotate, maybe I should have been more explicit.
ReplyDeleteYes. Think about the love of your life... And close your fist. And then, open it out again.
We'll get to the vagus stuff next stop. But you can already see there are other nerves, nerve pathways that have kinda similar things going on to what the vagus system does.
What is the difference in the internal sensations, between the open palm and the closed fist?
ReplyDeleteNo difference!
ReplyDeleteAll athletes, can feel when they constrict the flow of blood somewhere, by tightening some set of muscles. If you have no such capacity of internal interoception, it is unlikely for you to be able to 'hold' sufficient of the total range of sensory data inputs, CONSCIOUSLY, that will permit the kind of 'super soldier' idea that people like Colonel Nick Rowe tried to instill in his trainees.
ReplyDeleteThus, as in the movie, I was going to ask, what color was the grass on which you were standing when you were doing all of this...
I was standing on an old oak floor in an attic. I wasn't making a very tight fist or trying to feel the change in blood pressure. That seems like a good thing to do.
ReplyDeleteWhat I did notice is the eye lights became quite a bit more vivid. Probably total coincidence. It's interesting to move the eyes back and forth while doing this and notice how the lights don't change. And then to move the lights, which can predominate on the left or right, across the field.
Breathe in when standing normally upright, and out through your pursed lips when rotating around.