A very interesting sentence in Jon Ronson's movie - and I'm not sure if he wrote it or the screen-writer Peter Straughan added it after the basic script - is this one, supposedly something that was written by the head honcho leading the weirdo 'Jedi' army unit, Bill Django (I'm not sure what rank Django is supposed to have in the flick; it isn't all that clear to me).
"Significant people who have changed the world like Jesus Christ (yeah, that's okay...), Lao-Tse Tung (Huh??), and Walt Disney..."
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Clooney's coffee machine. Nice. We want one, right, Bill? |
One of the problems that I have with movies like this (which I kinda still liked) is that those who are being attributed as the creators - Jon Ronson/Straughan - were not even born when any of the events really took place at the start. The movie itself claims things happened after the Vietnam War, whereas I personally know they started before the Korean War, and were 'expanded upon' quite seriously after that war. Moreover, one of those Ronson says was a technical contributor - Guy Savelli - was active at a much earlier point than claimed, because he could not have 'suddenly' acquired the proposed skills that he had when Colonel John B. Alexander recruited him first, supposedly in the Eighties; it does not take fifteen minutes to become a master in Kuntao.
But let me go back to the sentence quoted (or very roughly quoted, anyway). Yeah okay, JC. Right.
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This is one of the people who taught me personally - Dr Chan Hon Chung. |
But there is a problem with 'Lao-Tse Tung.' And the problem is not that there is no such person, but that it obviously is a blend of Lao-Tse, and Mao-Tse Tung. The movie stresses the obvious humor entailed, but really misses the point completely. Worse still, I have said many times here what the association of the Walt Disney organization was with the 'counter-insurgency' programs in South East Asia.
Ronson is getting his material from somewhere that he doesn't understand any of its real import...
Lao-Tse is 'good,' and 'white' and Mao-Tse is 'evil' and 'black.' And the blend of the two, is exactly the very iconic 'Taoist Yin-Yang' symbology we all know well.
Lao-Tse may not even have really existed. He could be a total Chinese myth. Who knows?
Mao-Tse tung killed millions. He was very real - and very Yang.
Walt Disney, I'm afraid, is not a 'joke' in this context at all. Who would have known that group was intimately involved with the US Defense Science Board's counterinsurgency programs all over the world? The movie makes the addition of his name in the context of the other two a kind of a gauche joke on behalf of a drug-addled 'Bill Django' character.
There is nothing 'funny' about the sentence.
Oh well, yes of course it is funny, on one level, but it's also far beyond just 'serious' on a deeper level. It is profoundly and purposefully instructive.
It's pointless looking this up on-line; it's mostly all rubbish.
There is absolutely no real or formal connection whatsoever between Indonesian 'Silat' and 'Kuntao.'
Silat comes from a Turkic 'grappling' discipline brought over by sea-faring traders from the Middle East.
Kuntao... ...is the oldest known Chinese martial art, older by far than Shaolin Kung Fu, and with written historical records of the word dating far far earlier than any of either Wu Shu or Shaolin.
Kuntao - is the Tao. From some impossibly distant misty history rooted back into the myths and legends of Lao-Tse. Its purpose - is supernaturalism, and immortality.
...So if you want to know how come ET Aliens went down into the jungles of North Malaysia and gathered together a bunch of little kids, it's because we were all students of Hokkien Kuntao masters and female practitioners.
And that includes the johnny-come-lately Guy Savelli. You cannot learn 'Kuntao' from anywhere except either Penang or Taiping Malaysia - and that is where Savelli learned. It was wiped out in Fujian Province by Mao, and those who knew it left there to go further South in Asia.
It's highly secretive and kept within family clans. Which likely means, Savelli is not necessarily a genuine family-taught practitioner.
Furthermore, where would there be Chinese people teaching this openly after the Islamic conquest of Malaysia in the late 1960's?!
No such thing.
Savelli was trained 'in-house' by the CIA.
I have never made any secret of that fact that I come from a family with an unbroken history inside China of now, over two hundreds at least.
And now, something that I promised re actual ET Aliens...
ET Aliens... ...have genetic catalogs of characteristics.
Massive, more or less virtually complete (don't ask what that means) human genetic catalogs.
So keep this right up in the front of your mind from now on, and for ever afterwards. And when you say 'I want to see -' who is the 'I' that you want to have do the seeing? Is it your toenail that you clipped off this morning? Or the 'I' inside the body in the big glass tube somewhere a few lights years away?
So want to meet and see an ET Alien.
Let's start with some 'crawling exercises.'
Look at these pics. Here is the best one that I could find, that shows more or less 'the right way to do it.' Except your feet need to be closer together.
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Feet should be close together. Otherwise, exactly right. Now, twist, and twist, and twist. LOL |
We'll talk about the 'breathing' thing later on, but for now, when you stand straight, feet together, you stick one hand (your left one; you can alternate later) palm facing up and out, up like in the pic, and you position your other hand palm facing downwards, and with your four fingers straight out, but pointing at (towards) your waist. This is the 'barber's pole' (Lacey Bros called it that) exercise.
Now you just twist your upper body around, so that you are able to see with your eyes, the opposite outside of the foot, the other side from where your down-facing palm started. In other words, you start standing straight, left arm up, right arm down and held to your right side; and then, twist, twist, twist around with your eyes seeking for the left foot's outer edge.
Difficult? Not if you've been doing it for a while, and in any event, this is the target - your goal, what you are aiming at doing. And then of course, you can alternate arms and twist around in the other direction; it's good for 'spin reflex...'
Everything in Kung Fu has at least two meanings simultaneously, often many meanings.
So, your left arm, with palm facing upward and outward, is there to ward off a blow coming from ahead of you and above you... Correct?
Good. Good.
You've got it.
Try it though. Try it a few times.
Now. Someone tell me, from the genius level Jon Ronson Hollywood movie, or from any source that you know of, what this all has to do with ET Aliens...?
First try the movement though, okay. Tell me you can do it. At least up to a point, anyway.
I'll wait for the comments to come in first.
Boston - music in the movie... ; )))
So when you're looking for your left foot you are then looking down through the space between your body and your right arm? or around the outside of your right arm? Lots harder to look around the outside, maybe not the kind of contortion you're going for, or is it? I'm going to look through the inside space for now. This is a comfortable stretch but definitely a little work.
ReplyDeleteI would say that a "complete" genetic catalog would be like what the mathematicians call a basis or generating set for a space. So enough to be able to recreate any body that could exist, supposing you could do such a thing.
Before I try the exercise I just want to say...WOW! She is amazing! She re-imagined one of my favorite songs in such a brilliant way! The talent that exists in this world is pretty mind boggling to me. Thank you.
ReplyDelete1. Sponge Rob. The song - this IS the main music 'idea'/track in the movie 'The Men Who Stare At Goats.' One of the characters, says that he likes the music of the group 'Boston.' This is in context of something he is saying about the vibration of emotions and so on. Something like that anyway. And oh yeah, what an amazing talent. You are so right - the talent that exists in the world is simply mind-boggling. And the amazing thing is, so often, those who have talent, are utterly not self-conscious about it.
ReplyDelete1.(a) Kp. Yes, THROUGH the space - you're looking downwards, so I think it's way too hard to go OUTSIDE of your arm. I mean, the idea is it's a decent stretching thing, combined with a fairly natural reflex action of protection that can be 'grooved in.' But it isn't intended to be impossible. It's difficult if someone is very out of condition.
1.(b). 'enough to recreate any body that could exist.' And oh you can do such a thing all right.