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Friday 12 February 2021

Staring At Coffee Machines


'Bill Smith.'

Who's that on the left in the pic, there, Bill?

Bill...? LOL - Who dis?

...It's gettin' to that point, boys and girls, where we will just have to 'leak' out, a bit more than what the 'they' that apparently runs everything, would want to have happen.

Just remember the phrase that I have slipped out there, in different places as well as here: 'Dead Pool.'

Now you all know that the outright deaths will increase around March/April, especially in California, where this new mutation has emerged which is quite a few iterations away from the original Covid-19 strain.

So there's nothing particularly sinister about saying people are going to die.

I mean just look at all the old people that have already died just this year and it's still only the first month and a half!

What we need to do is live our lives in style - true style.

Chambolle-Musingy Premier Cru
Pinot Noir: 'Burgundy.'

We need nothing but the best. The best coffee, the best cognac, the best wines, the best food, the best friends...

It's been a lot of years since I have opened a bottle of ay-shay-so with anyone in anger.

That's what we all need to do now, in this year, seeing that the Chinese New Year has been celebrated, and in three days, the Lantern Festival (I love the Lantern Festival...).

We need to wave a decent bottle of Cote de Nuits about in anger with some good people, who could become friends after that bottle.

Yes, those kinds of evenings could easily become quite 'Chambolle'-ic. LOL

But then, you just fire up the George Clooney cappuccino machine and everything is right as rain.

A little side-note that you all should just keep in mind, when you watch and listen to, either the standard mainstream 'news' or the alternative media voices - you take Dr. Steve Pieczenik, or Jerome Corsi - what you are dealing with are the public faces of a professional, deliberate 'drum-beat' mechanism.

These people are part of organized apparatuses, and so if you expect a 'report' of a fact from any of them, sometimes, what you get is 'astro-turfing' or preparing the groundwork for something that other people are working on to get to happen.

Sometimes, sure, you also get the reporting of facts. But in every instance, it is also significant what all of them leave out, even when they report facts.

These guys from Renmark South Australia
have the 100+ year old barriques. Best brandy you
can buy for the money.

What you need to watch out for, is the direction that is being taken in what they say.

'Knowing' something for certain, for real, is different from thinking that you know, even if you are using really leading-edge AI.

People like Bill Gates and Google and the Borg who are the 'they' trying to control everything -, they 'think that they know what you're thinking.' And, they presume to know what will happen next.

Gates is looking a bit sickly, to me. What do you think?

If you make a prediction there is always an error rate. I'm not making a prediction. I'm telling you, he looks not too well.


  1. I'm thinking that Sgt. Cassady's haircut is not regulation.

    Seriously, though - are there any remote viewers who are currently publishing accurate information? For example, on another discussion board, someone posted a prediction by a remote viewer that the price of silver would briefly hit US$800 soon, then settle at US$500.

    But is this really "remote viewing"? Sounds more like fortune telling.


  2. 'Bill' is still out in the field somewhere. I haven't been able to talk to him for a day. He's due in around about very soon. But I'll try and get him to say who that looks like. It's an absolute dead-set carbon copy of 'moi!' LOLOLOL. They've got the bent nose and everything. I look okay left profile, right profile is exactly that what you see - seriously, might as well be a pic of me there. It's from the movie I was mentioning, of course: 'The Men Who Stare...' et cetera. Never had stared at any goats though, personally.

    'Remote viewing' is the common popular and slightly misleading description of what really went on, which is high altitude photographic (analysis, partly) INTERPRETATION.

    I've never been a believer in those kinds of predictions.

    There seem to be far too many people talking about 'remote viewing' who are talking about something different from what was going on in the research units even from what we know about publicly. To 'target' something like a future price movement is a few steps up from just trying to intuit deeply what another person IS looking at or what already does exist as a shape or a place.

    Additionally, this underscores exactly what I was trying to explain - how do you GUARANTEE the motives of WHOEVER you are dealing with, communicating with, or interacting with? What's the penalty if one side lies and is found out...? Or is there some other process possible?

    1. The penalty for misuse is that you continue to be the same crappy creature you were before. From the other side, you can't guarantee the motives unless you are the one pulling the others' strings in some way, in which case you are back at the point of continuing to be the same creature. Finding that the other is "lying" makes little difference to the other, and will only help you to do things that make you continue to be the same creature you were before.

      But there are alternatives!

      For a good month I've been doing breathing exercises, 35 minutes per sesh, twice per day. Forget about the "Californians," or the vedic folks, or chakras, or breathing without making noise. All the bullshit about magical energy or whatever, whether true or not. breath in for 3 counts, hold for 21 counts, breath out for 6 counts. Personally I choose 1.5 seconds for the length of my count these days, although I started at 0.5 seconds in December. and I have some audio thing I can set to make interesting binaural chimes at exact intervals, which help with the concentration and not going stir crazy while you do this for half an hour.

      I find it interesting to think about the unfortunately named "anthropic principle," and about how some "intelligent piece" of the universe is choosing to spend significant time fiddling with its life mechanisms in an apparently useless way. Think about how weird that is!

    2. O-kay, I see we are back on track a little, kp. So... In that case, let's prepare to raise the curtain for everyone here just a touch.

      There'll be something 'interesting to work on' in the next article, not in these comments sections.

      Meanwhile, since he is only on 'Messenger' here is what 'Bill' said about the pic above:

      "Wait a min - YOU"

      Just is. LOL


Your considered comments are welcome