Except of course, if I were even just fifteen I would have dived into it myself; prolly never would have come back out!
I mean what we have been talking about here recently.
To get the kind of perspective on any individual personal life though, in the ordinary run of affairs, it's probably not so advisable to invite younger people in it - into what is talked about around here.
And you will definitely see why in the lyrics of the music video down below.
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Traditional old American-style phosphate cherry soda. Remember those days? |
Previously I had actually forgotten to mention something - about the 'Elves' and making contact:
This business of placing some small pieces of silver, even just one piece of silver -, out in the bushes in the moonlight, well that is the very example of 'symbolon.'
This is a real token - if you're doing it with the spirit of seeking positive friendship with an advanced being - from the material world; something in your existential material life's world. It's something from there being 'set aside' for acceptance by the other world.
And it is the implicit meaning that is important.
We are surrounded today, by fabricated pressures, false 'imperatives,' false ideas of truth and wisdom, maliciously misleading propaganda about knowledge, information and education.
As I had been pointing out not more than just a few days ago, and well before Rushdie got attacked on an open stage - very vulnerable and exposed as he was in any case, given his situation - it was the American government itself that had literally burned TONS of books and banned the selling and reading of them... ...books by the Austrian medical doctor and psychologist whose name shall not be said.
Free speech?
This is where, exactly?
I tell you what, I guarantee you that those books are far better written, regardless of how much of what they are saying you might agree with or not agree with, than the very weak and poorly-written 'Satanic Verses' by that mustahaqu allawm Rushdie.
Immediately upon his knifing, the Iranian government held celebrations and publicly said he was 'blameworthy!' LOL
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Somehow this pic really does give me the feeling of being back there at that time and sort of place. Not even sure why. Just does. |
Meanwhile, the FBI was exactly where then?
Given that they actually did have a real enemy foreign government ready willing and clearly able to reach out into American society and 'hit' someone public. And they'd actually even warned so beforehand. You forget though, right?
When you start dealing in a different world though, a place where it is impossible to stab someone in the neck at all - well, maybe it is possible, but it would have no effect - and the objectives of life are radically different to those of this world, then there is more than just a certain incommensurable 'perspective' you will hold about the affairs of this Earthly world today.
And that makes things not so easy to proffer to the youth, but yet, they must have it, those ideas and ideals...!
We cannot, as a species afford any longer to give face to, or credit as 'sensible' the simply atrocious nonsense of the present 'leaders.' They are literally taking billions of years of development, I'll not say human 'Evolution,' to the brink of total annihilation. There is no question about it.
Deep in the gut of every single Muslim on the planet, is the emotional surge, the feeling, that says 'yes, gotcha Salman ya bastard.' And many of them will overtly say not though, and 'we support liberal values' and whatever.
Meanwhile, the ordinary non-Muslim has a feeling welling in his gut to the effect that 'oh you bastard, stabbing a person who was just talking.'
The values are deeply embedded and can provoke feelings, which are human psychological facts.
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I love the lighting in the shot. |
And then those facts exert forces and have tremendous energy, and by-and-by cause the self-destruction of the whole human race: that is the ultimate logical conclusion.
So what are those values?
They don't exist.
They are facades masquerading as values.
You don't really believe them at all.
So how do you have them?
Salman is allowed to speak but he whose name must not be mentioned cannot.
And why?
Is Salman more 'right' than the other guy?
The Iranian Shi'a mullahs are right but only in this case, because otherwise we Sunni Muslims hold that well, we could kill the rather innocent Ali off no problem and thereby have the false and wrong person be the Caliph, someone who was quite literally an armed usurper - and thus have to say the Shi'as are 'wrong.' Because after all, look at us, we dominant the world of Islam. You guys are wrong. Allah supports the winner, the 'righter.'
Right and wrong about what?
We Shi'as hold that well, look at us, we are bravely countering the evil Great Satan.
Meanwhile we Americans say that 'oh you can't do this, we are supporters of free speech...'
Oh, and we are advanced, of course.
And you are sitting at home, imagining that you really fit into all of this.
So do you? Really?
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It's different, but also, sort of similar... |
And the Elves come and plant a money-tree in your back yard.
And then next, what? What are you going to do now, because I tell you the helluva fight you will have on your hands!
You will not be able to sway the mentality of anyone around you. The first thing they will say is - 'give us agency, and also, hey, give us a money-tree too. So that we can be like you... ...and -.'
And behold lest the human reach out their hand and take from the Tree of Eternal Life, and live and be like one of us.
Because that's when you'll have the 'utter destruction of everything.'
What's changed since the 'G-of-E?'
This time what would it matter if you actually saw the serpent (again). If you saw God Himself. Human people's story is that 'trust us, trust us, we will THEN automatically change our tune because you have proved with sci-entific proof and evidence that y'all exist - you Fairies, Elves, ET Aliens, gods and demi-gods, and even G.O.D.'
The meaning of 'symbolon' is the token that brings the mindsets together. You have to change. There is no way around it. Look at all the people on Evangelical Christian YouTube channels, who evidently, going on the firmness and conviction with which they recount their stories - they have had 'NDE's and have been to 'Heaven' and so on. ...You tell them one time: 'There was no Moses, right? There was never any such person or any such thing that ever actually happened, and the Laws are taken from the Code of Hammurabi.'
Ay yay yay yay yay.
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Symbolism. |
And also, by the way, you need to become psychologically attractive to various 'un-Earthly otherworldly' beings, before you will be able to be let back inside the G-of-E where they are all hanging out.
No! No! Jesus saved us by dying, and sacrificing to atone (to someone; who?) for our sin! He was the 'sacrifice' because Moses... Uh-oh.
Yeah right because Moses Charlton Heston.
Meanwhile Jesus... ...yeah I know Jesus. You killed Him. No we didn't do that. Someone else did that.
Christopher Wray is Pilate. 'I went by the book. And then I let the JOOZ kill that guy they don't like.'
Why, Chris, but why?
'Because well, Moses made rules and we have rules hell otherwise we would be lawless! And then there would be anarchy.'
...Why, Hadi (Matar), why did you stab Rushdie? Was it because he was a pathetic writer and was really over-rated?
'No. Because Muhammad said.'
But Hadi...
'Hey guys -,' turning to the ET Aliens. 'Can we just have the money-tree now? I get it now. So can I?'
'Okay Calvin no problem. But no coffee with that though, right.'
'No yes yes - I want coffee with it. We need coffee man, come on now.
'Oh and by the way, can you show me those big glass tubes again, you know, where you grow the people. I just want to see which people you have in this particular mother ship.'
Check out the lyrics. Not for young people. They need their sleep at night. The guy singing was 86 years old when he was filmed here in this - he's still around, looks the same, does the same shows. His use of sharps and flats in the lyrical melodic context is absolutely masterful beyond words. She is a great singer.
Been re-reading wikipedia on "Mediation (Marxist theory and bla bla). I don't think people who are discussing the UAPs quite understand that there is enough there, just in the acknowledgments that they are real (forget that we can't say WHAT they are), to completely undermine every aspect of all human thought about just about everything. "How does sentient life survive in a dangerous universe?" That single question. That's it. Everything. Boom!
ReplyDeleteOut of this you get some version of "Love is agency." I don't think people are prepared for that, but I do think people "were made" for it.
The darkness does not actually BLOCK light. Light is a flowing 'thing' and it goes wherever it can. It comes from the Universal existential field, and emerges from some action of energy which is the process in which some potential energy is moved into a manifested kinetic state. There ARE many things which block light, but darkness, it's hypothesized opposite, is not one of them. This idea that you are carrying that there is ALWAYS some kind of dichotomy of competing, or oppositional forces is the basis of Freemasonic 'Cosmology' but then it is that in a whole lot of other places and 'thinking systems.' It's an incomplete idea though.
DeleteThe idea that there is NECESSARILY a dichotomy of competing forces, then REQUIRES 'mediation' to come to some resolved value. In this mechanism, the assumption is about 'resolution' of different directions of manifested energy (force); that is why you even have the word in labor disputes (IE 'resolution'). At the moment, what you seem to be saying is that NECESSARILY, let's say 'ET Aliens,' (for the argument, it's a given they exist) MUST have some system of 'mediation.' I don't how deeply rooted you are in some earlier experiences and process of living in this world you are, but your perspective IS VERY WIDESPREAD. The inability to realize 'boundary state conditions' is a feature of modern thinking. 'Blue' is not 'red' not because of 'mediation...' 'Blue' is also not a frequency range! It is a label given/assigned by intelligence, to a PARTICULAR bounded state. And that label contains under it many other things besides just the wavelengths involved, or the frequencies. A thing either 'is,' or it 'is not.' That is why advanced intelligent species are not involved in dichotomies of thinking where there are competing forces requiring 'mediation' to get to a resolution. The teleological basis for their thinking IS the knowledge of practical 'bounded state' reality. It's not subject to conjecture. If they maintain the human is a backward and terminally dysfunctional being, no amount of sentiment by the human creature will alter that reality, because the reality itself was based on existential practical FACT.
DeleteOh wow. Thanks. Am going to read this then mow the lawns. Stew.
DeleteAnd by the way, the whole Christian moral ultimatum to the human race says the same exact thing: 'You MUST all be changed.' The end. That's the end to it. That's the end of the argument. But so then though, even admitting let's say that 'Jesus is God and is therefore Right(!), at least it IS open to us to ask, well but in what ways are we so dysfunctional that we MUST be actually CHANGED rather than simply 'mediate' our way into the Garden of Eden or Heaven or wherever is this ultra cool place...?
DeleteWell personally I am not saying "advanced beings" must have some system of "mediation." In fact I believe that any "system of mediation" leads to self-annihilation in a dangerous universe.
DeleteSo for instance I was very excited when someone commenting here recently said essentially "don't want to mediate the dream because of forcing trajectories."
However I also think "love is agency," while technically correct, would not quite be the state that "advanced beings" would necessarily occupy. I think they would roll their eyes a bit and say "well yes but the universe is not so simple either."
DeleteI guess what I would say is that "in a dangerous universe where mediation (of conflicting points of view or goals) is the same as mediation (the expression of an idea in words or *media* in general)" then that means no UAPs in the skies. Cause those guys would have destroyed themselves already. Because "in marxist theory agency is a kind of mediation." Agency is what gets you killed in a dangerous universe. I like to just follow that train of thought until I get a sense for how radically different the "UAP guys" must be to what I'm familiar with.
Deleteright, so you have "state boundaries" and "immediate cognition." Now image folk who actually get things done on that level. Blows my mind!
DeleteOh I think you're totally right here for sure: 'any system of mediation leads to self-annihilation in a dangerous Universe.' ...This idea of 'how different really ARE they?' is going to have me thinking of a decent answer. I think it's a very good question. In a sense I'm totally 'schizophrenic' on this one - I have managed since forever (and definitely with the help of my parents and close relatives) to pretend (the Autism world calls it 'masking;' but I'm not really doing that) to have similar thought patterns to the 'norm' and yet at the exact same time to be able to observe the ACTUAL thought patterns I am really using! LOL What can I say. It's a great question... But what's so 'different' that is going on in the mind structure here... That question deserves a really thought-out answer. ...I have to mediate between the silly fake patterns to copy humans, and the other one. lol
DeleteOh I already did this! I was watching Elena Danaan on youtube saying "they are "up there" and they want you to reach out to them with your minds." And so I did that, while doing my mind-state-altering attempts via meditation whatever. And in the morning I was woken by a very very loud "HELLO" (I mentioned recently) and so in the end I was imagining the "conversation" and I said "well maybe you don't like verbal stuff" and they "said" (very much in my imagination) "oh we do, but you have a task, which is to take the meditation you do with the black dot where you try to be both the one thinking thoughts and the one observing the thinking (so basic like Vivekananda advice) and get good enough at that so you can be that way during the normal outdoor day to day stuff. Just live in that mind frame when you talk to your neighbors or go to the grocery store or mow the lawn." Of course that was just "my" "imaginary conversation."
DeleteBut experiencing oneself simultaneously as both first and third person challenges the limits of "sanity" just enough...
DeleteFor the old folks - who knew the late 60s and early 70s. (Sorry, Calvin - I know you don't like Carlos, but this is my parting post):
ReplyDeleteVery soon I found a trail and
then I saw a bunch of men and women coming towards me. They were Indians. I thought they were Mazatec Indians. They surrounded me and asked me where I was going.
'I'm going home to Ixtlan, ' I said to them.
'Are you lost?' someone asked.
'I am, ' I said. 'Why?'
'Because Ixtlan is not that way. Ixtlan is in the opposite direction. We ourselves are going there, ' someone else said. 'Join us!' they all said. 'We have food!'"
Don Genaro stopped talking and looked at me as if he were waiting for me to ask a question.
"Well, what happened?" I asked. "Did you join them?"
"No. I didn't, " he said. "Because they were not real. I knew it right away, the minute they came to me. There was something in their voices, in their friendliness that gave them away, especially when they asked me to join them. So I ran away. They called me and begged me to come back. Their pleas became haunting, but I kept on running away from them."
"Who were they?" I asked.
"People, " don Genaro replied cuttingly. "Except that they were not real."
"They were like apparitions, " don Juan explained. "Like phantoms."....
"Were those phantoms 'allies,' don Genaro?" I asked.
"No. They were people."
"People? But you said they were phantoms."
"I said that they were no longer real. After my encounter with the ally nothing was real any more."
We were quiet for a long time.
"What was the final outcome of that experience, don Genaro?" I asked.
"Final outcome?"
"I mean, when and how did you finally reach Ixtlan?"
Both of them broke into laughter at once.
"So that's the final outcome for you, " don Juan remarked.
"Let's put it this way then. There was no final outcome to Genaro's journey. There will never be any final outcome. Genaro is still on his way to Ixtlan!"
Don Genaro glanced at me with piercing eyes and then turned his head to look into the distance, towards the
"I will never reach Ixtlan, " he said. His voice was firm but soft, almost a murmur. "Yet in my feelings . . . in my feelings sometimes I think I'm just one step from reaching it. Yet I never will. In my journey I don't even find the familiar landmarks I used to know. Nothing is any longer the same."
Don Juan and don Genaro looked at each other. There was something so sad about their look.
"In my journey, I find only phantom travelers," he said softly. I looked at don Juan. I had not understood what don Genaro had meant.
"Everyone Genaro finds on his way to Ixtlan is only an ephemeral being, " don Juan explained. "Take you, for instance. You are a phantom. Your feelings and your eagerness are those of people. That's why he says that he encounters only phantom travelers on his journey."
I suddenly realized that don Genaro's journey was a metaphor. "Your journey is not real then," I said.
"It is real!" don Genaro interjected. "The travelers are not real."
- "Journey to Ixtlan", Carlos Castaneda
Well, before you disappear into the ether on us - let us know about the horrible parts too; we'll have to just handle that and maybe there is something we can all learn from this. You said 'the journey.' We all ain't been on that part of the journey yet! Tell. But not if it's going to be too hard. In that case just lay back and... ...I dunno. It's a mystery.
ReplyDeleteYeah Tao, there are some youths around here who still need you! If you really have to go though, we'll understand.
ReplyDeleteYes, more Carlos please!
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Delete[broken link] And OM, more sarangi stuff. https://youtube.com/shorts/zwXJuY8MWBQ?feature=share