...Every time, let the spell be spake in rhyme.
'Spell' is Germanic in the present English way of using the word, and this is not the greatest way to use the word to understand what could ever be going on - if anything is going on at all.
On the one hand 'spell' or even 'galdr' (yelling, screaming high-pitched chants) is about letting forth a sound from your mouth, but on the other hand why should it have any meaning to do with magical reactions?
Well, because that is not the same word 'spell' as the word used by witches.
This word is from Greek (spelys) and it means to 'go down deep inside of a cave or cavern' - some place like a deep well with dark, limitless water at the bottom of it.
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Sarpedobilin dye, is responsible for the wing coloration here; which is unlike many of the butterflies that are using optical iridescence to create the impression of a blue color. |
Now the extreme arrogance of the modern mind, consists of a widespread unquestioned belief that 'we' are smarter today than we ever were before at any time, and that people of the very ancient past were most certainly not smarter than we are now, and knew far less.
Democritus averred that there was a sub-atomic thing, 'quanta' we say today, that was far smaller than the atom, and was 'slippery' and yet fiery too, and that all such sub-atomic matter (he said it was material, a material substance) was all connected up due to its extreme 'fluidity' and ability to enter into everywhere and into everything.
And yet its actions were by stealth, because it did things 'invisibly' and thus inside the 'deepest wells and caverns' of every living thing - Jung would say, the unconscious.
Jung said too, of course, that the reason we call it the 'unconscious,' is because we really are unconscious of it at all!
We don't know anything 'sensible' to the conscious awareness, about it at all.
Shortly, there will be another one of these free texts up on the Inkitt platform, and rather than detract from the impact of it, it's better that I just say what it's going to deal with:
1. It's going to be dealing with the real original sources of the Islamic Quran - and these facts are so dramatic, that anyone who learns about them will automatically change their perspective about what is going on;
2. It's going to be dealing with Elves and Fairies, and unlike any religion or religious book that you have ever read, what you will encounter there will actually work when you implement it;
3. It's going to be dealing with the Arabic strands of occult knowledge that emerged through the Renaissance especially in Venice and also Florence and then too in Paris. (You will recall that Catherine de' Medici was, of course Queen of France...).
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...Into the occult cavern. |
A few days ago, it was the 'Ashura' festival for Muslims. The standard belief is that this is about the word 'ten' in Arabic, because the festival is supposedly on the tenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. As usual this is sheer rubbish. Just like 'ahad' is not 'wahid,' 'ashura' is not 'eashra.' For Sunni Muslims, they steer clear of really saying the day is the day that Ali was killed, and say this celebration has to do with when God assisted the Exodus of Moses and his followers, by parting the Red Sea.
There is simply no verbal linkage between 'ashura' and 'parting' or 'Red Sea.'
However, we must face facts, (sarcasm warning) that when Moses asked God what His name was, God said: 'Allah' but then the JOOOZ altered it to Jehovah, and then much later on the Christians corrupted it... : ) So we have to just grant that whatever Arabic people want to say that it means, well it means that...!
However if you want to go to reality, the reality is in part the word is being taken from an ancient Syrian and Persian word for 'Mighty' and in fact there are language links all the way across to Sanskrit, in which the word can mean 'mighty' but technically it means 'the potential' for might. 'Sura' means delivered power. A-sura means potential.
Now I want to circle back to the subject of Fairies. 'Rhyming' as far as occultism is concerned, is to do with the harmony of equivalent sounds, and the seeming transmission - invisibly - across gaps of space - of energy between two different points, or spots, or locations.
Yet Democritus was not suggesting this kind of thing when he spoke of something even smaller in size than the atom into the atom - he was saying there was actual constant or continuous physical adjacency (thanks, KP). Now, even so, this does not mean just because there is a telegraph line extended between two phone boxes, that the people at either end can understand each other.
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Fairy Moscato. |
This is about them both 'speaking the same language.'
You know what the opposite of 'diabolic' is?
Tell me.
This evening I had a ridiculously, absurdly, amazing dessert. It was poached Turkish apricots, soaked in Moscato wine and lemon myrtle syrup - with cognac cream.
The thing was so delicate in flavor, that if there were Elves or Fairies here...
Well. But... No comment.
I don't want to detract from the absolutely mind-blowing, the head-spinning details in this up-coming new piece on Inkitt. And for that reason today's Blog piece lacks a lot on detail and actual information. But it's all in the up-coming thing. You will see in there 'Fairies and Elves' as you have never seen them before. And you will have exact precise details on how to get in touch with them and have them appear.
This lyrical poem, song in fact -, produced by Coke Studio Pakistan, now has complete subtitles in English in the video clip of it. And anyone who can tell me which classical piece copied it - is in serious danger of being 'charmed' by a Fairy.
Great high cultures, many of which are only appreciate by a very few at any one time on the planet - all contain the same elements, and sometimes, the same names, personages, identities. They are all connected.
Pay attention to the lyrics and tell - which European classic?
By the way, the thing right at the start about 'watering' something - which in brackets they say is the idea that there is 'no God but One' simply doesn't exist in the lyrics at all; every time you see some Arabic translation of anything and there are brackets, it means they making it up and claiming something is there which is not there. The meaning of 'watering' is the same the Jungian meaning of it. And you will see it all exposed properly in the Inkitt material, soon.
You might have to remind yourself to turn on the 'show sub-titles' or go to the YouTube video and watch it there and turn on the 'show sub-titles' to be able to read them clearly. It's worth it.
This is an occult song. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam. What is happening is people are inferring general labels like 'nabi' and 'waliyan' to imply these have the same meanings as Islamic usages of these words and terms, but they have no such connection; in fact, 'Pir' or 'Piri' as is being sung here are just as anathema as Djinn in standard Islam. But somehow this guy is saying he is literally being guided by one (a Piri) and is actually worshiping it and moreover giving his life to it... And that's impossible in Islam. The original poem by the 17th century Sufi poet Sultan Bahu, was written in Persian not Urdu, and in Persian, he certainly knew what he was writing about! For one thing, there are no 'dove allusions' at all in Islam. Even so, Urdu contains so many Persian origin words and loan words that the metrical transliteration, I suppose you could say, effectively, was quite easy. The whole thing is riddled with occultisms and phrases that are actual enchantments. Persian enchantments. Nothing to do with Arabic. If you notice carefully, he is actually singing 'Alif-u-wa'l'a' - means 'waliya' - which means 'is leading me;' The Aleph letter or sound is leading me. Otherwise there is no sense to - 'Aleph Allah!' That doesn't mean anything.
the last time i listened to one of your things there was this creepy "subliminal" blip in the middle, so i'm not listening to these! but i do read the inkitt stuff, and the amazon things too when i can get the "kindle unlimited" for free.
ReplyDeleteGrin. He he he he he he. 'Subliminal' blips. He he he he. W-e-e-ll. Could be... In this case, maybe you could mute the sound, because the lyrics are amazing.
DeleteOh coke studios! Yes this is safe to listen to. Yes I understand. I feel more aligned with this than I did the first time I watched it way back.
DeleteWell yes, the standard tradition in Pakistan now, is to stab the tops of the Coke cans, rather than simply pull the tab.
DeleteI got a message today, and no more than 10 feet from where I left the silver. It was staring me in the face the whole time.
ReplyDeleteKeep a diary or write down some notes, because we all tend to forget stuff and then later on, can easily go - 'oh there was nothing;' if one let's oneself get drawn back too far deep into the 'ordinary' world and all of its demands. The fact that something was there LONG BEFORE we can notice it is this thing about 'time jumping' backwards and forwards.
DeleteLike the word "devil," "diabolical" traces back to Latin "diabolus," which itself descends from Greek "diabolos," a word that literally means "slanderer." In English, "diabolical" has many nuances of meaning. And from Biblehub (diƔbolos) is literally someone who "casts through," i.e. making charges that bring down (destroy)
ReplyDeleteSlander - words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another, an abusive attack on a persons character or good name, charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
So then truth would be opposite to slander. Somehow this led me to the Greek word aletheia or ‘unforgetting’. And this paragraph ‘Not just remembering, but un-forgetting (“a – lethe”), the daily act of holding a promise present in your mind and heart, of letting that promise drive all that you do. Literally un-forgetting it. Implied in the word is the idea that we are naturally in lethe (forgetting).’
Probably not at all what your are referring to but it’s where I ended up, lol
I thought all of that too, originally... We will go there, up next, plus some comments about actively inviting real Elves.
DeleteCool, looking forward to it
DeleteI left silver out a couple of nights ago and placed some out tonight. I don’t think I’m seeing Elves or messages but I am having weird encounters with humans
First was kitty cat lady and today was a man named Al (random supermarket stranger) who wished us luck on our lotto ticket then proceeded to tell us about how he doesn’t gamble as he is the type to make it a habit. That he remembers me from somewhere I haven’t been in ages and that his meds have increased his memory or rather recall as well as helping him not have to count everything
Then he said I was chatty like him and invited me to be a member of the SpongeBob SquarePants adhd club. I said I was happy to be invited. As weird as all of that was it was beautiful.