There really is a 'long lost treasure.'
Just as there really is a 'Fat Man.' That's 'Kasper Gutman' - aka 'the Fat Man' - in The Maltese Falcon.
Hammett based the character of the Fat Man on Arthur Gregory, a British private detective and entrepreneur who had very powerful political establishment friends...
Gregory always claimed that he was a spy for MI6.
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Jon Anderson and Vangelis Doing 'The Maltese Falcon' thing. Anderson's a genius, of course. |
Dash Hammett really had a lot more knowledge of a whole range of things, than even his more than half-a-dozen years with Pinkerton's would allow, frankly, but that's not something we need to go into right here, right now! LOL
Maybe later one day.
So yes there really is such a thing, not quite the Maltese Falcon as such, but there is a gold plaque which was found somewhere off an island in the Mediterranean and which is in the hands of who-knows-whom anymore. And on this plaque there is an etching of a bird very like an Egyptian falcon.
Don't want to talk about that. Want to talk about friends.
So there's a famous music album called 'The Friends of Mr Cairo' - and now you could say many things about why Anderson and Vangelis called it that, but I think for us here, if we just say, hey, film noir, very atmospheric, movie soundtrack-y, well that will do.
Joel Cairo had friends.
One of them being 'the Fat Man.'
Joel also carried around a little pistol.
He too wanted agency.
...But see he carried around a little pistol that he waved at people when he wanted things he was not actually entitled to claim.
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Trust us, honest, we're your friends, and we are the government. |
The biggest weapon any Earth government or military possesses today, doesn't even come up close to the level of - a little pistol.
Still though, what makes things somewhat interesting, is that humans say they are after the black bird.
Joel Cairo was after the black bird and so was the Fat Man. Looked like, the Fat Man actually wanted it just 'to have it.' In fact he was the one setting a vast price on the thing.
Theoretically it was golden inside, but covered either in lead or black paint. So who knows what was in his mind, really. He did seem like he appreciated the thing as art, and as an antiquity. And yes, there are obsessional 'collectors' of things around.
But, if not the obsessional aspect (which misrepresents, over-states, the true value of a thing), well then what might have been any actual value of such an item at all?
If I gave you a sample of some composition of specific ingredients, well would it be just the sensation (if you imbibed it) that you were after - if there were such a thing entailed? What kind of sensation?
Is it just pleasure that one is after then?
You know, you humans... Is it just that you are seeking pleasure? You wave guns around in people's faces, and this is because, what - pleasure...?
There is no prospect at all, that any government can honestly, truthfully, tell the public ET Aliens are here, and that they are friendly and mean you no harm.
That they might say such things though, is easily admitted on the basis that they will be lying to you.
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You like 'burnout silk?' This is burnout silk. Model is a bit too skinny again. Needs some food. Eyebrows could be just a touch darker... Might give her a haarp to play. |
The value to them is that they can invoke then all kinds of hitherto most unacceptable laws and edicts.
Meanwhile we have someone say they are only following the idea seriously if a government official actually formally said, with authorization, that they were able to confirm knowledge that such beings exist, are here, or have been here, and that 'they' (these beings) mean 'us' no harm.
Well that doesn't even make sense just from the stand-alone external perspective, without any insider knowledge!
This is like saying 'I trust Mr Cairo, and the Fat Man, and I think those two consider me their friend.'
Well look, if that's your standard of 'friend' then no wonder you would be able to credit that highly advanced intelligent beings, with a lot more than little tiny pistols, would be necessarily friendly toward 'us.'
I mean a crocodile is said to be friendly, because it's jaw can be construed by those smoking too much Nile blue lotus flower, to form the shape of a smile.
I was just talking with our Bill Smith today, about Wouter Basson - who made toxins for the global biological weapons market. There was a story that he had found out what was the true basis for the idea that Ethiopian crocodiles have a tremendously toxic gall bladder.
According to modern 'sci-entists' (that would be like, people like Antonio Gramsci Fauxi) crocodiles do not have poisonous bile or gall bladders, and that is a misleading 'truth.'
Some crocodiles are fed incredible toxic substances, including the euphorbia plant, from an early age, and if they survive - which many do - there is a build up in the fat underneath the plate armor of the reptile, and this is what is extracted and used as a toxin.
Now the number of people who knoh dat on dis plane'h at dis time, is about seven or eight, Wouter Basson himself being one of them.
And Wouter Basson is regarded as the world's leading living authority on exotic biological weapons.
Sorry what was I talking about again?
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Do I seriously need to draw attention to what's in this image? |
Oh. The friendliness of ET people.
I dunno. What do you think?
Depends what they are here to get though, right? You know, like what would be meaningful to them, what would be exciting, what they would find a kind of a pleasurable sensation...
And what they would collect. As I guess, quite the obsessional little collectors, at that!
And don't ever forget - in case you already have, and you prolly have - that Schwarzenegger got the back-story to 'Predator' from the son of the Project Sign guy, Professor J. Allen Hynek, Joel Hynek. So. Bank it. It's all there. The meaning, the objective, the whole point of everything - it's all there. Except no one's going to give a * about collecting 'warriors.' F me! You could end up collecting Johnny Depp thinking he really was a pirate and then where would you be!
Rule number 1, objective number 1 - is pre-eminence.
If you are pre-eminent we keep you. If you're not we throw you in the bin. This is in the Vedas too. Fancy that. So how can you be 'pre-eminent' when like me, you're just a nobody in your mom's basement or your bedroom with a borrowed PC and running off a hacked broadband connection?
This track, funny thing about it is, it's nothing, it seems like nothing and then towards the end you find yourself going: 'Oh hey I want this to go on, I want to hear it again.' Funny thing, that.
Speaking of weapons and collections reminds me of this sword one king Goujian had - really beautiful and incredible well-preserved. Not gold, but still pretty shiny.
ReplyDeleteIn the misty morning, I head out for Yue,
DeleteThrough the mists, I find my way to Shou,
If they ask of me at Lo Yang,
Tell them - as one with a heart like ice.