I don't whether you are going to be shoved even further out of the 'normal' run-of-the-mill society, by reading here!
You go just about anywhere nowadays and read all about, maybe even watch all of these experts tell you about the chakras and the... ...well, all of those names they give the main circles.
There's actually hundreds of circles. Not that you would know going by the 'expert stories.'
But then again, okay let's be practical, it is certainly true that the main ones consist of only seven. The heuristics are that the main circle platforms (and that is what they are) consist of the seven colors of the rainbow.
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'Come with me, watchman.' |
Now the reason - as I was saying just previously here - that there is so much in the open public, the wider world of human society, financially, economically, and object-wise, that is all kilted over to the energy consumption-based style of thing (and that includes the grandiosity of tall buildings, which are gross and observe the gravity of apparent 'land value centricity'), is due to the fact that the predominance of human beings here lack genuine access to those 'circles' above the 'green-line' (going by the common heuristics model).
All of the 'intelligent' effort is continuously going only into the red, orange, and yellow aspects of life. The green segment in any case, is a zone of 'taking' because it is where the natural organism (taking this, sort of psycho-sociologically) growth happens and there is a lot to go around there. Just going by the standard narrative, the 'red' circle is not so abundant in real energy because as living organisms which follow a Gauss profile of life, human peak output energy is at the individual's 'prime of life' years - and so real maximum human material life energy output is in fact in relative short supply. Which is also why there is prostitution - of everything in that zone.
You can sell Arnie Schwarzenegger because he can do ten shows a day and lift more weights than you as well on any of those same given days. ...Well at least he could do a few decades ago.
You can sell Emma Stone for more or less the same kind of reason. These people are all more 'hard-working' on average. The fact that their actual material output is rubbish is of no aesthetic significance in present human society. There is no such thing as 'aesthetic significance.' Not today.
The movie 'Moulin Rouge' was rubbish but the cast worked tremendously hard and that was obvious. Stone's 'La La Land' was exactly the same kind of garbage. You would leave the cinema sweating just out of sympathy for the actors and all the workers on set.
...And then 'they' (the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) give out awards.
For effort. And look, this is not at all to say Emma Stone et al are in any way 'poor actors;' that is certainly not true. But they are compelled to do the work that is there being handed to them - they literally have limited choices.
I'm going to jump to a seemingly different subject now, but it will be tied in later:
As someone finally observed, over this relatively recent 'hot-button' matter of the definition of a woman, the actual underlying point is to achieve absolute moral and systematic ideological relativity in the public's mind - so that they will be able to have the only absolute then which will be: absolute control over you.
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Blue is right. Blue is good. Blue clarifies, cuts through; blah blah blah blah blah. It is nice though. |
You won't be able to 'appeal' to independent or actually objective academic certainties about 'justice' because there won't be any.
The hierarchy of power will be in charge and it will determine what you 'believe,' what you are able to believe, and mostly certainly what you are able to 'know.'
The media commentator observed that if they are able to confuse you over such a common socially-obvious thing as sex, then there is no limit to how much wool they will be able to pull over people's eyes.
Still in all, let's just go back to the common popular subjects around the place - one of them, for example, being this idea about 'manifesting.'
Well manifesting, yes, this is the idea that material things suddenly appear just by some kind of particular 'mind effect' rather than by the sweat-equity of Emma Stone (and don't get me wrong, I could easily find her sweat... Ah never mind; back to the thing).
For growing humans, it takes about 14 years for new layers of bone to naturally be replaced within the organism. So. No 'sudden re-appearance of the rib that became Eve' for you!
And, typically that other form of prostitution called the medical profession, trades on human need for speed, with mechanical interventions, and sophisticated drugs and very heavy-duty long-term toxic chemicals. If you think you will get away with shoving 14 years into 3 minutes, well, the immediate next 14 years after those 3 minutes will prove you wrong.
But no doctors are going to hang around to say sorry though, after 14 whole years of a slow catastrophic descent into the grave for you.
Or me too, maybe.
If we're stupid enough.
Have you noticed though, how even dead bodies - even lots of them - quite quickly disappear into the big blue briny ocean...
'Red' is dissolved into the big blue.
When those characters - like Sir Salman Rushdie and Stephen Fry (who accused 'God' of doing to very small children, what he does himself via low-frequency radiation emitting electric power towers; many studies/science is in, sorry Stevie babe. It's not 'God' who's killing small children with bone cancer, it's you) 'see' blue, they don't really see it - it is only a reflection or something being filtered downwards through the semi-translucent green layer. And then it becomes 'purple' in their lives, that is to say, in your life, since they are powerful political and social determinants across the whole of modern Western society.
Suddenly, Sir Salman's rage against his own father (who admired Ibn Rushd and so changed the family name of 'Ahmed' to 'Rushdie'), having morphed into a general rage against the whole of the Arabic Islamic world, has taken you along with it and now you too, are also at war with all Muslims. All 1.8 billion of them, more or less.
Now hey, look, maybe you could want to argue with them, and tell them, just like the 'Moses' people, that they have almost the same 'holes in their narrative' as the Moses people do.
But what motivated you to disturb someone minding their own business in a cool mosaic-tiled place, kneeling on a mat oriented to the 'Eastern' part of the flat Earth?
Of course it is also clear we can certainly sustain the argument that well, tit for tat, Muslims also interfered with other people themselves - 'not Muslim' people - too. So yeah, let's all just go to war. That will solve everything, right?
..But I can show you 'blue' and it will dissolve his (Salman's) red, all 1.8 billion Muslims' red, your 14 years of 'red' in whatever form that is coming, and anybody else's red. Oh yes I can. Yes I can too!
Because my 'blue' is bigger than his imaginary blue.
He doesn't have 'blue.' He only has mimic blue.
My blue is 450 nanometers. His blue is he doesn't know and he doesn't care.
Did you know, by the way, that historians and archaeologists tell us that the ancient Greeks did not have a proper word for 'blue.'
Just like Germans today have no proper word for 'woman.' 'Frau' does not mean 'woman;' it is a title meaning a free person of the land.
So what is the sociological impact?
Well, I dunno. They did have 'Herr Hitler' though.
LOL ('Herr' is not 'man' either; as you know. So 'damen' does not mean woman either - it's a title again; means 'lady').
Now I'm not going to get into the etymology of 'Aegean' because you won't believe me and you'll shoot off to the Universities, who really know, right...?
But, did the ancient Greeks therefore 'see' the color 'blue' if they didn't have a specific word to distinguish it?
Well, let me just say this much:
'Blue' clarifies, cuts through, captures the essence...
Yeah but it does though!
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Did you know that some people don't like fried onions?? Can you imagine... I like fried onions. |
It is the thing which permits the 'boundaries' of all other things to take shape around it's continuum pressure...
When you have good clear, and direct access to the 'blue' in your microtubules (thanks, KP and Stuart Hameroff), for a start it creates a downward pressure, into the lower circles (you can say 'chakra layers' if you like), and then next it crystallizes all material things in there, in their moment-of-inertia so to speak, but most importantly, around their peak of temporal existence too.
Eventually, it can, if you want it to, dissolve all of those things as well.
You cannot break out, in fact it is 'break up(wards)' though, isn't it, unless you can restrict these primal lower rank components with their innate energies -, IE break out upwards with a discrete idea into the 'indigo' zone, which is the key place that the UV missing energy 'disappears' from - if you go by the 'ultra-violet catastrophe' conception in physics.
Then, then and only then will such a clarified idea become manifested by the functioning of the higher-end wavelength effects of David R. Hawkins' 'Universal Field' (although I admit I said his field to avoid having to attribute the concept to that Austrian medical doctor and psychologist whose name must not be mentioned at the extreme peril of the 'ghazis' of Sir Salman and Fry, believe you me, coming and stabbing you in the neck. Well, it would be me in this case, except I'm not mentioning his name, am I? Because he was crazy and all of his books were banned and burned by the FBI. So I wouldn't mention his name).
Here fishy, here little fishy...
Don't thank me, thank the person who came here and dropped a hint about being interested in recent work on consciousness and anesthetics a long time ago now. That's how I found out about it. That and old Google led me straight to Penrose and Hameroff.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if David R. Hawkins would say things like "I got this idea from some native american folklore I came across in a magazine once..."
The ONLY expression I remember from the short amount of classical greek I did during my failure-strewn time at Uni is "oinopa ponton." But apparently that got stuck in a lot of other peoples' minds too, says Google.
'Oenology...' Wine stuff.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason I know about the ancient Greeks and their limited description of colors is because they apparently referred to the star Sirius, which is obviously blue-white, as red. Last I knew, nobody has even attempted to explain this, other than to point out that they had other confusing color references, such as "the wine-dark sea", which doesn't really explain anything at all...
ReplyDeleteDoesn't the color called AQUAMARINE captures the color of the sea perfectly?
DeleteSure does!
DeleteI mean you have to see the funny side of this! For one thing, no wonder they called Homer 'the Blind One.' And for another thing, we could go back in a time machine, right... And we could be standing on the outside of some loft circle of wise heads, all telling us about 'the nature of things' and how you have to be precise and use logic and deal with everything scrupulously correctly. And then you could step forward and hold out a small spray container of spectacle cleaner fluid and say: 'What color is this?' And Aristotle and all of them are holding their chins and their heads in their hands and looking up and down (you know, Monty Python-style), and one of them goes - 'It's RED.' And then you can turn your buddy from modern times and go 'Red Pill, or Blue Pill.' And you can just look at the ancient Greeks, and do tongue-in-cheek face at them. ...Apparently, the 'Dog-Star' being seen at a particular spot near the horizon, in the Northern Hemisphere, meant that a hot summer was coming rapidly. Hence 'the dog days of summer.' As far as the 'wine-dark sea!' God only knows what he was trying to say there! You can presume one or two things, but they are a reach, and they have little to do with wine. I mean what wine is salty for one thing? None. F*n' Greeks, I tell ya. More trouble than they are help sometimes. Democritus: 'There are atoms.' Yeah? How do you know that? Crickets. Little purple vodka crickets.
ReplyDelete'Lofty circle.'
DeleteFundamentally though, to get back to some seriousness, modern English translators have missed the point that it is WE ourselves today, that is, in 'modern' times, who use the word 'black' as though it is an essential 'color.' The Greeks though understood things better - neither did they mean the 'color' black when they say 'mavros' nor did they mean 'black' when they said 'nyx' or 'black' when they said 'styx' or 'nox.' Colors and/or light verges into a 'sleeping phase' and this they then 'saw' as the depiction of whatever it was going on - hence 'DARK' like a sea under heavy cloud, NIGHT when everything went into a deep sleep, and toxins or poisonous, when it was noxious. So, this sea was like when they mixed poison with wine (which they did as you know) and thus it was deadly toxic, and dark.
DeleteSo. Take yer Oxford and Cambridge degrees, and chuck 'em in the bin.