There is apparently, always this group of super powerful beings - out there, elsewhere, distant - and you cannot touch them, see them, feel them, talk to them...
...But there's always some intermediary that can; except not you though. Never you.
Even Stephen Fry does it.
The TV journalist asks him - but what would you say, if you were standing in front of 'God' (and you found out He exists), what would you say to Him?
And Fry jiggles about in his seat once again (funny, it's just like the thing Dr Peter Duncan, also MI6, does) and says, in stentorian, and very self-assured tones - 'Bone cancer in children? How dare you?!'
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Bears out-gun wolves... |
Sounds great, right? I mean it's a valid challenge after all.
Those six million Jews in the Holocaust (or only twenty-five Jews, or whatever number you want) though... That was God or that was you?
Was that actually in fact you, human? Did you do that?
'Oh no, that wasn't me, that was some other body!'
Oh but me thinketh thou doth protethteth too much, phrend.
...Ah now you want for 'God' to intervene when something goes too far off the rails.
You want 'agency' (this lovely new word coined by the acolytes of Gramsci) but suddenly you also don't want absolute responsibility though.
So no problem, you stand at a distance (via a screen) and watch, and just hand everything over to people who tell admittedly rather cute tales about the 'Galactic Federation' somewhere far far away - or maybe even really really close - except but you can't see them... But they can see them: 'trust us.' And just 'trust us,' right?
Makes life so easy.
Life - as in real life with maximum agency - is so complicated, isn't it.
So much easier to be 'a happy idiot, and struggle for the legal tender.'
Stop pretending.
Not around here. Maybe elsewhere but not here.
The real 'issue' is happening at human personal self 'ground zero.' How is it possible, that a human being, with only two main salience nodes functioning (1. toxicity and rage/anger/venom, plus 2. raw primitive appetites) can come across as sapient - fully intelligent, very highly intelligent, in fact.
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Wa?? Have we so soon run out of decent 'food porn' pics? Nup. This is cool too. |
You cannot say that either Stephen Fry or Sir Salman Rushdie are less than very highly intelligent.
But every other one of their internal psychic 'personal self' nodes is fragile, some are not functioning at all, and all the others are subject to wild vagaries of orientation.
When you look at the world political stage - there is some media frenzy over Sanna Marin, and the fact that she dances and has parties with friends. She has friends. This is truly amazing.
Liz Cheney says she has friends; I heard her only this morning address her friends.
Does Justin Trudeau have any friends? Not sure.
And what's his trajectory, d'you think?
Elena talks about people 'making decisions.' And that was far away, somewhere out in space, apparently.
Well I'm pretty sure we right here already decided the 'trajectory' of Tony Blair's test-tube twin Serge Lutens.
Oh you think I'm making stuff up?
You just 'don't know what you don't know,' isn't it?
Look. Getting up in thirty foot-across white Tic Tacs is a lot of fun, and those people who are able to pilot them, really know what they're doing and they are very good at it.
NASA just declassified some report about a flying saucer slamming into a lake and making a huge crater at the bottom of it. Makes you wonder if they recovered any bits and pieces of the 'thing' that slammed into the silt at the bottom of the lake. It's a somewhat BS story that NASA has produced. Sure they de-classified a report, and sure they tracked and recorded and even filmed something going into a lake.
But why are they slanting things now to the 'Oh, super advanced beings smash and crash and make mistakes all the time and we used to classify that stuff...'
Nobody's making any mistakes and there's never been a 'crash.' Not in Roswell, not anywhere.
When someone get's hurt, happens to get hurt - it's on purpose. Just lettin' ya know.
You show me how you can get out of the trajectory, human...
The trajectory terminates in the graveyard. Am I wrong?
Meanwhile, back to the immediate 'moral equation.' There is no moral equation. Believe me it's a helluva lot of fun messing around in high technology equipment. Okay maybe someone will get hurt. Won't be me and it better not be you.
Why do rabbits exist? For Elmer Fudd, that's why. We're not smart, dude. Not like Stephen Fry or Sir Salman Rushdie!
The problem of 'Theodicy?' What question of 'Theodicy.' I don't have any questions about that kind of thing. That's because like you've all been training in here for awhile already, 'we' can actually see past the 'ultraviolet catastrophe' (which is, for those who are late to this party, Sanna - that segment of the light wavelengths spectrum near UV, at which there is a huge missing part of the energy trajectory, and that no human scientists at all, have as yet been able to account for; where the missing energy 'is going').
For us it's just about the fun.
This sort of fun, and by the way, summer's gone boys and girls:
Today I am reading the first pages of "Time, Space, and Philosophy" by Christopher Ray (!!!). 1992, Routledge etc etc.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I was struggling for a definition of catastrophe (think "Rene Thom") in terms of my extremely limited understanding of Marxist Theory. Which is basically "take the word mediate in both its senses and understand that that always pertains."
But back in February my inspiration was "trajectory and mediation are in some sense equivalent." The actual inclination yesterday was to say "catastrophe is the situation where trajectories are leading inward, and then from that point there are no outward trajectories." So essentially the "slippery slope" that leads to a state of motionlessness.
Thor Han says (!) "all life in the universe depends on conflict to find a path forward, or it dies." How very "Marxist" of him. Elena rolls her eyes when he says this, "I am not convinced, Thor." Suddenly out of this "conflict" with his "mediator" Elena (via the chip in her head) Thor Han becomes magically a real person. In that moment he seems very very real to me.
I say to Thor Han: "but how do you survive?" Thor Han says: "we are enlightened, and you would be too except The Baddies interfered." I say: "No, Thor Han, that is a child's answer. Tell me for reals. I don't believe in Baddies. Tell me the time you guys almost annihilated a solar system, but then didn't."
"How dare you suggest that... you should use your heart to know, and if you can't do that then it may be that you yourself are one of the Baddies."
Also I'm turning over the idea that this spectacle of DT is going down "for a reason", and it's not because ET wants us to put on our "MAGA" hats and choose the Forces of Light.
DeleteThe real 'for reels' thing is what I've said numerous times: 'all of everything' is literally just that. So, there are, there absolutely ARE civilizations 'out there in the Galaxies' that had moved 'up' along this path, some along that path, some along another path. Are there utterly warmongering species? Yes of course, certainly. Are they still 'intelligent?' Oh yes, very. Are they 'bad?' Yes they're evil - this is clearly reflected in the Vedic writings about Patala, the otherwise know as 'Naga-Loka' (Serpent Realm) - but they are highly technically advanced and have amazing buildings and architecture and technology. Did, at some point, several of these species, join together and attempt to commandeer something they were aware of, had seen, knew about as a physical material 'region' thereby engaging in a massive 'Galactic scale' war? Well yes, because for one thing, those aggressors were moving through other non-warmongering races and species and trying to enslave them. So that meant that necessarily, people from COMPLETELY a highly separate place HAD to come and engage materially. Yet the knowledge and technology of those is so far so far in advance yet, compared to the 'Patala' beings that the results were very quickly achieved. But the necessary condition of 'all of everything' means that the Patala beings still exist, and they just happen to exist here among a handful of other places. But they're structurally degenerate, they literally are incomplete beings. Cannot proceed further ahead, cannot overcome anyone that has exceeded the human level of civilization; cannot. They don't even have the quantum capacity to EXIST in the other places, those places where the real power resides. Because of the necessary meaning of 'everything' this is also the cause or the reason of the saying 'and must be released for a time.' Well that's now.
DeleteNow! You say! And I very nearly made the obvious logical error of going "well beings with more powerful things than we have must necessarily be 'all the way enlightened.'" !!! well whatever.
DeleteRelax. Everything will be fine.
DeleteI know you are relaxed! What I meant was, people play on highly dubious psychological areas of motivation, who are seeking to manipulate human beings in dangerous and harmful (to those humans) ways. The person of even average intelligence is going to step backwards when they encounter someone of real underlying harmful intent.You can sense it. And you are well above 'average intelligence' let's face it. So you're not really exposed to the most risky things that do go on in this world. You've never been to a Travis Scott 'concert.' Have you? You go there and you will immediately sense the difference of 'vibe' there, compared with say Tomorrowland or Luminosity Beach. The 'human energy' gets amplified in groups. We all know this - WWII German, one example... But also in high academic conversations - and Sir Salman is one very good example - it's evident in one-to-one conversations too. Same with Karl Popper. The atmosphere is sulfurous. Permanently negative against the ordinary human spirit, terminally cynical, cleverly nay sophisticatedly sly, calculating, and capable of (mis-)leading the naive a long distance up that dark garden path. ...If they shut down enough of the human social upbeat and co-operative tendency, in enough of the human population then WHAM!
DeleteYes but the mistake I was going to make was "must necessarily be all the way englightened, or be fake to some extent." But honestly how is that going to work, if they show up here Elena Danaan style and some of us reach out to them and say "yes I can see you too are on the slippery slope..."
DeleteSo... Yes I can see you too are on the slippery slope...
DeleteOh I'm all over the place.