So everything is a Gaussian Curve.
Okay, so what's the benefit of that?
Well - it makes everything predictable, as long as you have correctly calculated the trajectories of things.
(I have deliberately turned off the '*' here, right. It's just idiot me now).
...And some of the disciples asked, wearied, but why, why, master -, does it have to be so long-winded?
And He replied: 'Do not marvel, for it is like unto the craftsman who is hand-laying on the patination for some beautiful bespoke Berluti shoes.'
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Berluti. |
This parable was brought to you by Alessandro Berluti and Sons, C/- LVMH, Paris.
Doesn't have to be long-winded.
But you must find your own powers.
Alcibiades had many powers because he was good-looking, and wealthy, and of the highest aristocracy... ...and, like King David of the JOOOZ, he was gay, or bi-sexual or something.
So even today he would have been leaps and bounds ahead of everyone.
What, you didn't know David was gay?
Well, I dunno what the correct 'terminology' might be, but he had it going with everyone, and definitely with innumerable women too so, I give up.
I'm actually not personally interested in anyone's 'proclivities' as such.
And I wouldn't want to manipulate anyone anyway. ...Which is what people tend to do with 'knowing' someone's 'proclivities.'
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Bill, are we buying this, Bill? Can we, huh? Huh? Bill? Huh? |
I have to laugh at myself. I always accused my dad of being from the pre-Victorian era and not even the Edwardian, but the reality was, I was the one with that actual ridiculous old-fashioned 'mindset' and attitude. Oh yes, especially when I was young; very young.
Ah, not today of course! Today, I am firmly behind the Millennials of whom I have a very high regard. To them, everything is 'awesome,' and 'no problem' and, they can fix your phone and they make coffees!
We need to stop going into all of this aw, frikkin' - either it is 'high-brow' or else just turgid self-important 'deep philosophy' talk here.
Many of us, many of you, live where there are no 'masses of human beings' upon which to turn your dark occult knowledge.
All we want is to make a pile of cash, so that we can bug out to Ibiza where the expensive escorts parading around for people like the ex-Rey de Espanol ('X-Ray,' did you like that?) are hanging out at the Music Festivals where PVD is playing, or to Holland, where 'Luminosity' is held at the beach-side there - or Tomorrowland in Flanders, and drink the Flanders Red Ale...
Or maybe just get Little Red Riding Hood to become lost again and have to walk up to our front door, champagne and high heels in hand - and -, you know the rest of that story.
Waddya mean how do you do that, how do you have that happen...
You mean, have LRRH just turn up more or less unannounced at the front door?
Aw, easy!
Short of 'building a better mouse-trap' (well in any case you can't do that because the government will rush in and prevent you and give your idea over to their friends, not your friends)... all you have to do is - Hey! Someone has their hands round my neck! Stop it. Stop it! Urgh, argh, gurgle-rrrgh!
Just kidding.
Listen, none of you guys here - and gals as well - can afford to mess around anymore with immaturity. Not with the knowledge that you have amassed in your life and extended recently.
But where that does leave you is in the position of being able to use the power.
I'd like to share something about "mechanical elves" here, if that's permitted. So I'm not an abductee, no way man, but I am this person who has had these dreams about suddenly remembering that I'd forgotten about an apartment that had been rented somewhere, and that I was able to find the secret trap-door to get back to that place and entered it and oh my, such an eerie feeling...
ReplyDeleteSo that's the thing about people. Into these unused "forgotten spaces" which are adjacent to our bodies and psyches and whatever else we are, have crept the "mechanical elves." They are like unbidden guests, and they enjoy themselves up in there, where you don't notice them because you're so wound up with the thought of going to the Apple Store tomorrow.
So you take your mushroom trip and suddenly frequencies get altered and mechanical elves are all "holy shit! he can see us now... better make sure he doesn't realize we are camping out..." And then they tell you what you need to hear...
See, they are like squatters on your unused property who, when you show up, insist that they are there to take care of the place for their uncle, the true owner, and if you don't leave they're going to call the cops and have you removed....
How do I "know" ?
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DeleteI think... My thoughts on dreams (and I like these ones about houses, old houses usually - they are to do with you 'finding your real home') is that they are material brain cell memory bits, pieced together in order to 'bring back' to our normal awake awareness/consciousness, what is 'sort of' going on on that 'adjacent' plane (in this case I think it is adjacent, mostly). I have never seen or had any experience of machines elves and do not use drugs at all. So I do not have any personal basis to compare what you are saying. For myself I am aware of just ordinary human beings as they mostly all are right here, around me, in today's world - and THEY are driving the dullness, the dismal, grey and 'run-down' 'dwellings' all by themselves. At the same time, I'm not sure they are fully responsible for having dragged things into this state of affairs. I am pretty sure there are other intelligent forces that have sucked them all into this 'spiritual misery.' I frankly think the situation is potentially deadly in that it's heading towards rejecting 'Man/Mankind/Human Beings' as a genuinely valid thing, in favor of what will be proposed as something 'new and better.' I am sure of this.
I mean it might be true, about 'unbidden guests.' I don't know. Just haven't got any of that sort of personal experience. ...I have said this before, and you know what, I'm gonna pin it on Deb, well, 'Karin Austin' who was one of the John Mack public interviewees: she said she was aware of competing/contending forces in the people around here, that some would really feel envy because of her experiences, and then of course, there was the reverse too. But, i know for sure she has never told the FULL story of what her own experiences were and I am disinclined to say too much about anything to do with me for similar reasons. All that I think it is responsible to say and do, is to outline 'necessary pre-conditions.' Where does it go to from there? Well you'd better believe the whole nine yards it goes to! But I've been hunting for a word for weeks, maybe months to describe it - these guys are so unbending, unyielding, rigid in what they are determined to do and HOW they are determined to have it done. That's the problem with 'contact.' They can do it and do it easily. But they simply will not bend to do it on human terms. They have zero tolerance for what we, in normal mindset circumstances, consider, well 'reasonable' and 'rational.' I have learned though, we are the ones who are in fact quite wrong.
Delete'Around her,' not 'around here.'
DeleteSo! Okay I will tell you what brought this about. I did a thing with a quartz after watching one of the youtubers. The short quick breaths onto its surface, and I am fine with the concept that within the breath is all kinds of subtle chemical substances (and now we're being told about quantum chemistry) and that some part of my consciousness could be encoded in there, and then shared in the crystal, and then things going on crystal-wise could resonate with the goings-on consciousness-wise. So I had done that while staring at black dot and breathing and observing the thoughts.
DeleteI curled up in bed happier than I often feel, and things were going great, until I was at that moment where sometimes you have the jerk in your limbs and you wake up suddenly. But instead what woke me up was a sudden exhale, like I was doing to the crystal, except I felt real alarming power in what was being exhaled.
So I woke up, and started "seeing" "imaginary" but very frightening little things that looked like they were made out of the brown origami paper, and had very evil glowing eyes and I was truly frightened of going to sleep at that point. So yeah, could have been a fantasy. Kind of an unexpected one, since it started with me entering one of the most peaceful sleeps I could hope for.
I'll give you an example, and don't take this wrong or personally, despite everything that has been said here over recent weeks, my presumption would have been that no way no day, would ANYONE reading all of it, go back to 'ET Aliens are demonic/fallen angels...'
DeleteBut, more or less, you just did exactly that. You shifted the playing-field away from ACTUAL material beings from far away, to 'machine elves' resulting from DMT trips or similar, and then outright accused them of taking over 'your space' in another dimension. Okay I can run with the idea that because it was YOUR dream (or 'vision' even let's say), that they are unbidden 'being there.' But why is that even necessarily the first thought that has occurred to you?
Still, it is not invalid what you're saying, what your position about them is. But it revolves around the whole concept of what we are going to call 'entitled to be mine,' as such. All the ideas in my brain are not mine permanently, because I know the whole lot of them, if simply tied to cell memory, will die and end up in the ground or the air with the rest of 'me.' If 'machine elves' wish to take up residence in my 'subconscious thoughts' well then the only real claim I have above THEIR rights, is in any case just for the duration of my physical life. And, if I supposed that was all that I ever ever would 'have' or 'possess' and that they are going to detract from the quality of that life, then maybe I would feel concerned. But even then, what makes you start out from the idea they are detracting from the quality of your own living experience? To me, you seem to always jump to the exact same conclusion about anything and everything not well known: it's against me, it's going to take from me, I have some right to exclusive ownership and property... ...and so on. Everything is potentially my enemy unless... unless what? Unless they give you something for free and then also, what next? When you NEVER initiated the giving, how is there ever an equivalency of exchange then from that point on? Answer: there never is. Intelligent beings meeting other intelligent beings 'bring something each to the table.' Jesus said that. Somewhere, in the Bible. I paraphrased but only just a little bit to bring it up-to-date.
Ah! I understand. At the moment I started getting frightened by visions of mechanical elves I felt as if they were real independent creatures, which is partly, combined with the evil glowing eyes, what was so frightening about it. There has never been any DMT involved in my experience. It was not until later the next day that I started spinning this "well maybe you had cleaned your belfries and out came the pesky creatures to harass you a bit before they moved on..."
DeleteReally I'm more interested in the sense of expelling the breath. One one of the more "special" catholic priests I have met said that that is the basis of the word "repentence." The exhale.. I see all sorts of "creatures" in my half dream states, and mostly if I don't like they way they make me feel I intentionally beat the shit out of them just for kicks. In a mental kind of way.
So, you're in that sleep paralysis state where it feels like a "demon" is in your bed, jumping up and down, and it's creepy AF. This goes on for several years. Finally one time you manage to get from "sleep paralysis" to "lucid dream" and you grab the demon by the feet and start slinging him around the room and against the walls. That goes on for a while and then you wake up, and never have the creepy sleep paralysis demon dream again ever. Good times.
DeleteIn contrast to that. this morning I was woken very quickly out of a "sex dream" by the very clearly spoken word "HELO." I was like "I'm awake now, but HELO to you to. Let me tell you about myself... bla bla bla.... okay so perhaps you are not so fond of language style communication?" "no, on the contrary..." "well then in that case perhaps I should invite you to do more of the talking next time?" "well sure, but before you do that I'd like you to spend time getting better at this meditative exercise you've been doing..." "DEAL!"
DeleteThat is an example of another kind of "interaction."
Love is about agency, fear is about control. It's very simple.
Regarding the "sense of entitlement" I read an amusing story about Cartier-Bresson the photographer. Apparently he had a hard time as a young man fitting into his french upper class duties, and failed his entrance exam for the air force because his response to "why do you wish to become a member of the air force?" he wrote "don't try so hard, the sky belongs to us all..."
DeleteHaha. I didn't catch what I actually said there. did you CATCH that? If someone tells you, on the internets, or because you signed up for their program to see ETs fly ships, "do such and such...." and you go and do that there is implicitly an issue of control established. You are doing a thing you were told to do. As such you sacrifice true agency, at least by being guided by the "fear of not doing it correctly."
DeleteSo you take the advice someone gives you, and you twist it around and you come up with what you believe is the "correct version" of what they were telling you to do.
Now you are doing it and no one else is there controlling you either in your mind or in the world. Space exists for proper love to happen.
Now someone who is there, perhaps in the other dimensional realms, can come to you and say "that is really wonderful, would you please keep doing that... that would help me the most if you want that too..."
And better not scoff when I say "beings from other dimensions" because folks are paying "cold hard cash" to dudes who promise a certain experience, and anyway the navy says tic tacs are real.
When you mention 'Cartier-Bresson...' Man. Now you are talking some high-brow right there. Demi-god.
DeleteLeica and its silent shutter. Plus I guess there is some story about nearly dying in Africa with the insinuation that he was sort of half-reincarnated. Reborn as a photographer to produce pictures of things people miss with their eyes.
Delete“We need to stop going into all of this aw, frikkin' - either it is 'high-brow' or else just turgid self-important 'deep philosophy' talk here.”
ReplyDeleteSo where we off to next? This is one of the best most relaxing shoe making videos I’ve seen, almost meditative
Are there awesome shoes where we are going?
...The Elves and the Shoemaker. There is history. : )
DeleteI believe the Japanese are among the truly top bespoke shoemakers in the world today. No question. You can still get top class machine-constructed German brand shoes, that are made from highest quality hides because they have the buying power and the industrial technology know-how and they are conservative enough to not mess with perfection.