[We will be looking at the opposite to 'diabolos' in this piece.]
Unlike people of the past, most of them, at least - we must not be unintelligent and mindless about certain things.
Relations between the more advanced beings and human affairs and human beings, is potentially a two-way street, but not always so because of the fundamental condition of humans.
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The modern style of Kubla Khan's Stately Pleasure places. |
The myth narratives say that it is possible for humans to become actually materially linked to Elves (among many of the otherworldly beings), but that what prevents most of these relationships from succeeding is impatience on behalf of the human, and also a lack of faith about what qualities Elves prize. The common understanding in any event, is that the lifespans of humans in the first place are far shorter than that of Elves - so that's a significant issue.
Secondly, humans consider themselves to be the more intelligent among the Universal species of intelligent life - and that is abundantly not true at all.
Nevertheless, Elves scan the human race and select various individuals at various times for their own reasons, and merely assist that individual 'subsist' in a way, so long as they are humanly alive and thus able to further whatever Earthly aim was the true objective of this one-way street relationship. It's probably not quite a 'one-way street,' but it will be one-sided; not equal.
The Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb (1618 - 1707) decreed many oppressive things to assert his claim of being the 'Universal Caliph' and also thus the leading proponent of the Shari'a.
Most historians believe that a copy of the Quran held in the library of Azamgarh, Nothern Uttar Pradesh, is at least in part hand-written by Aurangzeb himself. ...I am just noting this important fact here now, because later on (though not in this Blog piece), the whole subject of the magical and often occult 'manuscript culture' originating from Persia will become very meaningful to the diligent and the attentive.
One of the matters which concerned him (Aurangzeb) most of all was the playing of certain kinds of instruments. It has become folklore among modern Muslims that the Messenger of Allah forbade music and the playing of instruments save the drum. That is not correct - he specifically banned membranophones... (And likewise 'blowing' instruments which have reeds or make sound through vibrations of air). Membranophones are those instruments whatever they were, whether stringed or also skin-covered drums, but which induced the vibration of other membranes on the drum somewhere.
Aurangzeb explains why. He said that these instruments, in particular the sarangi and the dholak caused musical hallucinations.
If we shift now to a broader perspective about these things, and look at the psychological aspects of 'resonance' generally, we must observe that dreams for example, are a form of resonance inside the sleeping human brain, partly from things of the conscious day-light hours, and partly from things from the completely unconscious. Yet even if we actively 'interpret' those dreams using say Jungian dream interpretation techniques, all we are doing is having a passive stance to the thing in fact: the unconscious 'tells' us something, and we attempt to make sense of that. And that's it.
This is not actually, what we should be doing as intelligent and fully-aware individuals.
We should at least be confident enough of ourselves and our presupposed status as these 'super-intelligent beings' - to actively send messages up-front into the unconscious and indeed, to anywhere else that we conceive might exist even though are not able to see it with the vision of our ordinary eyes and neural-optical capacities.
The Quran is correct when it speaks of the 'Satanic Verses' being those times when the Shaytan cast into the mouth of the Messenger of Allah, certain words.
'Diabolos' is Greek and means to cast in order to cut in two. The key part is 'ballein' which means to cast like you would a spear.
The opposite of that is 'symbolon.'
This means to cast a token, but not just any 'token' but something which really connects and gathers together.
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Everything looks better from some distance. |
We need not be foolish, ignorant, and unthinking, about the facts and information that we can gain today.
When cultural depictions of Elves and Fairies show them wearing tiaras with jewels in the middle where the forehead is, this is a material reflection of the actuality - which is not about bits of crystal, rock, or stone. If the myth narratives say 'star' then that is what the situation really is. Now we are not so childish as to imagine that in the myth depiction case of 'star' it means another sun-like celestial object; that is ridiculous because it does not accommodate the necessary logical 'boundary conditions' between related things. An Elf is not so large as to be the size of several constellations. Despite the narratives all saying they can change size.
When silly foolish people want to say things about 'harmonic resonance' being a part of occult magic, and produce one or two little 'symbols' then they are flying in the face of all of what we, we relatively unintelligent little Earth creatures know, even about our own manufactured material structures, our architecture, our concepts about physics and crystalline forms.
The procedure for making contact with super-advanced, highly elevated beings, considerably more intelligent than us ourselves -, we must engage our minds, in our minds, in terms of very organised and complex shapes and formations...
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Asparagus sauce, morels, and poached fish. ...We misunderstand the word 'symbol!' |
I was torn between not showing this short video clip, since it is in fact incomplete and abruptly cuts off - however it is a clip of the actual recent-era master of the sarangi instrument, whose rendition of this famous piece is the most famous one; the thing banned by Aurangzeb, alongside the Dholak which was widely regarded as taboo not simply because of the Islamic religious ban, but because it has erotic connotations (in the cultural narrative) and erotic powers.
Aurangzeb well might have said 'musical hallucination' and I am saying something a little bit different to that. ...I am saying 'symbolon' in the true Greek meaning.
If you cast a connective token into the astral realms, you will be taking the initiative, and that is the right thing.
What actually causes the resonance here (and it is a resonance inside of you), is the musical effect of the 'pull-off' from the strings, the after-effect dropping-off sound (which can have started like a shot from a gun though, hitting an acoustic peak), and like certain Chinese Kung Fu techniques, it is the outside of the fingernails that are interacting with the already vibrating strings - because like in some KF techniques, it is literally possible to pull someone towards you by touching them with the outside of your hand, upon the outside of their body somewhere. And when you see it, it looks like the master has magnetic powers. And that's because he or she does!
The point is you can pull someone towards you.
This is a great traditional classical piece, albeit it was not at all regarded as 'classical' Indian music for a long time, on account of that it had been decried as a style and looked down upon for centuries:
What?? You knew this and yet when I said "I dreamed I was stuck in a white room with my aunt and grandmother and her violin, and I understood I could solve the problem except I wasn't allowed to touch grandma's violin" ... ?? I was frickin' four years old when I had that dream.
ReplyDeleteWell, there you go then. See? See?
DeleteYes, I see, but none of you actually knows that I'm telling the truth about these dreams, and that's as it should be I guess.
DeleteAnd similarly I don't "know" that you haven't said "let's see, a violin, yes... okay then we can work up a story about that here.." However there were some notes I took back in February which no one read and are sort of related to what's being discussed here now. So.
DeleteThe violin has the same kind of capability that the sarangi has. The sarangi is simply the outward or externalized manifestation of how the human internal being is structured. It also (like the human) has three sets of 'sympathetic strings' 35 such individual strings in total, I believe.