The time for concerning ourselves with our own selves is when we have the personal time and are in enough physical seclusion from the world to go into the interior, as it were (and yes, I have been re-visiting Jung and those who followed closely in his footsteps -, Marie Louise von Franz and so on) and consult with the 'unconscious.' ...If that is even feasible.
Jung of course, gives very little credibility to the actual materialization of otherwise - according to his own thinking - real figures from the realm of the human unconscious.
He does say these figures are not at all mere symbols, but are in fact real; except that we cannot be made aware of them in our consciousness in the ordinary state of things.
As educated people we have to take note of the historical fact, that Jung predicted the rise of an heroic, mythic figure in Germany who would plunge the whole world into a cataclysm. And then, we must know that he also envisaged a similar moment around about now, emanating from America or at least the American-led so-called 'Western World' and in this case he predicted the actual end of the world. Those who were the recipients of the details of this prediction say that he only foresaw vast parts of the world totally destroyed...
Well I am not going to confirm that what Jung said is really going to happen, at least not like that. But what I will say is that despite massive attempts by odd characters to try and 'de-bunk' what the Federal Legislative Representative for New Hampshire, Henry W. McElroy said in his personal witness testimony upon retiring in 2010 - the fundamental contents of what he said are certainly true and correct. Which is namely that Eisenhower, President of the United States from 1953 - 1961 was clearly officially aware of the existence of extraterrestrials here and that they would be available to consult with to seek advice and assistance from should such a thing become necessary.
In this disclosure via personal witness testimony, it was also affirmed that the US officially believed at that time, that no threat at all was being posed then, nor had it ever been posed in past history and nor would it ever be posed, against humans on this planet.
And this is markedly different to the narratives emerging from the Pentagon now.
But nevertheless, I want to go back to Jung and underscore how he originally came by his views about the imminent rise of a 'Hitler-type' character, before such a person in fact appeared.
He said that when a broad section of any particular society all at the same time starts having 'dreams' or feelings of foreboding, which can be quite vague (and it's worse still, if these are rather vague, because it implies they are coming from the feminine collective unconscious), then this is the manifesting of real things existing inside the unconscious, and that the trajectory of such manifestations in the mind, end up with material physical effects in the external physical world.
And so, where I am going with this, is to suggest that concepts such as 'bug-out bags' and 'Doomsday Prepping' are exactly those unconscious forces manifesting in the minds of people. Typically, if you are a student of psychological forces producing material effects, you will know that the pre-sentiment drops off suddenly first, and then this is a clear indicator that it is about to be actually realized in matter -, that is, in a material way out in the material experience itself.
As little as fifty years ago, if someone were bombing a nuclear energy facility, this would be an international crisis immediately, with massive military and diplomatic effects ensuing right away.
Today however, this existential fact of someone - in fact both sides - bombing nuclear facilities, is playing second fiddle to the raid by the armed, mostly masked, jack-booted criminal thugs in the employ of the Wokey-people, on one of the residences of a past President of the United States.
Second fiddle? What am I saying?? Nobody cares.
What is quite certain to happen now though, is that no sooner will have the Republicans wrested control of Congress and the Senate thoroughly come this November, than retributions will commence.
And then we will descend in total chaos (it's only mostly chaos in the enforcement of powers against a weakened civilian population now) into a full-blown Civil War, with armed insurrections, mostly by Antifa at first, quite openly, rather than as in the past covertly just using metal pipes to bash people and smash cars and business windows. All actions fully protected by the FBI.
There is actually no way around having to say this now.
Not for nothing is the George Soros (superficially it is run by Soros) 'Civil Society' movement called that, because it is exactly anything but that.
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'A merchant found a pearl of great price...' |
Well but so what. We know all these things. At least hopefully though, none of you will be caught up thinking of wielding any kid of weapon at all. It's a bad idea.
What's a good idea is to admit that this is indeed 'where it's all at' right now.
If you posed the question to someone who sits firmly on the side of those who procured a criminal warrant against a recent ex-President, and likely candidate again - how is it that a nuclear war is less of an issue for the FBI to concern itself with, than your animus against Donald Trump - you're not going to get any kind of sensible answer.
The 'animus' - from the dark shadow side of the collective unconscious, has already fully taken over their minds...
: )
The kind of chaos that eventually overtook ancient Athens, or Persia or Rome, does not happen so quickly that one needs to personally, in a private life role, run and hide anywhere.
The complexity of the human persona and personal 'self' is so intensely woven into its recognizable patterns of development to a different stage intelligence, that to intervene while that is happening, denies the creature its natural right to unfold to what it will be.
We say, that is, ordinary people are inclined to say - 'we are entitled to think what we want, do what we want, be how we choose to be.' And they are in fact doing none of those things at all. They are merely following a known path to do with how things grow through stages and cycles.
To imply that humans are 'intelligent' is beyond the merely ridiculous. They are systematic, pattern-following animated creatures with absolutely no actual intelligence at all.
Moment-to-moment (and this is the stance of psycho-analysis too), human beings, whether individually, or as a group, are living in a dynamic circumstance of combined forces and energy being thrown up into the experiential 'now.' A person suffering a psychic pathology is not doing so in the past (the mistake that Freud made, albeit that was because he at least saw some of the originating pre-conditions) - he is doing so in the present!
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'Merchant of Venice' brand. |
And so either you will deal with the present psychic situation, in present terms, or you will let it deteriorate by its own necessary trajectory into its own demise - literally its death.
Okay so there are Elves, and there are ET Aliens and there are a few other kinds of beings around the place and we generally speaking do not see them.
'If' they are there, and they are much more advanced and intelligent, then - just like the assumption that there is a God - we are back to the question of Theodicy; but in this case, unlike God who has not appeared on any Mount Sinai for a number of centuries at least, if He even did that way back then, we have many official people saying that in fact they are not only there and thought to be there, but that they have actually met with leading figures on the planet, such as General Eisenhower.
And this means 'they' are making a moral choice not to intervene and not to speak openly to large numbers of the general public or let's even say 'the whole world' as such nowadays, since we have the internet.
In other words, the moral equation is this: it is better, that the human race organize its own extinction event...
I mean in any case, what could be more poetic?
Your scientists, who know everything, are now about to reach the 'Shiva point' of absolute extinction - all by themselves. With no one forcing them to do it.
There's no scientists organizing open letters to which hundreds of great prize-winning identities are signatories, asking the UN to stop anything that is going on right now.
In fact it's even too late now, for them to try and do anything as mediocre and weak as that.
You are probably worried that some kind of effectual material 'blow-back' will adversely affect your lives and your lifestyles. But it won't.
The problem with assuming that much of the human race really is intelligent, is in failing to perceive that they are quite unable to use geometry in their mental calculations.
They cannot see the trajectories of shapes.
What they typically do is yell and scream - like monkeys - about the previous trajectory of something that just hit them, not seeing what is about to hit them. Or seeing where they are going on the thing they are riding on.
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French vanilla butter cream and lilac cream... |
...I could point out something from the immediate last Blog piece here and that would simply be 'feeding those in the cages.' But some people picked it up though. The rest are going to have to pick up speed with dynamic geometry really fast or go the way of most of the world as we have witnessed what it was.
It's old, and dried out, and dead.
Truth is well-hidden. You either discover it yourself, or you die in the clouds of other people's prognostications - their 'sci-entific' pronouncements on everything. They don't know anything, but they are willing to teach courses in Universities for money.
Don't know... ...anything.
Not anything at all. At this point, it is clear they were so far up the creek without a paddle, that literally you can say now 'didn't know a damn thing at all.'
If someone can tell me, what the problem is with some of the posted comments from the last Blog piece, I will maybe slightly alter my tune about where things are headed and headed real fast! How many times already do I need to say 'you can't read' or if you can, you certainly are having difficulties comprehending what your eyes are seeing and giving to your brain!
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Arielle Maren. Below: |
And what do you think? Do you think ET Aliens and so on have a higher respect or view of the people in the White House - or in Harvard today?? Are you crazy? Wait, are you crazy.
And what if they took the view that militant stupidity was a matter of actual maliciousness?
I kinda care about you; your problems, but no one says what their problems really are. They're all still playing cards as if they are going to 'win' in a throw-down hand show at some point. Well how are you going to do that? When is that going to happen - you know, with you, never mind me. I just played my hand. I'm still waiting to see what people are making of the last Blog piece. What they are researching; what they are finding. ??
I wanna see people really understand geometries and trajectories...
You better hope like hell this kind of song is written about people who deserve the meaning of it (otherwise there will be none of you left on this planet when we're finished, sorry sorry, when you're finished and nobody intervened):
So I haven't finished reading, but I'm going to stop halfway through and make some comments about thoughts I've had about DT. Is DT guilty of crimes that technically should prevent him from becoming a candidate in the future? Absolutely! Will preventing him from becoming a candidate in the near future serve the greater good, or not?
ReplyDeleteLet's go back to the story being told about Eisenhower. Some ET types decided to arrange for some pretty seriously effed up people to "have" some "crashed ET crafts" locked away under their apparent control. I imagine that the ET types demonstrated to those people that they could retrieve these things if they wished; now then, what can you do for us? "Well, we can make sure that Eisenhower doesn't have the ability to negotiate with the other ET types who have offered public scientific knowledge and spiritual type advancements. We get the money, right?"
Apparently no one bothered to ask "gosh, guys! it's a dangerous universe, how do YOU survive?" (especially since according to the narratives ETs were presenting themselves as apparently conflicted and tribal) I mean, OM, you can tell us here whether that sort of dialogue might have been available as a choice "high IQ military experts" might have been able to pursue?
But whatever. Guess what! The universe is more dangerous than we supposed. We thought democracy was a safe choice. Apparently not. Things go this way and that, control that was once maintained will always be lost given time. Stakes are apparently high, at least from the point of view of someone who has spent most of his life believing that he is a "conscious being, separate from other beings"
LOL I give up.
DeleteNo I'm serious. When did "people with access" ask the question "how do they survive their own technology?"
DeleteThis is why we can't have nice things, see. (lol)
DeleteNo! We can't have nice things because I go out in the yard and start feeling like I'm getting invaded by "evil thoughts" and need to go clear my mind! Sorry I chose "Steve Bannon" for that. Yes I understand that he is a fictitious concept made by mediation.
DeleteWell maybe you can have nice things.
Plus, you know, we are to understand that our own bodies are warehouses with the same kind of stuff in them, right?
DeleteYou know if the guys under Schelling had have had 'subjects' as good as you to drill propaganda into the heads off back then in the late Fifties and Sixties, then for sure they would be able to not just have gotten some people onto Mars as well, but they could have gotten them there on bicycles. What's serious about your question? You couldn't even read accurately what I had written down about Serge Lutens here - and that was only two days ago! No wonder the Congressional Committee is playing pea and thimble with files about ET Aliens and government interactions with them, that happened earlier than oh, what, two/three weeks ago. Jesus Christ! No body alive today living on a regular diet of DMT and stuff would be able to credit that history even EXISTED way back then, four weeks ago! When did senior academics ask the question? What's the point me telling you when and whom. There is no point. Just let's deal with what happened two-three days ago though, eh. I'll TRY desperately to treat your appeals about the question in good faith though: part of the answer is 'you're on the wrong side, buddy.' Isn't it YOU who dropped the nuclear bomb? Why are you even IMAGINING the US government was treated as the actual counter-party to morally-advanced ET Alien engagement? Don't you think that 'if' such beings had somehow made their way through disasters augmented by extreme technology, they wouldn't quickly recognize the kinds of people and mindsets that would result in such catastrophes? If you are asking about how their BODIES survive high speed motion and time travel, well...
DeleteThe ones that come here and 'take' a few people now and then, live not very far away but in space with limited sunlight and potentially lots of cosmic radiation, and no natural gravity. So they have a 'developed' type of ligament structure instead of bones, suckers on the tips of their fingers which help them get around inside craft in space with low gravity, bluish skin to absorb lower frequencies of light, and they can get beat up a lot and banged around in super High-G's without much difficulty. But these are not the same guys as who actually travel vast distances across time-space. They ARE the same species using an intermediate, functional purpose body type.
DeleteNo. One person to ask why they don't destroy themselves.
DeleteSurely the people responsible for the use of atomic weapons could have asked that question.
DeleteI dunno. Jesus. Did you actually read all that stuff we've been pumping out even on the free Inkitt platform? It says - Dr Munro Leaf, Loomis Park psychologists, Baltimore University academic team, under Thomas C. Schelling Rand Corp and then Chairman US Defense Science Research Board. And the answer why they don't destroy themselves, is because they have a template, which ends up like the hive mind proposition although it is not that - and you are the ONLY person here who not only has been doing everything you can to stop us from imparting that template, you've actually succeeded in making it impossible to do that openly here. This is the VERY REASON why they 'take people' under a sort of mild anesthetic 'up' and program them up there. Because they cannot do it openly here. You personally resist every single step of the way. And then you want to say though 'but our own bodies are warehouses with the same stuff...' Huhuhuhu. No they're not, exactly NOT the same stuff at all. Cain killed Abel. You're still doing it. What did I say, stop jumping to conclusions based on 'fnord' responses and what do you say? Trump committed a crime. Which one was that? Was that the Russian collusion one? Or the tax return one? Or the bribery of Stormy Daniels one...? Which one. What about the 'unimpeachable' evidence requiring an illegal FBI tapping of US citizens' phones? Maybe the Carter Page spy stuff that he was doing with the Soviets (Stefan Halper literally used the word 'Soviets!')? What about the George Papadopoulos 'evidence?' Why are we re-litigating this now? It was all lies - ALL of it. But despite that, now you have offered that there IS a crime that DT COMMITTED; not 'may have' or might have, but DID DO. LOLOLOL Okay so let's go to war rather than simply 're-litigate it...' Ergo - self-destruction. Who is the person with an internal template that pre-judges facts? Is it you, or is the ET Aliens? How are you expecting them to 'coach' you nicely, to steer away from this automated template of response that YOU have? Not that THEY have. Because they do not have that. You absolutely do NOT have the same things inside the 'warehouse' of your body-organism of being. You have darkness inside of there. It's all dark, very very dark. (I was really happy to say that last bit; it sounded so good).
DeleteDon't get distracted with the DT stuff.
DeleteI gotta go out for coffee with some people for a few hours. Back l8r. Not going 'up' just out! lol
DeleteWHEN says: The non material experiences that coincided with my lending period were such:
ReplyDeleteI woke up one morning remembering vividly three atypical experiences, I also felt compelled to share them with those around me that morning. As the day unfolded, all three experiences occurred in waking life. The first time caused everyone told to laugh with amusement to the similarity of my dream from the night before. The second time was met with a brief chuckle and eyes getting a little more open than normal. The third time my companions looked stressed or even borderline angry.
I could force trajectories onto the categorization of this experience. But I’d rather hear more from you Qui-gon.
'Trajectory' is a lot more practical than it would seem if we were just to think 'metaphysical' stuff all the time. I mean for it to be USED here and now. Unlike with Mr KP above, I shall simply pose to you - did I actually say that I liked Serge Lutens' work? What were the exact words that I said...
DeleteI am so excited that someone has chosen to cough up.
DeleteWHEN writes:
ReplyDeleteYou said 'Merchant of Venice' brand.
And, nearby, you said
“And so either you will deal with the present psychic situation, in present terms, or you will let it deteriorate by its own necessary trajectory into its own demise - literally its death.”
Something like that. Well, yes, it was about death. Yep.
DeleteI actually meant the previous Blog article, not this one. But in any case, it was about 'death.'
DeleteShoe Anon here… I wasn’t going to comment because I know I don’t have a handle on most of the concepts being discussed here.
ReplyDeleteMiyake designs are quite extroverted (pleats, origami shapes, geo patterns), Lutens fragrance quite contained (bottle), subtle, introverted. Both invite a sensory experience, one more subtle than the other. Are both expressing an idea of dynamic geometry? I thought Miyake to be a quiet man with an extroverted expression. Perhaps Serge is the opposite? Is Miyake the material senses and Serge the intuitive? I dunno.
My 4 yr old niece interrogated a woman at the mall today because she was dressed in an anime kitty outfit complete with fish nets, tutu, pink hair and pink knee high velvet boots. The rest of us were in jeans an tshirts. 4 exclaims “look… a kitty… I love her”, then “can we go talk to her”. And I think “oh shit”.
The woman was graceful in allowing miss 4 to interrogate her on her outfit which was full of compliments on her boots and questions about where she got her cat ears…. What got me was how quietly spoken the cat woman was, painfully shy almost. I didn’t get the feeling that she was bothered by the interaction or nervous just really very quiet - the complete opposite of her outward expression, clothing wise anyway… so introverted yet so extroverted and all I was thinking of was this blog LOL
Have you heard of Dr Ibrahim Karim - Egyptian Energy Science aka Bio Geometry? It keeps coming up in my YouTube feed and I don’t want to put in any time watching if it’s bunk
Parents... ...and 4 yr olds. We step aside and defer to their presence. Let's get something straight here - as the most senior local state academic in education told me one time "No such thing as 'just a parent!'" 'Just a parent' is what it's all about, why we are here at all. As for not having a handle on the concepts, don't let us fool you. LOL We don't either, but we sure know how to make it seem like we do! ...Your description of the cat lady is so very interesting because of what Carl Jung has to say about 'introvert/intuitive' people. And that's just on the basis of 'standard mainstream' if old school psychiatry on human beings (and other forms of beings, because Carl goes into them as well). I'm going to comment briefly in a minute on the Lutens v Miyake thing because it is to be frank, possibly quite touchy what I am trying to suggest about it all.
DeleteIbrahim Karim I know from people trying to market various so-called 'scalar products' - which actually have a huge market in places like Russia. The only thing I think one can take from Karim if is, in any of his books, he is outright saying that he HAS found Egyptian texts or deciphered something along the lines of depictions of geometric bases for 'resonance' as something to be used in organised ways for medicine or sensations or psychological outcomes. I mean it seems very tenuous what he is saying in the way that he says it. No doubt though, such systems existed in the past, that is very clear from Vedic texts and the stories about Pythagoras using music and sound, but like, how far can you get beyond the Phrygian mode being used for military marches? Sociologically there is a case to be made, scientifically - doubtful, otherwise we would already be seeing equipment and ideas on the mainstream front. I have not seen anything in what he is saying which goes to some new clear-cut scientific link between shapes and designs as physical means to create resonance. I think the pathway is plausible but he seems very far off describing any real connection. You need to be able to show wave-forms from geometrical shapes and then some pertinent link to specific organs (if you want to achieve what he is suggesting). Well but what's the link though in the organs themselves? They are just cells and fluids. He is very unclear about the material science, seems to me.
DeleteThank you old money - saves me tripping down that time hole or haystack as I often do.