The topical Salman Rushdie said in an interview, the following - he said, and I quote: 'I mean, I do not believe in the literal truth of fairy tales, for example. I do not believe, for instance, that magic carpets fly.'
When the early Persian myth writers said that the Deev captured Peris every now and then, and kept them captive in iron cages at the ends of the highest branches of tall trees, exposed for everyone to view them and exposed to the elements - and that Peri helpers would fly up to those cages and feed the captive Peri fragrances, which is what their fundamental sustenance consisted of, was this true or only metaphorically true? ...Until some human hero would arrive and was recruited to rescue and release the captive fairy being?
The label of 'Prince' in those days also meant a broadly powerful, maybe even a roaming, ruler, but not the absolute ruler.
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...This is where I come from. Up there, beyond that mist line. There's giants up there, you know. |
So when you read in the New Testament, for instance, that 'Satan is the Prince of the Air,' it does not mean he is a Peri - he is not of the kind of being called 'Peris.' And it does not mean that he rules the Air at all! It means he is a traversing, meaning 'uncrowned' but still dominating, power. Albeit for our purposes we are going to say, also an actual real person/being. Not just a 'power.'
I posted previously that I was going to specify which bits of anything that I had written in other places, were absolutely true and correct in all details and materially factual... Meaning, hard matter-type, fact. Not 'metaphysical' fact.
Rushdie next goes on to explain that he still 'believes' in the 'truth' of the metaphysical lessons or teachings.
And that is exactly not what I am going to say.
In this case, let's equate 'magic flying carpets' with 'UAP's/UFO's.'
Everything I wrote about Thomas C. Schelling, Dr Munro Leaf, Lincoln Gordon (CIA) was completely true. Well in fact all those gentlemen were CIA in one way shape or form. Leaf was a top academic in sociology and political science. He was a major government adviser and adviser to the Disney Corporation. The Rand Corporation, Eastman-Kodak High Altitude Photographic Laboratories - all of those groups, everything I wrote about them in context of those gentlemen was also completely true. And they worked for all of them in different roles.
And this means that somewhere, maybe deep in a government archive somewhere, are government files detailing all of those things about which I wrote concerning those people and the secret or covert government programs that they were working on and in.
Now today, the media talks about 'compartmentalized' classified files, but I cannot see how anything dating to way back then in the late-Fifties, early-Sixties needs to be 'compartmentalized' because you would not 'suppose' there are still any on-going projects or programs, related to those things back then.
Except... I can think of one and it is not anything to do with ET Aliens and UFO's.
I'm not going to say what it is, because it doesn't affect what we want to talk about for right here and now.
And that is specifically, that I have not ever been talking about 'metaphorical' UFO's or metaphorical advanced beings from somewhere else - I have not been talking about Rushdie myth 'magical flying carpets' but about real ones.
So I am not really all that interested the way KP has been characterizing things to do with Dr Steven Greer and all of those groups of UFO chasers, as 'dreams.'
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I'm a reasonable guy. |
I am going to explain here why people such as Rushdie are intent on hammering away at metaphors when someone else raises the matter of 'flying carpet'-type thing.
Rushdie sees only the metaphorical representation, in the same way that the Deev of Persian folklore, imagined that the top end of tall trees is more or less the region where Peris live and so, keeping them 'up' there would prolong their lives...
Sir Salman would like even less what I am going to say next about him.
Which is that he lacks a range of capacities inside his own structure, which places him more or less on the same standing as the Deev. Deev, have only neural energy which goes up to but not beyond the harmonic multiples of, maybe 550 nms.
At around that type of range of wavelength, there is a 'reflective' mechanism of the Gauss Curve of shortening wavelengths (as we talked about many times earlier, this is just below the so-called 'ultra violet catastrophe' section of the curve). So that all that the intelligent neurological processing is able to do beyond that is 'see' (perceive) the reflections downwards of what lies above and beyond.
So naturally, he says - and he is telling the truth about what he perceives, and he is being self-honest - that everything that we 'think' about beyond that range of existence is only a thing representing some other thing. That's the only way he can think about it.
In fact though - yes what he sees does represent some other thing; a reflection of that thing, not a metaphor for some other thing.
Steven Greer's assertions that there is some exclusively private layer of private corporate involvement, outside of government, but linked with government in the matter of ET Aliens and craft and materials and technology, does fit in somewhat, with what I was saying about those private companies and 'think tanks' of academics post-War (WWII). It's more than possible.
It's strongly possible.
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I'm a reasonable guy, yes, but man I could still waste a lot of money! Don't you worry about that! |
The split in official policy and thinking at the highest levels, comes about through the difference, the structural difference in neurology between people like, say Dr Munro Leaf, and Sir Salman Rushdie in modern times.
If even an army officer or a soldier comes to a secret panel and tells them 'yes I saw such-and-such' the 'Rushdie's' on that panel will automatically default to the 'and that was a dream/a metaphor/a psychic phenomenon coming from the stress of the risks of nuclear conflagration...'
And so from then on actual policy is determined, governed, not by the actual facts as reported and ascertained - and which might have been able to have been fully validated - but by the 'metaphorical lessons' or the 'moral values' dimension as perceived by people with a defective neurology.
You see, these 'little bluish-grey guys' are not the actual ET Aliens as they live elsewhere. These are functionaries who are alternated backwards and forwards from their real physiology, to a physiology that is suited to being 'perched' like a space bird, not very far out in space from us in order to perform their tasks. Their ears pick up higher-frequency sounds because those are the ones that travel best in low atmosphere and low natural gravity conditions (which affects the atmosphere gases and gas and particulate dynamics), their eyes see better in the relative dark, their fingers can magnetically cling onto surfaces where there is molecular density, their bones can survive Earth atmospheric super high G-forces, and extreme rapid medium changes.
Actual real ET Aliens from very distant places look virtually just like you or me.
You would generally speaking not be able to tell one apart from any other human being down here.
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What the hell, JES! You post these pics, what do you expect me to do with them!! And stop 'skiting.' You and me both are not the ages they all think... |
Imagine though, if a team of serious-minded, senior academics, were canvassing in front of President Kennedy, the need to look at human beings and assess them with regard to what range of neurological wavelengths they actually possessed the structural capacity to use...
I mean there's plenty of ways of using meters - electronics devices - even available way back then in the very early-Sixties, to 'see' these things on a scope. Tavistock was using them.
They're still using them but they just got into a world of trouble experimenting on little kids just then though. Those experiments are not totally wrong - you can definitely reverse chemically-induced organic changes with electronics; not other chemicals. It's just that Tavistock does not have that kind of electronics just yet. But they will though, sooner or later.
You could check Hoover and declare him defective. Johnson - defective. Any number of people.
And what would be the 'benefit' of those human beings with a much greater range of neural wavelength traffic and traffic capability?
Well you can touch an electric heating bar and burn your fingers. But can you touch a high ultra-violet data stream? Can you hear it with your ears?
Can I stick you, you personally, in front of a xenon gas discharge tube and turn it on and after a few minutes will you be able to read electromagnetic signalling through brick walls? Some of you will, some of you won't.
That doesn't necessarily mean you are 'deficient' but it probably does though! Because for all of your life, maybe your lives if you believe that kind of thing, all that you have ever jammed into your head was the 'reflection only' of matter sensitivity above the green codes.
Someone would have to take you away from your bullshit that you are 'smart' and that you are 'scientific' because for one thing - you just ain't!
To take you into a material physical craft that accommodates all of the ranges of neural wavelengths, well that is a thing that your radar can 'see' very easily.
Maybe you could do that, where, oh I don't know, ten thousand people were being pushed around in a massive earthquake and so it would be a waste of time telling anyone 'Hey I just saw a space ship!' Pull yourself together man. You're imagining things because of the earthquake. Or 'stop being stupid. Don't you know it's a crisis right now? You're hallucinating. You're panicking.' They'd tell you.
If I ran an ad, though, say in the Auckland or Christchurch Times, asking how many people saw space ships a few hundred feet above the ground during that massive set in 2011 - what sort of response do you think I would get?
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We're just going to have to take her to dinner, Bill. At your old house. (Thanks for this pic, btw). |
Anyone? Anyone?
I already know what the answer is. No point 'Vera' circularizing that in CIA because that would then 'potentially' mean Vera gets to stay and goes even higher, and her bosses get kicked out - that's if anyone even smart in the White House 'gets the point.' And then they - her erstwhile bosses - all have to come see me and Bill and goddammit maybe even KP at that point - and sit in lectures every week until we 'manually' fix up their missing bits.
Well you try telling that kind of thing to Mr Salman Rushdie! Sir - Sir, Salman Rushdie, hero of free speech and atheism and science and truth and reality.
And if you think 'someone' cannot make massive rainstorms and floods and earthquakes at will, then you got another thing coming!
Listen, it ain't 'metaphorical magic flying carpets' going up and down into phreatic pipes during volcanic eruptions and causing volcanic lighting and ionic storms, thereby affecting the weather somewhere else.
As Suzie Quatro as 'Rio Rogers' said once in a Bob the Builder kids' video:
'That ain't fake singing, pardner, that's real singin'!'
Kick your ass you'll know about it. 'Someone,' if 'someone' does that.
I dunno... Is it time Morgiana, is it time?
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Jesus. Just, honestly... Just Jeezus. ...It's kind of interesting though. |
It is getting very close to time.
But why, why did 'God' make Sir Salman with a neurology which does not extend past his reflection filters level.
Well hey hey hey, hang on just a minute though. There's nothing wrong with just being stuck in that zone for a while. The world still has the need for ditch-diggers too, ya know!
And besides, what makes it that he has to go grab some Peris and close them up in iron cages and suspend them on the highest branches of the tallest trees? That's something he did all by himself.
He is fundamentally evil at heart.
Nobody asked him to damage or 'shake' people's 'faith' such that they were in danger of 'losing their faith.' Just because you hurt a fairy or even kill a fairy does not mean you have proven anything other than that you are an extremely heartless individual. Except they are not just 'individuals' - there's a whole bunch of them.
An ascendant line of species development, still also has to contend with competing descending lines though, sometimes. Not everywhere in the Cosmos but it is so here. This is a sequestered place.
It's like a share farmer in an adjoining field. He knows his crops are screwed because the land he's on is no good, but he throws a bunch of his seeds over to your place. Now don't forget - every single cultural outcome, every slightest nuance of innovation emerging from the field of the 'Evolution' of any particular species, is preserved and protected... ...maybe by the little bluish-grey people. Maybe. DNA is unfolded, iterative magic.
Because as Carl Jung did say, it's all a combination, of genetic start-up plus the 'social incidence.' It's not exclusively one thing or just the other thing alone - it's both things unfolding together, which then results in a Beethoven or a Mozart.
And by the way, what makes it that the next-door share farmer is not stealing all your Beethovens, and keeping them 'preserved' somewhere just for himself? He's a long way ahead of you in this matter. Because for one thing he was not 'you' in the first place. He is your enemy in every sense.
You are a new thing. He is an old thing.
You don't even know how to use your UV ranges (yet). And he, doesn't have those...
Am I wrong, Tiger? Even just a little bit?
Here's the clue:
I'm feeling very strongly about all these things today.
ReplyDeleteWhat's that brush Jes is holding! I got one already. Haven't used it much. Stimulating the lymphatic system!
I have "just one" bone to pick about dreaming. You say "unconscious" but I would really like to get that word hammered out all specific so that it is understood that dreams are in fact "about consciousness" and "this is the specific difference to waking." I mean Jung says (I'm told) "unconscious messages" and to "pay attention to synchronicities" to deepen the understanding of the messages.
But the insight I had while mowing the lawn yesterday was "consider how dense the synchronicities could be." "Imagine that could be dialed up to the point your mind can't deal with the absolute infinite density of meaning in everything." "That is sort of like consciousness." (well is it?)
But wait! Someone here has reported having a dream which then re-represented itself in events in their waking day. Some "synchronicities" are stark and clear and "mind blowing" and others "just seem" like "well I could be imagining this..."
But then somewhere back I was watching a "documentary" on UFOs and there was some guy saying "well there was this meeting and this engineer who was supposed to have actual contact with the.... said some things to the people at the conference, and then was hesitant to say some other thing. So I cornered him back stage and he said to me the difficult truth that came about through "conversation" was "all points in space and time are equivalent." (sorry I got the quotes all mixed up)
But I guess Jung wanted to keep it simple all nicely in the realm of human psychology and so it was "messages" presumably "from the unconscious." And only one or two at a time.
Rushdie says "I do not believe in magic carpets" but he should have said "I believe that fairy tales at the very least are like seeds that grow in the minds of the people who hear them. I'm not willing to say what kind of gardens can or can't grow from that." That would have been super if he had said that! Show some respect for the unknown. but you know, he had a bad taste in his mouth from intentionally causing controversy once...
Elena Danaan speaks of "star trek world" here on this planet, integration between ETs in their "true bodies" and humans. She says talks are underway between governments and religious leaders at this very moment. It's not a done deal but it could happen in as little as 2 years. Imagine just one moment like Rushdie had last week involving an ET.
Really I guess I just want to ask about the nature of dream and consciousness. We at least get to know that, right?
DeleteBut this line you've been pursuing of "to deny the real physical existence of the thing you're calling "seeds in peoples' imaginations" is actually morally backward" is interesting.
DeleteStuart Hameroff shows an interesting chart of frequencies found in the brain, starting with very low frequencies in the neuron structures to "pi scale resonance" found in the tubulin (wavelengths of visible light), and then says "and possibly to Planck scale geometry" (spacetime fluctuations).
DeleteSo when you say "you don't even know how to use your UV ranges..." !! and I'm like "there ya go!"
So much good stuff in what you've been saying there. Indeed I have just been using the word 'unconscious' the way Jung uses it - I guess out of respect for him, but besides, he's mostly right anyway. Still, this is something we need to open more on next up.
DeleteThe thing about people like Rushdie - we 'innocent bystanders' who start out casually just reading the news reports, reading the books, well, we regularly get tricked into not calling to our conscious attention that NO ONE published by Oxford University Press just gets published because 'Oh look - Noddy goes to Muslim-Town and it's so entertaining.' There are top level panels and lots of discussion among very clever people. There's strategic 'privileged access' leaking to the press. There's the political equation. Rushdie is the one who wants to say 'metaphorical fairies' but this is to downplay the REAL damage he's causing to REAL people. This specific actual 'hot button' item of 'Satanic verses' is WELL-KNOWN to Islamic scholars and they themselves argue about it. I take Rushdie at his word (because I know it's what is behind it all) - he did not set out to offend Islam and Muslims; he wanted to talk about people GENERALLY who 'lose their faith.' And how he did it in the book was NEVER to say how that happened, but to contrast that there are human weaknesses in real life with real people, and... And? And what? He jumps next to 'there is no God/don't believe in fairy tales.' ...Presumably because this gives you licence to make poor women be trapped in a brothel culture. Well, that culture exists in London, in the town of Oxford, it's not actually in Afghanistan! So why is he lying and characterizing the matter in a different way from the truth and the reality - and yet he's the one talking about not believing in fairy tales, and he has just spawned a massive one.
Oh there is A LOT here. damn. It's 2:59 PM where I am, and this is not coffee talking, this is beer.
DeleteSure. There's Rushdie. There's all the other people who say "OMG Oxford University Press yes yes I will sell my soul, for the greater good of course... let's go! I'm ready for success"
There's Democritus. There's Joseph Beaumont. There's Stuart Hameroff for that matter. Beaumont, what???? He doesn't belong. But also there's "Sir" Isaac Newton, who manipulated the Cambridge Dons into allowing him to have some sort of "alchemical shack" on the premises of the University. Probably not far from where I myself once walked one evening, across the green lawn you're not allowed to walk on, following all the other people who were following the choir master.... up into his "rooms."
And he looked at us all up there and he said "Dean, are all these people YOURS?" and meanwhile his wife was looking around for the "extra" sherry glasses, because of course we all had to have a sherry glass in our hands.
A few years later he came to visit us. I swear he could read minds, was a master of the occult, and taught the skill maybe to his organ scholars. He would joke about his last name.
Once during a rehearsal I had tucked a little scrap of paper with salvador dali's actual signature on it into my music binder. We were sing William "Byrd" and there was a point where this man made a joke of flapping his arms like a bird's wings while establishing communication with the organist over the cctv. Salvador Dali, who once flapped his arms and injured himself jumping out of a window, "bird like."
These guys are way behind the game, always have been.
I mean actually a piece of paper that salvador dali himself had signed. I don't have it any more, I gave it away to a toddler.
DeleteOh but speaking of Beaumont and Jesus College, there is this funny book out there called "Tedious brief tales of granta and gramarye"
DeleteMeanwhile, all the naive do-gooders and the Holes-In-The-Islamic-Narrative 'expositionists' immediately jump on the 'free speech, free speech' thing, failing to realize that 'free speech' yes - but only as long as it is 'free speech' under the terms of the Oxford University, anti-Western Constantine Christianity, superficially atheistic, 'sci-ence' (Karl Popper BS science) bill-of-goods.
ReplyDeleteSo. Some much good stuff... So, it's 2022, and you know about Stuart Hameroff and the possibility of quantum level mechanisms in consciousness. Fifty years from now, will it possible for the wider public to say 'never heard of such an absurd thing?' Yes! They knew about this five thousand years ago. Someone knew about it because Democritus already said it. How did he know? What -? Accident, maybe; he was just lucky and guessed right? But that's not how his writings are framed at all! What has been systematically suppressed here, shoved under a very heavy carpet? Really, forget the ham-fistedness of the 'Ancient Astronaut Theorists' television stuff, what HAS actually been going on on this planet?? Because if Hameroff is right, and he 100% IS right, then you messing around in your garden and mowing your lawn WHILE THINKING is a really big-time thing! With big-time potential consequences. And you know it. Now how com other people don't know it? And in fact, these 'governments and religions' that are supposed to be getting together to expose the Aliens here (not happening, getting together oh yes, exposing anything? No way!), do everything in their power all the time, to PREVENT the human race from using its actual full capacities.
ReplyDeleteWell! You know, I was this person who considered pursuing a degree in Philosophy once.... Okay deletion of long sad story. But not actually sad, just apparently sad.
DeleteI have heard of many situations where someone wishes in their heart to do a thing, and they are told "heh, no, you will do X. I understand you wish to do Y. And maybe some day you will, none of my business. But if you don't do X now I can guarantee that you will not ever be doing Y in quite the same way you could do it if you would do X NOW."
And who knows, maybe this is why Kamala Harris decided she's better off not being the person "who can make it working in a law firm."
But right now I need to sit down and work out something along the lines of "Marxist Theory and Catastrophe." It does not bother me that I won't be able to publish it and have it read and commented on, and that my students won't be all "oh Professor X, I have some questions about the passage in your book..."
We're going to start with the situation where "measurement is the conflict between signal and noise, accuracy and precision. As material fact its mediation is a sequence of digits written down together with a description of procedure..." And then reverse that back up into all the other kinds of "mediation" the way Marxist Theory is supposed to do.
I need this though, because there is a tricky thing going on where I think I can respond to a question any way I like, with little real consequences. Perhaps ignoring the lesson you're conveying about Rushdie. IS it morally backward to tell people "fairies don't exist."
I've been in an energy trough for about a week and a half now. Content here and comments elsewhere have me thinking about energy transfer across people, introversion versus extroversion, psychiatric "illness"... Staggering how certain scientific fields would be completely overturned if we only knew but a tiny fraction of how things really work.
ReplyDeleteUsing the word "trough" just now reminds me that I had a dream two nights ago where an emaciated human/animal being was outside my house eating chicken feed. She was so thin that she was near unrecognizable, and I was like "please, go for it, eat!" Maybe I need to be plugging up holes instead of feeding. Honestly don't know.
DeleteHey l'il kid. Eating is good. Makes you grow. Big and strong. lol
DeleteWe're going to kick around a few ideas on Jung's 'unconscious' next up.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSomeone once said something about "a house divided"... lol
DeleteSorry, typo. But I've been talking way too much and I have yardwork to do anyway so that one will just have to be resigned to the dustbins.
DeleteFor the record, my username here has nothing to do with any IG handle for those who might be inclined to go snooping.