So there is an ancient book, it was located by a German academic deep in the archives of the Vatican. The one thing for the Germans, you gotta hand it to them - down here in Western Australia, without anyone finding out at the time (I knew because I was hiring an ex-AMG marketing exec who wanted to migrate here) - they do these 'deep dives' into just about everything. They went through the Simpson Desert here in Western Australia, literally when the extremely rare rains happen there and these micro-flora emerge - and because it is illegal to actually gather native plants and take them away even for lab testing somewhere - they had this portable chemical sensing and testing device which was capable of discrete analysis down to god-only-knows what level.
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Let us look out, upon the old world. It's a pretty nice world though. I don't intend to wreck it. |
Anyway, they came out with thousands of previously unknown to science natural bio-active plant chemicals and lo and behold within ten years they were marketing back to Australians (and everyone else) these pharmacy products such as Buscopan (which is the one I recall from talking to the German marketing guys). They synthesize everything of course.
On one hand this is a major issue when it comes to those very common products that used to be made from natural ingredients, such as various kinds of alcoholic spirits - you know, absinthe is a good example - because I will be brutally honest, I don't think the commercial operators and industrials actually know anymore, how to make these things properly. And 'properly' does mean the original way which involves blending and fermentation. But fermentation is not some 'lab process' like y'all might think!
Yes, it is a chemical process that is 'technically' understood in labs, but that does not mean you will actually get to make Napoleon brandy, for instance, just because you think you are a 'sci-entist!' There's just too much going on for your tiny little Richard Dawkins mind to handle! LOL
Seriously. You can't do it. And you'll never be able to do it!
Doesn't matter how many 'doctor degrees' you have after your name.
You'll never do it.
The end. That's the end of the argument.
Same goes for many other things - race-horse breeding for example. Why do you think Federico Tesio was the greatest race-horse breeder ever of all time? I could tell you the answer...
Still - I'll let you just look him up on Wiki and come away with the faintest of clues.
So back to this book discovered by a German guy.
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I post these kinds of pics because they look good. Not because I drink this stuff! LOL |
...What was bugging me for days (okay two whole days) about that thing with my little sister was - what was really going on? How does it work? How can we get some practical functional benefit from whatever it was that was going on?
There's no point just hanging around Taoist magicians and paying them to write 'fu' papers for you. Because since when if ever, did anyone ever prove, with 'proofs and evidences' (I use that stoopid phrase because it's what the Muslim Dawah Team always ask for, and interestingly, so does your run-of-the-mill atheist) - that a Taoist guy was able to guarantee anyone wealth with his little 'fu' paper??
In fact I find all this so funny, and I'm really mean about it, because if I'm having this kind of discussion with an actual ethnic Chinese person, I will literally say 'Towellism.' Because that's what the Hong Kong guys' pronunciation is like.
It's really bad, I know. I'm really bad.
But hey see, here's the thing - I can do it.
Your regular HK Towellist guy cannot do anything except write some 'fu.' He's the atheist, not me!
He doesn't believe in any gods or goddesses actually flying around 'up there.' He thinks this is all about getting the 'mind' in sync with the 'heart' (and the body). And he thinks this is the meaning of 'Sam Law Sun Gung.'
Nah. It's not though. He doesn't know what he's talking about. And how can he? I already pointed out the fact here before - and which has never been contradicted and cannot be - that the Emperor Shun disallowed any access by the ordinary people, to the 'beings of Heaven.' And that law has never be changed by any successive regime or any Emperors except to some extent by the Tang Dynasty, but then that sense of liberty was heavily suppressed afterwards.
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Well am I right though? I am right, aren't I. |
Chinese people today make a big fuss that they have shaman, or retain something of the shamanic culture, but that is not really true. What they have are state-permitted vestiges only, of the really ancient traditional shamanic culture, of which system well pre-dated the time of the 'Nine Li;' which was the last time it was actually seen openly.
But this stuff is all too secret to dispose of in places even as out of the way on the internet as this place right here!
...All this time though, I've been trying to find some leitmotiv, if you will, something that you can, practically-speaking, focus on, even as just an image - because afterall, images contain so many run-off aspects in them (a picture tells a thousand words, yeah?), and then from there, because of that image, this matter of Sheldrake's 'morphic resonance' might be able to take effect.
Well, I found it.
You see we all, as humans, cannot just happily live with sound knowledge; no. We must have some antecedent to pin our faith on.
We seem not to be able to just accept a thing that is obviously true - for what it's worth on its existential face. We want to hear Jesus Christ or Prophet Muhammad or Doctor-Professor spout forth some 'special words' and this then somehow gives power to the actuality that is before our own very eyes, but which we refuse to 'see.' None so blind, as the say. And it is true.
So Jack climbs up the beanstalk, if you will. And he comes down with a goose that lays golden eggs.
Or you go to where the sun sets, and find the Garden of the Hesperides, and you take some of Hera's Golden Apples while the dragon Ladon is sleeping (which he shouldn't be doing - he should be ready to eat you alive).
'Ladon' is an ancient Greek word meaning 'strong flow.' Don't you think it's interesting that 'golden apples' are found surrounded by where there is a 'strong flow?'
The New York Stock Exchange has lost this idea completely. In fact all financial and capital exchanges have lost it. There is no sense of energy there in any of them. The stated figures are all falsified and no one believes them.
There are no 'animal spirits' left. There are no animal spirits in the markets at all. John Maynard Keynes coined that phrase 'the animal spirits of markets.'
But we're all, all of us who have been to Universities and come out with our 'sci-ence' degrees and superior knowledge - we know more and better than JM Keynes, right? I mean after all who the hell was he anyway. ...We're all so smart. Man are we so smart. God it's so amazing how smart we are. And also how humble.
None of you have the money, but I will still lay this challenge down on the table. You place a million bucks and a 'sci-entist' with me, and get your film cameras and I will pin him up against the wall with invisible hands around his neck and throttle him in front of your eyes while the words 'I find your lack of faith, disturbing' run through people's heads without anyone actually saying them.
And then you can all go and mull over what more 'proof and evidence' that you think you will need.
Oh yes. Yes indeedy. Things will be happening.
When, Grandad, when? Soon m'lad, s-o-o-o-o-o-n.
From my friend 'Kuba's' channel - Sixteen8, Baatara:
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