Although historians and linguists have a pretty good idea as to what Sumerian 'words' mean, they have no solid basis for knowing what those words sounded like when spoken by the people - whoever those people were - of ancient Sumer.
The academic consensus now is that whoever those people were, they were not originally Semitic. And this is even despite that they are the oldest known civilized peoples in the 'Semitic' regional language pool and Sumerian area.
...So we are talking about 5,000 - 6,000 years BC.
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Does the dragon live there...? |
What I am going to do is re-post as the main body of text here, the poem by 'Slava.'
This is a really high quality poem, there is no question about it.
The dragon that is a key element of the poem is named 'Mushussu' - which is a dragon from the ancient culture and narratives of Sumer, although most of the actual writings and depictions in art that we have of it, are from later Mesopotamia (Babylon), no earlier than around 2,000 years BC.
I am inclined to go along with Paul Wallis on this matter of Semitic dragons -, which is specifically that this dragon is in fact where the later Hebrews got the imagery of 'JHVH' from. In fact, this 'Mushussu' is JHVH.
Wallis connects the 'x' which we have transliterated here in the 'sh' part of the word or name 'Mushussu' with the 'H' of JHVH - because he says, and correctly in my view, that 'x' is simply the letter for some unusual sound 'hk' or 'hks.'
He actually says that this sound is literally an (ET) Alien word or sounded thing, which we are not used to here with our tongue and tried to find human ways to denote: he says it is from the Reptilians; their language.
Okay. I'm cool with that.
Naturally I would like some pics taken like last week maybe, by Navy through the portals of any of these flying craft they see all over the place. I would like close-up shots of Reptilians. Wouldn't you?
Not going to happen though because unless someone is faking it, there are no Reptilians flying around here these days.
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Humans are a long way from ancient Sumer. None of this comes from 'sci-ence.' This is engineering and art and the human metaphysical psychology of optics by Arabic thinkers. |
There are Reptilians on the planet. But none with any kinds of flying craft at all, other than what the Military Industrial Complex might want to supply them let's say, and that is if they even knew who was behind the human skin covering asking to have one of their piles of junk.
The spirit of this poem, though, is nothing at all like the direction of this kind of talk. The poem is about understanding true treasure, and yet, all of the mythology about 'treasure' in human culture always includes something that guarded it, and often that thing doing the guarding was a dragon or a large magical serpent creature.
I am right now turning over a few ideas for a Sci Fi 'futuristic' story and I am starting to notice that many of the interesting movies of the last seventy-odd years (maybe not earlier though, these seemed to do what I want to try and aim at), are just long-winded sagas of micro-events that we are taken through in order to avoid just 'solving the puzzle' before we even started the movie!
Klute, for example...
It's obvious, when you look at the plot description now, that 'Peter Cable' is the problematic guy from the moment you find out that a particular (obscene) letter of many that were received by the Jane Fonda character - 'Bree Daniels' - was discovered in the office of the 'missing' executive, and that the fellow executive asking Klute to go find the missing man is Cable principally and not the cops as such, and that all of them know each other.
The entire rest of the movie takes you round and round very interesting little vignette scenes, human micro-ecology scenes, that just serve to distract you from the obvious, and make it seem like there is a 'mystery.' ...When there is really no mystery at all.
So. Futuristic Sci Fi storyline. Someone goes missing. Hot woman in the picture. Several minor other hot women. Maybe you have to throw in a hot 'boy' today as well.
There is a treasure. Don't know where it is. What is its value?
Is it like Trellium-D or just plain ordinary tiles of gold-pressed Latinum?
Who knows.
Here's the poem:
Where the mushussu dragon nests on the mountaintops
Looking down the valleys on numerous human folks
Puffing clouds through rain and snow
From his nostrils to the land below
For thousands of years he guarded the treasure
Saved from the Great Flood
The treasure that Gods had brought in there From the land of Sumer and Akkad
Great kings of the past tried their best
To get the treasure they came on a quest
The killed the dragon and burned his body
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Same start like every other good Sci Fi movie - a walk in the rain. |
But the treasure was found by nobody...
I happened to be on that mountain
Deadly tired, I found a fountain...
Sometime later I was told by the seers
In the eye of the dragon filled with magical tears
I washed my body and cleaned my face
And was resurrected by the Gods' grace
The treasure well hidden from humanity
Was the fabled fountain of immortality
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