Wikipedia, being the echo chamber of arrant nonsense that it is, states very boldly that Roger Bacon (1120 - 1292) is credited as one of the earliest advocates of the modern scientific method.
And what is that thing 'modern scientific method?'
By the time of Descartes, in the 16th and 17th centuries - which is only around 400 years ago - suddenly science departs very radically from the methodology and directions of anything that Bacon ever did!
Why is that?
How can he have, on the one hand, been an advocate of the modern scientific method, yet at the same time have been literally an occult practitioner, a 'wizard,' an alchemist, and a spiritual religious philosopher??
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If we get one of these, Bill, we'll have to solve detective mysteries! |
Well, my friends, by the time you have finished reading the 'add-on' text to the Drinkable Inks article, you will quickly realize that the works referred to in there, have never ever been read by Richard Dawkins or Neil deGrasse Tyson, and on account of which very obvious fact, they simply have absolutely no idea of what they are talking about.
You see, none of them speak or reads Arabic, or ancient high Greek, or Persian, and all that they know of the works translated and used by identities such as Roger Bacon, are things they have been told by others, who also, have never read the works either.
Descartes knew that the Vatican held certain important texts, but he did not have access to them! 'Modern scientists' have never had access to them!
So how could they possibly know what is in them?
Well of course they can't know and they don't know.
But they howl long and hard enough though, don't they?
There is of course, what one can only say is a deeply 'conspiracy theory' kind of reason for why there is such animus against particular kinds of understandings about what it is certain ancient books were saying - and we will go into this soon in here. It's a truly terrible and astonishing thing, and without seeking to draw the attention of Christopher Wray and the FBI generally(!), we must however, at least note that the reason the Borgias had the reputation of killing people - was because that is what they did do afterall. No doubt about it.
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Then we'd have to eat some of these.... |
All those who read these ancient classic works in their original forms and understand their meanings having been given the keys to the understanding of them - will necessarily also fall more into the category of the Borgias, than in the category of saints Joe Biden and saint The Pope and saint Everyone-else-and-his-dog-wokey-wokey-wonder-pronoun.
I will not explain explicitly what that means 'fall into the category of the Borgias.'
There is a huge antipathy towards anyone who breaks out from the cookie-cutter 'modern scientific method' mentality - yet that mentality is flawed and based on a false understanding of Aristotle's original arguments and writings. But, and here is where something quite sinister starts to enter into the picture, albeit Richard Dawkins, for example, has never read the 'Mirror For Princes' by al-Kindi, he may say that he 'knows' that its original source was the same book or text also titled the same way, by 'Pseudo-Aristotle.' And here is where the very deliberate 'switch' is being played. See, it's the other way around. Those works that are commonly attributed to 'Aristotle' are false, and virtually fraudulent items of propaganda spawned by those who were at the time very much against the Academy (of real Aristotle).
Further, unless you are a student of the actual Academy (I mean that ancient one) you will not understand that the reason all the masters of the Academy towards the ends of their lifetimes have what 'seem' like unfinished, or half-completed works, is something to do intrinsically with the teaching method itself, that they were using...
Thus, for example, Plato's Letter to Dion, is intended to be completed by Dion himself (although he was assassinated before that could happen) or another one or more of the Garden School (Academy) - but how they are to be completed is something completely outside of modern science's insistence about anything, because... ...well? Are you able to guess?
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...Wear things like those. |
You all have been reading here enough already (those of you who have been into the pages for a few years now).
The fact that there are a number of books which appear under the name of 'Aristotle' around the time of his older age and eventual death, are exactly what was supposed to happen, officially. Are you getting what is being said here?
Star Trek had it quite neatly, when they produced an episode called 'Plato's Stepchildren.'
I hope you're getting it now.
Believe me, you are going to be reading some things (in this latest 'add-on' text) which are so astonishing, that you will wonder how it was possible to keep those matters from the wider public for thousands of years.
I will be showing you, for instance, where in the Christian New Testament, the writers expressly detail the Vedic chakra system.
And this, you will grant, is knowledge that the whole entire world of the New Age-y people would give their eye-teeth to know about.
But I will also be showing you how such knowledge is used to kill (as is also detailed in the Rig Veda), and also how it is used to control which people find their way to you and remain there.
And you will clearly see though, how the system itself instantly precludes those who do not accept one simple condition, or let's say it better, set of conditions.
Luckily, all of this is complete nonsense.
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And open jars of jam. Jam today. For us. Giggle. |
Because if it were not, and I were silly like, say the reporter, journalist, and writer Tracy Twyman, who started off softly enough writing 'Mind Controlled Sex Slaves and the CIA,' but who ventured into problematic territory when she threatened to divulge who actually were the pedophiles who frequented Epstein Island - I could end up getting myself killed like she did a year or so ago.
I mean I wouldn't though, get myself killed, because I have some 'facilities' and 'access' that she did not have.
Certainly I don't have any kind of pressing need to 'expose' anyone. When there are real crocodiles in the muddy water, believe me, the ducks just disappear from the surface and no one knows anything beyond that simple fact. I know this must sound like a canard.
And every particular word chosen counts.
We shall see though, what we shall see.
Meanwhile, for you and me, our immediate mission is simply to draw those to ourselves that we want, lock out those whom we will, and mess around with those that we must before the end of the whole tale is completely through and the fat lady has stopped singing.
We - you and I - are not the big league leaders; we might be some of the big league players though, that's fair enough to say.
So let's play. Because with us the fun never ends:
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