So, 'Schrodinger's Cat' is this totally famous thought experiment in physics - although the only reason people say it's to do with 'physics' as opposed to reality or psychology too, is that it was devised by a physicist, namely Erwin Schrodinger.
The basic structure of the thing is that there is a cat inside a totally closed box that you cannot see inside of, and there is a meter in there monitoring if even a single atom is decaying. If it detects any radioactivity at all (the atom decaying) then it breaks a flask releasing a poison and killing the cat.
And the box itself is timed to open after one hour.
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Schrodinger's Alfa Romeo. (No it isn't. There's no such thing). |
Science says that possibly no atoms at all will decay over one hour, but then again, one may do so even in the first second. Thus, anyone outside of the box will not really be able to know with any kind of certainty if the cat is alive or dead inside the box until after the one hour.
And in the meantime the 'knowable' status of the cat is 'uncertain.'
But this kind of thing is true of any situation where there is a closed system with observers outside of the closed system.
The Ukraine war is such a 'closed system.'
Nobody in the West is getting any true information from 'within the box;' at least not from any public media sources.
Right now as of this immediate second, the Western media story is that the Russians have withdrawn from a few places and that the Ukraine military has 're-taken' either all those places, or some of those places.
And, that is not my information.
My information is that the cat is dead.
Actually it is not important to us what the 'true story' is here, with regard to the Ukraine.
For thousands of years, the Western socio-psychological-religious mindset, has been shaped by a mistaken translation of the words 'El Shaddai' and definitely as well, false and misleading narratives about 'Moses' and this 'Jehovah' character. 'Shaddai' is the leader of the dangerous and violent powers on the mountain top/s - and this repeats the same narrative that Sir Charles Warren and earlier on, a commander of Julius Caesar's, tell about some beings who 'came down on a mountain top and formulated an oath and made a memorial of that oath.' The two things (IE 'Shaddai' and those other beings) are not actually connected, but they are connected in that the public connected them incorrectly with 'supernatural things' that happened on mountains or 'high places.' All of that is too complicated to go into here just now. But in short what we have been left with are a series of mistakes and misunderstandings. The result of which though, is a blanket form of group religious morality, when that does not reflect the human condition as it really is.
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Gold shimmer cocktails! |
But, just like how modern physicists have not been able to see the difference between 'boundary state conditions,' and their consequences, and instead confuse observation with consequence... ...religious people have also been unable to notice that each human person dies alone. And they haven't really worked out the logical consequence or 'trajectory' of that fact. They say they have, but they haven't at all.
There is no such thing as a 'liminal state' for the dying person with regard to having other living people come with them as in, say, 'half-way...' A person is either deceased from this body and its social surroundings, or they are as yet still alive. It's not so much that I am drawing any kind of attention to someone being 'half-way dead;' no - what I am saying is there is no such thing as half-way removed from living people and yet all units still interacting between each other along the 'half-way' part. If you see what I mean.
You see if it were the case that Muslims, or Jews, or Anglicans or Apostate Heretic modern Christians could go along with the old person, or the terminally ill person, who is dying, half-way into death, you know, accompanying them literally into the dead state step-by-step, but then come back once the dying person goes 'right across to the other side,' well then, we could legitimately have some accounts of what life is really about, and what death is really about, and thus what 'divine moral thinking' is really about...
However the clear-cut fact is, that no such thing happens.
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It's not very complicated... |
And that's okay.
But what it ought to have done is have humans realize that human life - that is to say, human people, individual life - is all about a closed box, same as the one for Schrodinger's Cat.
Look. It's so simple.
Why haven't people worked this out before?
If you are a sponge, and you are in a bowl of water, and someone comes and pours some dye into the bowl, well then, all the little sponges in there will just become the color of the dye.
And that is what 'they' try to have happen here with you, human.
That is what a very wicked, evil and malign group of beings are doing to you. Because, afterall, logically you cannot be judged individually, on your own, then, since you have been colored from without.
But if you cannot be individually separated, and analysed as to what your true internal characteristics are, then neither can you get into/go into Heaven either. Because for one thing, people can only harmonize with those other things and beings that are actually resonant with what they truly are on the inside. And you cannot be ascertained as to what you truly are individually, because you have spent your whole life as a 'group being(!),' albeit supposedly as a unit with agency(!) that made up that group.
But nah nah nah nah nah. That kind of thing is just plainly not true on its face (I mean your human life's social programming). Because 'you' can no longer be determined at all as to who you really are - on account you have been subject to a group dye-ing process...
And then when you actually die - it's a whole different and very abrupt thing: 'you,' are suddenly completely on your own for real!
And the pedantic beings out there will go: 'Nah, you are lying to us. Go away. Go back down there where you belong. You belong where you always chose to hang out - with Joe Biden and Zelensky and George Soros and Barack Obama and Professor Richard Dawkins. They are your friends. Aren't they? And with your jobs and your finance and economics and quantitative easing money. Go away. Leave here. This is not a place for you.'
And then you go: 'But that's not me. I have my own personal individual being. Honest.'
And they go: 'But you never listened to Calvin when he pointed out to you the utter, shamelessly foolish nonsense that you have been schooled into believing. So you had the choice. Why are you complaining now? It's going to take you decades just to restore any kind of clear personal self structure for yourself. And how are you going to do that up here? We're all having a good time up here because we can trust everyone that is here. Except not you. We cannot trust you at all, and you cannot trust you either, what's more...'
Calvin was right and you knew he was right, because his logic was sound. But you chose to listen to CNN, and Soros, and Biden, and Dawkins, and Einstein (the lying, thieving crumb), and anyone with some public face and platform, ahead of reality and truth. You even had the audacity to laugh and say 'but what is truth?'
Truth is when you are carted off like the Queen of England and it won't make no difference for her either.
'But I was loved. All my people loved me.'
Oh, they did? Why?
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Solomon, in all his glory, Subhanallah... |
Why did they?
But come, sell all that you have, rich man, give it all up, and give it away to the poor and store up for yourself treasure in another place where you will never lose it. He he he he he he. Too late. That guy came and went.
It's only the laughing cavalier left now.
And the wealthy man's face was crest-fallen, for he knew that he could not give up all of his wealth and his lifestyle.
Don't worry. All is not yet lost. Camel, needle, all that funny stuff.
Those of you who are pretty smart, will have been able to work out from this article alone, what the 'language of the birds' is; how to use it, and even what it is like beyond death. What it is in fact really like; what it is all about.
In fact, some of you will have worked it out for sure, from what you just read here, if you understood it. Because you are going to put it into practice and suddenly the light shines.
What is the Light of the World? Only the real truth is the light.
My friend, the real truth is who are you inside, absent of all the other people's truths and their influence.
You saw it in front of your own eyes this week yourself. You saw one of the biggest identities on the world stage (though for what actual reason, who knows), who lived in palaces with servants and impossible amounts of wealth and surrounded by 'important' people - get taken away with nothing in material reality; lucky if you would get six feet of dirt.
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I agree with you, Brits. |
That's the human being. This self-aggrandizing BS-artist, who imposes themselves on every other creature and asserts loud and long for their 'rights' and the right to dictate everything all the time to everyone else, meanwhile throwing a few bones to the dogs to salve the listener's consciences.
You don't even know what you're doing! Wandering around with nuclear bombs and things, but not knowing a single thing about who and what you are.
And you expect ET Aliens to come and talk to you. About what? About what your little human ego wants, and what your tiny little minds are able to 'think,' to 'conceive?'
It's one thing if you've allowed or even encouraged your internal structure to become synchronized with "bad people" down here so that whoever you may have been beforehand is gone. But I otherwise find it hard to believe, given there is something of your original? real? self remaining, that some super advanced ETs, never mind Divine beneficent beings, couldn't still determine who you are apart from all the garbage and hardship we have to deal with, and then make the necessary fixes. After all, all us mortals are forced to live in this world, and some in pretty terrible circumstances.
ReplyDeleteDeathbed no such luxury.
DeleteAnd why - because Good and Evil, that's why. You know it, and you know how to do it. And now, because it WOULD solve a lot of material problems for us, 'just trust us, we will behave, honest...' The reality is you have to be so fully integrated into a guaranteed way of thinking and way of living that the 'trust me' element is not a factor at all in any way. What's the hurry though? I'll spell out one 'issue' of all of this. When we are young(-ish) we look at things from those eyes, but believe me, when you are eighty-five, you look at the whole expanse of 'a' life, a generic life and you suddenly and only THEN realize, okay there's just so much wrong with what I was utterly and ADAMANTLY sure of, that was 'right' and the way 'things ought to be.' Meanwhile, every single step of the way, I wanted 'home/family/husband/wife/car/pets/kids/furniture/good career/enough money' and THEN I could work on the 'fixes.' Kids go to 'schools' though, right? And everything's fine about that... And I am the hottest thing in Hollywood and I can starve myself to make the movie producer sign me, and my husband/wife et cetera et cetera all of that jazz. We are living inside of a complete social mess, with no idea of the even the most basic visual or sensory imagery about what is 'nice' never mind what are role-models. Tom Cruise running down the side of building is a GD 'role-mode' for Chrissakes - at least to millions of people. So, where are the lines to be drawn up as to which bits of social influence we accept and which we will reject? Are we able to see that clearly?
DeleteGreat point though, great question. I would PRESS for a direct answer though. And my approach would be: 'Okay I'll back off temporarily INSISTING on my way just because it SEEMS fair (my way) -, so now what's your way?'
DeleteDon't want home/family/husband/wife/car and all that except for maybe enough money to live here while I search for this:
ReplyDeleteAnd secondly I want to join star fleet and serve on a starship with T'Pol. Really though.
Avant garde stylistically - Steve Winwood and Chaka Khan. I have it in my playlists somewhere. As for T'Pol, maybe she should check for 'scoop marks.' Come to think of it, so should you.