Eating curries is not a mind-altering experience!
Well okay, maybe it is. But then only sometimes. You have to hit a really good curry to have it be genuinely mind-altering.
LOL Joke - not joke.
You know what I mean. Let's be respectful of the great cooks out there, okay. These people offer truly mind-blowing experiences.
Here is a potential problem with what you are going to encounter playing around with 'Drinkable Inks.' Some people will rush to say that these are mind-altering substances you are dealing with and that your experience thereby with the 'spirit world' is suspect.
Well but firstly there's nothing mind-altering going on though.
Your mind is your mind.
Your mind has tools with which to handle various sensations and sensory inputs; the fact that in normal modern-day run-of-the-mill life we are led into feelings about imminent danger - from threats by politicians of nuclear war, from threats about unnatural viral agents, from threats even about what you must and must not believe - these are demeanor-altering and can affect the outlook of the mind.
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The atmospheric beauty of the coming dystopia. |
They can even diminish the hopefulness and the openness to certain things; but the tools of the normal human mind are all still there and operating, albeit they can be doing so at stilted levels.
Temporarily changing one's general sense of foreboding over current affairs and their trajectories is not 'mind-altering.'
Having the short-term experience of something extremely pleasant is not 'mind-altering.'
The reason we use salt is because some saltiness is desirable for some foods.
Same with sugar. Over-doing anything is bad.
There is this very common phraseology everywhere today about the 'spirit world,' as if to imply that there is a world, out there somewhere, different from your actual experienced material world...
Well but that is not the technical meaning of the word 'spirit.'
Spirit means that thing which gives life.
We don't really know what that thing is. Mary Shelley's Dr Frankenstein thought that it was electricity from lightning.
But we do know that some people who get struck by lightning - die!
They don't get more life suddenly.
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This cocktail is called 'The Altai Sour.' This'll frikkin' alter yer mind! |
Some of them, if they don't die, get the soles of their feet burned and the hair on top of their heads singed and they may even go into a coma. Most get knocked out completely unconscious for a while.
So it's not lightning then, at any rate, that gives life.
Maybe it is something to do with electrical currents but then these are bound to be really small electrical and highly discrete currents though.
Your 'mind' is an extremely integrated series of linked aspects inclusive of conscious and subconscious sensory inputs and awareness.
But on one level at least, things are quite simple and we don't need to go making up stuff that isn't there just to manufacture an understanding which is really no understanding at all but a formal facade of an understanding.
Here is a way for me to describe the exact meaning of what I am trying to get at: Christianity is an understanding...
It is not a series of rites and rituals and nostrums and beliefs or styles of clothing that one is compelled to go along with before one is 'accepted' by the putative 'Divinity' inside the system.
The understanding is that: God was a man one time, a man called 'Jesus' (and this is not Jesus Christ, but Jesus). And this is important because we all know what a 'man' is, we are those.
And then he died and came back to life and went off somewhere to do certain things - preparing something.
This is all very simple as far as what the meanings intended are: lived, human, died, amazingly came back to actual real life (not a 'ghost' thing - which is where these New Age-y people are all heading with their misrepresenting of 'spirit'), and went off again somewhere and is not physically present here; supposed to back.
That's it. It's not more complicated than that.
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You drink this through that straw and it won't alter your mind but it will make you very very drunk very very quickly. |
The reason you might want to go down this road of understanding about 'life' as a 'religion-practice' concept then is in fact that it does not require anyone to adopt strange or peculiar figment ideas about things we cannot materially see or experience! Now this does not make it all of a sudden particularly 'true' merely because its components are down-to-earth things that we all understand very well.
The moral undercurrent is also very easy to comprehend, if you want to go by what is actually written down: human beings possess the inherent capacity to do bad and evil things, and are influenced also, by intelligent agencies requiring those evil things, and mistaken motivations about selfish gain; whereas God, being All-Goodness, cannot remain overtly in the presence of evil or evil things without directly altering those things.
So look hey, if your mind is evil (which it is not and not even slightly so), then I suppose it could be a legitimate proposition to alter it.
But if your mind is what it is supposed to be naturally, then all you really need is to be 1. free from evil influences, 2. free from the mistaken paths to personal gain, 3. and free from evil outcomes (death being one of them, the ultimate one if not the only one).
Now this is all not - absolutely not - about some cloud bank, harp music-filled abode with uniformly white Hindutva brahmin cotton styles of attire, and a 'spirit place' which is not materially and physical manifest.
Christianity is a fraud if it is about those things. It's a plain old 'substitution fraud:' EG like this but not this, instead that other... ...thing.
Extraterrestrial UFO's are also a fraud if they are 'other dimensional things and beings.'
Extraterrestrial is intended to mean that these are actual real beings but who come from another planet, and necessarily, from far away.
'Spiritual world' is a fraud if it is intended to mean some usually invisible parallel 'world' full of 'entities' that are codified by gate-keepers on the internet, gate-keeper gurus and visionaries and 'spirit channels.'
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Time is running out. |
Look, if you could 'channel' what gives life so easily, then doctors would not prescribe medicines, but simply stretch out their fingers, and supply (like petrol from a pump) what gives life, to a dying organ or person! ...They would all of them be 'spirit channel-ers.'
Spirit by definition is what gives life and we actually don't know how to do that.
Not in the absolute sense.
We do know, in various narrowly-defined and quite materially restricted ways.
We do not 'possess all things inside of us.' Nor are we a manifested reflection of all things in a microcosmic way - like New Age spirit channel-ers would like to have it.
We do not and cannot, have experiences of the spirit world by drawing 'it' out of our own selves.
We can have exquisite and pleasurable experiences.
And we most certainly can have experiences that are devoid of evil.
And when we do that, we automatically come into harmony with 'God.'
...There is not enough difference between a thriving and successful super-advanced civilization with the power of extreme scales of destructive capacity, and whose individual life-times are beyond what it takes to go 16 trillion miles across space, and 'God' by definition - in terms of the requirement for the absolute internal-to-it removal of evil.
Human beings have demonstrated their capacity to smash into asteroids and they could smash them right up if they simply used large nuclear warheads. Well how long is it to the point where they will be literally doing that? How long to the point where they can become also capable of planetary obliteration?
Meanwhile not one dollar was spent yesterday by any government anywhere on Earth to give you an experience of life without the presence of evil.
So are twelve foot Lizards really hiding behind the scenes and dominating the world in the form of 'governments' and 'rulers?'
Well yes! is completely correct in that regard.
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But wait until you are equipped with all power. |
'Most subtle' is what a magician with hand tricks is - his hand movements are so subtle you cannot see them.
We are living, as Jedi Knights, in relative hiding ourselves. Barefooted in our ashrams deep in the Himalayas, robes flowing, incense burning (lol - I am stealing a recent line from an Australian Parliamentary orator).
Until the Rebel Alliance shows up with its large Galactic Army...
Will it do that? Well, it will if you are a proper text-book Christian. It will turn up with actual weapons of serious destruction (destroying some things is not evil per se), and armies of the stars and so on. Says so right there. 'The Owner will need a much stronger man to defeat the strong man who has taken control.' Well that ain't you and it ain't me. But neither is it some 'spirit imagination thing' either.
Yes yes, I know. When.
But when.
...Meanwhile, see the golden pillar of light form up before your eyes. And let it 'go before you wherever you walk.'
What does that mean, right?
Well look, you don't want your 'mind altered;' either by God or anyone else. Either He shows up with His actual Space Armies or He might as well not bother showing up at all. Not for any of us Jedis here!
This is exquisite: A.M.R. feat Claire Willis - Summer (Pierre In The Air Remix)
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