Billions and billions of people on the planet Earth 'believe' certain things: some believe in Earth's form of science together with some linguistics masquerading as mathematics, some believe in the Big Bang myth, some believe in the myth narrative of Evolution, some believe in Prophet Muhammad, some in Abraham...
Where is Muhammad?
Today. Where is he?
Right now this second where indeed is he actually so that you can meet him face-to-face?
He is absolutely nowhere to be seen.
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This is not caviar. This is what ET Aliens eat - or some of the things, anyway. |
Abd al-Malik built the Dome of the Rock in 692, and disfigured some Syrian and Byzantine coins to add to those that he, al-Malik, was to be 'praised;' aka 'The Praiseworthy One' aka 'Muhammad.' al-Malik is from Damascus, Syria, not Mecca.
Prior to this there are no inscriptions or writings concerning anyone 'Muhammad' other than Arabic translations of stories about Socrates, and he was of course, 'Worthy of Praise' according to Alcibiades - hence he is called 'Muhammad' in these originally Greek texts once translated into Arabic.
Al-Waqidi, three hundred years after the 'Islamic' Muhammad, produces the first actual history of such a person although he takes some elements from the only one earlier related text, which is a collection of some stories regarded as largely false or 'fabricated' by someone called 'ibn Ishaq' which is of course, an Arabicized Jewish name (Isaac).
Al-Waqidi is being commissioned in this 'history' by Harun Rashid, the Abbasid Ruler - from Baghdad, again -, not Mecca.
Where is Prophet Muhammad?
The answer is that 'he is dead.' Whether he even existed in the form people imagine is one thing, but they all at least can agree on the fact that since he is nowhere to be found, therefore, logically he is dead or certainly, must be dead at any rate.
Where is Einstein, Sultan of Scientists?
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But this is the kind of thing that I eat. And that is why I stay here. |
He is dead. He too - is dead.
Christopher Hitchens is dead. Steven Hawking is dead. These two most prominent modern atheists, are dead.
So - evidently, if you go by what the standard methodology of science is, namely, if you go by observation - all of these people are dead, and even the huge one that dominated the world of places conquered-by-religion, 'Muhammad,' is also dead and thus, Death it is, my friends, that is actually the ruler here. Not Muhammad, and not Allah and not anyone else in the halls of science but Death Itself.
Only Death persists, and even the atheists are not in agreement themselves or consistent with their certainty, because now some of them want to have it be that AI can be used to transfer someone's 'consciousness' into and therefore Immortality is possible with a rising level of super-technology and in no time at all, your consciousness held inside of an AI thing somewhere, will be a 'god.' So not even atheists, adamant though they are, actually persist in their own position.
But if I take a hammer to that AI repository, you will still be dead then after that.
Now the thing about scientific observation is, that it lies - that is to say, the politics of scientific groups and power blocs inside of the intellectual territory which wants to call itself 'scientific' will lie to you in order to establish or to attain to, to maintain, to preserve, those blocs' power over you.
You see - there are many people in human history, whose accounts are not contrived at all, and these are not fabricated except some will certainly want to say that either they are or that they are held in forms which could have been intended simply as 'stories;' who never died.
Now what exactly became of them you can use logic to understand - well, no one who died around them or died at some stage near to them, can have shown that these others lived on, because after all, they, the witnesses died!
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And when I eat in dark places, no one can see my eyes. |
So the witnesses who count among the ordinary human people, cannot tell you anything - because they don't exist.
Not 'they don't exist because they never existed nor knew there was something odd about the others' but that they don't exist now.
But logic will tell you that either they - those 'relatively immortal' other beings - exist here right now, or that the accounts of them are false.
And it's as simple as that.
But one thing you absolutely must guarantee yourself that you are certainly able to establish as a fact - which is, that not Muhammad, not Allah, not Christopher Hitchens, and not Einstein either, for example, for example... ...given that you all bow down to Einstein as being some amazing example of human intelligence, yet the elephant in the room is simply that if super advanced ET Aliens are here, well they don't agree with you because they certainly have no interest to believe that Einstein is much chop since they did not particularly care to take him, apparently, across the Time Dilation Bridge and give him 'extra longevity...' And which would have been a simple matter for them to do. And they did not do it for Muhammad either.
But if I can clearly show you where Melusine or Cassodorien or Stheno lives - then you have a problem, not me.
Death, not 'God' - is the ruler here.
And those who are not subject to it, live here (if they reside mostly here) in disguise.
But then too, why are you so committed to even wanting to 'believe' the nonsense that dead people are telling you from the grave??
One group of readers will want to believe atheists and so-called 'scientists' and a next group will want to believe stuff from made-up story books about non-existent people...
But none of you will credit that Henry II Plantagenet was married to a twelve-foot Reptilian who flew through the roof and flew away. Because, according to your foolishness, and facile credence in 'sci-entists' and pragmatic atheists (so they want to have you believe about them), such things simply must be fairy tales, on account well, what a shame they all die though, right? And of course that would make none of them envious of those 'Reptilians' who did not die over several hundred years already.
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Futuristic fashion. Do you like futuristic fashion? I kind of do, a bit. Funny because this is how Homer described the attire of Nausicaa. |
Was she really a Reptilian? I don't know. Was she even really the Princess of Antioch, her father the 'King of Antioch' and was there even any such a Kingdom? Well yeah - it was a Crusader Kingdom and certainly there was a King of Antioch at the time of the account about this event with Henry II; which ought to make it rather odd in some respects that some writer would have thought to get away with telling lies about real things that people really knew about.
Except it is not a lie.
Oh by the way funny too, because she meets up with Henry in much the same way that Odysseus meets Nausicaa - just runs into his ship while out at sea, just like that.
'Rational' historians give every excuse why this is all just romance and fairy story.
One of their children - Topaz - by the way too, is still also alive and living around the place here somewhere.
Listen my friends, wake up. The elephant in the room is that those great 'true stories' given by incredibly followed people - are stories coming from dead people, so at minimum, none of them were so wise or so powerful or so favored by God to have come back from the dead or even better, never have actually died at all!
So those 'great true' stories - are the ones that are false.
If, ET Aliens exist and can cross the amounts of time and space, then for sure they cannot die like the ordinary human being. Though neither are they born like humans are; they are unlikely to have either a mother or a father, a birth nor yet of course, a death.
See there's actually 'the problem.' If ET Aliens (the ones that are able to come here) do exist, then whatever they say ranks above whatever a dead man said.
And what did they say?
'Worthy of Praise is the Most High God.' Now... '...Muhammad' (He who is 'Worthy of Praise' in Arabic) is the Most High God of course, if you translate that statement into Arabic. 'Worthy of Praise is the Most High God.' Who said that?
And the King of Sodom (by contrast) in the same incident said: 'Give me all the people and I will give you all the material possessions, even all of them so that you will own the world.'
And Abraham said: 'No I will not take even a single sandal from you, so that never can you say that my wealth and growth was derived from you...'
Got it?
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Some of you here are not supposed to drink alcohol. This is about the noir room though. I think so. It's about that kind of atmosphere. |
There are disinformation specialists (literally with some government credentials) who are on the internet now, who are coming up with this story, that the US government has had for decades, virtually I suppose, a trade mission, with ET - and that they have literally had commerce between themselves and the ET Aliens. Well now there is nothing the ET Aliens want to get from us, not in terms of science, or technology -, maybe there is with some art and some artifacts, and there 'could' in theory, be some importance or value with actual physical people themselves; but that latter thing would be like slavery or forced abduction, really.
There is no basis for commerce or 'trade.'
These stories are lies. But they contain in them, the same contrasting motives: one is to take human beings, take them as literal possessions, and the other is simply to get on with life.
Why wouldn't it be that ET Aliens wouldn't simply just hand across some great advancements for public benefit and for no material rewards?
Well they will! But not to any government.
The elephant in the room is that you cannot take the word of anyone who is dead, about matters to do with eternity or the immortality of a being. Because they would either be just speculating, or, they most certainly do not have the favor of any actual Deity who can or could give them back their life to come back and tell you 'See! See! I am right!'
Because that would be the ultimate and the best proof of whether they are right or not. And why can't we have that proof?
Well we can.
Abraham's victory over Chedorlaomer was by the skin of his teeth. And that is your job too. That is your situation. You are in a battle which is touch-and-go and that could go either way.
Chedorlaomer means 'fascism.' It literally means exactly that. It's the exact same concept as what we have for the Roman word for what we say is 'fascism.'