Okay so leaving aside that 7 of 9 is better than Data...
...'better,' right?
Well, anyway, Data is an individual. The Borg is a kind of a collective except not that either, really.
The canon appears to say that the 'central locus of the Borg Collective' is the Borg Queen.
What does that really mean, though?
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Christmas gifts to you is any time that I say it is. |
It doesn't mean anything - because it is simply a device within the Star Trek stories, so that we, the viewers, the intelligent human observers, of the narrative, are able to focus our antagonism, or fears, at something we require in order to comprehend the concept of a personal or intelligent enemy in the story.
In other words the whole thing is practically-speaking, nonsense simply designed to cater to our own way of thinking and seeing things so that we can 'feel for the story;' get sucked into it.
The Freemasonic ideology of a duality in the Universe is sheer utter nonsense too, and in exactly the same way.
Same as the Islamic ideology that there is only 'One' (Divine Object/thing) is also false.
In the logical 'reality' of any such thing as a 'Borg Collective,' distributed agency across the whole entire spatial 'Collective' would be the actual thing that was necessary - and any 'human-esque' 'central personalised focus' would run completely counter to what the Borg was in the first place.
And as far as the real life human ideologies of Freemasonic conceptions and teachings and spurious 'esoteric knowledge,' and/or the Islamic ideology about 'Allah' (being One Divine thing), both of these just plain simply act as though we should all be oblivious of Time.
'Scientific' Evolution suffers from precisely the same form of seeming obliviousness and stupidity. And it really is that.
If things 'began' at some putative 'primary moment of Creation or Existence,' then this idea itself already flies in the face of the very linearity that it proposes... What really happened was that linearity 'began!' It was not the 'material existence' that 'began;' it was linearity. Do they get this? Did they ever 'get it?'
Now unless scientists want to say they are all male-centric with typical linear male brains and that somehow necessarily the material Universe is also male-esque, and that no such thing as parallel processing... In short, 'sci-entists' have imagined their own 'god' after an image of their mindless, stupid male selves (because females certainly do not control the marketing of science: Watson and Crick demonstrated that - they never 'discovered' DNA!). These guys are making up the 'divinity' according to the image they have of themselves. Same as 'cow god' looks like a cow not a pizza.
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What was this all? Some plot by the Arabs to con the Jews in NYC to kick the tin for a higher price for an Andy Warhol Liza Minnelli? LOL I'll never get over myself. SMH |
LOL. Ah but, well, they have changed their tune recently and now there are several dozen competing notions (in 'sci-ence') of 'Creation' and 'Existence' including 'parallel Universes' (so much so they quickly had to coin this term 'multi-verse...' It's a bit like a multi-tool, I guess) and toroid time-space or manifold 'things.' (God! Jesus save me!) ...All kinds of other blathering foolishness.
They can't get their stories straight.
Everybody - they all of them - want a 'material' object-oriented 'solution' to the questions: Who are we? What are we? Where did this all begin?
Are you ready for a shock?
God did not build the Cube and stick it there for you to circumambulating for some amazing spiritual reason.
Nor did Abraham do it.
Earth is flat, right?
Look. There absolutely is an Evil intellect, and it is primarily exposed in our human culture and society in certain individuals, by having taken over actual human people and through them injecting highly toxic and sinister ideas into the human psyche at large; that is, sociologically as a broad population.
Such a thing does not represent some kind of 'obverse' to some other 'Good' Universal Intelligence or 'Being.' It does represent a forceful negative presence and an existential 'thing' in the same kind of way visible light wavelengths are seen by us up to but not beyond the ultra-violet wavelengths in the spectrum.
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The 'meaning' of the Universe is all about the meaning of people. |
And, in the same way that energy does not move in a linear fashion 'higher' beyond the 'ultra-violet catastrophe' neither can Evil go beyond where it is already held; in other words, it is 'delimited.'
So - ready for the shock?
What are you?
You are what you will become.
Yet what you will become is already what you already were planned to be.
Who planned it? Where is the proof and evidence of this?
Well, my very good friend - you can tell how the Earth is curved and is a sphere right? Can't you?
There are three very small pyramids a little off-set from the last (and smallest) of the three large pyramids there at Giza, that last one (Menkaure) being off-set too from the diagonal (that is, the straight line formed by the peaks of the first two pyramids).
Now... and by the way yer all owe me money here or else I am going to zap you from my flying saucer! Because this has never been said before.
Er. The peak tops of the shadows of the three tiny pyramids all line up exactly with the shadows from the peaks of the three large pyramids and they are off-set from the diagonal by exactly not only the degrees of curvature of the planet Earth, but the factor of the angle of incidence of the logarithmic sun rays - which is how come they all line up with their shadows at their pyramidal peak tops.
You never heard that before from NO ONE! Ever.
Hey, and you know there has been a whole lotta garbage spouted (some of it is correct of course) about all the various 'mathematical' and physics formulae stuck into that place.
As I have said here before too, the Great Pyramids also depict everything there is to know about your internal psychology.
Who knew what, where, and when, eh?
Now please don't go around saying or even thinking that you are god - you are not god.
And don't go jumping to the conclusion that you (IE 'you' from the future) built the pyramids as a reference point containing all sorts of knowledge; because, not that either.
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Venice pizza. And the meaning of life is um, also pizza. |
If I am right (frikkin' heck of course I am right), that the design plan for the pyramids was made at the same time because the several items perform one single integrated function, then they could not have 'happened' because well, like 'evolution-style,' one guy, one 'pharaoh' built first this one, then the next guy built his 'tomb' and so on. No no no, they were all designed together as a whole set which went exactly together in the form and format that we now see them sitting there.
Now you show me that same kind of complex thing with the Cube at Mecca and I myself will go wandering that place in a white robe and bowing and all of that.
And if you can't, then maybe you should go wandering around and in and out too, of the Great Pyramid Complex at Giza, and bow your heads to your mysterious (and real) lords who actually built that for your learning and knowledge -, especially about yourself.
Unless that is, you just want to remain like a dumb block...
Some of you are going to be able to 'make it out of here' right now. And you won't need to know absolutely everything. That would be 'stark' as Lao-Tzu says.
We've done this track before - worth another go, though:
Ja see what they did with the Borg queen in "Picard?"
ReplyDeleteWho cares, right? I got my google map out, zoomed in to giza. So what's up here? I've got three big ones. "Cheops", "Khafre", and the diminutive "Menkaure." There are two groups of 3 small pyramids each. One group west of Khufu, the other on the south side of Menkaure. Oh and then there are these really interesting looking boat troughs.
I think you're missing something. There are nine things altogether. 3 big ones, 3 small ones next to the big big one and 3 small ones next to the small big one. It's so mesmerizing when you import from openstreetmaps into the 3d modeling and you can look top down just at the pyramids themselves converted to cubes.
DeleteWait no there are TEN! Queen Khentkawes tomb.
DeleteYeah, the Borg Queen is now metaphysically "good." So, I guess it's okay to shtup her now, right?
DeletewELL i'VE got my model all set up. where do I place the sun to get the alignments?
Delete"You are what you will become" - sounds great, as long as I were already planned to be, say, a Jedi. Do we really only have free will in that our decisions define the path, but the destination is already set in stone? Pretty grim for those padawans who weren't planned to have lightsabers.
ReplyDeleteJustice seems relevant here. Maybe we'll all be better off when we've become what we were made to be.
DeleteWell, I guess the idea is that you cannot be/'become' anything other than a triangle, if you have three sides and these all meet at three corners. There is absolutely no 'free will' there. You either 'are,' or you 'are not;' there is no 'try.' No 'try to be a triangle.' Just be it, or don't be it. Things have to come together.
DeleteIMHO, what we need is a revitalization of the ancient Egyptian worldview - its transcendent appreciation of the night sky, its embrace of the sacred, and its recognition of the profane - as well as its sublime aesthetic in the arts and architecture. The Egyptian Weltanschauung needs to be re-established somewhere here on the planet. New Mexico, maybe? Or Baja California? OR... the Australian West?...
ReplyDeleteAre white hats a myth? Can this wave be ridden or avoided? So many questions...
ReplyDeleteIt is a myth. People get old, they die - and then that generation dies out entirely. That's where we are at now. People are not all dead and gone, but those that are left still around the place are not listened to. This is the old 'Gerontion' lesson. If you look up 'Gerontion' today online, you will virtually only encounter TS Eliot's poem, but of course, the character comes from Homer and somehow, you will even find it difficult to encounter Tennyson's Gerontion in his 'Ulysses.' There are highly political reasons for this and it is quite deliberate, and sinister. 'White hats' are a total myth because there would have to be young, strong, people with the requisite and accurately handed on knowledge, willing to act because of their moral duty and which they fully see. But how can there be if the Gerontions are not listened to by the rulers? ...At a certain point, viewing all of history, you start to accept there is a force, a spirit, if you will, who pushes and pushes and forces the suppression of all true experience, and substitutes propaganda and lunacy, in the place of it, and gives material 'success' and power and glory, to the errant. Or else from where did Napoleon arise? Or where Sultan Murad IV? Who even is 'Klaus Schwab?'
DeleteI’m thinking I’m a lot too dumb to have figured out the pyramids as an encyclopaedia to human internal psychology. Sometimes I read here and feel like the kid that didn’t understand the assignment. Im not understanding the “who planned all this” and especially why.
ReplyDeleteI’d like to bring up Hathor again. She is the light being who Chris Bledsoe Snr has encounters with. Those beings wear a triangle on their clothing - seeing as we are talking about triangles. Chris was struggling with illness when he called out for help and orbs appeared. His regression transcript has been read out on Ryan Bledsoe podcast. They have had all manner of US govt agencies interested in their case. Lots of ‘named’ ranked people had experiences at the Bledsoe property.
Anyway ‘Hathor’ said that the age we are living in is about to change, “it’s the end of time, a beautiful new age is coming”. That truth will get out but the dark groups don’t want this. That groups are trying to bring about biblical scripture some in a good way, some not. That if fear overcomes us darkness will win. We are in a consciousness matrix (she uses the terms game and journey of the soul) and we are free to choose the love or the fear. Our vibration is linked to her and the earth and we are causing the earth and nature to become unbalanced through negativity and fear. There are beings in the sky and the sea who tend to every living thing. The earth is encoded to rid itself of negativity and that process has started. She is the ‘comforter’ - Amun is the invisible part of consciousness, Ra the visible.
I’d like to hear your and everyone else who posts here thoughts on this. They have had many witnesses, including from named agencies who have experienced these orbs. Also Bledsoe Snr is very psychic according to NASA, lol.
Dorothy Izatt had a similar case. She claimed she could see microwaves emitting from her microwave oven. This apparently after a ‘download’. She was seeing orbs on her property and J Allen Hynek advised her to film the orbs on many different camera units to prove that her camera was not defective. She ended up with miles of film.
Also what happens to those animal appetite persons who get ‘stuck’ as you put it? Asking for a friend
concerning the egypt stuff. my big gripe back in the day was reading "Men of Mathematics" by E T Bell. "Egyptians knew a lot about math, but they didn't really understand it, it was just a bunch of techniques they had discovered sort of by accident, out of a need to track property and lay out foundations of buildings and things. It took the genius of the Greeks to properly invent mathematics as a rigorous discipline."
DeleteOh bull SHIT! but whatever.
"What happens to those animal appetite persons who get 'stuck...' " Super super important question. We deal with, up soon. So important. And 'terrible.'