So, like I said at the end of the post here of 14 May 2022, there is 'technology' out there, coming soon, let's just say.
Anyway, where 'they' are heading with what bits of it they know about, is what was just now unveiled at Davos - which was, namely, the Emerge Company's 'Wave 1' hologram device.
I need to note this piece of technology, because it will become very widely sought after, bought, and used.
But, just like when the Greek engineer and mathematician Hero of Alexandria showed some Roman soldiers his 'steam-powered toy,' what you will be given, is silly and useless.
...Compared with what you could have.
Now in about ten days, I will be either just generally explaining some technology of our own here, or maybe just passing it across to those who are financially involved by having contributed to the Autism projects mentioned in the 'buttons' around the page here. What we can do, is, well, we can really powerfully work on Autism.
In saying that, it is critical to observe that this type of process still takes quite a good deal of time, except, by using what we are in possession of, the person will literally be neurologically assisted in ways that are totally not known on this planet up till now.
And now I've also got to criticize firstly much of what is being passed off as modern 'science,' next much of what is set down in writing all over the internet and even in text books, and lastly make especial reference to a very false notion (which is in any case not treated all that seriously in 'standard' science) about something called 'the 11th harmonic.'
Yes there is such a thing as the 11th harmonic. This just means the eleventh scalar integer multiple of a particular originating periodic signal or base frequency. Almost always the explanations say a 'positive multiple' but that is not exactly true because there are very strange 'back-waves' - and we do not need to know about these right now. Suffice to say though, it seems obvious, and it is more or less both obvious and true, that force goes outwards, rather than somehow retreats 'backwards' in an 'obverse' motion (hence, no such thing as a negative multiple of force).
Let's not dwell on the impossibility, however, of a complete failure of symmetry in the curve - and so, in fact, although not that any modern Earth science knows it yet, there is such a thing as shadow negative harmonics.
But you're not allowed to know about it.
What you definitely are allowed to know, is that a lot of text-book material about wave dynamics and harmonic resonance is utter nonsense: for example even in the iconic case of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse, you will find widely stated, the following - 'amplitude increases because of the storage of wave energy...'
There is no such thing as 'the storage of wave energy' in a dynamic mechanical system.
They - 'sci-entists' - literally put their feet in their stupid mouths and actually give you the example of a kid pushing a swing regularly, and they claim this demonstrates that the constant regular (and with the same force, though) pushing by the kid, is the cause of the increasing amplitude of the swing (the height that it goes to increases). I mean that is just plain utter rubbish.
And I'll tell you why. You have to admit that the kid, being a human, is smart enough to follow the arc of the swing and actually exerts force as the thing is going back up again, after having reversed due to the restraining force of gravity on the in-coming swing arc.
Now either, wave forces such as those which are applied by air currents (as was the case at Tacoma), somehow 'know' when to back off, but then they apply the regular whole of the periodic unit force with 'sticky hands' (a sticky force) or something, on the way forward again, as it were. So 'force' what, possesses intelligence like the kid - plus some kind of 'stickiness?' Actually it's not just stickiness, but intelligent stickiness, because it delivers the exact unit of periodic force, somehow through an altering inertial (gravitic) curve... Or the theory is wrong.
Now of course I happen to know why amplitude 'can' increase through resonant harmonics, but this is not the place and I would need a white board to describe the bits of the tops of the force arcs - which do not operate anything like a kid pushing on a swing; they are force arcs, power curves, and when the exact point of reverse momentum occurs (moment of inertia), this does not mean no inertial force is in play then and everything pushing forward just stops all of a sudden! There is your 'missing energy.' It is not stored, it is totally used. The correct expression of what is happening is 'conservation of energy,' not 'storage' of energy.
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Emerge Technology's 'Wave 1.' |
And so this is totally different from the situation of 'boy with swing' because the wave energy, the literal waves, are actually inside the object once they have transferred energy - whereas the boy is always outside of the affected object.
So the 'boy and swing' is not an accurate nor an appropriate example. 'Energy' cannot be in two places at once. It's either potential, or active and already kinetic.
The whole thing is about applied period force to oscillating conditions (literally 'waves'). And waves are not materially stochastic, they are curved.
Why I mention any of this at all, is because of something very seriously important, as well as dangerous, to do with the new 'hologram' technology.
It isn't dangerous, as far as I know, because of anything intrinsic to do with the ultra-sonic waves that are used to enable and 'create' the sensations of 'touch' and physical feeling and 'topography' in the VR field your hands will be in.
The thing becomes dangerous if they ever work out, what else, you can do with harmonic frequencies and then also the so-called 'missing fraction' after every eleventh scalar multiple.
If we start getting these super mega huge corporate venture firms who promote 'new technology' because the Davos Borg elites are really behind them - well if we get them talking the same kind of nonsense that people who think you can destroy 'bad cells' such as cancer cells and so on, talk, using harmonic resonance, well then we are in big big trouble.
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The actual LaGrangean Field ET Aliens like grenetina. |
And I guarantee you it won't be because they are ever going to claim to be able to 'kill cancer cells' that way - it will be because they will claim something much worse, which is that you will be able to have people become attracted to you... Got it now?
Oh but let me tell you. The temptation is far too great for them. They're already working on it... ...for you.
Because everything they do is for you, right?
If you think I'm just 'spinning yarns' you will fall off your chair in only ten days from now.
Just because a thing can work, in a certain narrowly-defined and restricted usage way, does not mean either that you should try it for wrong things, or that it can work in just any old way at all.
Gewd I know I'm wasting my breath though. SMH.
Look, anything this new that has the ability to help people, maybe even cure some things, also has devastating power to harm as well. And that's one dimension of the overall problem. And a very significant one at that though.
You wanna get to the lyrics first in this track at least before tossing it. If you're going to do that.
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