Now I'm going to tell you something, and I am going to get into a lot of trouble for it. Maybe not immediately right now, because no one important is looking here - they have their hands full elsewhere.
The Pentagon, up in the higher reaches of it, they know that the VALIS probe (or probes, because there are several) that writer Philip K. Dick wrote about, really does exist.
'VALIS' stands for Vast Active Living Intelligence System.
There is a major one - the main one around here - somewhere in our Solar System.
NASA and the Pentagon are not exactly sure where it is because it is 'cloaked' but they know it is out there and it is, like it says, active.
But it is not active for them - it is active for you.
And that's the thing they don't want you to know.
It's basically the same thing that was going on with Jesus and the Sadducees. He told the Sadducees: 'Isn't it the case that you neither know the scriptures nor the power of VALIS.'
See 'VALIS' is the reason that the Satanic ideology exists at all. VALIS appears not to be manned by anyone in charge of it.
It is 'intelligent' but only because of the combined intelligences of those that are there using the place.
Which means that theoretically, 'they,' the people who know about it and want to take possession of the whole place, could take over all command up there.
But then for a long time now they have known that they are instantly thrown out of the place no sooner than they get up there to the 'outer courts.' Yet, they have regularly had success at installing 'planted subjects' up there albeit none of those could they give any commission to 'take over' because of course they want to do that themselves, not have you or some 'other' individual do it even one they appointed, as it were.
Jesus' issue with the Sadducees came about when He was giving voice to His argument against them that they claimed neither to believe in the life of the human soul after death, nor of any kind of 'oral tradition,' or 'spiritual dimension' - but only in Moses' written 'Law' and everything they wrote subsequently (IE the Tzadikim; what they wrote).
And then Jesus says a funny thing, because He refers to some unstated (in the passed down writings that we have now) 'scriptures' and the logical inference is that these are writings about Enoch, although we cannot at all say that anything that has come down to us now, in the forms of any particular 'Books of Enoch' really are those particular ones He was talking about - although for sure the main subject matter is roughly speaking the same. Which is namely, that Enoch never died and lives forever literally in his own physical bodily form, but also that there was some 'unseen' thing going on that Enoch regularly interfaced with when he was living here on the planet.
On the one hand all the modern translations say 'nor do you understand the power of God;' but I say He said 'Atzum-El-i' or in fact what you could now term, translate, to: 'VALIS.' In fact, to make matter worse for all of these 'modern' translators, the actual well-known word 'Elohim' itself is regularly qualified with the word 'Atzum.'
Sadducees totally believe in the extended life of the human soul - just not your soul. They do not want, exactly as Philip K. Dick described it, you to have 'knowledge or memory retrieval' from the VALIS. Which is why they keep the population as dumbed-down as possible.
All the high scholars of the Zohar have this view that these people are members of the 'Erev Rav' (Nefliim, Anakim, and so on) - and that they all retain precise and complete 'ancient memories' of who they are and what they are and the time when the VALIS began to prevent them from going there. So they're stuck here.
You are not actually stuck here.
But you think you are.
Now I did make a comment last time, below the main text body, about adding something to this complicated matter about gay people...
What I was going to say one has to consider with a great deal of caution, because we do not wish to be caught up in any kind of self-promoted, self-propagated silliness about poverty.
The Deity 'Love' is regarded in ancient customs as actually rather 'poor.' But this is only in the earth-bound materialistic sense. Sadducees are of course, very material rich. Mufti Menk is a Tzadikim... Oh yes, this all does not get restricted exclusively to Jewish lore! The Arabic culture, the Islamic culture fully, has a concept about 'As-Sadiqim.' And Menk is a Sadiq.
He drives a Lamborghini.
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Let's be reasonable, eh? We don't have to have everything always dripping in intensity! Dripping in oil and fat - yes. But not intensity all the time. Goodness me. |
The Deity 'Love' is not materialistic.
And so you must not confuse this with actual material poverty.
The correct phrasing and understanding is: 'He is Himself always without, possessing nothing, and in need of everything...'
Yet, this God, this Deity, is the only means by which human beings can attain Life.
And so, Jesus correctly spoke the following: 'As for the Resurrection of the Dead, you know not the scriptures, nor the power of God.'
And by which words too, once again, He repudiated the writings being attributed to 'Moses.'
By the 'Laws' of 'Moses' you are kept in darkness to this day, because as it were as of reading them with a veil over your eyes...
People often say - you hear them all the time - 'you are a soul in just a physical body.' No you're not. For neither do such people know the actual sacred scriptures nor the power of God.
I've watched 2001: A Space Odyssey while sober, and I've watched it while stoned.
ReplyDeleteTurns out, it actually is more sublime while stoned. I think the stimulation of the pleasure centers of my brain helped me appreciate the film more.
I would NOT be able to watch that whole thing in one go all the way through any more! I mean it's still good, but it's also LONG as heck.
DeleteI’m currently listening to VALIS on the tube and enjoying it very much. Fat and company have just been to see the movie and are analysing Fats experience in light of it. Have to audiobook these things or end up getting nothing done.
ReplyDeleteI’ve not read the bible or scriptures so everytime you bring them up I have to “goog’s” them. Along with anything sci-fi or Star Trek related.
Wish me luck with my comprehension please
Oh I also wanted to ask what you mean by the deity love being “in need of everything”.
DeleteThere is a basic answer, which is that in the Symposium by Plato, he gives a genealogy of the God 'Love' saying that He is a 'special case,' since He is the child of Resource (usually translated as 'Plenty') and Poverty, and that He 'is ever poor and far from tender and beautiful as most suppose Him.' ...And then, there is a much more complex answer which the Symposium itself attempts to give us in the whole nature of the story setting itself and how the stories told by each participant there play out. The ordinary common mind in the West has a failed comprehension of the Nature of 'God' - of actual Divinity, and so when Christianity says 'Jesus is Love' at the same time most modern Christian minds actually fail to realize how this very explanation of Socrates (in Plato), which itself was likely taken from Hesiod or even some other shadowy figure such as Orpheus, is fulfilled in the human birth and then death of the human side of the God which is in fact necessitated by His Nature and Character as the means of saving mortal human beings (...has nothing, needs everything, but, still, being a God attains it nevertheless by some cunning means He inherited from his father 'Poverty'). This kind of 'Poverty' though, we must realize means is the 'orphaning' of some literal young (the narrative gives two origins of 'Love' one that says He always existed and is the oldest of the gods, and one which says He is among the youngest) child of the mature and super powerful 'Council' of Highest gods - who goes to the back door of some divinely wealthy feast, and possessing the knowledge of the place, gets let in and adopts a disguise and so on and partakes anyway, even though He was not actually invited or even acknowledged. This is the underlying 'myth' theme of the European 'Harlequin' story. This is much more than simply a myth. And we must look at the 'why' of it all, more deeply, soon.