I was - was - thinking for those new people stopping by here and wondering what on Earth is going on, here(?!), that we should step it back a touch so as not to scare anyone. After all, the whole point of where we are going in the short term, is exposing some super advanced latest technology (and not expensive at all - you don't need to pay any money for it - and the few bits and pieces of associated useful gear that you might like to have, are already available to you for maybe ten/twenty bucks 'off-the-shelf' wherever you are, I think) which is able to massively resolve people's anxiety (if that is what some experience on a day-to-day basis), and which also has simply amazing positive effects on kids with Autism, although - so too will it have on anyone. It just will make you feel amazing!
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Yes you can drink Bordeaux alone. But then you have to still dress up though. |
Darn. So I might be scaring people away with all of this rubbish talk about ET Aliens, and the US Navy 'little white Tic Tacs' and stuff. And your typical weirdo 'Egyptian pyramid' talk.
But then I figured, aaaargh, nah, we'll just let 'em have it with both barrels!
See... Next week there is this thing going to happen in the US Congress. It's going to be about 'Unexplained Aerial Phenomena.'
Nobody invited me though. I was involved in the most important US government 'programs' way back in the early Sixties. That is to say, both my parents were and I became involved.
Okay here's the point I would like you to keep foremost in your minds, not only now here in these pages, but next week and later on: see (here I go again saying 'do you see?' lol) - just look at the name of this hearing:
'House Intelligence Committee's Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee (hearing).'
And that my friends, unfortunately also was the nomenclature the program that I was involved with came under, which was, namely 'Counterintelligence.' This means telling lies and making up stories and placing them into South East Asian and also South American media (at the time), in order to destabilize or 'have fronts' to destabilize political movements but also 'uncover' or expose, possible or potential or even actual Communist insurgencies forming.
However, and here is the big issue, underlying all of this, was a set of super-serious parallel matters - one of them being the satellite photography that the US government had the world lead in at the time, and also, 'something' else going on to do with the use and therefore also the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
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Rich, sinuous, subtle. ...I'm talking about the camera work. |
In both cases there really were and are actual 'ET Alien' aspects which are 'for real.' But there were also fabricated things. And there is absolutely no such thing as any 'agreement' nor any 'contact' countenanced by ET people with governments, especially not the US government.
Listen to me, Look at me (metaphorically speaking, because I know you can't 'look at me!'). But I am about to tell you something.
There is no one in the United States public arena, not Lou Elizondo, not nobody (as they say in poor English grammar) who has ever told you this before and the only people who would even know are people such as myself - who are involved; who were there.
One of our friends here just reminded me about something, that is, they caused me to remember something.
The US Navy deck chief who released the FLIR recording of the white Tic Tac UAV, well, his name is 'Kevin Day.'
Doesn't mean anything to you, prolly.
'Kevin Day' comes from the same family as Dr Pierce Day.
You won't find 'Pierce Day' if you just search it online.
But if you type in 'Pierce Day Hawkeye Eastman-Kodak High Altitude Research Laboratories,' well then you will find him listed as the guy who invented it.
Well I dunno, maybe he invented it, maybe he didn't invent it and was just the program director, but what I can absolutely tell you is that Pierce Day was in charge of finding and then training up, people, especially young kids with not a single political thought in their heads presumably, in order for them to 'go into an induced trance' and 'interpret' or read fuzzy blurry photographic images taken from high altitude, often of places where foreign enemy states were actually deliberately trying to make it impossible to 'see' what was going on on the ground. aka 'remote viewing;' because this was originally what 'remote viewing' as used by CIA and the US military really was.
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My goodness. See the veins on the inside of the glass? |
So yeah, Congress has not invited me to participate. So how on Earth would they be getting anything like even close to the best and the most accurate information about these olden days projects - unless they have participation from those of us that were involved. I guarantee you you are not going to see anyone from that era appear in the hearings before Congress. Just look at the ages of those who end up speaking. Certainly all the most senior directors and project managers are all long since deceased. But quite a few operational specialists are not.
They're not interested in 'finding out' or telling you, the truth, actually - not at all. They are interested in heading off 'problems' now that so many from the old days are retired or have so much financial independence that they are starting to 'tell it like it is.' And of course they are also interested in misguiding people into thinking they have technology that they do not have. Same as they were doing back then post WWII during the run up to and in, the Cold War.
And not only that, there are of course lots of 'skeletons in the closet' too to do with so-called 'allied' or partner or friendly countries from that era. And believe me, your hair would turn if you knew. To this day you have no knowledge about how really wicked certain national leaders, were. And that the US government was forced to cover up for.
Let me tell you, certain of those you think are/were 'good' are literally the most evil people that ever walked this planet.
As an indication, a hint:
When Shane Todd was shoved out of a balcony window in 2012, with his neck tied by a chain to a toilet seat, in a room in Singapore, it was not because Shane Todd had 'committed suicide.'
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Melba toast with fig and melted havarti. |
The FBI knows full well that there are 'problematic circumstances' to the verdict of suicide, but were actively blocked by the Singapore government from rendering any investigative assistance at all.
And you know what, I put it to you, basically, what the Singapore told the US government is: 'you will suck it.' And that is what the US government did. Not as tough nor as powerful as you thought they were, are they? The 'US government.'
...Jesus, here I am, trying to make people feel comfortable and get ready for some technology and systems that will help people with anxiety, and other conditions...
Sorry. Tauba tauba, mufti. (That's for our Saudi friends who also stop by here, in case you wanted to know).
Relax. Just relax.
Nothing is as bad as it seems. And yes, there are ET Aliens around the place, but yes too, there is also fabrications of those sorts of things from many different powerful groups, the US government just one of them. Now by 'US government' I don't mean all of its members nor even genuinely meant or properly-formed policy -, but that highly manipulative segments of academia and the intel community (although certainly not all of it) are absolutely intent on preventing you from knowing the truth, and doing everything that they can, to maintain a death grip on power.
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Remember that part in one of our recent books where the ET Aliens were drinking 'finest golden tippy?' |
Which is what they are very close to succeeding in doing - killing democracy and economies, honest critical thinking, and your way of life; well at least the one you may have known if you were even just border-line 'privileged' growing up.
Still, what with this thing and the other, if the wind turns, if enough people kick the tin for the Autism research, we will just 'open up' right here with technology and it will utterly blow your mind.
And five seconds after you find out, you will all go: 'Aw you should not have told everyone, we don't want you to tell absolutely everyone about this!'
LOL That's the thing, see. You will say exactly that as soon as you find out. Which is why, we want you to either contact privately or cough up. We are hoping, to keep the thing a little bit... ...exclusive.
Once it's out though...
In fact the world, will never be the same again.
Well I have just two rules here. Don't engage the other commenters in discussions if I can help it, and NO PRIVATE EMAILING. So. Sorry about that. I'm just going to have to continue using youtube for my source of binaural audio tinglies.
ReplyDeleteWell I’m here for the weird Egypt stuff and humans as spiritual beings stuff. If that involves ETs then ok.
ReplyDeleteI’m not new here, been reading here for a year now - have read all posts from the beginning. Only started commenting recently
Ummmmm... Okay! No problem. Vulcan (more or less) though I am, I shall take a leaf out of my friend Nuno's Twitter page and: 'much love.' What is that thing - 'love...'
DeleteCool thanks. As for love. I only have a human understanding as pertains to family… and shoes… I luuurve shoes.
DeleteIm reading a book by Eben Alexander on his NDE. He comes back telling of unconditional love being the motivating force and fabric of the universe. Hard to accept when I look around at people and the world these days.
So I had to ask my husband if Spock being a Vulcan was not without emotion. They attended to logic as their motivating force if you will. He said that Spock was half human. I asked what about his Dad, was he without emotion. He said he didn’t know. Then we changed topic to Spock-a-fives and Sheldon cloning Leonard Nemoy.
Thanks I guess for the ‘love’. Im not sure the intention of it. Felt a bit sarcastic or dismissive tbh. Hope I don’t come off as some fly by nighter love n lighter. I’m seeking meaning not feels.
LOL. Yeah no (gulp, what the hell does that mean?) that's what I'm saying too. I'm trying to be serious and realistic - but it never works and I have to just 'sound' sarcastic an' all. I totally don't understand the 'love and light' stuff at all they way people just throw it around like EVERYBODY is fixed with 'love and light' but I watch those videos all the same though. They are kind of cute. Honestly, and I'm sure you know this, life is w-a-a-a-y too complex to throw that word 'love' around unless you are at least partly being sarcastic. I wouldn't want to be wasting either love or light on Schwab or Gates or Justin 'the creepy dictator' (thanks Joe Rogan for that). That's not going to achieve anything except give them more 'air.' I can think of some light for Fauci though - several million Joules of focused laser into his '*.'
DeleteI'm up for a new religion - Jedi-ism has promise, maybe?
ReplyDeleteA new story. A new story is what we need. A story of UFOs... perhaps.
Yes Jedi. But Jedi are old. Very very old. In fact, in a galaxy long long ago, far far away...
DeleteYou know, hopefully (what am I saying 'hopefully?') one day soon, it will be so clear via here, what 'it is all about.' And you will be as to absolutely no doubt. Won't change your life... Yes it will! lol