This is going to be real Jedi stuff now.
So on the immediate last livestream electronic digital music show, someone on the Twitch channel actually began asking a few um 'questions!'
Yes, well, yes. What are we all doing...?
Nothing, nothing.
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Haliene. And her Aliens. 'Haliene's Aliens' |
Da da-da da d-a-a-a-ah. Whistle, whistle.
Anyway, it's Sunday afternoon late when the live music show happens from NYC or LA, most weekends -, but that makes it very early Monday morning down here where I am.
They asked a much more complicated question than 'what are you guys doing?' Or 'what is going on here?'
We're just listening to music and having fun is all that we are doing.
Does there need to be any more than that?
Snicker snicker.
Lots of fun things happen though. Lots more fun things going to happen as well.
A couple of people commented off-line here that they don't really 'get' everything, understand everything that is being said here. And that's totally fine, because, for a start there are already conversations going on 'off-line,' sort of 'behind the scenes' so to speak - so there's some things emerging that are a little bit disjointed and disconnected seemingly, from what should be the obvious subject matter.
But secondly, and more importantly -, definitely I have deliberately been inserting various sometimes quite obscure figures from the past, and sometimes their even more obscure ideas, and this is in order for readers here to go search or research those lines of inquiry for themselves and come to their own independent viewpoints.
I don't believe in ramming 'positions' down anyone's throat or being dogmatic, although I realize for sure I will come across that way probably a lot.
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No reason. |
Yet I believe that if you have been following along for awhile, at a point quite soon now, many strands of ideas and thinking will all come together suddenly - and believe me, it will be with a rather useful and positive beneficial result.
A case in point is the so-called 'ultra-violet catastrophe' idea.
This is a stock standard mainstream concept in physics about the way that along the spectrum of radiation, as the photon energy increases it should be that the wavelength and frequency outputs increase in a normal logarithmic curve going upwards, and they don't; the output drops off around the blue-indigo and ultra-violet optically-visible bands and no one really knows where that 'extra/missing' energy goes off too. Planck is incorrectly said to have 'solved' the 'ultra-violet catastrophe' (it's called a catastrophe because it is 'catastrophic' for the standard physics model), when he worked out how to calculate the curve. It didn't 'solve' anything. He measured the obvious description of what was visibly going on; what was observably happening in the outputs, without ever being able to say what became of the input energy such that there was now a missing amount of it at the output.
It clearly not only doesn't do any more work, in fact it does actually less work, because at the blue end of the light spectrum, it becomes cold even though the frequency is much higher - per quanta input energy there should be heat (or light intensity) equivalence, and there isn't.
Actually the problem is not a metaphysical one, frankly, because in the first place 'sci-entists' do not believe in 'spirit' stuff or 'ghosts!' The problem for all these scientists and mechanistic materialists (and I am one except I can take things well beyond even the 'ultra-violet catastrophe' since I know where the energy goes... ...where it goes mechanistically), is just because you can't see it, or your physics cannot observe it just yet, absolutely doesn't mean it isn't somewhere.
Let's say it 'dies and goes to heaven,' well then, that makes heaven a real place though! Because there is after all, energy that you sent there. LOL
That's if you want to be consistent with your famous law of the conservation of mass and energy.
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Bruges ice sculpture display. Plenty of 'cold' ultra-violet there! |
Yes you cannot see 'heaven' that's because your optics cannot even 'see' where the 'ordinary' energy went around the ultra-violet sections and after those.
You need to have the sensory instrumentation to be able to 'observe' what went on.
That's all.
Then again though, you also need to know where to look, because clearly the energy is not behaving in a linear manner. And hey, you have totally convinced yourselves that nothing travels faster than the speed of light though, right?
So at minimum it cannot be a linear action at that 'catastrophe' point but then too, what is causing the alteration to space or motion or both?
My friends the 'on the ground' basic, real problem for standard mechanistic materialists (and that means all modern scientists), is that you know very well that your own neurology can operate at ascending and descending frequency ranges - it can go right through the visible spectrum, from red all the way to violet...
Can't it?
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There you are. Pics and charts. Now it all makes sense. |
Which means that you can operate the 'ultra-violet catastrophe' in your frikkin' head.
Except the Reptilian Illuminati Elites do not want you to do that, or to even know about it and that is why your 'sci-ence' is bullshit and has been for centuries.
And it is never going to change.
You are not going to go anywhere past hardly even the Moon. You are not going to be meeting any ET Aliens officially at all, and they are absolutely never going to be interested in conversing with you or your 'governments' now or ever.
Now I really don't want to say what comes next here, what logically comes next, because there is at least one individual who is voicing some concern about how benign all of these upstairs people are.
Well they're not entirely benign at all though, are they. Goodness me, once upon a time, 'they' (by standard religious narrative) wiped out 185,000 Assyrian soldiers overnight! Not to mention however many people were living in the plains of Sodom, which was an area according to archaeologists, of 200 square miles (that's only twenty times large than the Azovstal place...), and they were able to do it pretty quickly, while the whole Russian military is taking rather some time to knock off just a few hundred idiots.
And then, if you look at the story of Atlantis, well that was a huge big sea-going Empire and that went completely 'in just one day and a night.'
In each case, the folkloric narrative involves people 'not of this Earth-bound place.'
Of course religious people sling the word 'god' into the picture but so what, really.
Wouldn't matter if 'god' or 'not-god,' you see, because: ultra-violet catastrophe. The energy went somewhere but you didn't see where. And that's all that happened. It did go somewhere. Which already means there is a somewhere. That you don't see.
Oh yes I get, 'Oh maybe the Serpents are there, in the mechanistic materialistic 'somewhere that we can't see' just waiting for us, so that they can eat us or harm us or twist our minds and take our sinful West Coast Campbell's Tomato Soup souls!'
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What do you do with this? I don't know! You put it on stuff. And you eat it. Bay leaves, olive oil, and black peppercorns. |
So I'm gonna tell you the same thing that Jesus Christ told you: 'How is it that you are figuring Satan is divided against himself here?'
Do you really believe 'Satan' or the Reptilians, or the Serpents with that one eye on the dollar bill, are going to tell you how your soul is constructed according to the etchings on the Egyptian temple walls?? What all the bits and pieces in it do? So that you can actually use it for a change, instead of being used by others who know and they don't tell you?
Tell me, do you really think you know, or before you read stuff here, knew, what the heck was going on with the 'Egyptian court magicians playing with the snakes and Moses throwing down his stick-snake' and all that was all about? About stoopid primitive childish fairy tale 'magic' you think? ...And that's how come they stuck it in the Bible? Because what - woo woo fairy tale stupid?
Because the snake is the Uraeus on the headdress of the Pharaoh, isn't it?
Look it up, it's 'Ouraeus' by the way. So why are you praying to 'Ouranos' when you say 'the Lord's Prayer' which is, as you know: 'Pater hemon, ho en tois Oranois...'
Pharaoh had a snake, his magicians had snakes, Moses had a snake.
Everybody has snakes. You have snakes.
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What do you do with this? I don't know. I never had one. |
What are you trying to tell me you've never hated someone or thought to cause them harm, you know, just to 'even things up' a bit?
So, there 'could' be massive, evil 'serpents' out there just waiting for you when you try what I tell you. So what?
Cast your snake/s down on to the ground before them then. You have snakes.
Who told you you didn't?
You think these idiots all hiding in the darkness and manipulating you for centuries upon centuries, what, have bigger and more toxic, more powerful snakes than you?
I don't think so!
If they were so tough, how come they have to all hide so much? Hide in the dark. Keep secrets.
You have been tricked. Those guys are subtle and they are smart, maybe a little bit smarter than you have been, but that's all they are. They're not more natively powerful than you.
Use the Force, Luke.
The U.S. Congress is holding a hearing today on the UFO phenomenon. I hope someone will compile a music video, using images from the hearing accompanied by a trance music soundtrack.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe "chant" music by some monastic monks...? I'm not sure which is more fitting.
If I were doing a blog like this one I'd start by mentioning that Elon Musk has been talking about his Elden Ring character build, point out that either he has been putting in 90+ hours playing the game or paying someone to do it for him, claim that every "successful" person in the world believes that if you are truly smart then you can figure out how to pay people to do the things for you, insinuate that most successful people can't actually do anything themselves, back that claim up with some stories from my personal life, and then refer to the short clip of Adam Schiff asking questions about what looked like a "helmet cam" video of a UAP.
DeleteTheir Answer Man couldn't even find the ONE frame that contained a tiny collection of pixels of what looked like a blurry round thingy. Clearly an example of successful people in action. When there's no real budget to pay the truly smart people to get it all worked out ahead of time so it makes sense. Boo!