The evening is nigh upon us.
Dusk has already left the skies.
We must prepare for the Barakah.
Oh you of the Kass, prepare yourselves also. For ye are of 'the select' - and it is of your estate that al-Ghayb shall be as kashf for you.
Certain of the Believers of the division known as Shi'i, hold to a mystical and crazy notion borrowed from the Christians, that one of the Apostles remains here still alive, across the centuries on this planet, in occultation (al-Ghaybah), and that at the time of the Return of Isa ibn Maryam, shall emerge to give kashf (the Unveiling) to a tiny few selected ones (al-Kass).
Whether this is true or not true we cannot say, but we can unveil one mystery regarding the identity of the chief of the Djinni, a commander and adviser of Suleiman M'lek aka Amenemhat III.
This person - this Djinn nobleman - was called, by the Arabic scholars, Asif ibn Barkhiya.
And he was, by the ancient Hebrews, called Asaph ben Berechiah.
There are verses of the Book of Tehillim (Psalms) attributed to his words; these are known as the Asaph verses.
According to the Jews, he was an adviser both to Solomon and to David, and his death is not recorded, and he is ascribed with supernatural longevity, just like ul-Mahdi, or the certain Apostle (of Jesus), who was not to die. Although it is not to be understood that he cannot die, but that he simply, remains.
If the Satanic Rulers of the world - this world, our world - were to know of his whereabouts, they would assuredly seek his death by the usual means.
Attested in the Kitab Shams al-Ma'arif of Al-Buni, and the Kitab al-Ajnas, are the ways of invocation, of this powerful Djinn commander.
Also, in the most authentic hadith of Kitab al-Ghayba by al-Numani.
"Saba Sibu, Saba as-Sibu!
Tazaza'at Taza-za, Taza-za zaaaa-at"
Thus is invoked, called, summoned, the Great Djinni Commander of the Close Guard of King Solomon.
And you must have strong dark coffee, freshly brewed, ready for me, er, him.
'Saba' as you have already been informed, is not a piece of land in Southern Arabia, but a place far away in the stars. Thus the Queen of Saba, is from thence.
And as the stars above twinkle their small lights, as though of such distant lamps set into so narrow of their niches in the vault of heaven, that none but the elves and the fairies should have been able to have set them there and lit them each evening... will obtain the visitation of the Djinn commander Asif, Son of the Magical Blessing; and by the rule of exchange you must bestow then the secret magical blessing upon such of the lowly personages of the Earth people around you wherever you travel, on the morrow, who that it seems meet to you, should receive it.
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The Cerulean Blue Bee. |
And what is the power of the Barakah of this Djinni? It is the indwelling spiritual force of the Lights Among the Highest of the Stars, those being not the ones we see with our eyes, but the ones we know with our mind's eye and with the warm vision of our heart.
And God is Most Benevolent, Wise.
I challenge you to find but one scholar, one muhaddith, one mufti, one shaykh whose words are like any of these, one verse like unto these anywhere across the whole of the internet, in YouTube videos, or anywhere, in anything...
Attend now, to the incantations of the Djinniya (female Genies), as they rise before you, to dance and to sing - and bow you all to the Most High, the Lord God of All, Father of the Universe, Eyes of the Glossy Night, the Bestower, the Beneficent, the Munificent, and the King. Solomon is not arrayed in all his glory as even a small bee before the Lord God, the Almighty.
Thanks to the blue Bees and to the blue Queen, from far away light stars ... for their honey gift and their help on Earth flowers.
ReplyDeleteNB: 'The Queen of Sedge and Bee.' (Cleopatra).