Okay, we're not. But that is not the point!
Here, here, I'll show you what I'm driving at.
Yes it is true, if you eat broccoli a lot - a real lot - you'll keep your brain in pretty good shape.
If you eat broccoli sprouts, it works much faster.
So you work out a bit (not like our JES, eh Nuno? Who works out all the darn time and puts us to shame), and you eat good food and you don't take drugs and you don't try the cocktails every single time Calvin sticks a pic of something cool up here...
And so you are fit and healthy.
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Broccoli sprouts. JES? Do you? LOL. You do, ha ha ha. Knew you would. |
Eventually though, you get old and you die.The end. Human thing.
Not so smart now, are you?!
Ah, well, but then, have you observed all these guys and quite a goodly number of girls these days, who appeal loudly and mostly sincerely to one of the many 'god brands' around the place?
I'm happy enough if they are doing this to alter the outcome of their own human life profile - which is generally speaking, death.
I'm even happy enough that they are doing it in order to convince god to send some cash or something, or even if they are trying to in a way bribe god too by showing him how exactly sincerely they are appealing to his 'beneficent' side.
What I do not go along with is the idea that since you have appealed to 'god' and done so really fervently, or even - as in the case of dozens if not hundreds of ET Alien encounter people all over YouTube and the internet these days - that somehow then every next thing that comes out of your mouth is true and cannot be examined or questioned.
The worst, the absolute very worst miscreants in this regard are those Christian pop speakers and declaimers, who literally very ardently make these sort of 'prayers' to the Holy Spirit for minutes and minutes before they launch into whatever thing they are trying to tell you about, or say to you is 'true.'
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Real agar wood. |
The hot pseudo-lesbian chick Kim Zember is not the worst offender because she refrains from the histrionics but nevertheless consistently launches into utter nonsense about sexuality or at least her apparent sexuality and preaches this is a 'Christian' thing. She is apparently, not actively lesbian, just somehow, I dunno, I give up. I don't what she's trying to say that she is.
On the other hand I just recently encountered a 'practicing' gay (male, meaning actively gay male) priest with his own actual church with stained glass windows and all everything and he was talking about the 'secrets of the Roman Catholic mass' and really, he was doing the same kind of thing although in the obverse. His assertions (which would readily have been accepted by gay people) were about what those 'secrets' were and on account that he is meant to be able to tell you the truth since he is telling you the open truth about his sexuality (let's say, in this case) - you were meant to accept what he was saying about the 'secrets.'
He was completely wrong (about the secrets).
And she is completely amiss.
But both started out wanting to be believed on account of some other thing than the facts and logic of what they were simply talking about specifically.
And then there's this other guy, I don't even want to go close to identifying him, but he has a good grasp of Greek and what the Gospels and New Testament and Letters, really say, but he always starts out with these long-winded fervent 'prayers' invoking the 'Holy Spirit' - after which he talks utter rubbish some of which is mixed into pretty basic truth that is pretty obvious anyway. But the conclusions then are all just rubbish.
And then, I also just listened to the famed Zimbabwean Islamic preacher, Mufti Menk, as he gave a lecture to a vast crowd of London Muslims at a park there where they were holding their 'end of Ramadan' celebrations and he was being very assertive about how great things were and what a great and true belief system/religion whatever you want to call it - but the tone of his delivery was absolutely desperate. Like as if they were all in trouble and were going to drown anyway! You must do this, and you must do this, and you must do this...
Hey, I could be wrong here. One of them, or some of them, or maybe even (somehow) all of them are right and I am wrong.
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That is not wine, though, is it John? Yeah, but I am not god though either. |
I am not god.
I could, hypothetically, relay a decent message with honesty, I feel sure, but I have not been given any message.
Oh sure, I can work some things out by using my brain and employing logic - so can you too.
That does not qualify me to say 'Oh I cannot make mistakes and/or, you just do whatever I say!'
What is with all of this 'do' stuff all the time? People always seems to want to get you to do something. With the 'authority' for their orders coming from some superior, and presumably super-powerful, source, but the story coming out of their ordinary human being's mouth.
So okay we've been talking here for months on end about the 'friends from upstairs.' But all I've been saying is that logically, this is how it is likely to be.
Logically, I happen to know because I was partly personally involved at the time, that the 'Apparition of Medjugorje' for example, is a fraud. I did not really know what the whole plan was, and I did not play that much of a role anyway, but even so, I kind of personally did not have great elevated respect for any of the Serbians, Bosnians, Croatians or any other of them involved. What was happening was on the cards anyway in some degree as far as I could tell. We used 'Medjudorje' to wind people up there.
Thousands of civilians got murdered by 'us.' That's not quite right because I certainly did not go out to murder anyone, but I was assuming we were just arming a few sides there, for sure I knew that; and then, well, I am not a policy-maker in any government that I have worked for though. I get that some of us knew very well particular 'factions' were going to be able to re-load on 'black budget cash' but that was what always happened in 'strong possible likelihood of war' or actual war.
I did not know how intentional the aim was to actually create a war from out of effectively, nothing or not enough, plus the vacuum of a post-Tito Yugoslavia. I just thought, well, this is our guys making money from idiots who are belligerent at the best of times - serves them right.
But that was only part of the picture.
...And, I'm getting side-tracked again.
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Brits, don't chew on his toes, dear. That's God's toes you are chewing on there. |
There are other 'descents onto the heads of farm children,' however, that might not be a fraud.
The reason Medjugrje is a fraud is because that 'female' character that was associated with the visions there, said 'peace.'
But the other one elsewhere said "no peace at all!" Also, "don't follow those people who say 'peace.' They will be lying."
Unless you can work out, with your own head, your own brain, your own mind, based on your own actual personal experience of life, whether you find that you can agree with something being said to you by some putative 'sky person' - well what's compelling you to believe it or go along with it or, that is, to say 'agreeing?'
Why do you have to agree with something that doesn't make any sense?
Or - and here's the 'push' - not enough sense to be agreeable?
You know, I want to get back to the lesbians and the gays. The Jesus and Mary story at the marriage thing goes like this, and here are the bits people avoid:
Mary: "Jesus, come to the marriage of members of our family and have a good time. There's wine."
Jesus: "WTF do I have to do with any of you?? My family is whoever does my stuff! Why do I have to be dragged along to this? Why do I have to even be here? ...Okay, I am the Kuryos of the Feast. So, maybe..."
Mary: "Please."
The POOR LOWLY Servant: "We've run out of wine."
Mary: "Jesus -, they've run out of wine."
Jesus: dismissive.
Mary to the Servants: "Just go to him, and do whatever he tells you to do."
Jesus: "Frikken' heck! Bring the jars to me filled up with clean water. Can you do that much, at least?"
They do. He says: "Now go and give all that to the Chief Steward."
Chief Steward to the bridegroom: "Most people give out the good stuff before people are drunk so they are straight enough to appreciate you and then the rubbish when they are well-sozzled. But you have done things backwards! This is amazing wine!"
And nobody knew what the * was going on except the lowly servants, because they actually were aware of what had happened and what the position was.
...Maybe they were the ones in the first place who drank all the wine! Did yer ever think about that??
They certainly knew they had run out of wine. Somebody was having a good time. People were having a good time. And then they all had a good time over all in the end.
God is susceptible to people having good times, it seems.
He doesn't give a fuck about 'the laws.'
Why would any super duper advanced intelligence being or species of being, never mind that some of them hybridize with humans - and so we're all broadly related according to the latest Pentagon release, heavily redacted, 1500 pages long but it says it in there still - give a tinker's dam about what you think the 'rules' are here?
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There's always meat and potatoes in the end. |
Whose rules? Your rules?
Why are you making rules when you run out of wine? All the time?
Why are we following your rules - you run out of years and die.
You... ...run ...out ...of ...wine.
There is, however, one rule, and it is this - taste the liquid, is it wine, or else what does it taste like? If it doesn't taste like wine, it isn't wine, Kim.
You don't get to make the rules, Kim. But you do get to say and agree to what is true and what is real all by yourself once you taste the liquid.
But if you haven't got the liquid, you're not in a position to say anything at all. And I'm not listening to you.
Not until then, at least.
'The position' is, most of you have no wine.
But you still want to make rules.
The real question is, do you know how to have a good time? Because if you do, and you can bring some super duper advanced and powerful intelligent being to the table, I guarantee you they are susceptible to having a good time.
Now, does that answer your question as to why you are burning the incense? Oh sure sure, there has to be some restraint. And certainly, I could be wrong.
I am wrong on many things. But on this it is unlikely that I am wrong - who are you having at your table? Like, really who? Don't lie now. We can see your mind.
And you better hope like hell Jesus Christ is God, because just like you, He is an ordinary human being. The rest of the 'gods' in Brussels and Geneva and Washington and London and Temple Mount and Mecca and the Vatican, well they are 'special' and they want you to be better than ordinary simple human beings, because if not, they are going to slaughter you all and manufacture 'new' people for themselves to be served by.
Now. The next thing is, do our guys have laser canon and light sabers and stuff... Well, do we? Huh? Do we? What do you think? Wanna take a shot?
See the real problem for you is you don't have the luxury of this thing called 'atheism' anymore. 'They' (the 'they' guys from Brussels) are coming for you. And they are going to kill you. They're on their way and they're up to this mischief right now. Now maybe you figure you can handle it all on your own... Like you have in the past right, which is why they dominate you now.
I'm going to tell my own story here AGAIN because it is just so fascinating. I'm only mildly autistic as far as I can tell. So "Chaim Eshed says the galactic federation is real" comes at me curtesy of yahoo website trash news. Great. So that's that then. Oh well before that there was the wee little lights in the sky doing things that satellites don't do, and then the cell phone and car radio all messed up. Whatever. I go and have a heartfelt conversation with ET Alien who is only imaginary, sitting with me. "So, uhm, are we on the same page when I say "you" and you say "me"?" Imaginary ET Alien doesn't answer. So I find this blog, and start giving you a hard time, and then someone shows up in the comments mentioning anesthetics, and I discover Penrose and Hameroff.
ReplyDeleteAnd THEN. Okay so this is the cool part. So I dream about the word "boss" written in an unlikely place, and then later in my waking life see the word "boss" written in an unlikely place in a video on youtube. I mentioned that here once.
There was this other time though, where I was walking into my apartment in the midwest and saw an image of my father falling in his house on the west coast. Odd. But then my aunt calls a few days later: oh my dad fell and is in the hospital.
Naturally these are coincidences, right? But now I've got Hameroff and Penrose with this theory about consciousness. The brain takes these quantum effects ("objective reduction") and stretches them out in time just long enough to "orchestrate" and indeed you get entanglement in these warm brain environments...
So fine. I need a little "quantum mechanics" to understand consciousness. Having that original conversation with imaginary ET. So let's see, we are these nicely "factored" beings, you here, me there, but the boundaries are clear, ON ONE HAND. Oh but "duality.." So. On the other hand are "consciousness potential beings" which are like things in Hilbert space where it's an infinite number of things ALL ORTHOGONAL. "I'm" that too, and I've got a couple of wild coincidences in my personal history to suggest that I should take this concept seriously. Well people ask Roger Penrose about that and he's all "Whoa there!! Let's keep our pants on for the moment!" But whatever. I have no credibility to protect.
So anyway. That sets the bar pretty high. ET Aliens want to show up at my door and offer me a slice of pie, they're going to have to pull off some pretty fancy communication, on the level of crazy telepathic coincidence, before I'm going to listen, and even THEN the whole show is going to be extremely suspect to me. Now that I believe in such things. The beings who do not "function" on that level will inevitably blow themselves up with dangerous technology. Or so I say.
Yep. Those who are not on that level will blow themselves up for sure. Just 'sneak out of here' - out of the mind-trap here. It's what counts. Can these guys just 'show up' for real, in real material physical people bodies and stuff? Oh they sure can. And they do. 'Human beings' are just a bunch of things stuck in one place, like creatures in a pond with eyes on top of their heads all looking at themselves.
DeleteBut we are all "on that level." It's a question of acknowledging it.
DeleteUnless you don't agree?
DeleteThat we're all hybrids of some sort, not so hard to believe. The really interesting question, imho, is which of us are admixed with what "types" and at what proportions. Suppose I could get used to the idea of being part mushroom; as for those other kinds, not so sure.
ReplyDeleteMushrooms are so cool. As you know, humans share some original form genetic components with mushrooms.
ReplyDeleteYeah. Mushrooms.
ReplyDeleteStar Trek groks them.
"There are a few rules in the Universe that seem likely to never be broken. Particles cannot travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum; the entropy of a closed system can never decrease; energy and momentum must be conserved. But if the rules that the Universe plays by are different than we understand them today, many things that appear to be forbidden today may be possible after all.
"In Star Trek: Discovery, a new type of technology takes us even faster than warp drive: the spore drive. Instead of traveling slower-than-light (via impulse engines) or even faster-than-light through space (via warp drive), the spore drive enables an instantaneous “jump” from one location in space to another, disconnected place a great distance away. The idea has been dismissed as a massive science blunder, but the right circumstances could take it from the realm of science fiction to real-life science."
Oh, I had that wine!
When one decides what wine to buy
There is always a better alternative
But students were poor like mice in church
From the beginning of eternity
Only a student would eagerly spend
The last five bucks of his money
To buy a bottle or two for himself
And his beloved honey
Variety’s great, don’t be misled
Merlot, Bordeaux, Chardonnay, Port wine
But when you are with a girl in bed
You shall drink only Champagne
When you opt to pay 500 dollars
For a bottle of wine
You shall treat the liquid
As almost semi-divine
You sniff it and lick it
Preparing the taste-buds
For a special treatment
Before it gets consumed in your guts
It is the experts' opinion
And very high price
That sets up expectations
And primes your vice
I suppose you are not drinking it
Just to get drunk?
This is gonna score points
Like a well timed slam-dunk
Your friends and enemies
Will envy your game
Women will never
Treat you the same
And only when you are in your prime
Your kids have graduated from college
You will be ready to acquire
Some extraordinary knowledge
For you, my sire, I would recommend
To spend some change
And try a wine
In 5,000 dollar range
It's only the wealthiest
And wise with money
Can shell out so much
For a little winey
Who could have thought it?
That soil and time
Some amount of rain
And a lot of sunshine
Can produce that very
Special crop
That would sell
For 5,000 bucks a pop!
When you are dying
Or your health's in decline
Buy yourself
Some 50,000 dollar wine
Borrow, if necessary,
Sell your estate
But drink it, no chug it
Before it's too late!
And, finally, we have arrived at the secret…
And that secret is only mine
It is about special
1,000,000 dollar wine
It was a gift from Bacchus
Once in a lifetime…
I am the luckiest of mortals
Who sipped that drink divine
I don’t know what happened
But, I started my life again
With a lovely girl in bed
I am drinking cold Champagne