So, we have to be serious here. This is a serious subject.
Still, there is always time for a joke or two.
Who was it that does the 'blinking' again...?
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This pic is new - was posted today on her Twitter account. Tao, people will think you are colluding. What say you though? LOL Come on. Be honest. Didn't expect this, did you? (Thanks heaps, JES). |
...When y'all wake up to the stark reality of what is going on here, maybe we'll get somewhere.
I already know there are a couple of people here getting very very frightened as to whether we are 'good' or 'bad.' Well, we are a little naughty.
Can't help that.
What is the truth then, about Genies? Where does the idea originate from?
The thing is there since well before the Arabic narratives, since well prior to Islam. Folklore among many different peoples contains stories of King Solomon, and frankly, I think so does standard Egyptian history except it is couched there in quite modern terms that stem from translators of hieroglyphs - and the Solomonic narratives deal with the subject of some extra special kind of 'help' Solomon was receiving.
All of the narratives are stories with a moral. And this, in my own view, does not mean that actual Genies are actually always and only in the business of 'teaching humans a lesson!' ...Which is, namely, not any kind of super fun lesson, necessarily.
I personally think the reason of the 'moral outcome' part of these accounts of the mysterious race of the Djinn people, is that the writers have no knowledge of actually how to really make contact with them. But still, they know about them; they have heard other stories, legends.
One great hadith (this is a real one) from Maulana Zakariyya Kandhlavi, relates the story of a woodcutter who purposed to go cut down a certain tree that villagers were worshiping as an idol. And, he was met on the way by the Shaytan in the form of an old man, who challenged him to wrestle, and if he the old man won, the woodcutter was to agree not to cut down the tree. Twice he wrestled and he bested Shaytan (who is, of course, a Djinn according to Islamic teachings). But after that, the old man said to him, if he agreed not to cut down the tree, he would be given three gold coins under his pillow each night. The woodcutter agreed to this, and indeed received three gold coins on the first two nights, but on the third, he received nothing - and so he marched out next morning to chop down the tree. Once again, the old man intercepted him, challenged him to wrestle and this time, he defeated the woodcutter, upon which conclusion the woodcutter inquired how he was able to win the match.
And the Shaytan said: 'You were able to defeat me the first two times, because your intentions were pure, whereas, on the third occasion, you were going out to cut down the tree out of desire for gold.'
Anyway I tell this story as a way of suggesting that the 'stories-with-a-moral' are also intrinsically valuable.
But we must deal here, with the underlying truth of the Genies.
In the Bible, there are two types of titles given, to certain stories which relate to the Genie people: there is the King of Persia, and the Prince of Persia; there is the King of Tyre, and the Prince of Tyre.
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The hadiths of Abu Huraira, 'father of the cats.' |
Whereas the 'Prince' is clearly described as a man, the 'King' is 'not a human.'
Now I am going to say to you without proof or evidence, but nevertheless it is true, that 'Tyre and Sidon' is Atlantis.
And, according to Plato (that fellow, who even is he!), the people of Atlantis were the children of Poseidon and Poseidon is not a human being, whereas the people of Atlantis were.
Once again, the stories line up.
'Genies' are also conflated in much later accounts, with the Chinese peoples, and it is possibly from these, that much of the visual symbology derives - and also several of the characteristics about diligence and attitude. I fear frankly, that the word 'Djinn' itself, is simply an Arabic neologism for the widespread name of the Oriental/Asiatic people used by the Persian traders at that time.
There is no such word 'Djinn' nor even anything phonemically close to it, for instance, in the Old Testament, but which certainly did have accounts of the unusual powers given to Solomon, from some 'spirit agency -,' not even 'spirit' but actual 'otherworldly beings.'
Strictly speaking, 'Genies' are angelic people, 'beings' we say but they are just 'people' but who have a special relationship to 'electrical' things, or 'electronic' things, 'fields' and so on.
Satan - 'Shaytan' as the Islamic world calls him - is accurately depicted as from the order of created beings called the Djinn.
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Authentically fabricated a-hadith of al-Johari ibn Wada'ullah. 'Father of the Elephants.' By the way 'Aliphan' is the name of one prominent (and good) Genie in Arabic writings. |
So in fact, in this the Old Testament is in alignment with Islamic narratives, namely that the 'King of Persia' (otherwise also known as Satan himself in the Christian more or less 'occult' explanations), is a Genie.
This particular Genie was powerful enough to delay the visitation of a major, or even, the major Divine commander, as it were. (Think Star Wars here, it will make much more sense).
So, in our follow-up articles, we must deal with the matter of 'gaining boons (god don't you love the ornate Orientalist language!) - the so-called 'three wishes.' And we must be able to step our way through the deceptions of the Shaytan, since he too, is of the Order of the Djinn!
Synchronicity knows no bounds!
ReplyDeleteNow... Can we just move to the 'stuff we want!' No bounds you say. Let's do it!