Well, we are talking 'mysterious' mostly unseen 'invisible' friends here, right? LOL
'Hey kid - who are you talking to?'
'My friend.'
'What - the one that I can't see?'
'Yes. That one.'
I used to taunt my dad heaps when I was a kid. (I don't think I needed invisible friends; for one thing we had a bunch of permanent 'household staff').
'Say, dad. Can you do that poem again, you know, the one about the invisible man on the stairs and where you swear at the end.'
My dad, indignant: 'I don't swear.'
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As I was walking up the stair(s; zzzzz, right? lol) I met a man, who wasn't there (see, notice, no 's'). He wasn't there again today. I wish he would bloody well go away.'
'Mum! Dad swore again.'
Someone has recently raised the matter of whether they can trust these 'guys upstairs' to take them anywhere, in case they are planning to do bad things to them, especially since I did say back in November, that 'you can never return (the same person who went away).'
This is how you can be absolutely sure though, of other people, especially when those other people have considerably greater power than you have, and are interested in 'taking you somewhere.'
'Agency' means it is your call.
Okay I happen to know, for real, a few things about ancient human history that most people who even are only on their own account and 'investigations,' drifting towards these ideas -, only suspect to be the case.
So if I go and follow some ideology, in which quite literally, 'Shaytan' can effect whatever the key figures in that paradigm say and do (the reason why of course, Salman Rushdie stiill gets MI5 security protection - just in case Moh Hijab tries to 'off' him...), then where is my basis for assurance about who it really is, that is inserting thoughts into my head?
'Oh, sometimes Allah lets the Shaytan take over... And then but mostly, he doesn't. You have to just trust Allah...'
Oh, really.
Today's Freemasons: 'Oh don't worry, Lucifer just means Fire Bringer, Illuminator, in Greek, it doesn't mean the Shaytan.'
Jews: 'Oh don't worry, Jehovah doesn't ask for tribute of 32,000 virgins and cows and priests and stuff anymore.' Why not? Has he gone off the stuff? Well what else does he want though? Anything, or nothing?
Some ET Alien conspiracists: 'The US government has an agreement with the ET Aliens.'
Oh, also really? How come the ET Aliens give a toss about this much-vaunted 'US government?' To make an 'agreement' or 'treaty' with them? The US government lost over ten thousand aircraft fighting a tiny silly Asian country back in the Sixties in a war and lost. Why would super advanced, super-duper ET Aliens with amazing technology, give a hang about that mob of losers??
What, you think because of US propaganda? You think that might impress ET?
See the problem of 'who can we trust' is not their problem, the ETs. It's your problem.
Can you be trusted? Can you even trust yourself.
There is literally no word 'sin' in the Bible. You made that word up. That is, 'we,' we ourselves in the modern Western World, concocted this notion from a Germanic word and then tacked on this verb meaning: 'you did something, and sinned.' ...Whereas the actual original source words in the Bible - the 'Biblos' (from where the Phoenician God 'El' established a form of divine writing in the city of Byblos... ...which is why we say 'scriptures' meaning 'sacred writing') - is a state of being: which is, namely, being 'flawed;' not doing flaws or flawed things. Having a serious shortcoming.
You have a serious shortcoming. As a human, you do. All humans do. Humankind is not just flawed, but fatally flawed.
Now someone with the power to fix that shortcoming, has to do so, before you are not at risk of doing bad or dangerously silly things.
You have to immerse yourself, be immersed in something which will completely render your problematic nature harmless.
One way, yes, would be knowledge. By knowledge, adequate self knowledge. Sure. That might work, if the knowledge level were adequate to the task.
The Illuminati people, well they say that when you die, you just 'go into the light' and there, you will agree to come back to redress all the mistakes of your past life/lives...
Well if that's really true, how is that working for us then, on this planet, right now Circa 2022, given that 'we' would have been at it for a considerable long while now?
'Oh but things are marginally better. The world is less violent and brutal.'
Ah ha ha ha ha. Is it?
The techno-evolutionary biologists, well they say that if/when we can make AI plus synthetic plus organic 'humanoids' sufficiently advanced, then we will have become 'god' ourselves.
Yeah well we don't want to become just any old human-flawed kind of 'god' though. We could be 'god,' more or less, with superb technology and massive AI and technical 'knowledge' and able to live endlessly in regularly renewed AI-driven organo-syth-people - and 100% still cut our own throats and everyone else's besides because of our own little 'Shaytan' casting its shadowy words and thoughts into our little AI heads.
But no no, says Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, our knowledge is so superior...
Is it?
Look. We know what our problem is: we are unsure of the facts of history, of our own deep past history, and the 'gods' never left any substantive monument for us to go by, to mark our straight course by (did they?) - well did they? We have bad information or just way inadequate information, and our leaders don't want to do anything about it, to reveal anything of all of that -, whatever did go on in the past. What they, the leaders and overlords and rulers do, is they take the 'facts' and then they skew it just enough to screw with our minds completely. We are 'off course' just marginally. But just enough that over plenty of time we are really further and further away than ever from the truth that we are trying to find.
So then next, 'Jesus' the moral paragon of the Western moral culture, becomes substantially, a Jewish figure.
This is, mind you, the same guy the Jews actually killed, on account He disputed with them, that they even had a handle on 'God' at all; or really, enough of a handle. In other words, that they were 'off by many degrees.'
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Happy Birthday, JES. |
Yet, I guarantee you, that you absolutely do know, inside of yourself good from not good. You can recognize clear truth, and you feel when things are right and when they are good.
If you ingest some substance, and you 'feel' something pleasant, well your brain tells you that it 'might' not be reliable though, as far as being 'good.' Because you are 'on drugs.'
You keep doing something stupid though, like taking drugs all the time, then your logical brain is not going to function properly though, either.
And then you'll be really lost.
The question that you need to apply to these circumstances, where, if for example, one night you get this 'vision,' this 'dream' of some funny little people with cute long noses, and pointy upwards straight eyebrows, and they say to you, in their funny little cute-sy highly accented mixed-up Earth word voices, something along the lines of: 'Are you ready to come up with us here?'
The question is, do you know and can you tell what a real friend is?
A real friend, if they have the power to, is going to do things for you when you are in need.
And it's as simple as that.
Well this is total madness, but why not. Fun times. So. In the moment where "absolute trust" can be established between two separate sentient intelligent "beings", there would be a sense in which "agency combines" and the two beings would seem to each other for that instance to be indistinguishable. In some sense. It's not quite as farfetched as it sounds. I can remember moments of childhood sleepwalking/delirium where things seemed very strange, and it is not too much a stretch for me to imagine feeling like you are yourself, but also simultaneously all the other "selves" in the room. It would be a very uncomfortable feeling.
ReplyDeleteThis thing about the pyramids gets one thinking about projective geometry and the "line at infinity." Maybe sort of a place to start in terms of looking for ways two separate people might seem like a single person for a moment.
The only way it could happen, dude. Not sure why people are all saying - or some are, at least - 'this could be uncomfortable...' Human beings are 'sinusoidal.' They are 'muffled' beings - you would be quite astonished if you were to see yourself as you truly are. Y'all have gotten too used to being 'tuned down.' LOL
DeleteThe other day I was doing the thought experiment of what actually might transpire were I to be presented with the possibility of going "up there". I quickly realized that one serious consideration is what my instinctive reaction to such an extraordinary occurrence might be. Frankly, things could get ugly (for me) if fear were to override reason. I next realized that said scenario would be high risk and little, if any, reward for an advanced ET being.
ReplyDeleteFirst, they take you to the 'white room.' And then they bring you back down here. And then, back up again, and so on a few times until you get your 'feel' for the place. Hey - all Ravers and Trance musicians and stuff already know about this; it's called 'up in the feels.' ...Can be a very very heady experience.