In 2019 in Victoria, Australia, a catering company which delivered meals mainly to hospitals, was forced to close because an elderly patient died from an infection introduced from a slug that was found in her food.
In subsequent judicial inquiries, findings of fact were made that stated police officers had sought to hide crucial information and failed to act on clear information that local Council employees had in fact planted the slug.
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'QV' - Quod Vide: means, more information is available elsewhere. |
The Council itself was a part-owner of the only competitor catering business in that area.
Now the reason I post this as an example of obvious conflicts of interests being motivations for criminal conspiracies - is that you would be utterly shocked were you to become aware of which particular 'things' that maybe right now you think are 'good' and 'worthy' and 'decent' endeavors, that support worthy causes and perhaps speak out for oppressed people, for instance; are not exactly what they are made out to be.
And further, I am highlighting this current state of widespread deception globally in fact, because we have been peppered with 'interesting' tidbits about the San Diego Navy people observing and filming 'objects' for example, but what goes along with that is a range of 'social media' accounts and public figures who do this dance about 'revealing' things and 'telling us all about it...'
Don't imagine for one second this is all just a minor side-issue and incidental, passing 'phase.'
Well just as an exercise, I want you to try and think of five 'causes,' or really well-known, much-publicized groups who either come from uh I dunno, Afghanistan, Iran, um NoKo, and so on, and that you consider have obvious and crystal-clear moral right on their side.
See the thing is, when you are presented with extremely sophisticated media coverage, the basis for what they want to have you think will be real and right/righteous. That will be necessary because those things you already know and believe.
And then without you seeing it at all, something will be slipped right in there, alongside the obvious things - but those will not either be obvious or true, nor what you would actually go along with in any case if you could actually 'see' it.
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It's all about the money; I want I want I want. Every 'worthy' masquerade. |
A 'cult' is explained as many things, but what it really is today, is the enforcing of ideas and beliefs surreptitiously by governments and who stand behind those governments, really.
When mainstream histories say the Orphic Cult, for example, they are misusing the term in context of what it means today. 'Cult' originally simply came from the fact that people were cultivated, nurtured, grown and developed - not brainwashed!
Now when I say 'governments' I mean that in its widest sense of who really governs the population at large.
The real question about the slug matter, is how come the Council ever was in that industry as a private competitor in the first place? And the answer is they knew - they certainly knew for sure - that hospital food is a big and lucrative business. And they before anyone else knew because they knew where the hospitals were being planned, how many there would be, and what the size of numbers of mouths-to-feed was going to be. This is precision market information the independent agent does not have access to at the same speed or level of factual accuracy. And they were completely motivated by greed.
What I am trying to introduce to you, is the concept that this kind of thing is so, across every possible activity of humans in life that there is.
Get it?
Maybe there was a time in the past, during which moments of our history big names were honorable. I am not convinced that for instance, Walt Disney is anything like the depiction the 'conspiracy theorists' around today insist on making out for him.
This particular 'article/post' will appear very benign and almost trite and 'so what'-ish. But you should absorb the fundamental concern behind it because by-and-by believe you me, what you will learn as you follow along here, will so shock you about what you thought was 'right' and what was 'good' previously, that unless you are fore-warned you will possibly be in a state of denial about it.
Every single person, every identity I ever mention in these columns has a profile of some kind. Some of them are really important. What webs they are part of, some of them, are earth-shattering - socially, politically, economically.
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Mefisto! LOL... Mephistopheles, right? The word/name is a German corruption of compound Greek which might stand for 'not' 'loving,' or else the noxious vapors arising from the earth in certain places. |
You will not find me taking cult figures, that is to say - modern seemingly popular identities and talking much about them in here. I talk 'ET Alien' a lot for instance. But you will not be able to link anything I say with most of the pop figures in this 'scene.'
And that, my friends, is the tie-in for the 'slug factor.' What is 'pop,' is designer marketing for a selfish reason.
Because you don't know what you don't know.
So should you be in the 'ET Alien/technology' sector? Um, you know, like you might have wanted to be in the hospital food catering sector just immediately before ten new hospitals were built?
Er, yeah.
Put it this way, you should learn all that you can about it, and know which people are saying what about it -, and but don't whatever you do, throw your hand in (in an emotional or intellectual commitment) with any one of them just yet, even if you think they are whatever you think they are coming across as being that seems 'nice' and 'realistic' and 'true.'
John Mack was fine and so was everyone he assessed. And funny though, they stay right out of the limelight.
I suppose those Navy guys are a slightly different category because none of them are driving any kind of 'cult agenda.' All they did was see something, film it ten different ways, and then release the information. And that's all they did.
Some of you here have tried versions of the CE5 Protocols and other things to do with 'making contact.' And that appears to have been with very limited success.
But ask yourself this question - have you also not been watching YouTube interviews and videos and the like and going: 'Hey hey how come these guys are having so much direct access, apparently, when I am not? I'm doing everything they are doing...'
Sometimes it's only 'visible' in bass relief against the false pictures, just how significant a real thing is compared to those false things. Sometimes you need some exposure to the false stuff first - in order to be able to better appreciate the real thing at all.
One of our commentators here has asked 'I want agency.' And I regularly said 'I don't think that is going to easily happen.'
That doesn't make this a cult here. Cults give 'agency' along the lines of the terms they also set.
Well I never said that kind of thing though. There are no terms beforehand to a real engagement with a real-live as well as actually real intelligent 'other' species. It's a relationship or a negotiation. Both sides have a right to proper respect.
I have never joked about ET Aliens here.
I'm not jokey-y about it and you don't see me being arrogant and acting like I necessarily should be treated like I know more than you or am somehow especially 'privileged.' But I can think of a ton of public figures who do act like that on this matter.
Me, personally, I would hesitate frankly, to be putting words into the mouths of obviously vastly advanced beings. Man I tell ya, I am really aghast at some of the people I am having to watch recently on this subject. Boy do they 'know it all.'
...Those people who have already gotten some 'ideas' from me privately - just keep working on them. Things will happen because of your own personal individuality; the responses you attain will be 'tailor-made' for you. There is no 'one size fits all.'
Yes yes 'hive mind' and all of that, but it's so much more complex. Personality, individuality. These are absolutely key.
'You met this guru guy, then you got awakened...' Ah yeah, nah nah, we're not doin' that around here.
Super smart, super advanced and quite futuristic beings from elsewhere are real and they are here. Because of...? Not because of money. Maybe there will be some 'substance' as the result, sure. More of a side-effect though, I would say. [If you don't get the operatic quality of the singer down here, well you're not going to 'get' the ET's either then, are you? She has composed and sung with people like the great Markus Schulz - who was brilliant last week at Luminosity; some people said he was on gear and wearing my house shirt. He was not; he's just had a kid (well his wife Adina did) and he's prolly had no sleep!]
If you go to a place and feel like people are putting words in your mouth, it's sometimes nice to play along and roll with the punches. Well anyway there is only one person commenting here who has ever mentioned "agency" recently, and he has definitely not been saying "I want agency." But whatever! It's not really my role to defend that person here.
ReplyDeleteYou you. It's always you. LOL ...We're going to be talking about agency shortly. Except, not that kind of agency, it will be 'an' agency.
DeleteWhat is a personality, and how can you have one if your sets of nodes fit the ideal template and your memories are collective? Assuming it's not a phenomenon arising only as a result of existence in material bodily form.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great question. Best point since forever. I don't think memories are 'merely' collective as such, they are 'potentially' collective, and accessibly collective (in this special case which is a regular subject matter here now-days), and maybe even ritualistically collective by a kind of social design element among certain groups. And gee, you managed to fit in even 'nature/nuture' in so few words. Life is creation and creation is creative and creative is in some respect always 'unique.' 'We' are all of it, both unique from beginning, and unique through actual 'living' experience subsequently. The sets of nodes in the ideal template are simply a guarantee of people not misbehaving to each other, that's all. As humans, I think we all like stability and consistency and so, yeah, there is this 'resistance' that 'Life' is permanently utterly capable of absolute unique creativity forever... And that is partly because we do not want to 'disappear' completely ourselves, being 'turned over and over' as some basic raw materials only. But we are 'persons' first, and materials second. What a great question. I have to go look at these dusty old archives now and treat this subject properly, soon.
DeleteApophis, you disembodied freak, lend your fire, but don't hit us with it. Reading the Metternich stela, things seemed to have gone horribly wrong from a very long time ago.
DeleteIt is said that the capstone of the great pyramid at Giza was made of solid gold.
ReplyDeleteSurely gold must have some significance to ET, yes?
I find it quite interesting that pretty much all the medical/scientific literature says (pure) gold is perfectly inert and has no biological effects, whereas, it is a veritable sea of swimming electrons tightly packed and yet highly fluid and able to be knocked out of bonds very easily, comparatively. With simple blue light (and higher frequencies) you can literally 'knock' electrons off gold all the way into space.