You all know, all of you, that is us, we old hands here -, that interest rates are way way off what they are going to be.
This week the Aussie Reverse Bank whacked them up a 'whole half a percent!' Wow.
This is what happens when the great societies all collapse. It happened in Athens, it happened in Rome, and now it is happening to 'the West.'
There really isn't an actual 'ceiling' rate this time now that will knock the edge off what China can do.
The Chinese are no angels, but then, they nevertheless are in the driver's seat right now and that's that about it!
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It's getting really cold now. I love it when that time comes around. It's the only time I can fly across the ground smoothly... How about you? |
I think it is important to underscore the significance of benchmark ten year rates for those younger people who come here and read maybe because of the odd few 'hot button' issues, or the 'out there' stuff.
Hey, even Michio Kaku got his socks knocked off a few weeks ago when apparently from all authentic and very credible sources, he saw the Tic Tac again and filmed it, exactly when this West Coast woman Caroline Cory, 'meditated it' up.
Know listen, we all know Cory is a commercial producer.
It's no big deal though, is it, to film an 'object?'
There is a real excuse for the kids coming here, stopping by and reading - because here, we don't 'film objects.'
This place is the real thing.
So I think at minimum we should explain to the younger people, who are also adults though, that everything that happens in the economy is utterly dependent upon the ten year bond rates. And that, in order to make real capital wealth, you have to overcome the discount costs at the margin over that ten year term going forward.
Governments don't do it. They can't do it. Because, well, just look at what is going on in London right now - talk about rats deserting the sinking ship. One of the UK papers said 'ships deserting the sinking rat.'
There are no 'ships' there. They're all rats... Don't worry about that!
Governments cannot overcome the drag of decay in productive value of all assets in society because they are completely parasitical and opportunistic and self-interested - but they are of course also powerful and they dominate how the society functions.
I have been totally resisting literally for months specifying what we are buying here. And it isn't necessary for the young people to know. What is necessary for them to really know is that if they were to save say, twenty dollars a week over the next year -, that's, well, let's round it off to a thousand bucks.
And you would think that is a truly modest sum of money.
Except it isn't - as all the old hands here already know from past experience.
...I once too early talked about this thing 'Evelyn & Crabtree's Extract of Mysore Sandalwood' just before the Chinese went and bought the whole GD Mysore plantations up. (This is an example of talking your purchases before you are ready take profits).
A bottle was being retailed for forty dollars.
I used mine own all up, gave the empty bottles away to my nephew - and now even the empty bottles are worth money and the full ones go for over USD 800. That is overpriced because the liquid is more or less just just bergamot, real vanilla with some neroli and good quality sandalwood behind it all.
That was back then, and this is now so anything of a similar nature today that is bound to go up in those orders of numbers for various key strategic reasons starts out at around $200 and not $40., these days.
I know you're all poor and broke so you really need to be looking at stuff that is like, five/ten dollars and that will exceed your wildest dreams.
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Just for you, Nuno. Stine Grove. |
...We have such things right here in Australia and there do not seem to be such things anywhere else as far as I am aware.
At the same time, there is no reason that I can see for not stressing very hard, that you kids need to be saving a tiny little amount regularly for the next maybe year, year and a half.
Because that will make you seriously rich compared, certainly to everyone else around you and that will give the upper hand then and from there you can just negotiate everything in your favor because that's how these things go.
For those who haven't got the sense yet of why this is truly important, look I get it that the penny will not drop until you see what can happen at that point. Just do it though from now on. Whatever you do, do this thing. Like as if your whole life depends upon it.
Because my god, let me tell you, if you look back then at that future moment and say: 'Why didn't I?' You will be in a state of pain and hurt.
Don't do that to yourself. We are people with a ton of experience here and we know what we are talking about. Do it, just do what was suggested.
Do it, don't ask questions and don't argue about it.
The world is not going to come to an end in any way shape or form that it hasn't already been doing right now under everyone's noses!
It will look like it has come to the end though.
And it kind of has.
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Rishi, where are you going? Sajid, you too? Where are you going? We are here just for you, you the people. We love you and respect you all. And we want to do everything just for your benefit. |
But then it also has not, either.
You see, let's say law and order really does break down, and that people can just go walk into various places and just take stuff out under their arms. They're doing that right now in Canada and the media is not saying. And they're doing it at gunpoint.
Well how far is that all off from someone shooting Trudeau in the head?
And hey, masses of people will stand behind the person shooting the politicians and the lawyers and the judges and the cops and their 'ballistic protection' gear - the black clothed and masked thugs. And that ground swell will be giving moral authority to those who are by armed insurrection overthrowing whatever is there to be overthrown. But then that also sticks all of them (the thieves and criminals running society are already this because they have never not even the one time resiled from turning the guns onto the citizenry) - into the category, if by a certain type of social compulsion, of 'Cain.'
And that will not be you, though.
You will be standing at a little distance, just enough reserved from being moved by force of pressing necessity of circumstance, into these violent actions.
They are not avoidable now.
This is going to be happen.
And believe me, I can lock up the clouds of rain in the sky.
So it will happen. Someone wants it to happen, see. It is a pressure release valve.
Sorry Chris Wray, it just is what it is. And there's nothing you can do about it. Maybe get out of the way of a bullet yourself because they're going be sticking those guns in your face by and by sonny.
While you are sitting on your ass in Washington, imaging that you are in power and have plenty of jack-booted black-masked thugs who can come in here and throw chairs around and stuff, Putin and Xi have you by the balls. And they are going to squeeze and you are going to scream. Why don't you go and throw some chairs around in their house. Go on. I dare you.
The problem with these lunatics though, is that they do tend to lash out at whoever is standing nearby. When they realize they are about to stop having their way with everything. Spoiled little brats. LOL
Your girl, Stine Grove, Nuno:
Regarding the "sinking rat":
ReplyDelete"Already, before Johnson has actually gone, some are speaking of a future Indian Prime Minster for the UK, the resigned Rishi Sunak, former Chancellor (Minister of Finance), married to the daughter of one of the richest billionaires in India. What an irony: the coloniser is colonised and the top job may go to a man from the most exploited and pillaged British colony of all."
Considering that India is not anti-Russia, one might wonder how a British PM with close ties to India might regard the futility of NATO's proxy war in Ukraine?
As Chechen leader Ranzan Kadyrov says, 'there is no such thing as English tea,' so I guess they will be drinking Indian tea there in Pommie Land soon. Tea lady at Number 10: 'Cuppa tea, luv? We have Indian and Russian Caravan, and Chinese needle tea...'