'Lacunae' and 'Lacuna' are from the Latin root for a pit, a hollow, a pool, or a lake.
Now this man, see -, well he was 'bearing a pitcher of pure clear water...'
In the Vedas, the Goddess of Wisdom is the Divinity who presides over clear and still lakes.
When you place that proverbial seashell to your ear, you can hear the sound of the sea.
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Ideas are a material force. |
When you go down to your favorite late night city coffee place (that's prolly not going to be any place in the USA right now...) - you can hear the cicadas. By which I mean you can tune out everything because it is all just so much meaningless noise.
It's easy enough to see when something different enters the picture.
Not so easy to actually get it to do that. (Get something new to enter).
All the same, you should hear nothing, see nothing, to begin with. That is to say, everything that is there on account of its normalcy, is part of 'white noise.'
Most of the descriptions online as to why some glacial ice appears blue uses very non-scientific and meaningless language: 'the light hits the ice; the light is bent; the ice absorbs lower frequencies of light...'
Meaningless, if not completely nonsense.
What happens is that photons meet densely-packed electrons (matter) and are therewith, affected in a variety of ways.
Some astute thinkers have observed, in the past, that ideas have material force - and therefore, also material effects.
Ideas do not come into existence, however, spontaneously all by themselves alone, or on their own and on their own account.
Ideas spring from water-y sources within the being - and these are not at all conscious sources, they are subconscious, often totally unconscious.
This is what makes politics and politicians extremely sinister: namely, they do not say which bits and pieces of propaganda are working on people's subconscious emotional tendencies.
Despite what you may suppose, politicians never use argumentation to sway people and thus also, things - structures as well as society at large. 'If argumentation produced power over humans, then politicians would employ it, but that is not what achieved power in the first instance, so they never do (employ it).' Adolf Hitler.
Politicians use mysticism, whilst telling you on the other hand, that mysticism doesn't work, and is 'not a real thing.'
'Sci-entists' totally use mysticism these days.
The human society and social-political system is mystically mechanistic, with the human being not having distinguished the difference between himself and the machine.
Why is it 'mystically' mechanistic? Because it is meant to 'work' without any animating force...
Animating, as opposed to driving.
Modern governments and politics and societies - are all totally absurd.
But people willingly are enslaved to utter absurdities.
Glacial ice is blue because it transmits blue light out of it, and keeps the red light by transferring the energy of the incoming red wavelengths to the atomic structure of the crystal lattices. And this is fundamentally because water frozen under great pressure, forces out of itself, oxygen molecules, and so, there is no substance in there, that scatters light as a rainbow - which oxygen does do.
Is this mystical? Well, yes it is, except that we do not consider it mystical because we know what the process is.
'Mystical' simply means 'concealed.'
Well, what happens to energy when it traverses the ultra-violet catastrophe...?
It engenders ideas.
You think not?
Hey by the way - anyone had a visit from an elf yet? You know, bearing some silver?
You haven't? I have. What's wrong with y'all!
You have no faith, you see. You need to go down into the street, and observe the man with the jug of pure clear water... Actually, it's not so much that you have no faith, but that your society, your education, has twisted you from your root system, and you have lost touch with reality at the source.
The Elves, the Fairies, the White Room.
See! I thought "lacuna" and you said "flagon." Well you had said flagon before long ago, but I didn't see the connection between flagon and lacuna until you talked about the standing waves. So I don't think (although it is possible) that I was influenced "to really like" the word "lacuna" by your mentioning FLAGON many months ago. Of course you don't know that I thought of lacuna, I told you that after you mentioned flagon. However it's not important. I guess the point is that this is how "the thinking world" might work, where each person has a kind of "thought bubble" that sort of intersects in an unseen way with the other thoughts across time and space. "Thought" being the word for "a conscious moment." That would be a funny world, but I think also a safer one. But sure, some jackass is bound to show up, eager to convert everyone's "thought beings" into golden Bentleys that HE drives. So euterpe asks "where's the respect for the personality?" at least that was the way I interpreted their question.
ReplyDeleteI've been struggling to try and find a way to reduce some German literature I have been reading recently - but which deals very amazingly with this whole subject of the personality, especially the individual personality. We'll see. Those people converting people's thought beings into THEIR Bentleys are already here. They're called YOUR GOVERNMENT.
DeleteBut the other exciting development for me, conceptually, is that (as I've mentioned tons) my first imaginary conversation with imaginary ETs in my attic was about "where's the boundary between us two, is it the same for us both?" and then here it is the answer in your blog, but also staring at me all along in rayleigh-jeans, is to think about the standing waves. The resonances. The energies that "get trapped" within the "body." Or something like that.
DeleteListen. Gotta say it. I'm just not interested in the angle of this where people use these crazy concepts to assist the strategies of the policial technologists. When you say "my russian friends..." I usually visualize a small collection of rag dolls propped up on the sofa. Maybe I will give them names even.
DeleteNope. Not rag dolls - is those 'babushka' thingies. And they're not mine; they belong to Nadia and Tania and Serge. That's pronounced 'Sehrjjjjjjzh.' Don't know why you can't say it right... I'm in the middle of the only official Embassy translators AND INTERPRETERS around here. So - even the Americans use us. Pata mushta, we're the best! Except that's not what I do. I don't speak Ruskie! ...I just go around and dispense the coffees.
DeleteI see. So they ARE "political technologists" then? I thought so! Well whatever. As far as I'm concerned the seeds of doubt were planted by Aunt Mamie and her sister Grandma. I don't blame them. Nothing worse than an arrogant toddler. What had to be, had to be.
DeleteI think that technically, they say these things should be called 'Matryoshka' not 'babushka dolls.' Also, 'Matrioshka' spelled with an 'i' is a hypothetical brain structure. Oh these guys wouldn't actually CALL themselves 'political technologists' although that is what they were all educated to be. But that was in the old days. Things were much simpler then. LOL The people behind Rishi Sunak would privately call themselves political technologists.
DeleteThen again, I suppose you still have to be some kind of a technologist or an engineer to interfere with systems effectively too though, right? So, mn, yeah, well that would be me then... I guess. How 'bout you? ; )
DeleteI met a woman from St. Petersburg, Russia who had studied violin there until she was a teenager. She was also an interesting painter, and was ambitiously attempting to do both pre-med and BFA in painting at the same time. Anyway, somewhere between that and a career in art conservation she started making little "rag dolls." Oh creepy! They were so weird and detailed and folksy. I think she made them to frighten herself.
DeleteThey are very strange people, in certain idiosyncratic ways! The Soviet Era kept them in a bottle, a time pocket. We are going to talk of this up next, and things are going to get 'very strange' and very complicated.