The aleph I always use so as not to * off the JOOZ who don't like it that they stole the whole Bible from the Greeks, and so if you say 'olive' well that's Greek, see, and they don't like it.
Psalm 22 (nobody else on the planet knows this by the way, in case you were wondering) reputedly says "they 'k'aru my hands and feet."
'K'aru' doesn't mean 'pierced' as all the Christians say, and neither can it be something to do with 'lions' (k'ari) like the Jews say.
It means dug at, like as you would into the ground. Into Gaia.
"In the Beginning, friends, Aleph - Tav, and Gaia and Ouranon." Was never ever 'Aleph - Tav,' but 'Alpha to the Omega.'
They dug at the material physical body, which was the Gaia part of Human Living Creation. (Today we say 'geology' but it didn't mean actually that in ancient times, just the ground -, but the living Earth, with biological life).
(I beat up on the Jews here a lot because we have really rich Arabs reading with us, so - have to throw them something every now and then).
The absolute worst people, the ones who make the most fuss and carry on virtually hysterically, when 'they' abduct (well, they don't really 'abduct' anyone; it's just that the Earth brain thinks it is being abducted, while the parallel ultra mind knows exactly what's going on and totally approves) - are the women.
Not that I would personally know, right, because I don't go on these 'crewed missions' to pick them up and so on.
Anyway, they scream and carry on and you have to knock them out, more or less, most of them.
And why? Why do they behave like this?
Because they are invested in, heavily invested in, the Gaia part of things. Their whole upbringing consists of endless ideological programming to do with being mothers and having babies and looking after Earth human babies... And they think they 'like' all of that. That is, until they actually do it! With some it takes a lot longer to disabuse them of the pre-commitment to it all, overtly; openly. These guys will hang on to the 'oh yes I love babies' story. And then, you get cases of women who stab their husbands after ten kids, or stab themselves - while all along convincing everyone around them things 'were going great.'
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Woman on a train - on 'le Metro' - in Paris. |
For most, after the very first few months the reality dawns, then you get all the resentment, mostly the underhanded, hidden, unstated resentment against men, society, even babies and children themselves.
Which all becomes a huge big paradox and a contradiction that women carry around with them in their adult lives. And then, thankfully, they all go through 'the wall' and then eventually, they die. So all the brain cell memories die with the 'Gaia.'
Except of course, as I have just recently said, there is this strong, powerful, lingering twisting in, twisting up into, the parallel ultra mind enclosed personal 'circuits' of the tendencies produced by the material physical experience.
Getting your daily bread is about those passages in the Bible to do with Light.
Inside virtually all modern era fully human people and plenty enough of the female hybrids (you think I'm kidding or crazy or something, right? ...You people, some of you still actually think I am spinning you yarns here! Hah! LOL Not!), the 'light' of their mind - combined heart and brain aka sort of 'the soul' is twisted up into this knot of social and political programming since way back deep into the ancient past of human history.
And this is why what they all do is try to cheat other people, emotionally cheat people so that they can 'take away' something valuable off the other person, but nonetheless disposable too though, so that they imagine they are going to be able to 'trade it' up somewhere along the future path.
This is how people behave. They don't tell you they are doing it of course, but they just all do it.
You hear 'aura readers' go on about how this person or that person has 'blocks' in their aura, and that it has come from some karma of a past life.
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Glow-y in the dark stuff. |
The reason you can't get past these twisted up internal mindsets and patterns and tendencies and well, just sheer underhanded deceitfulness - even with clarity of vision, or clarity of words and statements - is because they are so ingrained in that person (all those people). Their 'souls' literally are, darkened in the sense that nothing inside them is without hidden agenda to do with thieving spiritual force and energy. Actually, they like to thieve force, because after all, this is what produces effects.
So in fact, the more you are unwittingly gifted with the ability to use spiritual (mental and emotional) and intellectual force, the more of a target you are.
I was going to play Haliene's latest song about 'Underneath My Skin' and in it are the words 'close my eyes and see a light along my veins' but I'm instead going to play a very excellent work by Jackson Browne which shows the problem very clearly.
Here is a guy, who you can hardly say was not pretty good-looking to women all of his life, and very successful -, tremendously talented.
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'Journaling...' Are you? |
He is looking back and ruing certain relationships where at the beginning he thought he loved this or that person - and was mistaken about what he initially saw! It seems as brutal as that what he is saying.
But hey, how about all those people who cannot even look back and ever say that they actually had such outwardly 'fantasy' like' romances and relationships at all??!
They never broke through to the girl on the train, not even the one time.
It's all very well for Jackson here!
He's near-enough-is-good-enough to the 'perfect' example of a guy, of a man, and even he couldn't 'get it right!' What about all the poor others, way down the ladder of 'giftedness' since birth?
God, they must have absolutely no chance at all.
Meanwhile, we have the female of the species, carrying around this atrocious attitude that secretly they love being 'looked at in that way,' but overtly that this is obviously rude and disgusting and such an indictment of the males of the species.
And at the end of their lives then, what?
What are they looking back and ruing? That they spent so much time thinking their beauty and attractiveness outwardly, physically, was something to do with them themselves? That it was all so really important that people looked at them? At how simply wonderful they were? That maybe they didn't spend enough time 'getting rid of things which didn't serve them?'
Old, ugly... ...then dead.
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This is 2022. You don't just get your 'daily bread;' you get your daily bread, and butter, and raisins, and custard, pudding. |
Meanwhile, up here in our little thingies - we have taken all the DNA bits and pieces and grown them all back up, and now what? You take the same dunce person and confront them with that and say 'Oh yeah you think you wanna go back into here - as you are??'
...As you have come to us now with all of your stupid ignorant, literally insane ideas and beliefs?
Do not hide your light under a bushel.
The witches at least they have this thing, they're smart enough to know that if you stare at a candle flame, and just stare at it, after a while your stupid brain will cease all of its nonsense and insane 'oh but-ing' and if you are really clever, you will literally 'become one with the flame.'
And then, with this tiny weak little 'flame' switched on inside of you, you will encounter the next person -, but Jesus, you think with that simple little light you are going to be able to break through, cut through all of their idiotic twisted up nonsense???!
Which part of anything I have said here do you think is even microscopically wrong or incorrect - or made up?
The reason these slender guys with their long and slender arms, hands, and fingers, wear long cloaks and hoods and coverings when they take punch biopsies of your flesh down and to including some bone, is not because, as some women who have been taken think it's about risks of 'infection' - it's because their skins glow and light up depending on what they are thinking and reacting to what you are thinking and the 'Prime Directive' if there is one at all, is to do with cultural interference.
The human race is far far off from being able to have glowing veins organically just right now, and if they try to do it using implants and that, people will say 'Oh Book of Revelation/Mark of the Beast/Demons/Satanic-Reptilian-Luciferian whatever.'
The only 'beasts' around here are you ya dumb bastards. Meaning, the Pentagon of course, not you you.
Jesus was up on this mount with two of his closest disciples, and he was there with two other figures who came down from out of the clouds, and they all glowed brightly...
'Oh that's metaphorical.' No it's not. That part of the story has never been metaphorical; it is not regarded as, or taught as being metaphorical by anyone. Light. Glowing light. People whose bodies glowed.
Any of it?
At all?
Even at all?
Your job is to practice glowing.
And if you cannot glow, then what chance do you have that extremely advanced ET Aliens will want to come down here and visit with you specifically, and hand over a bunch of their junk...?
Well, might happen though.
You tell me, now, be serious, have I not just handed over to you something to do for real?
Some of you have talked to me about 'as above so below, as within so without' except none of you actually do it.
...If someone glows for real, we can see them from a long way away.
'Oh but my childhood; oh but my karma; oh but my past life; oh but my ugliness; oh but.' Bam! Light hits it. 'Oh but...' Bam! Light hits it. The question is, but what light?
I've given you the practical way, the solution. As Martina Navratilova says 'if you can't see the solution, increase the parameters of the problem.'
Now look at this, and tell me, what will we do with this guy:
Well damnit talk more about this parallel ultra mind. I think I've experienced it. "Well you'd sound more certain if you had." Well maybe not though. The "shhhhs" sounds in the head are the key, and then you find certain frequencies and you emphasize those and then things start happening it's like "whoa!" I feel like someone else, yet I'm not having dissociative identity disorder episodes.
ReplyDeleteBut it is all lovey-dovey. That's what I can say.
DeleteHo ho ho. Those witches don't know anything! "Become the flame" what bullshit! How do you become the flame exactly? There is a flame inside you? There is also the cookie monster in there too. Stare at a thing, and you end up repeatedly "recalibrating" your mind, because of distracting thoughts.
ReplyDeleteIt's far more conceivable that you might "become the staring" if you stare at something. Eventually you stop thinking about the thing, like the effect of repeating a word until its sound no longer seems familiar as a word. So yeah that's all common advice from like r/meditation or something.
So first you can "become the staring" and then you can find some thing inside yourself to stare at. A flame? really? Well maybe some people...
I dunno. "The flame" sounds like sentimental bullshit to me. That's just me.
DeleteI said 'at least' they have this thing (about candles). Means it's a start - least... At 'least.' Gotta start somewhere.
DeleteSorry! Sometimes I feel compelled to say shit. I hope you understand I'm being really selfish and self centered about that.
DeleteYou were 'onto' the weakest part of the article here. I think you noticed that I was steering away too hard from having to explain exactly HOW this thing with the flame is meant to even work. I'll have to go into it up next (whole piece).
DeleteToo much energy from krill and spirulina, I didn't even finish reading after the flame thing.
DeleteIs it wrong to take occultic revenge on evil persons who are one's professed enemies?
ReplyDeleteI mean, they would deserve it, yes?
And when I say "professed," I mean that the profession has been done publicly, loudly, and in a widespread manner. There is no mistaking it.
DeleteI go by the concept that what is bad must go. If it's 'not good' and it is in fact very bad, then it must go. The bad part must go. Even if you say 'changes' then the original thing still 'goes.' I think the part in Mark 11:25 comes directly after the assertion of power that you are supposed to have to make what you want happen. And then this becomes very important... Okay, say I 'could' destroy that which is bad and yet preserved any other parts. This is the relationship Jesus Christ is positing between God and Man here. When He says 'forgive' when you stand to pray before God. Because God also 'can' destroy that which is you, is IN you, which is bad. So okay. Good. I go along with that - destroy away, God. I have no problem that it. Oh you act 'in sub space' all right, don't you worry about that. Michael to someone, I forget whom: 'May God rebuke thee.' ...Means, well, 'because I just did,' effectively. 'May.' This means 'it should be so.' The way to 'curse' in the occult style, is 'may it be so.'
DeleteThe whole principle of finding the extremely poisonous serpent within, is that this 'serpent' is the thing that 'feels' your injustice, your hurt, this is the thing that responds most aggressively. But you make it rise into the 'Ouranon' and deliver its poison there. Not literally directly into some person down here - either by paranormal activity or by actual physical violence - who is the cause of the problem. This is what the human 'law' does and it is wrong. You have to acquaint the Heavens with the issue, with the matter, with the problem via your own human feelings. This is not some 'Spock/Vulcan' we feel nothing business going on!
DeleteThis is about taking the thing to the right place. How is it really true that some 'law' can restore the actual life of a person, whose life was taken (by a criminal)? It cannot. The 'law' is utterly pointless to intelligent evolved people. Power is important. Full power, not half-way power.
The whole passage in Mark begins with "Master, behold the fig tree which thou cursest is withered away."
DeleteLove is the basis of the Divine Law, but this does not mean one 'loves' Evil then. You are 'judges of men AND the angels. "Forgive THEM for they know not..." This 'them' was not Herod and the Sanhedrin and Pilate and Judas. Judas even killed himself. If you go by the underlying Greek meanings, humans were successfully 'digging into' (k'aru - doesn't mean 'piercing') the hands and feet of 'Gaia,' the material body itself. So if you can successfully do that to the good, then you sure easily do it to the bad. It's not 'if' you can take revenge - it's your OBLIGATION to. Jesus did not take an axe and cut down the fig tree, He cursed it, He said it and it happened. So should you do the same thing. But do it thoughtfully and responsibly.