Around 3 BC, a commander of Philip II, traveled to a mountain cluster in the Southern end of the Anti-Lebanon mountain range.
He did so, not only because he was a Roman soldier ultimately answering to Rome, and to Caesar Augustus, and not to Herod the Great, who was only 'client king' of Judea to Rome - but also because he was someone with an avid interest in history himself, and with a keen interest to verify or falsify certain local myths and legends.
In his endeavors to uncover the truth or otherwise of particular historical narratives that seemed a bit peculiar or far-fetched on their face - he ended up uncovering easily one of the most stark monuments and mysterious artifacts of all time: that of the 'sanctuary of the fallen watchers,' and the stone memorial of their oath outside of the sanctuary.
This 'sanctuary,' which is sometimes also referred to as a temple, although it is not that - the Roman commander built two more structures beneath the actual sanctuary structure itself - is by the legends or mythologies, meant to have been built literally 'by the hands of the watchers themselves.'
There still exists to this day, not only the sanctuary structure itself, but the actual 'oath pillar' in a language no one understands, except that there was (Sir Charles Warren, a British explorer, later removed this and took it back to London where it is to this day) an accompanying small stone pillar, almost the same, but translating the first pillar into Greek.
As far as the Greek wording goes, it says that no one should, or is permitted to enter the sanctuary, unless he take the oath (which is on the original monument).
So more or less everyone these days has heard of these mythical or legendary 'watchers' but why are they called 'watchers' and what are they 'watching...'
The presumption has always been that they are 'watching' humans.
For what reason or purpose they do this no one seems to be able to say though.
They are not watchers of human beings.
They can have seen human activity, for sure.
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A mysterious road... |
But they are watchers of 'gates' and 'doorways' into special places.
Those that are not allowed to go through those gates are prevented from so doing, by the gate watchmen.
Now a thing that does not permit anyone at all to enter through it, is not a 'gate' at all, but a simple wall or barrier; it is not any kind of entrance to anywhere.
Which means that some are allowed to enter these gates, and some not.
The idea that 'watchers' or the gates they are or were 'watching' are not physical, is problematic, since the story goes that a certain number (specifically 200) of these 'watchers' ended up procreating with human women and had children.
On the one hand, at some point thereafter most of the children of this interbreeding were destroyed from the planet, Lamech and his children - Noah of course, but then also the evil ruler Nimrod, survived and the children of this line is still with us today; if you go by the standard narrative, this one of which... doesn't have any holes in it at all, according to either the Judaic or the Christian, nor indeed even the Islamic traditions!
The two Roman temples built in 'memorial' to the fallen watchers, is called in today's Islamic Arabic cultural history of Lebanon - Qasr Chbib. 'Qasr; means castle, and 'chbib' has a double meaning: 'stop it,' or 'lovers.'
The highest secret oath in the highest degree level of modern Freemasonry, is the oath of Qasr Chbib. This is the thing partly expressed in the baleful words against Tom Cruise's character, which were sulfurously hissed at him by 'Red Cloak' as a warning against talking about what he had seen.
It is not straightforward at all, why there was such an aggressive reaction against the acts of these 'watchers' thereafter as a consequence of their actions, despite that evidently in the story, their offspring wrought a lot of damage on the Earth. And in attempting to understand it yourself - because I will not be outright declaring in what the main problem lies - one should bear in mind that not, all the offspring were destroyed and several indeed became 'prophets' according to the Judaic and Christian beliefs.
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This is the 'oath pillar' in Greek - now located in London. |
The problem with so much common popular 'skepticism' is that it is deeply rooted in fundamental ignorance, especially about the meanings of ancient words translated inexactly.
The Wikipedia will report that the actual 'temple' or sanctuary of the fallen watchers is an 'Adyton' (innermost sanctuary). However, the actual spot itself is called 'Ar-dys' - which is a word in an otherworldly language altogether but it is recorded in Second Enoch as the actual name of the place. It means 'gate' or 'portal' into the dark but rich expanse of the luminaries wherein there are great treasures.
If you try to go to 'Adyton' or 'Qasr Chbib' even today, and you manage to get the permits from the Lebanon government (there is no reason why they wouldn't give such a thing to say, some rich explorer kids from Dubai for instance; maybe the producers of the hit show 'Mysterious Middle East') you will nevertheless be challenged by beings at the 'gate' inside the sanctuary.
And if you have the correct password, they will grant you entry.
And you will go by 'Ar-Dys.'
Yesterday, in seeming preparation for this post, I was doing some really superficial reading about Isaac Newton (the only kind I do), and confirmed that he had been obsessed with some unseemly things like making drawings of floor plans of the temple of Solomon in its original state, not for its own sake but because he wanted to find the Philosophers' stone! (I was looking for the floor plans because I wanted to maybe make a similar space in a vrchat world) And so I learned about the "holy of holies." I know you like talking about Solomon's ark. Newton apparently wanted to *find* it. Funny.
ReplyDeleteBut here's a funny suggestion. If you want to look into security issues surrounding dangers of technology, then look at the ancient temples and really think about what's going on there. If you're who I think you might be, and you were to try this, I think your old classmates would probably laugh at you. Which is a problem about our current world that I find really irksome.
If you were an super advanced alien type person and you wanted to place one of your "space bending" portals somewhere on our planet...? Chaim Eshed specifically states this is how the travel, by making astronomically distant points become close within some sort of "bubble" they create. This would need some security...
How the hell do they get that into some stones down on the surface of some planet? And why would it work only when the correctly prepared mind recited what was written on it?
Cool Questions, but only really useful if you're writing a nice sci fi novel, at this point... could be mistaken about that.
Good lines of inquiry. A lot of people who spend probably TOO much time 'thinking' about these things, tend to focus on one method of transport (EG The Waltons were taken into material 'ships' so maybe that's how traveling is done...) that was spurred on in their curiosity by some particular 'encounter.'
ReplyDeleteWe here on Earth - us normal humans - have trains, boats, planes, rockets, drones, elevators, escalators, submarines, electric skateboards... And so on.
Each one of these modes are for particular specific situations and distances and mediums through which we move.
One of the things that is going on 'well behind the media perspectives' right now, is that Iran is ACTUALLY ALREADY deploying extreme long-distance drones (as we talked about last year) - and you will see 'incidents' where these are 'taken out.' What 'takes them out' will be moot, because certainly, no one obvious will be able to claim to have done so.
Chaim Eshed's book 'The Universe beyond the Horizon' is based on his knowledge of the series of top secret 'Ofeq' satellites, which, instead of pointing their synthetic aperture sensor arrays DOWN at the Earth horizon, turned these around and looked outward towards planets and especially, around key spots near to the Moon. These sensors quickly discovered both ultraviolet 'shadowing' as well as complex digital electronic frequency traffic, which the Israeli secret Intel service units who specialize in these things attempted to 'hack' into. So there's a lot more known about in certain circles and there is a very sound basis for Eshed's statement that there are 'agreements' between ET Aliens and 'some people.'
Inasmuch as my good friend Leo Lyon Zagamai probably doesn't like this, there IS a segmented group INSIDE the Society of Jesus (aka the Jesuits) that has this kind of I suppose, virtually 'occult' temple of Solomon sort of place. What they do in there I really cannot say - but I can confirm that CIA has used its own members in there during the procuring of the War in Yugoslavia. We have to simply accept that it is not necessarily a matter that the CIA is internally conflicted at all, but that they associate themselves sometimes with groups, and THEN find THEY have bitten off a lot more than they knew they were trying to chew!!
Even Steven Greer now has his version of this 'temple' which he says is simply a CE5 'meditation' space.
Of course there are 'portals.' As there literally are actual 'ET Alien' beings here living 'normal' lives. If you just keep your mind open, whenever I post a picture of someone, just keep in mind that I am maybe 'pointing to that person...' Without saying anything.
A BIG secret that will assist your own investigations, is that the Hebrew phrase 'Gog (o)m Magog' comes from the root word 'Geeg' which means 'mind/thought/thinking.'
And so, the 'ark' and the 'temple' is now 'in a high place;' which is assailed by 'Gog om Magog.'
If you run a simple trifield meter over anywhere, you can 'read out' where there is a basic range set of EMF signals. Advanced technology can EASILY read nano and femto levels in your brain and neural network activity. You 'could' hypothetically, attract 'someone's' interest... Just be careful and be prepared. These guys are NOT straightforward and nothing like as amenable as any old simple human being.
So some time spent with google: there are some nice photos of the "niha temple" but then "qasr chbib" and there's nothing but satellite of a pretty barren mountain, a 12 hour hike from the niha stuff.
ReplyDeleteAlso, re something you mentioned about 'sci fi' stories - we are REAL happy to hear any 'direction' you are interested to go down or to contribute ideas to in that regard. Eshed who is a major figure in space exploration, is also going down the same route by using a quality sci-fi writer. And there are reasons why.
DeleteI mean, YOU raised the aspect of 'new technology' being shared but the problem with that is it would be shared with the whole world (CCP, Iran, lots of bad actors) if anything were simply just 'put out there' from any official source 'as scientific research and discovery.'
Believe me, there are at least TWO major scientific and mathematical advances available but these are a long way away from being divulged publicly and I don't personally have the access to sufficient key detail about them. But they are 'on the path' that will allow full release about them at some stage.
Hey, to some extent, this is also about commercial interests 'jockeying!!' So far, only Israeli ones though.
I'm not sure that sci fi is really "what's needed" now. There's plenty of that, and there's plenty of documentary style legend, and it seems like there's already enough "dry brush and kindling fire hazard" around the place. I feel like westerners have just come through this time where the normal ways of discussion and consensus forming have been badly damaged, but at the same time are being inundated with information. "What's needed" is a way to help people move back out of this solipsistic information-centered new head space we've sort of reasoned our way into noticing.
DeleteI think I could live with doing it this way:
DeleteAll of that was directly inspired by your post here and learning a few details about places and their locations on google maps.