One gets into the 'normal social world,' sooner or later, where there are your typical 'school yard bullies...' And then there are the adults who want to tell you about morality and the 'Brotherhood of Man.' And what is it? 'The network of consensus...' The what??
Why is it that there are lots of human beings who want to assert that they are anything but animals? They do all the same things that wild animals do - but then they arrogate to themselves a moral superiority or the, I dunno, glistening alba candida (or 'candidior,' if you go by different people) luster, or glow, of the brightest of the angels. Whose common name we all know...
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The work of sophisticated animals. |
You see, the thing is, if you start out from the humility of being on the same 'natural footing' as ordinary animals, at least you will not expect the hunters to say 'I beg your pardon' when they too, do the natural thing, and kill you. ...Which is what they do, as hunters; which is, namely, to kill you. Unless you are a hunter too, then there is a question of contested space.
Just because one 'knows' what moral good or evil is, does not in its own right give one the attribute of moral superiority.
And just because someone might have moral superiority does not absolve that person from being cautious in wild areas where they are not necessarily among their own.
So here we are, back to the stage of not even crawling.
So let's do that though, why not?
The network of consensus. This is the thing, that allows a mistake to transform into a commonly-held belief, and then to become an acknowledged science 'fact,' and then to be recruited as a reason to try some stupid nonsense, without regard for real consequences, on account, no one by that time sees the consequences because they all have bad information and are most intent at looking across at one another, and like the pygmy minds (apologies to actual pygmies) they are, all hold metaphorical pygmy hands together in consensus with their brother and sister self-involved, self-approving pygmy minds.
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Seriously. Can't believe these people. This is from an Emirati Airlines brochure that I got sent. |
Is that what that is, 'network of consensus?' You explain to me why it isn't that. And please don't come with your crap about how 'peer review' ensures that mistakes are not proliferated.
And then, while you're at it, Doctor McBride - not to mention one Stephen Fry Esq., - why don't you mount that other canard about 'how come bad things happen to good people...' While you are contemplating the limbless victims of the Thalidomide fiasco...
Well I'll tell you part of the answer: you ain't 'good people,' sonny.
So you want the super duper advanced intelligent ET Aliens, to turn up in your living room, so that they can discuss with you - 'network consensus.' How about they kick your ass, instead?
Okay, how about they kick someone's ass, pretty much in front of your eyes, to give you a salutary warning? Would that do any good? Never has in the past...
'If,' (though) 'you don't succeed, Mr Wint...' 'Try, try, try again, Mr Kidd.'
Perhaps in the next post you will talk about the better alternatives or how to at least move toward them. This is your blog. We'd all like to talk to the people who've been face to face with the superior beings.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteFine. That's the easy part - for them. Though, apparently, not for you. For right now, this is your position: network of consensus, relative everything, shared agency (and this is, mind you, with beings so superior in sheer technology, that they are able to walk through time and space), two-way learning (so at minimum we should ask ourselves - what is it that the INCREDIBLY MUCH MORE ADVANCED THAN US beings, can learn from US), and your unassailable primary right to adjudge whether they also, or me, or the US psychological warfare department, or Hollywood that makes movies about 'Men Who Stare At Goats' or Major Ed Dames or the top psychologist on the Manhattan Project - have a false narrative.
ReplyDeleteAnd then, after having ascertained, presumably, either by stealth by observing closely HOW they are transiting here and there, or at least, spurred by the sound EVIDENCE that it can happen, you procure technology which allows you to massacre any of your 'opposition,' anyone, just even someone you don't like or who does not SHARE your viewpoint and perspective, or by convincing them to just hand it over because of your pretty smiling face... turn into the world's most powerful person, country, institution, dictatorship, AND with an ideology as well.
You DON'T want to talk to people who've been face to face with any form of genuinely superior beings, as in, in this case, from 'somewhere else;' you want to extract useful information if it's there to be had, and you want to dismiss anyone with a message different to what you want it to be. The absolute LAST thing you want, is someone you can't steamroll over, like the US Navy or Army or anyone like that with a huge backing, say - sorry, you're wrong: 'it's like this.' And what's the 'this?' Something you are not going to like, obviously.
What makes you imagine that you are so special? Either as an individual or as a human being? Can you REALLY stick your consciousness into an AI matrix - or are you just saying that as a sci-fi fore-runner to something that is nowhere even near happening here yet?
Where's the proof and the evidence that you can?
I mean what even is that thing that you must do BEFORE you can crawl - flail about?
I give you even the one time, a piece of physics like a mountain, that you can't steamroll the way that you have been trying all this time, and that you can't jump over either - and 'what you will do?' As the inimitable Christian Prince says often. The first thing you will do is tell everyone how smart you are that YOU discovered it (the actual problem in workable solution detail), and then you will go ahead and work on it to solve it.
Right now, you are a million miles off, in the fog, in the dark. Why should that situation be changed? You're not willing to shine a light on yourself...?
I don't have to. I was one of the young children, under Thomas C. Schelling's Defense Science Board's er, 'project.'
Which makes me 'not a young child no moh.' 'We'd all like to talk...' Really? Who all? The Zuck? The Abu Husnayn Dorsey? How about you just follow the surface of the dark waters now, and see how many ducks disappear from off the top of the lake. And be a 'relatively' good person and stay schtumm. You can't stop any of it. And it is 'unfolding' not 'exploding onto the scene.'
Or, you can always 'talk to Harv.' (T. Harv Eker; 'mental attitudes that facilitate wealth!!!') He's been f-t-f with something, that's for sure. How about the Pope? Or how about, let's see, someone more down your avenue - Oprah.
I tell you what - I tell you a better person; Christophe Royon. Heard of him? You sure as hell better had. Go talk to him. He knows more than anyone around here, right. MUST do, according to your template of reality. He won the Humboldt Prize!! OMG, what a freaking genius.
"Does consciousness collapse the wave function?" - Now there's a Zen koan for the Ages, eh?
ReplyDeleteI sometimes think our Overlords (Illuminati, ruling elites, oligarchs, whatever ya want to call them) have just one simple objective: to stop us from collapsing the wave function.
So to speak...
Thankyou! This is the sort of thing I'm looking for. And I found a downloadable pdf by googling the title in quotes.
DeleteI assume you mean there are people who seek to benefit themselves from confusion and also from a general lack of understanding of what consciousness is?
Oh. good man!
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to buy this, there will be a free version (except without the technical details) up on Inkitt shortly. However if you just read the blurb you will get enough leads to follow up on them privately anyway, and, I am available and so are one or two other involved here, who will go over the available science literature. If the important figures mentioned in this text do not feature ANYWHERE AT ALL, in the up-coming Congress Report on 'you-know-whats' then its all a total lie and a cover-up. As per usual. We could not mention these names previously, but now it's time some of this comes out.
"New Ideas and Solutions From ET Aliens."
Frucking finally! This is exactly what I wanted to hear you talk about. I mean aside from the grossness of the first chapter. I'm getting really excited about what happens on page 18.
DeleteAm reading now, thanks! So I can tell you directly what I mean by "ektoplasm" ("Proof" and "Evidence" were your words). Here's the ooze: "You can always take control of a mess, and modify it..."
ReplyDeletePerhaps I should have more respect or tolerance for your point of view. I'd really like to think you have a deeper reason for "being gross" at times. Humans are a mess, but given time and patience and occasionally distance, wonderful things slowly emerge from the messes.