While some of us down here have been 'bush-bashing,' through virtually non-existent tracks and trails, far, far away from the nearest sign of human life (isn't that right Bill...) I have been spending time with some lady professors from France - the Grenoble Institute, to be precise. Cannot really give the exact precise location or the names, since we've all got the emails - which were, by the way, sent out just before the 'Q' thing died away a bit, just prior to the Mueller Report. Hah! Let's see what happens now, though, now that 'the Confusion' begins...
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Walpole River inlet. Literally is no one, within hundreds of miles in any direction. |
'The Confusion.' What is 'the Confusion?' The Confusion is what you will see ensue, everywhere, more or less absolutely everywhere, right in front of your eyes over the coming twelve months leading to an absolute disaster around the globe.
Of course, there are always 'Doom-Sayers' all over the place.
But this is not about 'doom,' this is about confusion.
Everyone's so certain, right - always so certain. Why, I mean, just look at what transpired even here, in this tiny backwater of a nothing spot: comments arrive, making absolutely sure, that there will never be any 'disclosure' here.
And what could we possibly disclose, anyway? ...I mean, hey, I am not Professors Yafaev or Royon, you know!
I don't know all that pages and pages of 'notation' in gibberish designed to let you know that you don't know what they know.
They are so smart, those guys - not like you or me - because they are 'scientists' aren't they, kp, and, they have proof and evidence, right?
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Actual view, over the back fence, at Lamb Street |
Cannot voice healthy 'skepticism' about anything they say. No sir, Mr. Tibbs. Virgil. No sir.
The Hadron Collider, operates on something called the Regge Theory, which is two things: one of all, it is just a theory, and two, it is based only on statistical analysis of data from which they are deriving all of these 'theories.' None of the theories are functioning formulas or equations like the Planck Constant, for instance.
Nonetheless, the Large Hadron Collider cost $4.75 billion dollars to build over several decades and costs hundreds of millions per year to run. And this is all 'on the strength of theories.'
And what is the point of the Large Hadron Collider? Well it ain't what you think it is, that's for sure. And it ain't anything like the conspiracy theories say, either (see? more theories anyway).
There is an 'intellectual' phenomenon that has the world by the throat and has done for some years now, and if it were not also evident here, there was a chance we might have been able to slip something out there quietly without anyone either making a fuss or adding more dross to the world's funeral pyre of bullshit 'notation' by 'scientists' who are taking godzillions of taxpayer dollars to dress up funny and masquerade at Universities as something extraordinary and special - which they are not - and who confuse you with their interminable and meaningless 'notations' in order to copy and to look like Albert Einstein, who started the fashion in the first place, for all of this utter nonsense on white-boards or chalkboards that goes on forever and leaves you less informed than you were before you started listening to these moronic drones.
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Not this house, but they are all, like this house. |
Anyway, back to this mansion I have been hanging out at recently. It's tucked away in a place called 'Lamb Street' South Perth, and you can't really 'see' that it's even there from the basic kinds of typical 'suburban' streets and houses around the location.
It would be nice, and offer some kind of salutary warning, to idiots, to stop doing what they have been, if say, a huge meteorite smacked them in their faces and everyone got to see it on YT videos. But sadly, when actual disaster strikes, it's usually because people could not care less about a lot of warnings that people have been giving over a lot of time anyway, and because the idiot drones want to keep on doing what they have been and will always want to, no matter what.
But you don't need to be confused, unless you are that person who needs to make a political, or a 'social anthropology' point while the headlights of the on-coming train are rushing at you from the opposite end of the tunnel and you think this is 'the light at the end of said tunnel.' It is, but it is rushing to meet you at a hundred miles an hour from the opposite end of where you are... ...standing.
Or, to put it another way, is a series of pomerons coming to collide with your ass.
Because, I mean, hey, without looking up Google Search, you know what a pomeron is, right? And I mean you.
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