I could take a very cheap shot and just say that Ferdinand de Saussure and Roland Barthes were gay Freemasons...
And I will do that, take the cheap shot and say it.
Saussure, 1857 - 1913, and Barthes 1915 - 1980 were easily more influential than Goebbels in procuring for the world of academia and politics, this basic strategy of political semiotics and 'scientific' propaganda in which, as Goebbels supposedly said: 'the truth is the greatest enemy of the state.'
That Freemason literally worships the Devil, this we know from all of the 'ex-Freemasons' who tell us so - but what is the particular evil of gays?
God killed them at Sodom & Gomorrah, right?
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Does not God approve of pink Lamborghinis? LOL |
Well, actually - no.
The destruction of Babylon and later, Sodom & Gomorrah, were for the same reason:
"The inclination of their hearts was only evil continually." It doesn't say anything about people's sexual proclivities being the actual reason for the 'wrath of Jehovah.'
I'll be even more blunt - it wasn't even Jehovah that actually carried it out; it was a couple of 'beautiful-looking' strangers with pepper spray or something that 'sent the men at Lot's door blind.'
When people say 'agency' it should be remembered that the two beings in the Biblical narrative, were intending to spend the night out in the public square. And the final decision to destroy the place must have been left up to them - since, let's say, in the wildest of all possibilities, they had have been treated so decently 'in the public square overnight,' that they may have had to restrain themselves from such fun with the photon torpedoes or whatever they might have had.
The ordinary human people, though are not anywhere near as decisively cautious and careful in who we obliterate - we slaughtered at least a quarter of a million people in 1945 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and realistically, it was a lot more than what we are proud to admit in Wikipedia.
You cannot in honesty say that a gay person like Elton John 'does evil continually!' He preserves and curates very important art works, he sings and composes amazing music, he is a very hard-working stage performer, he gives a lot to charities quietly, and isn't known for 'raping good-looking young strangers wishing to spend overnight down in the town square unguarded.'
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How about really wild fuchsia then? |
So it isn't a logical proposition to hurl being 'gay' at Roland Barthes or Ferdinand de Saussure as any kind of 'sin.'
The Cratylus doesn't do the things that Saussure's written lectures all do - the Cratylus simply presents three main hypotheses and lays them out without actually dictating which of them is the only one that is true or real about the history of human speech; whereas Saussure dictates very assertively, particular things off of sweeping presumptions about race and the way people said things without the slightest bit of proof and evidence for any of it. We do not have recordings of how primitive man made sounds, nor do we have any such thing for any later time either, up until the modern times of Marconi.
Saussure is grossly racist.
And he is a major sophist.
Superficially you might say he is a product of the blooming of the post-Enlightenment era, but I choose to pursue the occultic path as far as Saussure goes: he is a Babylonian demonic personality. If this kind of talk was good enough for Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley I don't see why you shouldn't allow it for me...
As you will recall, Babylon's eventual fate, was to be confounded by a prodigious incapacity of speech...
But what that really means is not that they were not able to make sounds, or for those sounds not to be intelligible, but that their 'magical occult' ability to employ semiotics and perverted meanings of words... ...was destroyed.
I mean sure, one can always choose to rather get back up onto a bicycle with a broken wheel because that is what one is used to over a long time and have adapted one's life and lifestyle so to do. Instead of using a brand new shiny bicycle that you have never seen before...
Today's media and all of modern academia have the magical ability to lie and get away with it and be believed.
Right now there are no 'two beautiful strangers out at night in the town square' and certainly no photon torpedoes issuing forth with flames of supernal fire, either.
Anosmia - real anosmia - is the inability to sense what Serge Lutens is saying.
You know, the average Muslim, or at least, the standard Islamic narrative (which 'has holes in it' by the way, in case you haven't heard the scholarly ruling of Sheikh Yasir Qadhi last year) believes that the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) does all of this mass destruction and retribution and slaughtering stuff; but that is nowhere suggested in the Torah or the Bible. Gabriel is just a deliverer of messages from 'on high.'
New Age Christianity, or progressive Christianity, is uniform in its agreement that God is a God of Love only, and that all followers of those ideologies must not ever indulge angry sentiments and only be forgiving at all times and not seek destruction and all of this other action-packed drama.
Of course, this type of Christianity also accepts that gays and so on are not specifically condemned by God. The overall idea is that somehow, by just focusing on 'nice stuff' all the time and forgiving everyone always, you can attain 'apotheosis,' I guess.
But this disallows God from owning any amount of the dark, in which case, 'God' is not really 'God' at all, but a limited form of supernatural thing.
'Evil' is not the dark, not darkness.'Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot...'
'Whose hearts inclined to do only evil continually,' is when people simply must just get up onto that 'bike with the broken wheel' at every turn and at a cost even to their own self-honesty.
Evil is assiduous intent to create a lack of clarity in others' minds that you want to take advantage of.
I came across some views that claim to have researched it, and conclude that only 7% of the history of Mankind covers times of peace, and that the rest of the time Mankind is at war.
Well maybe Man was created in the image and likeness of God but this is evidently a mirror image: God is only 7% destructive.
But He is destructive.
How's your sense of smell these days? First time, these beautiful strangers messed with people's vision...
'Lot - bar the door behind thee.'
This is why I avoid Plato. If you look at the text of the original, using google to translate you find no mention of the word "information." "give information to one another" is not the right sense at all! Socrates actually sense, as an instrument, we use language to lead and teach one another! according to google translator.
ReplyDeleteHere we go again, right - 'leading and teaching one another...'
DeleteI, for one, am absolutely sure that I will not be leading anyone anywhere!! MISleading, maybe. AND deliberately what's more.
Trust me, and I'm being simple and direct about it - I am not any 'Socrates' thank you very much.
...What we do here is spin a lot of wheels and then, every now and then, give co-ordinates to guys in funny helmets with horns on them, who know which words HERE mean what things. LOL
Any run-of-the-mill cryptographer would be able to work it out in a few minutes.
"A horse by any other name#653-7/857/A641" Room closed. LOLOLOLOL
"And -, they rolled up their tents and passed away into the night."