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Friday 1 January 2021

Iran's Lunacy

A small news item might have could your eye today about Iran saying to the IAEA that it plans to increase the enrichment of its stores of Uranium to 20%.

It does not seem that Iran has at all clearly said 'only some' but just an open-ended 'increase enrichment to 20%.'

Here in the West we think that nuclear weapons contain 90%+ enriched radioactive material - because our weapons are like that. The fact is, you can make nuclear bombs from 20% enriched Uranium although the volumetric amount needed is large, larger - you would think - than what could go into a missile. Which means you can still deploy something on the back of a truck or on a ship.

For a long time, Iran has known there was going to be a problem with the US Presidential election and has had a plan to exploit the vulnerability of the US national command structure during the early months of 2021. China is completely in on this. In fact, they have been supplying Iran with the intel for a very long time via all their agents and operatives that they have spread out right through American society and inside of government.

It's too late now, of course, for anyone to really do anything about what is going to transpire next - the FBI was 'otherwise occupied' on various super important things of course, and the CIA was waterboarding someone with serious info to divulge, no doubt.

Too late now.

It isn't fair to say this is confined to the New Age-y ideas, because a lot of mindsets talk about this - but we are actually not, as these all say, 'beings of light.' Instead we are beings that respond to colors and to light and to dark and to sound and sounds.

The ways in which we respond in many many cases depends so much on years of programming, grooved in through adaptation and formulated around pressures from parents and peers as we are growing our physical material brain cell structures from small babies through childhood and on-wards: we presume that we can 'sit in judgment' of the facts we are shown, or perhaps try and 'honestly' adduce positions from a range of political or religious or ideological stories...

...This applies no less to matters about perceptions of economic forces! In fact, the world is awash with casinos and stock-markets and so on, where the basic proposition is that all the participants have opinions they all think is 'true' and 'right' and that will be fulfilled in those markets for them to make money.

And there are all these people walking around then, with filters on their eyes, biases in their brains, and certainty of purpose about what they are intending to do next.

But why though, why does an Iran, or a China, feel so disposed to take so many human lives into the abyss?

Adolf Hitler took people into the abyss because there already was an abyss in German after the previous years of European history - and the Mullahs would say they are in a similar situation. Xi is not in the same boat, of course.

Hitler decided he had the right to lead people out of the abyss. And he took them all further into the abyss.

There is a lesson here.

'We' cannot lead anyone else. 'I' cannot lead 'you,' and 'you' should not think you are going to lead anyone else anywhere either, by the same token.

'I' can move with other 'I.'

There is this reported story around, that Senator Marco Rubio gave the FBI and some intel groups a dead-line I think of not much more than another month or so, to hand over all that they know on these 'ET Alien encounters.'

In the future, a long long time in the future, whatever is left of 'the human race,' will operate on the basis of 'I.'

In the now, though, those that are in a far future of their own by comparison with today's human race - are not going to ever have had any basis to confer with too many human beings that are around today. The human race is still living in the 'Babylon system.'

...and as you know, the number '666' is all about the sexigesimal number system that Nimrod used in Babylon. Right?

All very occult, yes I know.

'Mystery Babylon - oh you that deceived all the nations with your pharmakeia.'


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Everything you need is here now, there is nothing you should worry about. It is not the science that is bad, it is the deception. Sorcery is harmless to those who pay it no mind. We've built a giant gymnasium which can be perfectly adapted to the training exercise in "attentiveness." Everyone is hiding, they have the time. A slight change in external conditions, and a small amount of the old stock, and a new thing will form up like yogurt. Not the harvest for the brewing season. The analogy to the vineyard was always manipulative and sick.

  3. I can only guess that Xi understands that the West is relentless in its desire for hegemony, and it is useless to attempt to placate it. The threats and insults he has endured from the West - going back to the Bush-Xi summit of 2006 and continuing to this day with USN warships transiting the Taiwan Strait, economic sanctions, etc. - has surely steeled his resolve to do what he believes he must do.

  4. Kitty: Humans as yogurt versus humans as fermenting grape-juice... : )

    Maybe one day we'll all grow up enough to be able to see humans as 'humans,' as they are, as they come.

    Tao: Xi's main problem is that never has Communist China ever won an all-out war against Taiwan... ...and it has been in one one time. Xi is surrounded by millions of Mongolians, a billion Indians, millions of Japanese -, he has twenty million Muslims internally all against him, all of Hong Kong and a handful of Taiwanese with the latest military technology looking over his water fence. ...He needs to just make the call and shoot just the one time - with something big and substantial so that he can find out what the other sides have to shoot back with. Go for it, Xi. Pull that trigger. What are you waiting for? Are you a coward or something...?

    It's irresistible to the mindset involved.

    He will go for it.

    And he will go for it this year.

  5. I appreciate what you're saying about learning to be okay with what we are, but I think you misunderstood me. I was thinking more along the lines of humanity as vineyard from which something else more desirable will be produced, versus the process of developing a more "cohesive" type of consciousness in the manner of a yogurt, where what starts with a few members initially is allowed the exponential growth needed to bring about a change.

  6. Oh no, I take your point. I just like the idea of stuff growing quietly, secretly, in the dark, that no one really sees. Only the cellar-masters, or the Rajasthani chefs... I'll drink the wine or eat the yogurt. Doesn't much matter to me!

  7. So in this fancy sci-fi movie or book series we're designing, the aliens did NOT make their big soul-freeing discovery through some sort of natural process that was allowed to flourish around them? That's what I'm really interested in.

  8. Regarding Xi. I don't know anything about him, but the idea that someone might have some frustrating experiences that results the *steeling* of their resolve to take a certain course of action regardless of future conditions strikes me as a dangerous relinquishing of personal agency. In the way that Faust signed a contract which limited his ability to act as he pleased in the future. Except "Xi's contract" is with himself.

  9. Kitty - I happen to believe that the film "The Godfather" is a handbook to human behavior.

    So, like Michael Corleone, I think the day is coming when Xi will be settling all Family business. Sure, it's dangerous, but as Michael said in Godfather II: "I don't feel I have to kill everyone. Only my enemies."


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