One of the biggest difficulties in getting straight-down-the-center-line reports of anything significant these days, is the sheer overburden of utter nonsense which somehow gets a huge platform anyway or is thrown onto the pyre of 'academic research.'
There are so many 'competing theories' or hypotheses about any given (new) subject, that no one will ever work their way to something that a sufficient number of objective inquiring minds can look at and form a consensus about - far less 'prove' with science.
Christopher Hitchens was a great speaker and he had what I consider a decent British accent, Richard Dawkins has a very poor, lower class accent in my view...
The fact that one has a good accent, or that one has some University credentials, still needs to be taken in perspective with what actual things they say: Hitchens verbally pouring scorn in his tone of voice onto something absent of any actual supporting argument, means that he doesn't have an argument!
Dawkins is oft heard to use the phrase - 'there is not a shred of evidence...'
During the Vietnam war, USAF radio operators in C135e's, would take down messages, all crystal clear and accurate and fully verified later on - and yet, the equipment through which they were claiming to hear the transmissions, never recorded any such messages. I know this as a personal matter of experience with several people in that official area. CO's knew, and CO's used these messages, but no reports were ever officially filed, other that the CIA did have knowledge of it because the word got out and there were soft inquiries made.
The reason people like Russell Targ and others drifted into the California 'out there' scene, is not because they did not have a basis to go there. They did. But in the first place, 'meditation' and that kind of thing, also gives people some psychological support that they can 'control' something at least about what goes on with the stuff they have been meddling with.
This morning I went down to a major Department Store - I know where it is located, it's been there since before I was born, and there is substantial confidence that I have, that when I go to that address, it will actually be there.
Guess what? It was there too.
There is no such similar clear-cut stable location - any formal publicly-known address - to which you can send messages and have ET Aliens (for example) respond to your questions, and then, that presumes they care to or even want to at all.
I mean - look at it this way, and which is a much more significant way to look at it (given recent well-known incidents): you are the US Navy, and the ET Aliens have been messing with your missions and operations. Now, you just want to get a direct, cogent, official message out to them.
How do you go about doing this?
APB? All channel broadcast? What?
There is no way.
You and I, we just want a 'show-ground' ride and some whiz-bang 'evidence' for our eyes and ears - we don't have any technical, military operations agenda or 'serious' standing.
Ah but, you see, the Monroe Institute does have technological ways-and-means to contact, to interface. It basically consists of micro-level EMF scanners and some digital magnetic field propagating computers. Except they carefully look at even those people with a stack of money who want to go into their programs, and not everyone gets a go at the machinery, regardless of money.
...I am trying to find a way, to 'hand across' something substantial, but also avoid divulging the science and maths, which is at this stage absolute top secret stuff. What I can tell you is that CERN is well off the trail, except they have deadly dangerous high levels of energy being exploited, and it could lead to accidents - but some American scientists have been down the 'hot paths' for decades. And it involves ideas stemming from Planck stuff and 'sine curves.' Wikipedia (and I'm not going to link that actual entry here) when dealing with the key subject, says 'the problem was solved by Planck when...' No it wasn't. Planck described something, he did not explain it. Planck's description in the related thing is just a derivative equation, it's not a formula.
Okay, let me go at a complete tangent.
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Blue lava volcano in Indonesia |
Snakes can 'see' blue and green colors. And, they can 'see' down into the UV range at nighttime.
It is fundamentally incorrect to say their tongues flick to 'pick up odor molecules' because there is no such mechanism, not even in our own sensory system. They pick up molecules, yes, but these are only first-stage filtered by the sustentacular cells - they don't transfer truly critical information at all.
When people widely sweep these 'there is no evidence' accusations, well here is one that is true but no one wants to admit it: there is absolutely zero evidence that chemical molecules are the actual information transfer process for our sense of smell. They are part of it and the dichroic electron spin function of the molecules is the real information transfer process. No one has exhaustively researched this area up to this very instant.
Snakes 'see' blue and green to catch their prey and they flick their tongues to 'feel' whether the prey is alive. Because electron spin changes when things are dead - or synthetic.
Why they 'see' UV is because they are deadly afraid of what is there 'hidden' in the ultraviolet range...
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Typical California 'woo woo' place... Cute, but. |
When Sponge Rob expresses the average person's sentiment that we haven't got any power - you can kill a snake with UV. Any snake. Or reptile.
You can, or at least in the ancient mythological religious narrative, someone did, slaughter Sodom and Gomorrah with sulfur from the skies - which burns blue, by the way.
Sulfur burns blue because the heat is so hot, and the thermal frequency so high, that it is in the blue color of the spectrum.
Ordinary calcium burns purple or violet. Things go systematically ('maybe...' lol) on a curve from low frequency (red colors) to higher frequencies (blue+), right? RIGHT? Nod nod wink wink.
Yes. This is called 'alchemy.' Alchemy is, as you know, a way that clever scientists, disguised what they were saying to unwanted eyes. It's not some silly way to make gold from out of lead!
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What is the physics of 'where the rainbow ends?' |
The Fairy Queen tells something very specific to Thomas Rhymer in the poetic fairy tale. She does not say the wide road leads to Hell, what she says is 'here is the wide road of the Wicked...'
The Earth - the human race - is a crossroads. It contains all things, converging right here.
And the next most crucial thing is people are just plain not all anyway near the same modal 'levels' of comprehension with strong enough brains to accommodate very advanced ideas and ways of life.
ReplyDeleteThe idea that God Himself could or would turn up in front of a broad array of human beings, and they would all 'get it' is not even supported by religious texts: 'And many saw Him be lifted up into the sky until at last he disappeared fully from their sight in a cloud - but not all believed.' W-a-a-a-?
Even THEN - 'not all believed??'
Listen to me carefully - if any of you went out to the Monroe Institute, either one of their facilities, and undertook the programs there, you would ABSOLUTELY FOR SURE AND CERTAIN experience direct contact with whoever is around the place 'listening in' and engaging. And even then, some of you would still keep insisting on pulling up the carrots to see their roots to check if the things were 'growing!!'
Life is a sine curve procedure.
There is no instant 'enlightenment' - not from the Buddha, not from Muhammad, not from space-ships, not from anyone; and that's because the actual real nature of things, IS process and development. The nature of God as expressed in material reality, is process.
Seeing space-craft from somewhere else, being inside them is, like, well, so what? Meaning yeah okay, so what next though? We want to TALK, to converse regularly and SLOWLY, with an exchange of thoughts...
No. But 'they' won't do that. They're not interested in our 'thoughts;' only our feelings.
Computers do thoughts. Humans do feelings. One is alive. One is not. ...One is taken, one left behind.
Talk more about what you/they mean by "technology." I was really confused with the picture of the mercedes. To me that is not technology. Technology to me is the messy stuff some people used to design the car. I've met such people, they are cool.
DeleteSo I guess I'm the guilty one with the power comment. Also I'm really sad to have spoiled the pristine nature of your blog, as it used to be when you started it. I really do hope you will remove most of my comments at some point. Although honest, you're the one who went off the rails talking about aliens. Really kind of remarkable I think. But about power, there's the power we all have to do things like lift cups to our mouths and drink from them. There's also "the power of the pen" and in particular the power of a creative act we engage in when we slowly build up the concept of our "identities" as animals that think. It's all being contested (the first kind through illness, for instance) and the second in a really crazy battle field of advertisers and political technologists and educators. And in the contest for the power of the individual to tell himSELF who and what he is... the "rainbow movement" is an important and interesting battlefield in that contest. That politicians who "pretend" to champion one side or the other are in fact more interested in controlling the players in that field is probably clear to most people, even to those who won't readily admit their allegiance to a particular party (in that contest) is being bought.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat's an ET Alien look like when a government mounts a scam to pretend they have ever engaged with such things? Never - NEVER - have any ET Alien craft 'crashed' anywhere at any time. But it's general folklore that it has happened. Never happened. So tell me - do you think OBL did 9/11? I was there a few months before it happened, btw, so think carefully about what you are going to say. Not only that, I was a close personal friend of one of the architects that laid the original foundation stones to the place. You think you could pick the difference between a real ET Alien and a scam run by a government and their media instruments? Trust me, right now you are telling yourself that you could. Not only that, you are telling yourself there are no ET Aliens anyway and if there are, Michio Kaku and deGrasse Tyson and Richard Dawkins will explain to you what they MUST be like and CNN will tell you how to think about it... Or are you telling yourself that you really are an independent thinker?
DeleteWell what I'm telling myself is that I can not tell, but that how I choose to respond is important to me. I'm not sure that it really is. What I'm doing here on your blog feels slightly risky to me, in that I'm intentionally doing a "let's see what happens if I pull this lever..." without really knowing what's going on on the other side.
DeleteI have chosen to believe the Ariel School interviews.
I was never "a supporter" of anything that flowed from the 9/11 attacks. OBL or not, makes little difference. I'm not concerned about the conspiracies.
I do believe that any concept I have of myself as a thinker is essentially an illusion, hopefully one I produce in myself. I could go on.
Well, in the last paragraph I posted, which contains more words than the one you just posted, the word 'I' appears twice - and in your paragraph, 14 times.