'Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but for yourselves, and for your children... ...For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry? Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, cover us.'
What shall be done in the dry...
There is no limit.
On the one hand this whole passage goes back to this question of 'why does God permit bad things to happen to good people,' yet on the other hand it bespeaks how wicked the human race at large truly is.
People want to say 'human, human, we are all human;' but we are not all human. That is to say there are beings here of many kinds, and the most evil of all wish to be held by all to be among you, as 'humans.' They are far from being humans.
Yet again though, some one of you raised off-site with me this morning, an entirely relevant question which is linked to the matter of 'Theodicy' (aka - why does God permit Evil to exist). And that issue was how come people from even the same families can be so widely different in terms of moral codes and empathic capabilities and even just plain sensitivity and simple empathy.
Jesus is making - in part - literally the women of Jerusalem responsible for the exercising of actual evil by the adult males not only back then, but literally for all time to come. All time.
He is laying at the feet of women, responsibility for having raised and presumably educated in morality, their children. And He never gives any chance for it to be that at some future time, this morality of adult people will have changed and improved - instead He makes it that it will only be all the worse!
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This is 'Wolf Lane.' I walk through this lane every night. It's completely safe. It's completely dystopian too but it is safe. |
But you have to be careful not to mix up 'the daughters of Israel' with the 'daughters of Jerusalem.'
And you have to note that the Gospels and the whole New Testament explicitly and multiple times says there are two Jerusalems - one of this world, and one somewhere else.
There is absolutely no acknowledgement anywhere in the New Testament that there will ever be any kind of 'perfect city' with good people anywhere here on the planet at any time. Rather, there is express statement indeed that this world will be utterly destroyed and all of the people in it.
And that is the way it is.
'At the End of This Age, the angels shall descend and go to all the parts of whole Earth, and gather the living beings that are not suitable for anything but the flames...'
Goodness me, that does seem all rather dire.
Well but I'm not sure it does, though.
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We post too many pics for the boys around here! So, for the ladies, this is the latest thing that you must have. 'Catkin.' China brand. |
Flee now you peoples of the Earth, run into the clefts of the hills, seek for them to cover you, for the wrath of the Mighty Armies of the Heavens is upon you.
You see...
You, s-e-e-e-e... 'People' are really stupid. They have been told and they will not run, anywhere.
There is no God, you see, according to all of them. Even the Pope doesn't really believe in an actual Ruling Being who has a genuine presence here or any material power here.
What they all actually mean though, is that there is no absolute and immediate accounting for wickedness and Evil. Yes, yes, sure - later on, when you're dead and all of this. But not really. Because all of that is 'myth story.' That's people saying things in order to assert some idea about moral values. If you go to Islamic Heaven, you get judged there, by those standards; and if you go to Christian Heaven, you get judged there, by Christian institutionalized religious standards. If you go to Jewish Heaven you get judged by Jewish standards. Isn't that so? Each one of them is asserting that they know what judgment is and how you are 'going to be' judged.' Suddenly, somehow there is no consensus about what all claim to actually 'believe' in, which is namely 'God.' Suddenly God is an exclusive brand; with each 'brand' having their own rules and style of 'judging' you.
None of these people care a damn about actual God - yet if you just take the presumed fairly accurate statements (well if they claim to be Christian, the least they can do is admit the words are accurate) out of God's own human mouth in the Christian texts, He literally judged the daughters of Jerusalem back then; they're already judged and they are all going to die and suffer as well, pretty badly it would appear, and all of their children in some future moment 'when the tree is in the dry.'
Well it's pretty dry right now. What do you think? D'you think it's all dry enough?
I'm not judging anyone. I don't have to judge anyone - that judgment has already been made.
It was made when a mass of public yelled loudly to Pilate for the death of an innocent person, and for the release of a known criminal and an acknowledged leader of a sedition. All the people doing that were judged then - and all of their descendants; which fundamentally means, it clearly implies, that there is something in the DNA that is judged 'bad.'
So it's not really true by the standards of the Christian texts, is it - that the children do not bear the guilt of their ancestors? Instead, there is a completely clear picture of the whole familial group possessing an intrinsic flaw that actually gets larger as time passes!
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These are called - bowtie pumps. |
And it's a hopeless situation.
Jesus never said: 'If scientists can examined the genome and work out which bits contain the flawed parts, well then your descendants can escape the destruction that I have commanded to befall them who have that Evil in them.'
And I'll tell what that really means.
It means that inside the structure of virtually all human beings, there is a super-critical flaw by intention (of someone, clearly not of 'god' though), and this flaw ensures that no people down that line of replication can ever 'become better.' And have we not seen that unfold before our own eyes today?
What is the difference between the rulers and the leaders of the world today, who are fomenting wars and disturbances and spending uncountable massive sums to purchase weapons and have armies and break things and kill people - and the time when any primitive tyrant did the same things thousands of years ago?
Is it your actual belief that there are simply no ways at all to gain supremacy or to contend with 'powerful' opponents other than to engage in open hostilities and have armed physical combat?
Do you rate the intelligent mind so lowly?
It pains me like you can not fathom, to even have to drag Lao-Tzu and Plato together at this stage and have them both tell you what the greatest soldier looks like.
The only thing you need to accept is that there is a passage of time necessary for the wood to dry. And that is all.
When it is dry, it burns easily.
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What's the time, Mr Wolf? |
The world of humans, the human race is dried out. Your masters ruined it. They caused the people to become useless in their minds, and in their spirits and especially, for their souls to have been lost; and they are lost.
But just you stand back and don't get worried or troubled about anything that you see unfolding now. If you are lucky, you might, get to see the supreme weapons glistening as their covers are only briefly removed, and see them trained and used on the 'they' that Jesus Christ talked about when He said 'For if they do these things...' Who 'they?'
It's not just ordinary human beings He is talking about, is it? Cannot be.
'They' are different to the ones they are murdering and torturing. ...For every tear will be wiped away, and death shall be no more. Rev. 21: 1 - 4.
Well how can that be if 'they' are all going to die?
It can be that the daughters of Jerusalem weep. Weeping is not dying.
Anybody who thinks I am speaking in parabolic or ellipsoidal fashion is wrong. Worse, anyone who is not acting on the matter is making a huge mistake. This is not about 'Doomsday prepping.' This is about the future; what kind of future you want to be in. This is about life.
Listen to the whole thing. It's worth it. Take yourself in your mind's eye to where this is:
I've been thinking about divination and "The I Ching" because I was watching "his dark materials" with C. and when they said "to the still mind the whole universe surrenders" and thinking of the time I stilled my mind and what happened I said "This is true!" and C. said "I don't like this "surrenders" language. As if we were at war with the universe..."
ReplyDeleteIf the universe seems opaque to us, then it becomes transparent "to the still mind." (but in a process of degrees) I don't know that this was the sense Lao Tzu intended.
What I find interesting about I Ching is that on the one hand you have this tiny bit of the universe beyond our control (the sticks) and then you have the written commentary to guide "practitioners" in "mediation of the sticks meanings." BUT the act of interpreting the sticks is also itself a kind of scattering of sticks, and what about the commentary for that? Well that is not my idea, probably Jorge Borges...
"Ronald Reagan" told us "capitalism is the answer" and he might have been right. These days "Joe Biden" is saying "we will DESTROY their economy if they persist with this war." What happened to "capitalism is the answer?"
And then on youtube I'm seeing "star child x" discuss a dream she had, and how someone she met interpreted it and led her to realize she was a witness at the war between two extraterrestrial races, and how her deeper goal in the universe is to track down the separated souls of her ancestors so she can take revenge on the ones who...
The "way out" is perhaps contained in the Vedas. "Thou art that" pretty clearly is proposed as a mental exercise to lead one to the perception of a greater truth, and not intended as the truth itself. And yet taken as a direct expression of a greater truth it leads to an argument. IF you go and tell people out in the public sphere "you CAN operate psychologically as a person who is both 'I' and 'he' at the same time" you get no applause. That is smeagol. Mental illness, schizoid delusions. Right. "But you are so sane that you bomb apartment buildings and destroy the economies that millions of people depend on for basic needs?"
The human race is getting far too close to shooting itself in the foot from sheer bloody-minded arrogance and stubborn pushiness by willful and egocentric and domineering types. This is a very risky time right now because too many things can go wildly wrong taking the whole world into far-reaching disaster. Real pandemics from the already rampant commonplace deadly diseases in cities in Canada, for instance - actual 'nuclear event' serious mistakes, food production failures... Many things.