So is this 'Saint Paul' some special guy and absolutely no one else can 'see' this 'light?'
I will not make any distinction between the sensations that most people who have reported encounters with 'flying objects/craft' and any kind of 'vision' that is being conveyed in all sorts of ancient writings about 'sacred' visions and events. In the first place people today say the electrics in their cars and trucks act up, and they feel a magnetic sensation, and then, that they are somewhat disoriented. So was Enoch, so was Elijah. They both could not speak to anyone for days after. So...
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Why don't the Aliens just come down and take me out to a Five Star New York restaurant?? |
Secondly, there are a few here around the place whose actual personal history already involves very fundamental connection with 'not of this world' stuff literally from more or less 'birth.'
At the same time I know that there is no differentiation between people - whether you stepped off a space ship or somehow were 'implanted' or whatever - 'humans' are all part of the same grouping of life form and species.
Which unfortunately though, brings us to the very word 'Man...'
'Manu' is the Sanskrit word for the archetypal being from which we all come - we are using a Sanskrit word to describe ourselves.
There were not back then, and there never have been, any authentic grammatical schemes for the word construction of what is said to be the ancient Hebrew construction of the Book of Genesis. There were no diacriticals at the time of the supposed 'writing' upon scrolls, of Genesis by Moses or being carried around by Jews at the time of Moses and it is a matter of subjective interpretation all the way along the line, which words go first in a sentence that ends up being 'dogma' from out of the Book of Genesis.
Happens to be though, that people learned in the Zohar all know that 'Y' in Yehovah is the essential indication that the being descended down (tautology, yes I know) from the heavens; 'Y' being the descriptive symbol meaning that.
Without the leg part coming down (into the Earth) the letter symbol is 'V.'
We have discussed this in such a way that it has never before been discussed anywhere on this planet in any public way -, the Greek letter 'Y-psilon' and its connection to Pythagoras - in that latest book up on Amazon/Kindle 'Venetian Alchemy For Adults.'
So... ...the Jews want to say "In The Beginning God said 'Let there be Light.' "
And they say 'Yehi Or.' Well, they don't all say it that way but all of modern on-line sources echo it that way and so does Wikipedia.
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Haliene wearing modern Australian indigenous culture style - in Melbourne, yesterday. |
Happens to be though that the Hebrew sentence also from the Bible 'And God Called Forth' is - Vaiyikra.
Well come on, Muslims. You all know that is true from what you are told the being 'Jibreel' said to Muhammad when he squeezed him three times: 'Ikra Ikra Ikra.'
Happens to be that the Sanskrit way to say 'Let There Be Light' is Va I Or.
Nama Shi-Va Y-Ooooooohr.
Na Ma Shi Va Y Aw.
'Vav' in ancient Hebrew, also means 'Wow.'
And God called forth the Light - 'Vai Y Or.'
Na: Red
Ma: Orange
Sh: Yellow (Surya - the being who is the Sun)
Y: Green
Va: Blue
I: Indigo
Orrrrr: Gold or Violet
...And then White Light.
'Mantra' does not mean 'Transcending the thinking (human) mind.'
It means crossing/traversing (Tras; Sanskrit word), the linear thinking mind (the mind of Manu; from the word root manas, the linear thinking mind of the creature Manu).
You are a 'Manu' creature.
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Kasyapa Lake. Srinagar. Kashmir. |
You have a linear thinking mind.
You cannot see the Supernal Light with your linear thinking mind unless you put it all together in its linear composed parts. This is the way you do it.
It is not necessarily the way it can or might be done in any given instance - but it is the way your mind does it, since your mind is the Manu Mind form.
If you are a Jew you can argue all you want that 'God' is a Jew and exists principally, in fact only for people who come from a small region in what are even incorrectly called Semitic lands (well for one thing, that would be Babylon, not Israelyon (lol). And in the Whole Entire Cosmos, there are basically only Jews. And Jehovah. And Moses but he never stole the 'Laws' from Hammurabi. Honest.
And if you are a Muslim you can argue all you want that Allah lives inside a big black box in Mecca, when everyone knows He comes from Pakistan. Well, not Pakistan, but Kashmir.
Kasyapa, one of the Saptarishis, established Kashmir from the lake there that represents his mind being named after him and from then all the whole area: Kashmir.
Manu lived for a long time and then he found that his children were all behaving very badly upon the face of the World, and he knew that Shiva was going to destroy them all, and Vishnu, coming to him in the form of a large fish, spoke to him advising him to build a sea-going vessel...
You know the rest of the (Jewish, right?) story.
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God knows the things that you need and that you want. Some of them you're not allowed to have! |
Unless you can call forth the Supernal Light alone from within yourself, how are you saying that you have any equivalency relationship with actual immortal, Divine Beings?
Sure you can be an underling. That's always possible too.
When you call forth the Light - then, does it join up with actual Highest End Light/s?
If you, a mortal, temporary material creature can 'imagine' a light of some kind, then you are just imagining it; it isn't real.
If there really is a 'God' however, and It/He/They think (even 'imagine') a light into existence, it is real. It is real and you are not real.
You're the one that isn't real.
Not the Light. The Light is real.
If the Light has a relationship with you, then you become real. See 1 Corinthians 15 all the way to the end. There can be all kinds of 'you' forms - some are Jews, some are Muslims, some are people from other planets. See 1 Corinthians 15 all the way to the end.
I am not going to place some rigid, dogmatic form for reaching up, reaching out with your mind to superior mind forms. I am not going to tell you that have to go to some Evangelical church, some mega church, or even on Haj to Mecca.
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You can see the light with this. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Frikkin' Ghost Pepper. |
I am going to tell you it is by no means easy to 'see' what most people think cannot be seen or is not even there.
The lake of the mind can be stilled and become clear, but its role is extreme complexity and sophisticated too.
Which is why we say to read all of these great books like Euclid and what there is of Pythagoras and so on. These kinds of sophisticated thoughts create ripples that are seen by others.
Your mind must become able to propagate laser beams...
See? Simple, right.
'Ahav.' The relationship of light.
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