Okay let's forget about what's going to happen tomorrow evening (Tuesday evening) somewhere.
That kind of thing - saying something ahead of when it ensues - is called 'prophecy' and prophets are guys who enforce some powerful supernatural ruler's edicts.
And that's not what's going on here.
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Winter is coming, darkness is already here. Where is the light? |
What I want to do is be as helpful as possible, without treading on anyone's toes - be they yours or some 'other being's' toes.
The problem with those who are forcing this agenda of 'atheist materialism' down people's throats is that they are deliberately pretending that there is no such thing as an integrated, intelligent, organized, sub-visual world of things that you are part of and can communicate with and through.
They got away with that kind of thing in the past, but today, we know there are so many things that we cannot see with our plain eyes, but are nevertheless all around us and that have significant effects on everything. Gravity - we don't even know what that is although we claim to be able to measure it - then strange frequencies of energy we cannot see with our eyes, and completely sub-atomic phenomena that render data across vast oceans of space and time... Many things.
So James Fallon is an atheist materialist, and all of them have an agenda; and it's a very particular one. That kind of individual will tell you one thing, and it will be scientifically correct, and then he will propose a dichotomy about it - but present you with a false opposite and on account of the first proposition being sound, it is possible that a lot of people will not see the fallacy of the second one.
Same goes for many modern movie makers. They will never tell you that they are not the ones who 'devised,' or 'invented,' or 'created' anything, but that they took it from someone else who never had the same agenda that they do. But they will work their agenda in underneath the original story-line and you will be none the wiser.
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Fortress of Solitude. Believe me, although Jesus 'when two or more of you...' it is a lot easier doing things alone at first, because... |
Theodore Sturgeon could have been the originator of the Sense8 narrative proposition, but then, earlier than he, was John Wyndham and his books The Chrysalids and The Midwich Cuckoos.
Paul Wallis and his colleague Mauro Biglino recently made the extremely accurate critique of the standard mainstream narrative about 'Jehovah' and Moses, and asked the question: 'How come Jehovah was not able to protect Moses from the effects of his flying conveyance, but the rocks and the stones of the mountain were...?' (Jehovah told Moses to hide behind some rocks in the mountain as his 'glory' passed by, otherwise he would be killed).
Great question. Answer - 'Jehovah' cannot be 'God.'
The end.
At the same time there are also those people claiming to be 'Christians' who right now are propounding a different story about something else, not on the basis of any kind of facts or logic, but who will just go ahead and slander some character or figure of someone else's ancient culture - in the specific case that I am thinking about here, it is 'Ishtar,' the Akkadian name for basically a female deity who is in most cultures around the world. And they say that this figure is appropriating the rainbow imagery and using it to I guess, promote the modern LGBTQ and so on, agenda, whatever that is and I am not sure that I even know really what it is, although I have heard all of the conspiracy theories about what it is supposed to be.
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People when they are 'together' can't frikkin' concentrate! |
So there is no 'the end' there. These people's accusations -, really what they do is cast suspicion on rainbows! Well what did rainbows ever do to anyone to deserve this treatment?
Semiotics and public relations and marketing is why people adopt images and symbols from out of real things in nature that are widely known. But no one really legitimately believes the natural things themselves imaged by the symbols are really the messages of the man-made symbols.
A snake is a morally neutral thing, unless it bites you and even then, you might have trodden on it or gotten too close to it. Same as fire is morally neutral, but it can still burn you and harm you.
Sure you might not agree with the agenda of those who have adopted the rainbow as the symbol of their current ideology, but that has nothing to do with actual rainbows!
Or, you might agree with their agendas and ideologies but still that has nothing at all to do with actual natural rainbows -, splits of light into spectral arrangements of ascending frequencies.
In fact, the LGBTQ community has no interest either way if energy increases in order to put out the same amounts of power at shorter wavelengths of photons...
So how are you, a modern human being with some science, going to get around the fact - and it is a fact - that the energy required for you to breakthrough the darkness of your material physical brain-mind and actual optical vision, means you either have to overcome the drop-off called the 'ultra-violet catastrophe' or that you acknowledge that this area in the Gauss curve of spectral frequencies as they ascend, means that that 'missing energy' must be going somewhere; is going somewhere. Are you going to blame 'Ishtar??' Is the missing energy being eaten/stolen, by a demon??
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Do you believe that kind of stupid mindless nonsense?
You cannot see it - guaranteed that it is going therefore to the place where your optical vision does not operate. Because energy in trajectory doesn't just 'disappear' as in, get destroyed.
Okay so let's just bring things back to a reasonable level - you want to 'see' something.
You cannot see it right away and you definitely cannot see it using your plain optical vision.
But something is going on.
And the first thing that will confirm it is that you will get an inkling that something is going on.
That's how it starts. Because your brain - your mechanical, material physical brain - has to adjust to some kind of rarely-employed bridge that will allow some subtle forms of data in, and that must then be processed in that physical brain before it makes conscious physical sense to you.
Well what ever made you think that unless you are able to feel light, to sense it, to know it, to understand each constituent bit of it, that you are going to be able to really see it for what it is?
Someone here asked me for a simple basic daily practice that will lead to this communication breakthrough - and I guess to some extent we are talking about this 'empathic' thing going on with the characters in the drama series Sense8, or with the telepathy of the people in The Chrysalids and The Midwich Cuckoos.
Well the answer is every day, know and understand and feel your colors. What does that mean 'feel?' Well you know how to feel, don't you?
You are a human. You are not a piece of light... You can't feel anything emotional for light... You are not light.
Or are you.
Bob Oechsler, the NASA scientist and mechanical engineer who later on became a researcher and reporter who disclosed a huge amount of documents from the CIA and the US military about craft that were in the hands of 'someone' in some shadowy agency somewhere, and who also revealed statements from US military people who had had encounters with ET Aliens, said that these beings were able to pump out light through their skin.
Could be. I dunno, right.
That 'Sense8' music video by Kerli. Man she got angry with Hollywood after this - she said they couldn't care less about people and ideas and anything spiritual. For them it was just about money and power.
This video clip is called 'What is Human?' Very funny, Kerli.
When I watched sense8 I had already had similar experiences while in a half asleep almost dreaming condition, but only involving the sense of hearing. So, "possibly not real."
ReplyDeleteI see no reason Evangelicals "can't be there" too, but what would they say is going on? Perhaps their own "version of the experience" will be different in a way that allows them to maintain their evangelical community feeling, or perhaps it will lead to a kind of schism. What will happen?
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Delete(Previous comment deleted due to typos) 'Evangelicalism' is defined as a movement basing its teachings on the 'Evangaelion' (The Gospels). I am using the term to cover the modern mass churches and fairly widespread conservative ideologies that hold themselves to be strictly based on the Biblical text/s. Yet 1 Corinthians 15 clearly contradicts these stances, and moreover, there is not much at all in the New Testament that agrees outright with Masoretic philosophy! People have been imputing this adherence to Masoretic 'Law' which simply is not textually there; in fact Jesus openly contradicted it and was killed as the direct political/religious result. Of course you are right -'there is no reason' (someone cannot be there). But as you also add, what they will make of it is another thing. Those passages however that do refer to the Laws of the Jews at the time, are extremely subtly written, and on the whole they are set as rhetorical questions: 'Did not Moses write for you...?' Well that actually in technical English means 'I did not write that; Moses wrote it FOR YOU.' Meaning for your whims and wishes and desires. There is never any passage which says that 'and Jesus stood transfigured with Moses and So-and-So.' It says 'some people supposed that...' I have to directly deal with what quite a few people are asking... But when I do so, it will be in context of 1 Corinthians 15: 35 all the way to the end (58).
DeleteA few people have been asking 'what is this daily practice you maybe have been referring to?' And I have always characterized any such thing in terms of the so-called 'cenacle - or hyperoion' - address.' And this is not anything any mainstream church has ever claimed that it knew the content of - other than that the basic 'orthodoxy' suggests because this room was the location of the Last Supper, that the active content aspects concern some ritual of bread and water/wine. Whereas in fact, the only people who could know what happened in there are those who were there and they were expressly given to handing that information on one-to-one only, and not via books. Paul said that he knew some of those who had been there and that many of them were still alive in his day and would have and could easily have, contradicted him on what he was writing or claiming to have been some experience of his own. So we have to accept on this basis that Corinthians can stand as a pretty good enough authority. And I agree with this particular set of passages (1C 15). And so I will TRY and give as clear a depiction of this 'secret' matter as is possible to do via simple writing. And I doubt that any modern-era 'Evangelical' will like what they will read.