Some Muslims, some; very few but some though - are going to really grasp parts of this deep in their gut.
You Westerners will not, because you are illiterate and uneducated.
Oh yes, and how.
Not you who have been here for a while now - all you new kids.
In a new text coming up soon, I will reveal what the meaning of 'Apollyon' in the Book of Revelation is.
And you have never heard it anywhere before now. Because it is another one of these things 'sealed up' until the Time of the End.
You don't know what 'Apollyon' is. Or who.
But let's get something straight right now - don't get conned by Wikipedia. The New Testament was NEVER written in Hebrew first - it was written in Greek. Categorically it was written in Greek first.
And although the Jewish people want to say that this figure is an angel who in Hebrew is called 'Abaddon' - there is no 'angel Abbadon' in Hebrew!
...Now here is where the Muslims here will know full well that I am right and I am telling you the TRUTH.
For if I say that 'Abaddon' is from Mandaean Aramaic or the old Syriac language, and was originally 'b'duniya,' well you Muslims will know exactly what I am saying.
Isn't that right, Muslims?
Am I right or am I right?
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Turmeric and lemon soup. |
'The Father of this Material World:' Duniya.
Well let me ask all of you...
How many people on the face of the planet at any level whatsoever will know this right now, and will yet further also know the actual connection though?
'Duniya' is Arabic and taken from the ancient Aramaic and means 'this temporal world and its earthly cares and material possessions; including reputation among carnal people.'
The Mandaean Ginza Rabba, from which most of the Quran is borrowed line-for-line, refers to several levels of 'Abaddons' including the deep ones which are the 'Worlds of Darkness.'
And yes, there kind of is a relationship between 'Apollyon' and what some Hebrew writers wanted to conceive of as the Hebrew folkloric version of something from the Dark World (although there isn't one, or wasn't one originally and they made it up to insinuate themselves into something they have no understanding of) - namely 'Abaddon.'
As we approach a moment when the gods will lash out against the human race, it will become more important than ever before to know and understand fully, just what was being said in the Apocalypse.
That the text seems to say that 'Apollyon' will lead a vast army of locusts or something is clear enough - and then it is also completely clear that these creatures are going to hurt and severely injure many.
I am not going to preempt here what the new upcoming text is going to say, but I will 'pivot' (word of the month, apparently) to what could look like a strange and unconnected subject now - however it is directly involved with the meaning of 'Apollyon.'
FDR began what has come to be a tradition of US Presidents, by establishing his Presidential Library and Museum (around 1940, and officially dedicated in June 1941), and now we have seen some publicity concerning the monument to hubris that is the 'Library of Barack Obama.'
Well what kinds of actual books, do you think will be in there?
Any Harriet Beecher Stowe, d'you suppose?
Rich people pursue the desires and cares of the 'Duniya.' They become cynical and distrustful of everything because there is nothing in the material realm that will give them satisfaction.
But you -, you know better than that. You know that the gods endorse the real learning of TRUTH... And therefore it must be that great knowledge OF (about) TRUTH will in the end actually lead you to everything that you want, and it will satisfy and fulfill every, even every impossible expectation.
And this is literally by the edict of God.
To learn TRUTH one must not be restrictive in one's reading - one must read everything, not just some things.
Certainly it is admirable to have a great library...
But then, one requires to actually know something in order to be able to impart something, to pass it on to succeeding generations.
Obama or any of these earthly figures can merely say 'I did this,' and 'I did that' and then 'I did some other thing.'
Whereas to possess true knowledge that can be handed on, passed on to a wise person, comes in the form of 'and you can do this, and next you can do that...'
Who, 'you?'
Well anybody.
Not the privileged, or the one who got a scholarship to a name University, nor even the 'hard-working' one.
Just the person willing to open their minds to TRUTH unalloyed by material incentives or coercion of status or expectations about any of that kind of thing.
No; the privileged ones. For if you find TRUTH, well then like TRUTH itself - if you were to be found out that you possessed it, they will kill you.
Mary Magdalene accused many of the disciples of having a 'lust for martyrdom.'
And I agree with her.
It's better that you enjoy your possessions alone and privately, or - among your own kind and who will not harbor ill-will against you because of envy.
What is God?
And what does God lay great store by?
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Things to put in museums. What is the 'E-Type' of books though? |
Is it 'sci-ence?' Is it economics? Is it a master's degree at Harvard? Is it atheistic skepticism? Is it marrying into the Windsors - or something like that? Is it the esteem the world holds for you, somehow - as of course it does have a high esteem for Barack Obama and Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Dr Whoever who is a medical doctor with a life-time membership of a private golf club...
...All those things your dad wanted so much for you. For you to be, to aspire to, to work hard to get. So that, presumably, you would have a 'good life.' LOL
And then at last finally one day, you're dead.
When did God ask you to do all - or even any - of those things? Did He offer you any reward for following the world?
No, He did not.
So what makes it that these huge figures on the world stage - and that includes your own dad (!) since he had so much influence on your life - are entitled to abrogate what God told you?
Is it because they don't believe that you will get anywhere if you learn... ...real things?
What is a 'real thing' anyway?
It's a thing that is true outright and not because of some bribe that you gave or took, either emotionally, or materially, or because of some outcome that was desirable to the rest of the world.
The world does not believe in God. That much is abundantly clear.
For they all say, do they not - where is the evidence?
'Illiterate' and 'uneducated' means not well-read.
Barack Obama is illiterate and uneducated.
So is Joe Biden. At least Trump is just 'a guy from the Bronx' who therefore is not claiming to be literate.
Well-read means - has read everything.
Well it does mean that now! Today!
Hey it's 2022. I expect you to have read it all, or near enough to.
Do not hold yourself back from reading anything, even those things that on the surface seem to you like they would be marginal or fraudulent or foolish or obviously wrong - especially those things despised by the Duniya; the world.
When you read 'everything' after a while you can quickly judge where things 'sit' compared to other things that you have also read.
If you said to someone like Barack Obama - 'Is this a book which if you read it, would enable you to walk through walls?' He would laugh at you.
See the problem with Christians is that their book - so they say that it is their book, and that they know what is in there - says they can be 'faster than a speeding bullet, leap tall buildings in a single bound, be more powerful than a locomotive.'
Millennial: 'What's a locomotive?'
Too bad the Pentagon has not yet gotten to the point of: 'What's a bullet?'
Anybody can have a library.
And that could be, might be, a legacy to some future generation. But what's in the library makes all the difference in the world.
This post is not going to freak you out - but what is in the upcoming long text certainly will. But only if you are wise enough to notice what is going on in it...
Meanwhile, plenty of clues in this song (the lyric lines only start as vocals around 2:45 in):
I’m one that reads a lot (and the wrong things by the sounds of it) asking seriously if you have any “spells” to help people with shit recall?
ReplyDeleteFor someone who in real life booked the mega memory system from the tech library and forgot to pick it up
Also, I mean, THEORETICALLY, there are nootropic compounds which are technically able to enhance neurotropic plasticity and this is a very good thing. So, Brahmi and just plain Thyme are chemically the best things for this. But as I said earlier - what are you actually TRYING to remember... And why. If it is really the case that actually important things are what you forget enough times to make you worried, then for sure, take Brahmi and Thyme and Gingko.
DeleteGee I don't know whether to make fun of the ketchup-spattered halls of Orange Number Fourty-Five's library, or mention that piracetam will make you aggressive in the noggin department.
DeleteYou can lol if you want it was funny at the time.
DeleteRemembering what we want to and deciding what is important or not to commit to memory is something I need to think more on.
I guess the questions I have is if we are absorbing everything eg words on a page then they are in memory so how can we more easily recall them. For eg: in one of your posts you mentioned the”aim” as being most important and I needed to go back through your posts to find the context in which you said that. I had to site search the word “aim” and then individually go through posts to eventually find the word “aim” in a comment post.
For me that’s something I wanted to remember after first reading but subsequently forgot. It should have been in there and able to be retrieved
I guess the answer is to work on organic memory - chunking, memory palaces, mnemonics etc I just wish it was easier like when you’re searching for a name and if you just quiet yourself it just drops into memory from nowhere (is that the sub space?)
Also I know I’m not the most intellectual here but thanks for not taking the piss. I enjoy reading here
Ah no man. Don't imagine this is all easy for me or for anyone else. We all go through the exact same memory challenges you just outlined. The whole point of reading extensively and especially thinking philosophically, is that principles become established IN you by immersion. There is no other way.
DeleteWhat is the best format/location to read the Vedas?
ReplyDeleteYou can't really 'read' the Vedas. Vedas, although they are a vast body of written texts, and the word itself comes from the root 'vidya' meaning to see - rely on meaning transmission from master to student - the Vedas are called 'sruti' matters: 'that which is heard and understood thereby.' So, I would suggest watching Peter Brook's Mahabharata, and then watching and listening to someone like Dr Bhaskaran Pillai - who makes the Tamil and the Sanskrit complex meanings very accessible in the English language; and don't forget, we share so much with the ancient Tamil language - our alphabet is a cut down version of the Tamil alphabet. The Tamil Vedas are what's called 'vaymoli' - occult/hidden/secret.