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Saturday 8 January 2022

You Won't Believe...

Actually at this point, some of you will definitely 'believe.'

And by believe I mean accept.

Nobody needs to believe, anything. It's not a good idea to just believe something without a real basis.

The way people use belief is as an intellectualizing of a proposition for something that is hoped for in the future.

'Hela' - Blanchett in Ragnarok

Something hasn't happened yet, but they want it to, and they have hope, and therefore hope is built on belief that whatever is being proposed -, is true.

So here, with what I am about to say, you might very well and truly even know enough about it to say to yourself: 'Wow, those things all have happened, and the images and their underlying meanings we do know - but still, I can't believe, the explanation being given here.'

Remember the guy at the Capitol Building with the horned Viking hat (helmet, whatever), and the pole with the American flag on it - who just got sentenced for being an insurrectionist or something? 

Well he had a Nordic 'entwined triangle' tattoo on his chest there, if you recall.

And, well, we talked about that image here, did we not?

People say anything, and they all tell you outright they know the meaning of these symbols - but they don't know.

Just don't worry about what you read everywhere across the whole internet about what that symbol means; it's all wrong what they are saying.

...There are a couple of readers here who have been privately communicating and they know what it means.

I will tell you this, however: it is partly to do with the power that Odin has, to tie someone's mind up in knots.

And that is all I will say about it.

Here is the thing you won't believe...

'They' (you know those guys, the 'they' guys) - well, they have 'seers,' literally people who practice kinds of sorcery things, and they can get glimpses of what happens in the future, and so, what the elites do, is try to head off something they know is coming to get them, by grabbing the symbolism, and quickly subverting it first.

This fellow with the headgear in the Capitol Building is a plant. 

He told you outright he was a 'shaman' and he told you (at least the media gave you the 'wrap' about how to think about it) that he was Right Wing, and that the symbols he wore were part of that (side of politics, I guess they want to portray it as being).

Assume for one minute that what I'm saying is exactly how it is - that these people are all involved in occult practices, and that they have inklings of what is coming up for them.

Well have you considered not 'how powerful' they are - but what it is they see ahead, that they fear?

Bjorn Andreas cannot get onto YouTube now wearing a Norwegian helmet, now, can he??

Well I mean he can, but people are just going to dismiss him as another Right Wing thinker and that's all.

Capitol Building Man was actually holding a 'staff,' but he was disguising it as a stick for his American flag.

Yet, if you placed an image of a Norse shaman - a real one, or a Volva - next to Capitol Building Man, they would look kind of the same.

Well, you just be careful of a person, could be male, might be female, with something, maybe not as prominent as an actual long staff, but with a mistletoe twig on the end of it. 

And that is all that I am going to say.



  1. Good post. Magick is alive and well. Gonna be a helluva gunfight this decade.

    1. I was in two minds to even mention this sad episode, but...

      Gunfight? I'll say! Alec Baldwin had a magic gun - went off all by itself.

  2. Mmmm. "Hellblade: Sensua's Sacrifice." Propaganda? Or mind-fu dojo training manual of sorts?

    1. Deep deep social programming propaganda.

    2. But it's about a girl battling demons while constantly experiencing psychological dissociation. I would think that would be perfect.

    3. It's about a manufactured face pretending to be 'Nordic' while managing to be just about every other race on the planet BUT Nordic, with fake body-paint and tattoos (nothing that really the Vikings did at all, except pop fiction says they did, so hey, let's go with that), and - 'experiencing PSYCHOLOGICAL DISSOCIATION...' Not reality. Never will they say reality, because you are not allowed to know reality.

    4. Well I'm going to have to play it now. Fortunately it is both really beautiful and also not very expensive.

  3. Calvin - do you consider yourself a shaman?

    1. Hehehehe. Shaman. N-o-o-o! ...But I have been around shaman all my life (Vince Lombardi).

    2. Calvin has too much money to be a shaman. He should be on twitter though.


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