Xinjiang Province is not the only place where there are 'insurgent' Muslims that the Beijing CCP has taken away to 're-education facilities.'
Since around 1954, the Beijing CCP has carried out various exercises to 'alter the outlook' of Islamic people inside Communist China - at one stage inducting large numbers of Hui Muslims into the Communist Military and then using these to slaughter Tibetans in the Beijing campaign to take over Tibet. The deal being, if they did not 'fight bravely' well then it wouldn't go so well for their relatives back home.
Today, virtually a secret to the West, are facilities inside Qinghai, used to detain and 're-educate' Islamic groups living in the relatively sparsely populated and 'far away' Qinghai province spread across the high-altitude Tibetan Plateau. These facilities are buttressed by large military camps with lots of CCP Army soldiers.
Although you might not think it, there is an axis formed by the unlikely partnership powers of Japan, Taiwan (the Kuomintang), and the United States - with the Kuomintang Islamic Insurgency that still remains inside Communist China (which Insurgency still exists despite the Communist regime's claims over many decades that it was suppressed completely; that cannot be the case though, clearly, because of the Uyghur situation just to begin with).
...Not that anyone is necessarily going to understand the connection between all of that and anything that has been being foreshadowed here for a while now.
Bang spot on target though.
Direct hit.
Xi: 'Where'd that come from?? I thought we had the hyper-sonic invisible missiles that come in at warp speed from out of nowhere!'
...Gonna do you slowly, Xi.
Isn't that right, Kitty?
Who's next.
Stop having talks with imaginary strangers, KP.
Stop have imaginary talks.
Anyway, at least the China people went to investigate that 'shed' on the Moon, and discovered that it was a rock.
'Aiy, you norty norty haraamis!'
Very amusing. I have a lot to say actually. Just poured some coffee. 2:3 coffee:milk. with a teaspoon of chaga mushroom extract.
ReplyDeleteBehind me is a cedar chest, on top of which is a small hand turned cup made of ash wood, with a few drops of beech and larch essential oil, and a small gemstone is sitting inside there at the bottom. The whole thing is sitting on a handmade doily from a friend, out of yarn I gave her. I have been one of those "anti gift giving people."
It's nice to be a person who discovers that the imagination of his childhood is still intact as he enters his 50s. It would not be nice to be a person whose imaginary childhood friends suddenly show up real as can be, telling him to do crazy things like dig the dead cat up out of its grave and eat it. That would be a bad thing. Yet easily imagined. Thanks Grimm Fairy tales, I guess!
Speaking of Fairy tales. There's a lot of China shows out there to be consumed, on youtube or amazon. Netflix is korean stuff I guess, but netflix korean is not as good. Too flashy and fancy. Anyway I was watching "Chin dynasty epic." Total propaganda. Sure people were imprisoned. But only by the king personally and only because they were interfering with his broader goals of bringing order to the chaos of the outside world. In order to accomplish this (without military loss on their side, which would throw the royal court into disorder) they sowed dissention and madness and chaos in the nations surrounding them. For the greater good.
Korea has a nice historical drama about what it once meant to be China's ally. Some 100 episode thing about the life of Yi Soon-Shin.
Anyway. The gemstone was a "jewelry showroom prize" tucked away somewhere years ago by my aunt or grandmother. After tucking it into my little hand turned cup, which is destined for the urushi cabinet eventually, some sort of lady showed up at the foot of my bed. She's been knitting! I mean I knew right away they were super "chuffed" about the thing. Couldn't understand why. But this lady is here and she's knitting away, pleased as can be. I am to accomplish things around here while the knitting goes on.
Imaginary lady. Of course I don't think she's real. Not in the "holy fuck do I need to call the police on you?" way that you'd be in if you thought it was real. I knew someone in Chicago who was quite sure her gangster neighbors wanted to murder her, and the police picked her up on the streets because she fled her apartment in her nightgown in the middle of winter. That almost sounds like a Thurber tale, but it's not funny when it happens.
Imagination is not a bad thing. It's nice to be older and to have the childhood imagination still intact. It is one of the first things that "society" attempts to drum out of you when you're "growing up." The killing of imagination is one of the first steps in the "deep deep social programming mind control" or whatever it was you called it.
I should introduce you to this guy I vaguely know, Cary Sontag - he makes video clips for big time music acts. But he's also made a few short movies as well. He literally IS Dennis Hopper's character in 'Apocalypse Now.' Unfortunately, in every way... Although I understand drug-dealing and growing is legal in certain states these days. Here's his short movie 'Released Again.' It was made a while ago.
ReplyDeleteOh that's a very depressing introduction. He has a youtube channel where he's completely hilarious. I like how his videos start mid-sentence. Eventually he explains that he is "completely stoned." Good stuff, but not for me as a personal way of life.